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I just find it rather strange that this MR managed to curb his curiosity enough to make 3 calls in succession and then wait another 4 months before calling again without EVER going in and doing his own investigation. This just makes no sense to me. If it was something worth calling 4 times about.....heck, even one time about, I'd have been all over it like stink on a monkey. I just don't get this suppressed curiosity.
I once found a copperhead snake underneath a piece of plywood, all neatly coiled up. I watched him for about ten minutes, trying to decide what to do. Finally, deciding he must be dead, I gave him a little poke with a stick.

He didn't move until I poked him. Note to self: Poking snakes, bad idea. :)
It would be foolish for anyone to walk in an area known to have snakes to assume as they walk through that the snake will move out of the person's way.

Agreed! :) There are cases where the snake doesn't leave upon approaching. A stick usually does the trick. If it doesn't, wearing proper PPE (boots, gloves, etc) will keep you safe in order to continue on with the task at hand.
I only say this because I LIVE in an area infested with snakes and gators (Louisiana swamps are very similar to Florida swamps). We just had to learn to coexist 'cause neither are going away.
I don't believe he ever mentions a white bag. He mentions a white board (hanging from a fallen tree) and "something round and white" below the board (presumably on the ground).

Now, as to finding the skull on December 11... there are media reports saying that when he came upon the skull it was already outside of the bag laying nearby. IOW, he did not cause the skull to roll out of the bag. But, what is the true story?

The MR must have not been very afraid of snakes on Dec. 11...

Dude went at least 50 feet into the woods to get to the remains.

My question is: what was the white board used for? Was it the remnants of a tree house, a sign or something?
Maybe Casey was going to move Caylee at a later date. Mom may have ruined that plan when she called 911.

As she walked into those woods carrying Caylee, she must have noticed the trash laying around. Hmmm... I see people do come into these woods. Well, nobody will find her here in this bag because nobody will be looking for a missing child. Nobody knows she's even missing yet. Then the 911 call. :eek:

I don't think that she thought about anything except for the task at hand. This is a pattern of hers.
Besides that, people say those woods are full of trash. Sounds like people are going in there with some regularity. Are many people coming out of those woods with poisonous snake bites?

No. Those that get bit are never seen or heard from again. :eek:
I once found a copperhead snake underneath a piece of plywood, all neatly coiled up. I watched him for about ten minutes, trying to decide what to do. Finally, deciding he must be dead, I gave him a little poke with a stick.

He didn't move until I poked him. Note to self: Poking snakes, bad idea. :)

LOL - GOOD ONE !! I don't "poke" snakes. I avoid them. They can have the little space they are taking up as far as I am concerned.
Those two big ones were water moccasins - I think they call them cotton mouths in Florida. I would guess about 4 - 5 ft. I did not get that close, I used my telephoto lens. LOL

I was moving a flower pot in my front yard the first weekend in December and found a 3' long cottonmouth under it! I about had a heart attack.

And re: MR entering the woods in December with no concern for snakes- when it cools off the snakes are not as active. In fact, the one I found didn't move at all and like someone else said, I poked it with a stick to see if it was alive.

It wiggled a bit but didn't strike or anything. I put the creature in a bucket and took it to a wooded area a few miles away- for some stupid reason we couldnt' bring ourselves to kill it.
Anyone who has viewed the crime scene photos can see that the remains were not 50 or 60 feet into the woods.

They were. I drove by there when the investigation was going on. Of course we couldn't get close but the tent was quite far off the road.
Anyway, back on topic - snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. They clear the area quickly when noises and footsteps alert them of a presence. A dead snake would be pretty easily to discern, I would think. A live one would have shot off into a hole or under a log for cover. I personally don't buy the snake theory unless the LE guy was just petrified of them to the point that he was afraid to go into the woods because one "might" be in the area. MOO

A water moccasin won't move- they hold their ground and will actually pursue an intruder.
Can we get away from the snakes now?! (shivers)

If the body was partially covered in a blanket or sheet, this could be what he saw which could have possibly been white or light colored. There are many things associated with Caylee which could have been laying around in the area perhaps he would deem suspicious (clothing, bedding, toys, etc.). We don't know exactly what they found in those woods. There are also reports of a white bag. We can only speculate at this point as I don't see them releasing much information as to the evidence they obtained at the dump site.
Can we get away from the snakes now?! (shivers)

If the body was partially covered in a blanket or sheet, this could be what he saw which could have possibly been white or light colored. There are many things associated with Caylee which could have been laying around in the area perhaps he would deem suspicious (clothing, bedding, toys, etc.). We don't know exactly what they found in those woods. There are also reports of a white bag. We can only speculate at this point as I don't see them releasing much information as to the evidence they obtained at the dump site.
And it's obviously killing us not knowing.
If the body was partially covered in a blanket or sheet, this could be what he saw which could have possibly been white or light colored.

Are you thinking this was the round white thing that looked like it didn't belong there? If so, on Aug 13, the MR should have pointed his finger directly at it for the deputy to examine.

There are many things associated with Caylee which could have been laying around in the area perhaps he would deem suspicious (clothing, bedding, toys, etc.). We don't know exactly what they found in those woods. There are also reports of a white bag. We can only speculate at this point as I don't see them releasing much information as to the evidence they obtained at the dump site.

MR says he is going to tell the whole story. Will he be at liberty to name specific things? Can he give details about the alleged duct tape? Or, will this be a partial story said to be the whole story?
Something still nags at me listening to RKs first 911 call on 08/11 - he refers to "we" a few times and that they read the meter at Hidden Oaks "yesterday" meaning 08/10? Was there another County person with him on 08/11 and if so, did LE get a statement from them?
HA! I heard that too but nobody else mentioned it so I thought my ears were deceiving me. He says that right after he is explaining the name or location of his job's HQ.

I still feel like he was downplaying his familiarity with the area. Listen again...He kept saying "Sub??, sub??..." like he wanted the dispatcher to say "OH, Suburban??" And for the cross street he said "Goodhope?" The dispatcher changes that to "Good Homes" and he doesnt correct her.. Personally if I didnt remember the exact name, the word HOPE would have stood out enough to make me think "I know it's something HOPE or HOPE something", especially for someone like a MR or postman that has to be familiar with residential areas. I dont think he's committed any crimes but I just dont believe his story. He knew he'd read the A's meter but he didn't know what street it was? On the other hand I dont see what he'd gain by playing dumb either. His reluctance to call the tipline because he's a county employee confused me too. What the heck did that have to do with anything?
I went back and listen to the calls again. The first time he called the sherrif's department and he was on location. They told him to call the tip line so he called the tip line the next day from home. The 3rd time he had his employer call the police.
(Bolded for reference)Which makes me question why he played dumb when the dispatcher asked for his location.

As for the last call, I think he had HIS dispatcher call because just like on 8/11, he was on duty. When he found the remains he knew he wasnt going to get back to work any time soon so he called his job to cover his butt. At that point, I would imagine the discussion at his job was on him finding the remains instead of what he was doing in that field on company time.

For some reason this guy has been made out to be a saint because he found Caylee's remains and the fact that his wife passed away. While I am SO happy he did find Caylee, and saddened for anyone who loses a loved one, he is just a person. He is not above breaking the law. After all he is a county employee and should not have been there in a county truck on county time. I say this in almost every post...I believe KC is the sole person responsible for Caylee's death. I dont believe the MR was involved but I think he's leaving details out of what led him to that spot.

*Before anyone bites my head off, I'm a state employee and I couldnt care less that he was on company time.
I love snakes! :)

Has LE actually confirmed that they saw a big snake, or did the media get that mixed up with the MR?

Death from a bite would be rare, especially now that antivenom is readily available. The MR said the dead one he saw was an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.

That is an awesome photo you have there.

Bolded by me! ACKKK, YUCK, UGH!! Knowing that antivenom is readily available does NOT stop me from running like a banshee the other way when I see one of these! Lived in FL my whole life and I NEVER had ANY urge to poke one with a stick!!! In fact, my husband is the only person who can beat me in the footrace to the house!!! He carries a pistol that uses rat shot when we are out on the property (we have 2.5 acres).

I thought that there were only a couple of hospitals in FL with all the anti-venoms and they have to fly them in by helicopter if bitten...NOT ME! I saw a black snake on the TES search (it skittered behind me and I almost ended up in the green slimy water in front of me).

Always important to learn all of the "bad" and "good" snakes in your neck of the woods no matter where you live! It could kill me to say I was bitten by a moccasin / cotton mouth when it really was just a black indigo!

By the way - moccasins are very territorial and will actually CHASE you if they feel threatened - YEP it really happened to me - hubby found me up a tree ready to jump down if it came up...blechhhh hate snakes! But I leave the "good" ones alone...
I went back and listen to the calls again. The first time he called the sherrif's department and he was on location. They told him to call the tip line so he called the tip line the next day from home. The 3rd time he had his employer call the police.

I believe it was the second phone call (8/12) he made where the dispatcher told him to also call the TipLine.

The first phone (8/11) call he didn't even know where he was IMO, got out his GPS etc.

The third phone (8/13) call he stated he was told to call and let them know he was at the location.

The fourth phone call (12/11) the emegency utility customer service person called 911, and then he put on the field supervisor to talk about the skull.
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