Meter Reader

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What if the meter reader actually saw someone originally dump the bag there?

The scenario could go something like this:
  • He saw someone who take a bag into the woods
  • He later heard that Caylee was missing
  • He racked his brains and remembered that he saw someone take a bag into the woods around her home
  • He went out to investigate where he thought he saw someone go into the woods, saw the bag, and called the cops

If so, he would LE would have made a much bigger deal about it at the time, don't you think?
Did anyone hear this?
When the meter reader called into 911 he says - "the skull of -(then he stops and says) "we found a human skull....."
Was he about to say "the skull of Caylee Anthony...." How did he know that?

Oh come on, y'all. The dispatcher even said in his phone call that it was found in the area of the whole Caylee Anthony thing. The MR probably assumed, and correctly so, that he had found Caylee's remains.
I do not find anything unusal about the meter reader's reactions. First thing, he smelled a bad oder and saw a bag by the road. This bag could have been the same bag or another with the other bag with Caylee's remains farther back. The trash bag he saw could have been nothing or could have been the bag.

He calls three times. The police finally dismiss it as being the remains of a dog causing the oder. But he is still not sure. He still thinks it could have been Caylee. He thinks about it for months.....Caylee is never found. So one day, he is back on his old route, and it is still bothering him so he stops to check it out. My first reaction on seeing a skull that close to Caylee's home is I have finally found her. He had thought all along that she was there.

I can see myself doing the same thing.....when I could not get anyone to listen to me. I would have to see for myself. And yes, I would think it was Caylee right off the bat.
Given the conflicting bits of information - and that we are undoubtedly not getting the entire story at this point... could it be that the meter reader went into the woods to relieve himself back on Aug 11 - and that was when he initially saw the bag?

He calls, reports it (if he's supposed to be working, he may figure he'll get in trouble if he hangs around waiting for police) - nobody follows up, calls again the 2nd day with no response, calls the 3rd time and meets LE out there, perhaps points out the bag, they start to head toward it, see the snake, LE tells the meter guy he'll check it out, meter reader leaves - cop thinks it's just an empty bag and never bothers to check further. (remember that they were getting thousands of tips - odds of this bag actually being important were a million to one.)

Meanwhile it eats at the meter reader, and when he's back in the area and/or the water level goes down, he goes back to check?
Yep. I posted the same scenario the other night.

Welcome to WS, debirlfan. :)
I do not find anything unusal about the meter reader's reactions. First thing, he smelled a bad oder and saw a bag by the road. This bag could have been the same bag or another with the other bag with Caylee's remains farther back. The trash bag he saw could have been nothing or could have been the bag.

He calls three times. The police finally dismiss it as being the remains of a dog causing the odor. But he is still not sure. He still thinks it could have been Caylee. He thinks about it for months.....Caylee is never found. So one day, he is back on his old route, and it is still bothering him so he stops to check it out. My first reaction on seeing a skull that close to Caylee's home is I have finally found her. He had thought all along that she was there.

I can see myself doing the same thing.....when I could not get anyone to listen to me. I would have to see for myself. And yes, I would think it was Caylee right off the bat.

fox1950 you are so right on with what my thoughts were exactly! I have to agree that I could also see myself doing the very same thing. Everyone has those times where you just get that nagging sense of something that you cannot dismiss. Of course the defense is now going to use this to acuse LE of "shoddy" police work etc. But imo I truly don't think that will go very far because when you look at the amount of tips and leads that they were receiving, and how many times they'd already checked the area and actually found nothing but animal remains it was unfortunately taken for granted.

The dept. was working around the clock on this case and said to have been under heavy burden between Caylee's case and all of the others they'd been working on. Not to mention all of the circus enviroment! Was it a huge mistake? Yes, but imo they will be able to get past it.

Last night I saw that GSJ had also been in that exact area and had it on video. It was in fact under knee deep water at the time.
I do not find anything unusal about the meter reader's reactions. First thing, he smelled a bad oder and saw a bag by the road. This bag could have been the same bag or another with the other bag with Caylee's remains farther back. The trash bag he saw could have been nothing or could have been the bag.

He calls three times. The police finally dismiss it as being the remains of a dog causing the oder. But he is still not sure. He still thinks it could have been Caylee. He thinks about it for months.....Caylee is never found. So one day, he is back on his old route, and it is still bothering him so he stops to check it out. My first reaction on seeing a skull that close to Caylee's home is I have finally found her. He had thought all along that she was there.

I can see myself doing the same thing.....when I could not get anyone to listen to me. I would have to see for myself. And yes, I would think it was Caylee right off the bat.

I posted on this before,but want to repeat my thoughts.He was a mr,quiet guy,not a leader,a follower.LE is authority figure.They dismissed him 3 times.Not trusting his own judgement enough to make a big deal of it he stays quiet,but it still bugs him,so he goes back.
LE during the time of the first 3 tips had been near the area and found a dead animal.They knew decomp was in the car and had cell phone pings out by the airport.They had a working theory that KC moved Caylee away from home.They had thousands of tips coming in.They just didn't give this guy much credibility.A big mistake,but to me,understandable given the circumstances.
Thank God,mr went back.Thank God.
Dispatch called all 4 times?

No, but the conversation I quoted you were referring to the mentioning of finding a skull-that wasn't the meter reader on the phone--it was the utility company's emergency dispatcher.
Whoever was spreading the rumor yesterday that the Meter Readers name was German Gonzales was 100% wrong thats not his name - Not even close

I helped to start the "rumor" because the name German G. was reported on Fox 35 News and I was not the only one who heard them say it!!! I was only repeating what was reported, not inventing rumors - of course, with it being 35, they didn't put it in print anywhere so there was no way to link what was broadcast live! Not the first time this sort of thing has happened with the media...

Just to clear the record here!
Playing devil's advocate here - bear with me...?

Doesn't the timing of the meter reader's calls sort of help the defense?

Think about the whole timer55 thing - and remember early on when they kept saying that Caylee's birthday (August 9) was like the 'deadline' - like they had to find her by then or she may be harmed - at least this is what I recall the sentiment to have been back then.

Since the meter reader 1st called on August 11 - just two days after Caylee's birthday - just two days after the 'deadline', wouldn't this support the defense theory (or a possible theory)?

Don't you think the defense can use the timing of the first call to their advantage?

ETA: I do not suspect the meter reader at all. I've posted this only regarding timing and possible defense theories. Maybe this is not the correct thread...
Yes yes yes. I feel the same way. I'm also wondering why this guy was the only person to see the bag, smell the smell, etc. over all those months. Something just ain't right.

I recall a post here back in Sept-Oct about tipsters back in August reporting a smell in the area where Caylee was found. I've searched and searched and can't find it now.

I KNOW it's here and I know it was discusded...Someone please help me find it!
I guess anyone who actually searches for and finds the missing child's remains gets rewarded with suspicion. LE has checked Mr. Kronk out from top to bottom and he is not considered anything but a witness. He is not unlike the thousands of other people who tried to find Caylee.

I do not recall Mr. Kronk saying that he lived on Hopesprings. Link?

Furthermore, a poster here set out on her own recon mission. She went to the area and into the wooded area. She reported that the area was full of trash and lots of garbage and that anyone entering the woods at any point would likely stumble upon trash bags.

Let's just be grateful that this man followed up on his hunch and didn't just let it go.

I have had 4 such "hunches" and had I followed up on them I would have discovered 3 dead bodies and the hiding place of a serial rapist. I am glad that he did what I didn't.
I guess anyone who actually searches for and finds the missing child's remains gets rewarded with suspicion. LE has checked Mr. Kronk out from top to bottom and he is not considered anything but a witness. He is not unlike the thousands of other people who tried to find Caylee.

I do not recall Mr. Kronk saying that he lived on Hopesprings. Link?

Furthermore, a poster here set out on her own recon mission. She went to the area and into the wooded area. She reported that the area was full of trash and lots of garbage and that anyone entering the woods at any point would likely stumble upon trash bags.

Let's just be grateful that this man followed up on his hunch and didn't just let it go.

I have had 4 such "hunches" and had I followed up on them I would have discovered 3 dead bodies and the hiding place of a serial rapist. I am glad that he did what I didn't.

(scream) Oh no you didn't!!! (smile) You must have courage girl.

Starting my Turducken to slow thaw. (smiling real big now)
Norr- jealous about that turducken.

But regarding smells in that area, I've posted this before but I'm going to say it again.

If Caylee was missing for 31 days before it was reported and Caylee was disposed of in that area, any smells coming from that wooded lot at Chickasaw & Suburban drives would not have been a sign for anybody that a human body was decomposing.

And on one of the shows last friday night (NG or Greta) one of their forensics experts said that the conditions in Florida in summer time would create an environment that the remains would be skeletonized within two weeks.

So I think concerns about smells anytime after we knew Caylee was missing are a moot point.

And while we're debunking rumors- does anyone recall a reliable source (LE) stating that the bag the Meter Reader saw was originally next to the road? I only recall reading that here.

But I do recall hearing that the bag he saw in august was grey- and that the bag with Caylee's remains was black.

And finally, with regard to the wooded area- across the street from where I live is an area just like that- and I am less than an hour from Hopespring Drive. So let's assume the plants and conditions are similar. If Casey dumped that bag in June- which is the end of our dry/wildfire season and the beginning of our rainy season, it makes perfect sense that plants and such would have obscured the bag from the road in a matter of weeks.

There is a kudzu like vine here- called an air potato or similar that grows about a foot per day and will wind around (and choke) anything in it's path. I would not be at all surprised to learn that the area with the bag had this stuff around it. And in the fall these plants are less lush so a bag that was obscured in July and August would most certainly be easier to see in December.
Norr- jealous about that turducken.

But regarding smells in that area, I've posted this before but I'm going to say it again.

If Caylee was missing for 31 days before it was reported and Caylee was disposed of in that area, any smells coming from that wooded lot at Chickasaw & Suburban drives would not have been a sign for anybody that a human body was decomposing.

And on one of the shows last friday night (NG or Greta) one of their forensics experts said that the conditions in Florida in summer time would create an environment that the remains would be skeletonized within two weeks.

So I think concerns about smells anytime after we knew Caylee was missing are a moot point.

And while we're debunking rumors- does anyone recall a reliable source (LE) stating that the bag the Meter Reader saw was originally next to the road? I only recall reading that here.

But I do recall hearing that the bag he saw in august was grey- and that the bag with Caylee's remains was black.

And finally, with regard to the wooded area- across the street from where I live is an area just like that- and I am less than an hour from Hopespring Drive. So let's assume the plants and conditions are similar. If Casey dumped that bag in June- which is the end of our dry/wildfire season and the beginning of our rainy season, it makes perfect sense that plants and such would have obscured the bag from the road in a matter of weeks.

There is a kudzu like vine here- called an air potato or similar that grows about a foot per day and will wind around (and choke) anything in it's path. I would not be at all surprised to learn that the area with the bag had this stuff around it. And in the fall these plants are less lush so a bag that was obscured in July and August would most certainly be easier to see in December.

Great post -- Thanks.

Understand kudzu for sure. Makes sense!!

Yum!! :crazy:
It's really sad how people are brought into this case and ripped apart when they are not guilty of anything except for Caylee coming into their lives. This man lost his wife a year ago from cancer and now this. I think a lot of people need to step back and take a deep breath here instead of acting like wild wolves pouncing on their prey. The only people that are really guilty in this instance with the 3 phone calls and then Mr. K finding her are KC and the 3 deputies that should have searched for her. I can not comprehend how a deputy goes out and gets scared off by a snake. He had a gun for crying out loud. Just put yourselves in his position.
Everyone wanted Caylee to be found to be put to rest, except KC and possibly the A's (judging by their behavior). Without Mr. K, that wouldn't be possible still. There were many WS'er who participated in the searches (Thank you to all of you for your work and undying love for Caylee) and if it would have been one of them who found her would some of you be ripping apart a fellow WS'er who found her?
Question for those who've been on here since the start. What was that website discussed and linked to quite a few times at the start back in July where you open it and there's a video showing the Anthony home and then it shows the back yard and then the fence and over the fence and pans out to the fields and then the waste land and vegetation -insinuating that was where to find Caylee-does anyone remember this-was this the area where she was found?
Question for those who've been on here since the start. What was that website discussed and linked to quite a few times at the start back in July where you open it and there's a video showing the Anthony home and then it shows the back yard and then the fence and over the fence and pans out to the fields and then the waste land and vegetation -insinuating that was where to find Caylee-does anyone remember this-was this the area where she was found?

I've been on her since the beginning. Is it the video when they did the search in the backyard?
Everyone wanted Caylee to be found to be put to rest, except KC and possibly the A's (judging by their behavior). Without Mr. K, that wouldn't be possible still. There were many WS'er who participated in the searches (Thank you to all of you for your work and undying love for Caylee) and if it would have been one of them who found her would some of you be ripping apart a fellow WS'er who found her?

I agree with you. If I was out searching for Caylee and found a child's skull you would probably have a 911 call with me saying I found Caylee.
I agree with you. If I was out searching for Caylee and found a child's skull you would probably have a 911 call with me saying I found Caylee.

I just think it's such a tragedy. I couldn't even imagine being in his shoes. I applaud him for finding her. The circumstances are weird, I admit, but this case in it's entirety is strange.

Thank you, Mr. K for finally letting Caylee be put to rest. :clap::clap::clap:

and to KC I hope you R.I.H.:behindbar
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