Meter Reader

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Well, whoever put the body in this location does not seem to have cared about it being found. It seems like a person who didn't want it found would have put it in a remote place where it wouldn't be found. Not there.

It is hard to believe that from all the pictures of her and her daughter that she could just dump her child there. Also that would be a stupid place to do it. So close to road and so close to her home. I guess sometimes the obvious person is the last person. I watched to much Alfred Hitchcock movies where the end was entirely different then what you thought. It seems with all the media and pictures of area any nut could of done it. Im just saying it would be perfect because they would of got so much infor from everywhere about the crime and they know everyone hates her so much. That is just one of my theories. Not to start agrument! And if that was decomp in car I would have to wonder why car was at tow place so long. Sorry for so many thoughts in one thread.
How would it be convenient for her to put the body in a place that would incriminate her or her family? It's more like another perpetrator who wanted the crime to appear connected with the A family. Of course you can never be sure, though.
Oh, GMAB! Just like Caylee was alive all this time with those fake sightings going on and on?! NO!

Casey DID this! They have PROOF that Casey did this!! That is why she is charged with the murder of this baby!

Do you think that this perpetrator snuck into the A fam home afterwards to plant evidence which linked back to the dump site?! Maybe the same one put Caylee in the trunk of the car to move her there, too, without Casey knowing it?! Or how about this stranger who wanted to incriminate them so badly hypnotized Casey and that is how all of this is connected?! Sheesh!

There is NO reasonable doubt train in this station anymore! That train left the station the minute that Caylee was found and they served two more search warrants on the A fam home which they have deemed to be a crime scene!!!
I just watched the psychic, Gale, when she and her family videotaped the exact area where Caylee was found on the very day that RK made the first call. It appears that they parked in the same spot that some of the crime scene pics are taken from. Based on what can be seen in the tape there is nothing white that can be easily seen. The daughter gets out of the car and says she can only walk so far in because there's water down there. So even though the storm hadn't hit, Caylee may have been covered by water.

You're kidding, another videotape of the spot? Same day as RK's first call? Can you share the link? If that's true, that's weird that he could see it but neither they nor the police could. I wonder which weeks exactly the water was high there. It looks from the crime scene photos like Caylee's body was found where the ground just begins to slope, not very far in. During the weeks there was water you can imagine people couldn't see it or maybe not even smell it, but I still wonder about the weeks before that. Seems strange no one or their dogs would have come across the smell. Also seems weird if it was KC, that she would have put it there in the first place, or at least not moved it asap to a more remote place. And if it was there during the time all the protesters and press and everybody were there in that neighborhood parking everywhere....just weird no one ever came across it.
I don't know where I heard it but one of the news stations said that the meter man had said" he was tired of everyone talking about the case and wondering where the body was and he had the previous sighting and thought he would check to see if the bag was still there."
I got the idea from this that he knew in August what was in the bag and just didn't want to get involved..thought he'd call and let LE find the body, but since that didn't happen he decided to step in to the magnifying glass he is under.
I think with all the protesters out on the lawn and all the media attention he just didn't want to get involved but had to to do the right thing.
Did anyone else hear anything about this??

makes a lot of sense but very strange if he really did know her body was in there and kept it to himself all this time-
Not to start agrument! And if that was decomp in car I would have to wonder why car was at tow place so long.

Because Casey never told CA or GA that she abandon the car on 6/27 and it got towed. They received a notice in the mail from the tow yard on 7/13 (if I remember correctly) stating that the Sunfire had been towed and impounded and that it would cost X amount of dollars to get the car back. This was the first that the Anthony's heard that the car was at the tow yard. They went to pick the car up on 7/15 and the rest is history. No conspiracy here except the fact that their lying, murdering daughter was out bumping and grinding at Fusion while her 2 y/o daughter lay rotting in a swampy area off of Suburban Drive.
It is hard to believe that from all the pictures of her and her daughter that she could just dump her child there. Also that would be a stupid place to do it. So close to road and so close to her home. I guess sometimes the obvious person is the last person. I watched to much Alfred Hitchcock movies where the end was entirely different then what you thought. It seems with all the media and pictures of area any nut could of done it. Im just saying it would be perfect because they would of got so much infor from everywhere about the crime and they know everyone hates her so much. That is just one of my theories. Not to start agrument! And if that was decomp in car I would have to wonder why car was at tow place so long. Sorry for so many thoughts in one thread.

bolded by me-I don't understand this sentence, and it was decomp without a doubt
You're kidding, another videotape of the spot? Same day as RK's first call? Can you share the link? If that's true, that's weird that he could see it but neither they nor the police could. I wonder which weeks exactly the water was high there. It looks from the crime scene photos like Caylee's body was found where the ground just begins to slope, not very far in. During the weeks there was water you can imagine people couldn't see it or maybe not even smell it, but I still wonder about the weeks before that. Seems strange no one or their dogs would have come across the smell. Also seems weird if it was KC, that she would have put it there in the first place, or at least not moved it asap to a more remote place. And if it was there during the time all the protesters and press and everybody were there in that neighborhood parking everywhere....just weird no one ever came across it.
Another poster posted this a couple pages back
I agree with not saying dead or alive because the person might be killed so finder could be rewarded. But if someone is found dead it takes alot of courage to put yourself in the spotlight and report suspicious things.

Well put.
The video I saw from that so-called psychic was NOT in the exact area where Caylee was found.
“He is not a suspect in this case,” Nieves said early Thursday evening. “He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.”

http://.com/2008/12/18/caylee-antho...provided-tips-about-same-site-in-august-2008/ (Bolded by me)

Yes, that's all I've heard as well. That's different than him being investigated or cleared.
It really doesn't matter to me since he is not considered a suspect.

Casey is the number one suspect and that certainly hasn't changed. Finding Caylee just put the last piece of the puzzle into place for OCSO and the SA's case. Going back to the house which connects to more evidence at the dump site will take care of the rest.
Because Casey never told CA or GA that she abandon the car on 6/27 and it got towed. They received a notice in the mail from the tow yard on 7/13 (if I remember correctly) stating that the Sunfire had been towed and impounded and that it would cost X amount of dollars to get the car back.
I was wondering why it took the tow place so long to contact them that is all. Maybe they did not know who owned the car at first.
And the pictures of that place I heard they all are not from that time period.
That is what i heard. Im sure the people who took them got a pretty penny for them to share them!
Oh, GMAB! Just like Caylee was alive all this time with those fake sightings going on and on?! NO!

Casey DID this! They have PROOF that Casey did this!! That is why she is charged with the murder of this baby!

Do you think that this perpetrator snuck into the A fam home afterwards to plant evidence which linked back to the dump site?! Maybe the same one put Caylee in the trunk of the car to move her there, too, without Casey knowing it?! Or how about this stranger who wanted to incriminate them so badly hypnotized Casey and that is how all of this is connected?! Sheesh!

There is NO reasonable doubt train in this station anymore! That train left the station the minute that Caylee was found and they served two more search warrants on the A fam home which they have deemed to be a crime scene!!!

I'm not sure what you mean with the "hypnotized KC" etc, :confused:but clearly you are only interested in one theory, and obviously that's your right. But everyone else also has a right to discuss the many unanswered questions of this case. It's not an open and shut case by far. (A) the test results didn't even say definitely human decomposition in the trunk, (B) even if there was, anyone could have gained access to the car trunk anytime KC was working at Fusion for example and set her purse and keys down wherever, anytime during parties she was at, anytime she was with her boyfriend in the back room at the apartment, etc, (remember how Maria K. described how little Caylee opened the door to them when they came to the door, KC and TL were in the back room), maybe KC even left her car unlocked for all we know. She was living with a whole bunch of people, working and hanging around a whole lot of people, if they're not ruled out forensically and investigatively, naturally doubt will remain. (C) Regarding computer searches, several people had access to the same computer as KC. Etc, etc. Obviously she is a suspect, and she has been charged, but she is also presumed innocent until proven guilty. Another reason LE should have done forensics at those other places would have been to rule places out. Same with the meter reader, and again, obviously, he is presumed innocent. (Hopefully they've done a lot more forensics than have been publicized.)
(C) Regarding computer searches, several people had access to the same computer as KC. Etc, etc.
I have to say one more thing about computer searches. It is scary to think what pops up on your computer. I looked up skunk droppings because some poop was in my yard and i wanted to know what animal did it. A site of pornographic stuff came up. So for different searches like maybe neckbreaking who ever could of been looking up self defense and that came up. I hate to think of all the junk on my computer that could incriminate me and i did not even look it up orginally.
It is hard to believe that from all the pictures of her and her daughter that she could just dump her child there. Also that would be a stupid place to do it. So close to road and so close to her home. I guess sometimes the obvious person is the last person. I watched to much Alfred Hitchcock movies where the end was entirely different then what you thought. It seems with all the media and pictures of area any nut could of done it. Im just saying it would be perfect because they would of got so much infor from everywhere about the crime and they know everyone hates her so much. That is just one of my theories. Not to start agrument! Sorry for so many thoughts in one thread.

No need to be sorry, lots of people are still wondering these same things. I agree with you. Sure, it could be KC, but these are important questions that can't be ignored.
I think it is going to be an open and shut case. It isn't only MY theory. It appears that OCSO, the FBI, and the SA's office see it pretty much the same way as I do and they have all the evidence.

A) The only tests we have seen are PRELIMINARY tests and the final results will be presented at trial. However, I have seen it reported that it was confirmed that it WAS human decomp in the trunk. I will find it for you later.

B) The soil samples and other forensics coming from Casey's clothing taken from the A fam home (after finding Caylee) and backyard should clear up very quickly who put Caylee's body in the trunk. There will be other forensics and solid evidence which will tie into the dump site as well. LE was very adamant about there being a definite link back to the house from the dump site. The people at Fusian or elsewhere would not have had access to both areas plus the car.

C) There will be other things which tie Casey to those searches. Password encrypted sites she may have gone to during the same time, IMs to other people, emails to other people, etc. They will also know the exact whereabouts of everyone in the home at those given times.
How would it be convenient for her to put the body in a place that would incriminate her or her family? It's more like another perpetrator who wanted the crime to appear connected with the A family. Of course you can never be sure, though.
It wasn't smart, just convenient because it was so close. She didnt have gas to be driving all over FL looking for a place to hide her baby's body, she needed that gas to get to Target.

IMO, Casey knew she was in a downward spiral and stopped caring. She wasn't thinking about consequences. At that point, I dont think she cared about anything anymore. She was in her own psychopathic state of mind, not feeling an ounce of regret for any of her actions and possibly convincing herse. I believe that she just wanted to be free of all responsibilities. She wanted to shop but didnt want to work so she stole from people and didnt worry about the consequences of getting caught. She was shopping with Amy's stolen checks without a care in the world. She abandoned her car knowing that it smelled like death and would eventually be traced to her so leaving little Caylee in that field was just another quick solution.

I think she knew her world was gonna come crashing in and decided to spend her last days of freedom partying, shopping and bed hopping.
It will be nice when everything is brought out in the trial. And we will know what is still not open for us to see now.
I think it is going to be an open and shut case. It isn't only MY theory. It appears that OCSO, the FBI, and the SA's office see it pretty much the same way as I do and they have all the evidence.

A) The only tests we have seen are PRELIMINARY tests and the final results will be presented at trial. However, I have seen it reported that it was confirmed that it WAS human decomp in the trunk. I will find it for you later.

B) The soil samples and other forensics coming from Casey's clothing taken from the A fam home (after finding Caylee) and backyard should clear up very quickly who put Caylee's body in the trunk. There will be other forensics which will tie into the dump site as well. LE was very adamant about there being a definite link back to the house from the dump site. The people at Fusian or elsewhere would not have had access to both areas plus the car.

C) There will be other things which tie Casey to those searches. Password encrypted sites she may have gone to during the same time, IMs to other people, emails to other people, etc. They will also know the exact whereabouts of everyone in the home at those given times.

I have to ask, why is it so important to you for others not to have questions and to want all the answers, or to even discuss the possibilities of this case?
Obviously there will be forensics which will tie back to the A home, since Caylee lived there and her belongings were from there. Why would you say people at Fusian would not have had access to the car or the A home? Some of KC's friends went to her family home with her, and obviously they sometimes had access to her keys, etc.
Password encrypted sites might be indications of things she looked up, sure. We'll have to see what's presented at trial, the timing of the searches, whether she ever shared passwords with friends, etc.
But I know one of KC's friends who was never even questioned by LE even though she was hanging around with him several days the first week of July got on here, he's widely liked here, I generally found him likeable also, but one thing that concerned me was when he was talking about using chloroform on "unruly detainees" in the military, and talking about how everyone knows chloroform is easy to get, you can get it anywhere, etc. So she wasn't the only one in her friend group who was talking about or interested in chloroform, she might have looked it up because of hearing him talk about it. You never know. I'm not saying I can rule out her being involved in a crime, but I can't say for sure she is responsible for harming Caylee in any way either. Not yet. We'll see what comes out at trial.
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