Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #1

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I found it odd too, who are all these people, his "team" and where is CN since she states she's part of the team too.

I am not sure if this is allowed, but who IS CN? I always assumed she was a close friend of JR but then I remember reading somewhere that she is innvolved with the couch surfing website?
snipped by me:
I didn't see the comments, but based on my research, I imagine what the commenters are referring to is that JR's attorney Everardo Moreno Cruz defended Rodrigo Vallejo, the son of the former governor of Michoacan. The Vallejo family has long been rumored to be in the cartel's pocket and are prominent in the same political party as Cruz. Rodrigo Vallejo was charged with holding back information that would have allowed for the earlier apprehension of a high ranking cartel member La Tuta, a really bad guy. He held secret meetings with La Tuta that were videotaped and eventually discovered. Vallejo was sentenced to about eleven months in prison last August. So JR's attorney Cruz defended someone who essentially associated with and protected a known drug trafficker and who knows what else. JMO

Thanks for the info on the attorney. Yikes, that would make me nervous. Do you think they are involving him because of his cartel connections? In other words, maybe someone like him is very powerful and "well-connected" and can hear things through the underground grapevine, so to speak.

Poor JR. This is just snowballing into an unending nightmare. JMO, I'll just say it: I do feel like the marriage may have been a "green card marriage" where he wanted to help her stay in the US, and never imagined it could come to something like this.

While reading Jenny's weibo, I found some writing that gave insight into the question of who are Jenny's friends. "My mom would always worried about me didn't have any friends to hang out with while I was in China. She said to me " when you get married, how are you going to invite enough girls to be your bridesmaids?' It's a tough question, but I got answer "Hengdian has bunch of part time actors."No, that's just not true, I have friends, and they are real on internet, is that real? sort of." She certainly has a sense of humor, I give her that! So, I think she is a "square peg" sort of individual who was used to doing things alone, her way.

Also on weibo, I read an entry where she talks about seeing the movie "Wild" and was very excited by it. I think her current trip had to have been inspired by it. Anyone see the movie, as I haven't. This entry is in Chinese, so I had to put it in google translate to read it.

I suggest you read additional entries on this part of her weibo, if you haven't. Gives some sense into who Jenny is.

JR must have changed the setting on the Help Find Jenny Facebook site to keep people like me out, like you said, because I still cannot access it. I will have to rely on you and other WS posters for any updates there from now on as I choose to remain a dinosaur and not have a FB account. Yes, I am a weirdo, I know. :D
Idk. If JR lawyer is connected to the cartel or has no problems representing them. Then wouldn't that be a conflict of interest if the cartel that he deals with was responsible for abducting Jenny?

I'm sure they would make sure the lawyer keeps his mouth shut.

But on a positive note. The lawyer may be able to get information from corrupt cops about the investigation.

But that information still takes money that JR doesn't have.

So I still think that the lawyer is for litigation purposes with Corona and the hired company of the driver.

Does Mexico have civil suits like the United States?

Can Jonathan sue them for negligence if the driver did pick her up?
snipped by me:

Thanks for the info on the attorney. Yikes, that would make me nervous. Do you think they are involving him because of his cartel connections? In other words, maybe someone like him is very powerful and "well-connected" and can hear things through the underground grapevine, so to speak.

Poor JR. This is just snowballing into an unending nightmare. JMO, I'll just say it: I do feel like the marriage may have been a "green card marriage" where he wanted to help her stay in the US, and never imagined it could come to something like this.

While reading Jenny's weibo, I found some writing that gave insight into the question of who are Jenny's friends. "My mom would always worried about me didn't have any friends to hang out with while I was in China. She said to me " when you get married, how are you going to invite enough girls to be your bridesmaids?' It's a tough question, but I got answer "Hengdian has bunch of part time actors."No, that's just not true, I have friends, and they are real on internet, is that real? sort of." She certainly has a sense of humor, I give her that! So, I think she is a "square peg" sort of individual who was used to doing things alone, her way.

Also on weibo, I read an entry where she talks about seeing the movie "Wild" and was very excited by it. I think her current trip had to have been inspired by it. Anyone see the movie, as I haven't. This entry is in Chinese, so I had to put it in google translate to read it.

I suggest you read additional entries on this part of her weibo, if you haven't. Gives some sense into who Jenny is.

JR must have changed the setting on the Help Find Jenny Facebook site to keep people like me out, like you said, because I still cannot access it. I will have to rely on you and other WS posters for any updates there from now on as I choose to remain a dinosaur and not have a FB account. Yes, I am a weirdo, I know. :D

Regarding the Weibo comments, Day 20 has a very interesting note. Am I allowed to quote it here? Okay, editing here: I realize now that this post is a month or so before her trip, not during it. However, I still find it interesting. And, forgive me, please, if I'm being ignorant, but where do the Weibo posts continue? -This seems to stop in January.
Regarding the Weibo comments, Day 20 has a very interesting note. Am I allowed to quote it here?

I may have made a mistake by quoting something from the weibo site. I think we are allowed to paraphrase, not direct-quote things she wrote.
I may have made a mistake by quoting something from the weibo site. I think we are allowed to paraphrase, not direct-quote things she wrote.

If she wrote it. Then we can QUOTE it. Jmo.

This case is very different since there is no way to verify anything. Jmo.

The United States can't or won't take the case due to xyz.

So there is no way to verify xyz unless it's through information given by others from the outside. Jmo.

So this thread is different since nothing can be really verified. Jmo.

Every piece of information that we receive from both sides of Jonathan and Jenny and witnesses and updates seem to be all unverified. Jmo.

So for now. Why not post things?

Especially if the United States nor Mexico authorities has not considered Jenny fully missing at this point.

This means that this is a speculation case since no one has took the time nor mentioned clearing hubby for now.

So imo. This is a limbo case. Jmo
I am curious about the HFJ page... Somebody asked if they could share the flyer/post about missing Jenny, and JR's response was "sure!" I'm nit-picking, but I'd be like, PLEASE DO! Anyway, the poster came back and said she's hearing that Jenny's been found. His response? Baloney. Maybe he knows something we don't, but I'd want to check it out.

I want to know what he's doing right now to help find Jenny.

Just my opinion! Thanks to all the sleuths who contribute to this thread!
Somebody at one point had asked why the friend on this text message (or maybe it was somebody on Jenny's FB? Sorry....) called her Jenny the Idiot? I noticed on her Weibo account, that's how she signs off sometimes. Also in the FB post that displayed this text message on HFJ, CN asks important questions about the text convo, but JR never did get to the bottom of it, as far as we know? I know we've discussed it before, but I'm surprised he hasn't pounced on this friend for more info. Hopefully this link works:
snipped by me:

Thanks for the info on the attorney. Yikes, that would make me nervous. Do you think they are involving him because of his cartel connections? In other words, maybe someone like him is very powerful and "well-connected" and can hear things through the underground grapevine, so to speak.

Poor JR. This is just snowballing into an unending nightmare. JMO, I'll just say it: I do feel like the marriage may have been a "green card marriage" where he wanted to help her stay in the US, and never imagined it could come to something like this.

While reading Jenny's weibo, I found some writing that gave insight into the question of who are Jenny's friends. "My mom would always worried about me didn't have any friends to hang out with while I was in China. She said to me " when you get married, how are you going to invite enough girls to be your bridesmaids?' It's a tough question, but I got answer "Hengdian has bunch of part time actors."No, that's just not true, I have friends, and they are real on internet, is that real? sort of." She certainly has a sense of humor, I give her that! So, I think she is a "square peg" sort of individual who was used to doing things alone, her way.

Also on weibo, I read an entry where she talks about seeing the movie "Wild" and was very excited by it. I think her current trip had to have been inspired by it. Anyone see the movie, as I haven't. This entry is in Chinese, so I had to put it in google translate to read it.

I suggest you read additional entries on this part of her weibo, if you haven't. Gives some sense into who Jenny is.

JR must have changed the setting on the Help Find Jenny Facebook site to keep people like me out, like you said, because I still cannot access it. I will have to rely on you and other WS posters for any updates there from now on as I choose to remain a dinosaur and not have a FB account. Yes, I am a weirdo, I know. :D

I've seen a couple of people leap from my post about the lawyer to say that he has cartel connections. Just to clarify, my research did not say that. He defended Rodrigo Vallejo who has cartel connections, but that doesn't mean that Cruz himself has those connections. There is no evidence that he does. I don't want to be responsible for any false information being spread.

That's interesting what you found on weibo about Jenny only having internet friends. She is definitely a square peg. When you link to weibo and I click on the link it reverts to and doesn't go to Jenny's page. I've noticed that when others link her page. I'm not sure why.

Jenny's interest in the movie "Wild" may explain JR's comment that her parents think she is hiking in the high desert. OT-- I haven't seen the movie, but when they were filming in Ashland they used a restaurant a good friend of ours owns in one of the scenes. Reese Witherspoon ate there, surrounded by the crew and he never even got to meet her. :( Be sure to have breakfast or lunch at The Breadboard if you're ever in Ashland...really good food! :)

We will definitely keep you posted on the HFJFB.
I may have made a mistake by quoting something from the weibo site. I think we are allowed to paraphrase, not direct-quote things she wrote.

You are correct that we are allowed to paraphrase but not quote or post screenshots.

I've seen a couple of people leap from my post about the lawyer to say that he has cartel connections. Just to clarify, my research did not say that. He defended Rodrigo Vallejo who has cartel connections, but that doesn't mean that Cruz himself has those connections. There is no evidence that he does. I don't want to be responsible for any false information being spread.

That's interesting what you found on weibo about Jenny only having internet friends. She is definitely a square peg. When you link to weibo and I click on the link it reverts to and doesn't go to Jenny's page. I've noticed that when others link her page. I'm not sure why.

Jenny's interest in the movie "Wild" may explain JR's comment that her parents think she is hiking in the high desert. OT-- I haven't seen the movie, but when they were filming in Ashland they used a restaurant a good friend of ours owns in one of the scenes. Reese Witherspoon ate there, surrounded by the crew and he never even got to meet her. :( Be sure to have breakfast or lunch at The Breadboard if you're ever in Ashland...really good food! :)

We will definitely keep you posted on the HFJFB.

I didn't mean to imply the atty had direct cartel ties. You explained it well, it was me who didn't say what I wanted to say clearly.

I know what you mean about not being able to view the weibo pages I've provided. I don't know why either, but on my desktop computer I am able to see the pages, but when I'm on my iPad, I am not able to.

Thanks for the restaurant tip (I love breakfast places!) and for keeping us all so well informed of everything on this case. I appreciate you, Lilibet!
I am curious about the HFJ page... Somebody asked if they could share the flyer/post about missing Jenny, and JR's response was "sure!" I'm nit-picking, but I'd be like, PLEASE DO! Anyway, the poster came back and said she's hearing that Jenny's been found. His response? Baloney. Maybe he knows something we don't, but I'd want to check it out.

I want to know what he's doing right now to help find Jenny.

Just my opinion! Thanks to all the sleuths who contribute to this thread!
Yes! You would think he would be thrilled that she might be alive, and start following those leads.

He seems awfully invested in the idea of foul play, and unwilling to give it up, when usually family members are desperate for anything that might keep hope alive.

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If my husband was missing...I would first check into all reports of him being alive. Alive can change to dead quickly. Dead can never change to alive. I hope I never having to report my husband missing.

Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
If my husband was missing...I would first check into all reports of him being alive. Alive can change to dead quickly. Dead can never change to alive. I hope I never having to report my husband missing.

Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk

You nailed it, Lisa! :goodpost:
I think about her and others that are missing as I drive/sit in traffic. I try to think what I would do if it were my child, my husband or s parent missing, etc..and would my actions be criticized by so many. Now hoping this doesn't seem like I am trying to plan the perfect murder. Lol
Also if there are no signs of death then I can't believe she is dead just lost and missing. Her phone could have been stolen or taken as payment for a stay or ride.

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
I would never, ever believe a loved one was dead if there was any alternative. If Mexican officials say she's still hiking in southern Mexico, it surprises me that he isn't looking into that at all. After all, it's not like he can only search in one place, he could keep looking for the truck driver while posting fliers in other areas.

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Regarding the Weibo comments, Day 20 has a very interesting note. Am I allowed to quote it here? Okay, editing here: I realize now that this post is a month or so before her trip, not during it. However, I still find it interesting. And, forgive me, please, if I'm being ignorant, but where do the Weibo posts continue? -This seems to stop in January.

To those of you who can't view Jenny's weibo, I thought I'd go ahead and describe what I see where fridaybaker referred to a "Day 20" entry that Jenny wrote.

First off, it seems that Jenny was journaling a 21-day challenge where you detail 3 things you are grateful for that day. She also would put down (1)Exercise for the day, (2) How much time she meditated that day, and (3) something she did that showed kindness. What a nice thing to do daily. I think she was trying to add positivity and happiness in her life by doing this.

The "Day 20" that fridaybaker refers to is dated 1-19-16. I'll paraphrase what she wrote: it appears she was upset with JR about something and she says she wrote a calm email to him to explain why she wasn't speaking with him, and under what conditions they could have a conversation.

What could have caused her to be upset? Not sure, but on "Day 19", dated 1-18-16, she wrote that she was in a car accident and she wasn't wearing a seat belt. Then, under "Kindness" she says that she stayed calm even though JR had made a poor decision.

Was the bad decision regarding the car accident, or something else? Unclear.

The thing that stood out to me the most was that she said she wrote him an EMAIL. That was one more thing that nudged me toward the feeling that maybe they didn't live together.

How might this be relevant to her being missing now? Maybe directly, not much. But maybe theirs was a green card marriage. Or, maybe their marriage status was separated at the time. Either scenario could help explain Jenny and JR's lack of contact with each other while she was on this trip. Or would answer the question of why JR didnt' have much influence in deterring her from travelling in the risky manner she did.

Ah! I just tried the Help Find Jenny Facebook site again, and I can access it once again! JR must have changed the settings back, to allow non-FB users to view it.

I see he commented there that there is no update with the Corona drivers yet, that they are still waiting.
I think about her and others that are missing as I drive/sit in traffic. I try to think what I would do if it were my child, my husband or s parent missing, etc..and would my actions be criticized by so many. Now hoping this doesn't seem like I am trying to plan the perfect murder. Lol
Also if there are no signs of death then I can't believe she is dead just lost and missing. Her phone could have been stolen or taken as payment for a stay or ride.

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster

Ha! Our search histories already make it look like we are planning the perfect murder. :D But seriously, the loved ones who don't get criticized (except by extreme conspiracy theorists) are grateful for any help they get and don't get defensive. They are responsive and thankful on FB. They cooperate with LE, but hire a reputable PI if necessary. If they are angry with LE, they keep it to themselves. They are boots on the ground. They follow every lead. They set up a fund raising page reluctantly and as a very last resort, not first thing. JMO

I would never, ever believe a loved one was dead if there was any alternative. If Mexican officials say she's still hiking in southern Mexico, it surprises me that he isn't looking into that at all. After all, it's not like he can only search in one place, he could keep looking for the truck driver while posting fliers in other areas.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I was deeply involved behind the scenes on a missing teen case. The circumstances and trace evidence made death a real possibility. But we kept going and her Dad kept going, even in despair, and even though LE was convinced she ran away. It never occurred to us to give up or only follow only one lead. Some of the leads we followed were pretty wild. She was "seen" where she never went. As it turned out, LE was right, thankfully. To their credit, LE had conducted an extremely thorough investigation to reach that conclusion. She called her Dad over three months later and is now living with him instead of her Mom, doing well and just finished highschool. The tears of joy were flowing all over the secret FB group and WS. Not all cases have such a happy ending, but how could anyone live with themselves if they didn't give the search their all? One factor in her making that phone call was that she knew how hard her Dad was looking for her. What if he hadn't poured his heart into the search?!
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