MI - Aimee Sword for raping son she gave up for adoption, Waterford Twp, 2010

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The women was reported to the Police by CPS. They "got" wind of the relationship in the fall after the summer.

Sorry, but blaming the victim is not appropriate. By the way, after the judge reviewed the "evidence", 2 of the charges were not applicable.

They did not find each other, she went searching for him.

I do not believe self serving stories of blaming the victim. She has no emotional affinity or connection to the child and wanted to prove "she loved" him by seducing and raping him.

Sick.....I for one believe the cops and CPS.........

I absolutely agree. I just read many articles in the last few months about when male/female victims makes sexually allegations against a female perpetrator, 80% of the time they are not believed. I am certainly not going to be in that 80% group that seems to dismiss a female as a sexual predator.

Imo there have been female sexual predators as long as there has been male predators. They are just given more opportunity to cover it up.

And the sad thing is most of the sexual abuse to children ARE done by their own parent or parents.

I can certainly understand if this boy does have mental issues to deal with concerning what has happened to him in his life from his mother giving him up all those years and then coming back out of the blue supposedly to befriend him. Well we all know how predators work, they befriend, gain trust, show affection in the grooming period. So there is nothing here that shows me she is not a rapist.

The percentage of someone lying about sexual abuse is around 2%. Personally I don't think this boy is lying at all. It seems like LE agrees and they can spot a bogus story in a heartbeat. Thank goodness they believe him.

missmybaby ~ thanks for bringing that into the convo. I had never even heard of that...

Don't worry I won't flame you :)

I did read the PDF and then I went and scanned a few quick articles about the this...theory.

I'm hesitant to accept or embrace it as a viable theory because the woman that "discovered" and brought this GSA to light is not trained. She has simply named an experience that she had herself.

I have to wait and see what reaction the mainstream psych's have to this...KWIM?

But all in all I have to say thank you for bringing this forward, because I have to be honest, wonders never cease in how ppl will defend, rationalize and justify their behaviors.

I'm sitting here scratchin' my head on this one.
Thanks Kat, I was not trying to imply I bought what she has to say, or that I even know anything about it. The show she did was on 20/20 or a similar type of program. I had no idea this concept even existed! (Neither did "Barbara", she claims, until it happened to her.) I never thought about it again until I read this thread yesterday.

She went public with the hope that this would be investigated. She claims that it is much more prominent than anyone would imagine. From the things I read on her site, it is only the last couple years that anyone has taken an interest in her theory. But I'm with you, just because she wrote a book and has a web site doesn't make her claims true or what she believes happened to be real.

The way she explained her feelings on the show wasn't much different than the feelings we have for our own newborns. I think everyone who has had a baby will admit the relationship we have with our infants is designed to be very physical. She explained her feelings in much the same way. Of course her son was a grown man, she couldn't very well snuggle him against her breast the way she would have a infant.

She also said the fact that he had a mother who raised him and who he loved very much came to play in her feelings. He didn't need her to be his mother, this left her with feelings for this young man and no other way to explain it other than sexual. As I said before, she and her son never acted on her feelings. He brought her into his family and for that she remains grateful to this day. He married and had children of his own before he developed brain cancer that killed him in 2007.

Undoubtedly there will be perverts who use this as an excuse for their actions. She remains adamant that is not what she is about. I obviously have no idea if this has anything to do with what might have happened between the biological mother and son in this case and realize whatever happened (if anything) it was completely inappropriate. Not to mention against the law.
Ok I am sorry call is GSA or whatever they want but I call it child abuse and it's SICK. It is sick when it's a child and it's sick when it's a adult. Just sick sick sick sick sick. You do know that link goes to a site that has a forum where they speak about having sex with their moms and dads and sisters and brothers and even CHILDREN correct? That site is SICK ,the people are SICK! I'd warn people about clicking and reading the site. I was shocked about what I read. there is post from grandfather that speak about having sex with their 13 year old GRAND DAUGHTER and people are telling him its ok. That site should be shut down and they all should be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The children should be taken into foster care and be given help by professionals. I am reporting the site to the FBI right away and I hope you would do the same .

I thought the site was very interesting and it does have a thread about this case. FWIW, I did not see anyone talking about adult-child sex, though there is a good deal of talk about consensual adult incestuous (and/or GSA) relationships.

I still don't think we have enough information about this case for me to form an opinion.
I thought the site was very interesting and it does have a thread about this case. FWIW, I did not see anyone talking about adult-child sex, though there is a good deal of talk about consensual adult incestuous (and/or GSA) relationships.

I still don't think we have enough information about this case for me to form an opinion.
Here is one thread where someone had admitted to another member they was having sex with the 14 year old and her mother* who is his sister* I got the age wrong by one year I thought I had read 13 but it is 14. This is sick and this is abuse.There is other threads speaking about having sex with underage brothers and sisters and daughters and son's. What they are doing is wrong and there is no way to spin it that it would be ok. I have reported it to the FBI crime line *( cyber crime line where I hope they can trace it)


and this thread they are telling her if she is a minor to not tell her counselor ( she is speaking about having relations with her father)

Here is one thread where someone had admitted to another member they was having sex with the 14 year old and her mother* who is his sister* I got the age wrong by one year I thought I had read 13 but it is 14. This is sick and this is abuse.There is other threads speaking about having sex with underage brothers and sisters and daughters and son's. What they are doing is wrong and there is no way to spin it that it would be ok. I have reported it to the FBI crime line *( cyber crime line where I hope they can trace it)


and this thread they are telling her if she is a minor to not tell her counselor ( she is speaking about having relations with her father)


Thank you, 6angels. The first thread does appear to involve a minor and, it is, of course, never right for an adult to have sexual relations with a child, and so I was glad to see the regulars on that forum say that about such a situation.

The second thread is non-specific and could involve Father/Daughter adults. I read the second post regarding mandatory reporters to as factual, not as supportive to minors have sexual relations with their Fathers.

I personally don't take issue with consensual incestuous adult relations, although that skeeves most of us out due to the "Westermarck effect." I didn't even know there was a name for the root of the incest taboo.
Here is one thread where someone had admitted to another member they was having sex with the 14 year old and her mother* who is his sister* I got the age wrong by one year I thought I had read 13 but it is 14. This is sick and this is abuse.There is other threads speaking about having sex with underage brothers and sisters and daughters and son's. What they are doing is wrong and there is no way to spin it that it would be ok. I have reported it to the FBI crime line *( cyber crime line where I hope they can trace it)


and this thread they are telling her if she is a minor to not tell her counselor ( she is speaking about having relations with her father)


Nobody in their right mind will disagree the incidences you are talking about are sick. I didn't read those, I strictly accessed the site to see if the situation with this boys biological mother was similar to the site owner and brought it into the thread as a possible piece to a puzzle.

A lot of the things we read about here are sick. What was done to baby P, what was done to that baby who was left in his carseat for a week, what was done to Caylee Anthony and both little baby Emma's we currently have threads for. All of these stories of what adults have inflicted on children and babies are sick.

For months after the allegations of sexual advances by Lee Anthony on his sister went public, every time Caylee's bio dad came up, incest came up too. IMO that was no more or less sick than what you have read on the GSA site. And that was right here on this website.

People will see what they want to see in just about any given situation. I'm glad you took action about the posts you read, maybe one of the children out there right now, suffering from what is being done to them will be saved. Most of the kids we read about here it is already too late and all we can hope for is maximum sentencing for the perpetrators.

wow, the outcome of this should be interesting. Is the mom claiming innocence?
wow, the outcome of this should be interesting. Is the mom claiming innocence?

I'm not sure. In one of the articles, her attorney says she "maintains her presumption of innocence" and is upset by the three charges. I do not know if she has formally pled yet.
Forgive me if I am slow...But from what I read both the mom and son looked for each other on the internet.
It was asi that the teenager is bipolar and when he did not get his way started to make threats.
I know for a fact that bipolar kids lie, and lie alot.
(I have one).
I did not read anywhere that she did anything to him.
To me threats mean something different...It means manipulator. SO I am not really sure what is true in this case.
I just saw this woman (the one who wrote the book on Genetic Sexual Attraction) on a show on a channel like Discovery. The show was about genetics, showing stories like twins separated at birth after they'd been reunited. You might be able to still see it if you look for it. I just can't remember the name. It might have been with Elizabeth Vargas as the reporter. (I watched two similar shows, so I'm not sure.) I wasn't sure about what the woman said about GSA. An expert then came on and said it's just pure incest. I realize people could use GSA as an excuse, but I think it's possible for this to happen to people in the case as described, that they were separated at birth (or possibly never met) then felt an instant attraction due to similarities whether they knew they were related or not. Still, acting on it is wrong if they know of the relation. Yet, treating it should be with understanding of where those feelings might have come from. They do make a point in the article from one of the original posts that with all of this IVF that it's a time bomb waiting to happen. If you think of possible half siblings who don't know they are related, but sense something similar because of GSA, well that makes a lot of sense and doesn't seem so predatory like an adult parent reuniting with a child they put up for adoption.

And that link above with the minor being told not to tell her counselor... The person who tells her not to tell, but to talk to her is named GeishaDoll. What does that tell you?!
I'd just like to point out one thing;

Even if you think it is somehow justified that consenting adults who are brother and sister or otherwise related to some degree are engaging in sexual intercourse (knowing or not knowing they're related), it's still incest.

1. sexual intercourse between closely related persons.
2. the crime of sexual intercourse, cohabitation, or marriage between persons within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity wherein marriage is legally forbidden.
Just wanted to throw that out so we're on the same page as far as terminology.
Yes. I'm not sure if it's true in every state, but in some even step-relatives (closely related) who are adults who have sex have committed legal incest.
Even if you take incest out of the equation, it still would be a crime based on age differences I feel very uncomfortable questioning a childs version of events. At the same time incest does happen. Probably more often than we would like to know about.
Commenters defend woman accused of having sex with teen son she gave up for adoption


This was lifted by MLive from a comment in The Oakland Press that has since been removed.

Here's what the poster named "tcnorth" says: "They had better be right. This has made the national news. Her life is probably ruined forever. If this isn't true, I hope she can sue for libal and slander. That's the only thing that could make it right, because everyone always focuses on the beginning of the story. If she ends up being innocent I doubt anyone will even notice."

How very true. Crimes like incest, rape, & murder are very serious accusations & can automatically ruin a person's life, even if they turn out to be innocent at the end. Even innocent people who are sitting inside prisons, who really haven't committed crimes such as those are set free later on through DNA testing, etc. People will always go by "Guilty Until Proven Innocent," & not the other way around. It happens all the time.
Why in the world, or should I say, what in the world could she get out of that? I am amazed everytime I read a story like this. Guess you have to be demented to understand what these perverts get out of doing something like that to your own son or anyone else for that matter.
Another thread on this case here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88855"]Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

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