MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, Fatally Shot While Jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016 #2

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I thought about Alex (Ally) today. I call her Alex in my mind, because my only child’s name is Alexandra (Alex). I went on a run today and as you can see, looks fairly similar to her path that day. It angers me to my core that she was killed doing another one of her passions.
I haven’t contributed anything yet to this thread but here are some of my thoughts and perspective.

Some have questioned why she moved home instead of getting her own place? And I cannot speak for her, but I know I moved home at the age of 34 because my parents needed me (my dad had been diagnosed with cancer) not because I needed a place to live. So another perspective could be, maybe Alex felt like someone might need and appreciate her presence around the house? Idk?
During that time I drove 2 hours round trip to work 3 days a week. Not a big deal, in fact most people in my neck of the woods have to commute one way at least 30 min-1 hour daily. I made significantly less money than she did, and I still drove 2 hours a day without thinking much about it.

I really wish LE would release a few new details. However, my guess is, they don’t need to release anymore details. I think they don’t need the general public’s help (witnesses, tips, etc), because they know who did it but they cannot prove it.

Anyway, this case has me stumped.


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I thought about Alex (Ally) today. I call her Alex in my mind, because my only child’s name is Alexandra (Alex). I went on a run today and as you can see, looks fairly similar to her path that day. It angers me to my core that she was killed doing another one of her passions.
I haven’t contributed anything yet to this thread but here are some of my thoughts and perspective.

Some have questioned why she moved home instead of getting her own place? And I cannot speak for her, but I know I moved home at the age of 34 because my parents needed me (my dad had been diagnosed with cancer) not because I needed a place to live. So another perspective could be, maybe Alex felt like someone might need and appreciate her presence around the house? Idk?
During that time I drove 2 hours round trip to work 3 days a week. Not a big deal, in fact most people in my neck of the woods have to commute one way at least 30 min-1 hour daily. I made significantly less money than she did, and I still drove 2 hours a day without thinking much about it.

I really wish LE would release a few new details. However, my guess is, they don’t need to release anymore details. I think they don’t need the general public’s help (witnesses, tips, etc), because they know who did it but they cannot prove it.

Anyway, this case has me stumped.

Yes, you moved home for your parent's sake. This was not Alex's situation. And I agree with you that they know who did it.
Many of us do, too ;)
While not infallible, I rarely see my “go to” sleuthers wrong. You, and the other go-to’s all seem to have come to the same conclusive speculation. Seems like it’s jist a matter of more forensic studies, and aligning with the DA. I will assume the Perp knows that too.
I have the same feeling about this case as I do the disappearance of Danielle Stislicki. I feel strongly that, in both cases, LE knows who the respective perps are but don't have enough evidence to ensure a conviction. Hopefully, one tiny slip-up by either of the alleged killers will be enough for arrest, conviction, and closure for the Brueger and Stislicki families.
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It's not far off two years and I cannot see LE solving this. Was there anything done regarding the casings found? E.g. fingerprints/DNA or firing pin forensics? .

Also, regarding the white sedan, does anyone know if there was any appeal for dash cam, private cctv or even any traffic Cam footage?
I have the same feeling about this case as I do the disappearance of Danielle Stislicki. I feel strongly that, in both cases, LE knows who the respective perps are but don't have enough evidence to ensure a conviction. Hopefully, one tiny slip-up by either of the alleged killers will be enough for arrest, conviction, and closure for the Brueger and Stislicki families.

Add Julia Niswender to that list...
Since we still haven’t heard any recent updates on the case, I tried to write up a summary breakdown of how the most recent events unfolded from my perspective.
Hopefully it will help catch any newcomers up to speed and clear up any confusion out there.

In the months following Ally’s death, I began noticing Nikki and Franz’s portrayal in the media of Franz and Ally’s relationship becoming severely distorted from the reality of that relationship when Ally was still alive.

Ally and Franz had some very old and very deep conflicts between them Ally’s entire life. Alex used to discribe Franz to me (and many others) as someone completely void of any and all emotion, empathy, or compassion for anyone or anything... especially Her!

To clarify, it’s NOT like Alex and Franz just had some strained or bumpy Father-Daughter relationship....
After all, there’s plenty of those relationships out there that we can all point too, right?
No, this isn’t that! What we’re talking about in this case is something far different, far stranger, and far more dark...
There was NO father-daughter relationship between them, there never was... It just simply didn’t exist! NO emotion, NO compassion... period! Nothing!

We’re not talking about just some father who showed up late to his daughters high school and college graduation ceremonies because he had to stay late at work...
Were talking about a father who didn’t know, didn’t care, and who didn’t want to know or care. Franz wanting nothing to do with Alex, and took absolutely ZERO interest in Ally’s life of any kind! Nor, did Nikki or Ally ever expect him too.
I never really got the impression that this was something Ally felt sad about because it had just always been that way her entire life.
Franz made absolutely NO secret that he wanted his own independent and completely separate life from Alex, with as little of Alex in that life as absolutely possible!
The only reason Franz put up with Alex being around as much as he did was because of Nikki. But even then, Franz just did the best he could to ignore Alex’s existence and pretend like she wasn’t there.

Alex and Franz would regularly go several months living under the same roof without saying literally a single word to each other!
Alex told me that back when she was in college and still living at home, her and Franz had a fight and went well over a year without saying a single word to each other or even acknowledging each other’s existence... and they lived under the same damn roof that entire time!

I always got the impression from Ally that she felt her and her mom (Nikki) would be much better off on their own without Franz.
Franz, on the other hand, felt he and Nikki would be far better off without Ally getting in between them and “causing issues” all the time.
Nothing about this dynamic was healthy or normal in any reasonable way!

Then, one day in July, 2016... Alex mysteriously gets shot in the back while jogging just down the street from Franz and Nikki’s house...

Shortly after Alex was killed, when Nikki told me she had been fighting with Franz because Franz told her to “just get over” Alex being murdered...

Well, to be entirely honest, I kind of expected that from Franz... based on everything I knew about Franz and the emotionally nonexistent relationship he had with his daughter.... I wasn’t necessarily shocked by his attitude toward the whole thing. For Franz to say something like that... it didn’t seem out of character at all based on my understanding of Franz and everything Ally had told me.

So... with all that said, let’s go over just a couple things that are Entirely out of Franz’s character...

1. Ally’s account.
I’ve mentioned this before.
All those beautiful emotional heartfelt words “Franz” said about Ally on that page.
How Franz goes into specific details about Ally’s college achievements.... he even gives specific dates. How Franz talks about Ally’s life goals and all the different passions Ally had in her life...
This is what I mean by “out of character”.
Based on everything I know about Franz... Am I honestly supposed to believe that Franz wrote any of that?
I simply can’t!
It’s painfully obvious to me, and others I’ve talked to, that Nikki wrote this in his voice. Why go out of her way do that? Excellent question!

2. Ally’s memorial run/ Prayer circle
A couple weeks after Ally was killed some of the local runners in the area organized a memorial run in honor of Ally. It was honestly a really nice and heartfelt thing for them to do.
But again, here’s where *advertiser censored* gets strange...
Nikki sends Franz, by himself, out to the road to thank all the joggers for honoring Ally, and the joggers do a big prayer circle around Franz with him in the middle... heart warming, but Completely out of character.
(Don’t even get me started on that Hurricane Katrina Volunteer shirt...)


3. Brueger Family Press conference
I’ve went over this before too...
This was basically a live action version the original stunt.
Nikki gives Franz a script to read, puts him on stage, and deliberately distorts, Warps, and covers up the reality of Franz and Ally’s relationship.

Now, for those of us who knew otherwise... (including the 3 guys Ally had dated before me, just to give a few)
We just couldn’t listen to their anymore! We had been contacting LE on a regular basis and told them about the real, unscripted, off-camera Franz.
And we weren’t being unreasonable. It’s not like we were expecting Franz or Nikki to speak out in great length and detail about how bad, or really nonexistent, Franz relationship with Ally actually was. We weren’t expecting anything like that.

But for Franz and Nikki to continuously distort and warp the reality of Franz and Ally’s relationship that much?
Eventually I just had enough of it. I felt it was time to say something... so I went on CWD and called Franz and Ally’s relationship “not good”, which was a severe understatement btw, but I was trying to be as polite as I could be about it.

Nikki response: First, Nikki Vehemently denies my claim that Franz and Ally had any issues, while simultaneously claiming that she “suddenly” (just completely out of the blue) suspects that I killed Ally.
*Keep in mind, up until I brought up everything with Franz, Nikki had always claimed she was convinced Ally’s murderer wasn’t someone she knew*

So basically, I shined a big spotlight on something Nikki was desperately trying to keep in dark for some reason...
So in direct retaliation (and maybe panic), Nikki claimed she suddenly suspects me of murdering her daughter! Then, a few days later she starts telling the local media *advertiser censored* like...
“I am appalled to think, if he is the one, that the last thing Ally saw on this earth was Wes pointing a shotgun at her.”

I realize most of you don’t agree with my suspicion of Franz and that’s completely fine. I honestly don’t know if Franz or Nikki are guilty, or implicated in some other way that I don’t understand. And They could be completely innocent.

What I can say is that this isn’t just some baseless suspicion I pulled out of thin air...
For example, so when I brought to light on the CWD interview that there were some serious issues between Franz and Ally... I clearly hit an extremely sensitive nerve!

And then I watched Nikki completely deny it and then immediately respond in the fanatical way that she did by retaliating again me and saying she suddenly suspects I murdered her daughter? I mean... really?

I had a growing suspicion of Franz possible involvement for a very long time before I ever said a word... but when I finally did... and then i received THAT response... I’m sorry, but I really do think they’re hiding something. I’m not just here being some and throwing around random accusations based on nothing.

I hope at least some of you can see that even if you disagree with my suspicion.
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Franz fits the description of many men I have know throughout the years. They simply don't know how to communicate with, or relate to their daughters. Add in the fact the man was a traumatized vet, it makes even more sense.

Nothing in the above narrative suggests a man who would murder his daughter, even if he doesn't interact well with her. While the observations are interesting and I'm sure many are based in truth, they don't add up to murder IMO.
Being blunt, it is my *opinion* that it is cruel to be suggesting this grieving father (however maladjusted or oddball he might be), murdered his own daughter. Without concrete forensic data, I see it as nothing less than exceptionally cruel. Again, this is my opinion only.

I'm more interested in learning more about the week that led up to Ally's murder. Every detail, however small, could be deeply meaningful.
Since we still haven’t heard any recent updates on the case, I tried to write up a summary breakdown of how the most recent events unfolded from my perspective.
Hopefully it will help catch any newcomers up to speed and clear up any confusion out there.

In the months following Ally’s death, I began noticing Nikki and Franz’s portrayal in the media of Franz and Ally’s relationship becoming severely distorted from the reality of that relationship when Ally was still alive.

Ally and Franz had some very old and very deep conflicts between them Ally’s entire life. Alex used to discribe Franz to me (and many others) as someone completely void of any and all emotion, empathy, or compassion for anyone or anything... especially Her!

To clarify, it’s NOT like Alex and Franz just had some strained or bumpy Father-Daughter relationship....
After all, there’s plenty of those relationships out there that we can all point too, right?
No, this isn’t that! What we’re talking about in this case is something far different, far stranger, and far more dark...
There was NO father-daughter relationship between them, there never was... It just simply didn’t exist! NO emotion, NO compassion... period! Nothing!

We’re not talking about just some father who showed up late to his daughters high school and college graduation ceremonies because he had to stay late at work...
Were talking about a father who didn’t know, didn’t care, and who didn’t want to know or care. Franz wanting nothing to do with Alex, and took absolutely ZERO interest in Ally’s life of any kind! Nor, did Nikki or Ally ever expect him too.
I never really got the impression that this was something Ally felt sad about because it had just always been that way her entire life.
Franz made absolutely NO secret that he wanted his own independent and completely separate life from Alex, with as little of Alex in that life as absolutely possible!
The only reason Franz put up with Alex being around as much as he did was because of Nikki. But even then, Franz just did the best he could to ignore Alex’s existence and pretend like she wasn’t there.

Alex and Franz would regularly go several months living under the same roof without saying literally a single word to each other!
Alex told me that back when she was in college and still living at home, her and Franz had a fight and went well over a year without saying a single word to each other or even acknowledging each other’s existence... and they lived under the same damn roof that entire time!

I always got the impression from Ally that she felt her and her mom (Nikki) would be much better off on their own without Franz.
Franz, on the other hand, felt he and Nikki would be far better off without Ally getting in between them and “causing issues” all the time.
Nothing about this dynamic was healthy or normal in any reasonable way!

Then, one day in July, 2016... Alex mysteriously gets shot in the back while jogging just down the street from Franz and Nikki’s house...

Shortly after Alex was killed, when Nikki told me she had been fighting with Franz because Franz told her to “just get over” Alex being murdered...

Well, to be entirely honest, I kind of expected that from Franz... based on everything I knew about Franz and the emotionally nonexistent relationship he had with his daughter.... I wasn’t necessarily shocked by his attitude toward the whole thing. For Franz to say something like that... it didn’t seem out of character at all based on my understanding of Franz and everything Ally had told me.

So... with all that said, let’s go over just a couple things that are Entirely out of Franz’s character...

1. Ally’s account.
I’ve mentioned this before.
All those beautiful emotional heartfelt words “Franz” said about Ally on that page.
How Franz goes into specific details about Ally’s college achievements.... he even gives specific dates. How Franz talks about Ally’s life goals and all the different passions Ally had in her life...
This is what I mean by “out of character”.
Based on everything I know about Franz... Am I honestly supposed to believe that Franz wrote any of that?
I simply can’t!
It’s painfully obvious to me, and others I’ve talked to, that Nikki wrote this in his voice. Why go out of her way do that? Excellent question!

2. Ally’s memorial run/ Prayer circle
A couple weeks after Ally was killed some of the local runners in the area organized a memorial run in honor of Ally. It was honestly a really nice and heartfelt thing for them to do.
But again, here’s where *advertiser censored* gets strange...
Nikki sends Franz, by himself, out to the road to thank all the joggers for honoring Ally, and the joggers do a big prayer circle around Franz with him in the middle... heart warming, but Completely out of character.
(Don’t even get me started on that Hurricane Katrina Volunteer shirt...)


3. Brueger Family Press conference
I’ve went over this before too...
This was basically a live action version the original stunt.
Nikki gives Franz a script to read, puts him on stage, and deliberately distorts, Warps, and covers up the reality of Franz and Ally’s relationship.

Now, for those of us who knew otherwise... (including the 3 guys Ally had dated before me, just to give a few)
We just couldn’t listen to their ******** anymore! We had been contacting LE on a regular basis and told them about the real, unscripted, off-camera Franz.
And we weren’t being unreasonable. It’s not like we were expecting Franz or Nikki to speak out in great length and detail about how bad, or really nonexistent, Franz relationship with Ally actually was. We weren’t expecting anything like that.

But for Franz and Nikki to continuously distort and warp the reality of Franz and Ally’s relationship that much?
Eventually I just had enough of it. I felt it was time to say something... so I went on CWD and called Franz and Ally’s relationship “not good”, which was a severe understatement btw, but I was trying to be as polite as I could be about it.

Nikki response: First, Nikki Vehemently denies my claim that Franz and Ally had any issues, while simultaneously claiming that she “suddenly” (just completely out of the blue) suspects that I killed Ally.
*Keep in mind, up until I brought up everything with Franz, Nikki had always claimed she was convinced Ally’s murderer wasn’t someone she knew*

So basically, I shined a big spotlight on something Nikki was desperately trying to keep in dark for some reason...
So in direct retaliation (and maybe panic), Nikki claimed she suddenly suspects me of murdering her daughter! Then, a few days later she starts telling the local media *advertiser censored* like...
“I am appalled to think, if he is the one, that the last thing Ally saw on this earth was Wes pointing a shotgun at her.”

I realize most of you don’t agree with my suspicion of Franz and that’s completely fine. I honestly don’t know if Franz or Nikki are guilty, or implicated in some other way that I don’t understand. And They could be completely innocent.

What I can say is that this isn’t just some baseless suspicion I pulled out of thin air...
For example, so when I brought to light on the CWD interview that there were some serious issues between Franz and Ally... I clearly hit an extremely sensitive nerve!

And then I watched Nikki completely deny it and then immediately respond in the fanatical way that she did by retaliating again me and saying she suddenly suspects I murdered her daughter? I mean... really?

I had a growing suspicion of Franz possible involvement for a very long time before I ever said a word... but when I finally did... and then i received THAT response... I’m sorry, but I really do think they’re hiding something. I’m not just here being some ******* and throwing around random accusations based on nothing.

I hope at least some of you can see that even if you disagree with my suspicion.

I’m the same age as Alex, give or take. My dad was not a lovey dovey dad, we barely had a relationship despite living in the same house for 18 years and then some. A lot of things you nitpick about Franz remind me of my own father. But he wouldn’t murder me for crying out loud. That’s just my dad. Thats how he is. And maybe that’s just how franz is.

I think it’s interesting that you are so set on accusing him of doing something to Alex just because they didn’t have a “daddy’s girl” type of relationship. If my husband was god forbid murdered, despite the feelings I have towards my less than loving MIL, I would prefer to stand by her side and be a team to mourn our loss, instead of going on the internet to make thinly veiled accusations if her murdering him.

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Well... both these responses are just ridiculous.

Did I not specifically point out that the examples people always give like, “My Dad has a hard time communicating with my sister... but doesn’t make him a murder”
“Just because they didn’t have a “daddy’s girl” relationship doesn’t mean he’s a killer!”

That these examples, which have become predictable at this point, are NOT what im talking about! That isn’t what we have here!
This is something far more disconnected. More like a arch rivalry.

The examples of men you all like to give have a common theme... At the end of the day, when it came right down to it, they loved their children and the children knew it... even if the man could express it all the time.
THAT is one of the major parts that separated Franz from all these examples.

This is why all 4 guys that Ally dated between highschool and the day she died... we all IMMEDIATELY suspected Franz!

Why did all 4 of us to come to the exact same suspicion immediately?
Precisely because Franz isn’t like the examples you all give. He didn’t have a hard time communicating with Alex. He communicates just fine when he tells her *advertiser censored* like, “I wish you were never born”...
or, “I don’t consider you my daughter and wish you were out of me and your moms life”...
But I’m not going to go back and forth because in reality... none of you know Franz. None of have you seen or heard the things we’ve seen.

All I can tell you is that the last 4 guys Ally dated, who all had a very firm grasp on who Franz is and the relationship Ally had with him... all 4 of us came to the same suspicion immediately after Ally was killed.
So you can dismiss our suspicions of Franz as “gruel” or “mean”.... I’m fine with that.
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