Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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I was thinking that too Katy when I responded above. He's living with this one yes? He has 2 two year olds and lives with this one (do I have that wrong?) so it appears he has strong feelings for her because he has 7 kids by different mothers and he chooses to live with this one and their 2 yr old.

But I don't think so, I think it's more likely she is covering for him. I don't know why, can't explain it--I just do. JMHO at this time.
I mean, it's happened before...does anyone know who allegedly saw him beat her? Was it an adult? And they did nothing about it??
I was thinking that too Katy when I responded above. He's living with this one yes? He has 2 two year olds and lives with this one (do I have that wrong?) so it appears he has strong feelings for her because he has 7 kids by different mothers and he chooses to live with this one and their 2 yr old.

But I don't think so, I think it's more likely she is covering for him. I don't know why, can't explain it--I just do. JMHO at this time.

I think one lives in PA, no idea how spread out the others are..
I was thinking that too Katy when I responded above. He's living with this one yes? He has 2 two year olds and lives with this one (do I have that wrong?) so it appears he has strong feelings for her because he has 7 kids by different mothers and he chooses to live with this one and their 2 yr old.

But I don't think so, I think it's more likely she is covering for him. I don't know why, can't explain it--I just do. JMHO at this time.

There are conflicting reports about whether he was living with her, or just temporarily staying with her. One report said he was just 'staying' with her ---so it makes no sense that he would take Bianca for a month if that is true. So I am confused about his living situation.
I mean, it's happened before...does anyone know who allegedly saw him beat her? Was it an adult? And they did nothing about it??

The story I saw linked somewhere above said it was a child who was in the home.
So it made me wonder if it was either the 7 yr old or maybe even the 15 yr old nephew, if he happened to stay there that night.

eta: Just saw the link a few posts above and it said a girl in the home made that statement. I think I believe a child who would say that. The child probably knows from personal experience, sadly.
There has never been an issue with me and my daugther's mother. I mean, we are not married or anything like that. We've got situations like any couple of any individual who had a child, you know. We made discussions that I was not willing to have B in my home until I had a safe environment for her to be in and once I provided that safe environment for her to be in, I was looking for her to come over there at any time. Me and her mother spoke several times and she's like “whenever you're ready come and get her”. We never argued about these kinds of things or anything like that. On her birthday she had, like they hadn't made any big plans cuz financially things are hard for people right now. So I'm like “can I come get her, cuz I got the girls and we're gonna see The Lion King 3d” and she was like “ok, fine” and we were all (DL's fighting back emotion) you know we had a great time, we watched that movie, and I took her home with her mom, we say “happy birthday” and everything was just going well. And me and her mother were talking.

We both have situations that we're trying to work out financially, educationally and we said that we were gonna do whatever we could do to work together to make sure that we were there so that we could be better parents for our daughter. That was the whole point of me, when she called that night before all this happened, she talked to Bianca, her uncle talked to Bianca, you know, so all these allegations of people saying I abused my child, or my child was unresponsive, she talked to her mother that night, you know.

And agreed to have me keep her for a month. So I would come over there and get some more clothes for her and she would stay with me for a month. I would bring her back for the holidays, so she could spend the holidays with her and come January both of us would be starting school so we would set up a schedule and we both could be safe and we both could be comfortable about where she was gonna be.

I have another two year old, she's only a few months older than Bianca and they played together and I told her there is no reason for Bianca to go to daycare when she has a sister that's her age that she can bond with, she has cousins that are her age she can bond with. I'm that type of uncle, I would have every kid over to my house, you know. And we will play, I will play with the kids, we'll watch movies, my daughter loves Hannah Montana and I don't like Hannah Montana but I watch it with her. And I joke around and play with her. Everything been going smoothly up until this incident. And that's why, I don't understand why these things are being put out there like that.

Reporter: I also want to touch on you and Banika, preteens how old were you guys when you met
DL: I've been a member of Banika's family since I was like 12, to her grandmother, me and her uncle, childhood friends. I met Banika when I was 13 and we've been friends since then

R: You indicated you talked to Banika...inaudible

DL: Cuz she's not used to seeing me like this. The first thing she said when she saw me after the incident was "Dre calm down. I'm the one who's the flaky one, you're the strong one, we have to find BB". And that's the only things she's said. "Stay strong we're gonna find her, she's safe" I mean we just want her to come home.

When I talked to her last night, she's like "Dre you know she's out there, she's safe". And we just want her to come home. That's all. There was no evil words, malicious words, no you did something, anything like that. She was like I love you, I love you things Bianca's gonna be fine, she's gonna be home we're gonna put it behind us and continue on our path.

I just want the focus to be on my daughter. I want her to be back to her mother and father who love her.
I guess there is a remote chance that there is a drug debt or a jealous girlfriend (like of the *other* two year old) but the other baby mama would probably go after the other baby mama. Again, I am drawing from my experience as an avid Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Law & Order and Judge Judy viewer, but...all roads really lead back to..."well, I will say my car got stolen with my baby in it..." but he didn't really think it through. It was cold, he didn't have a jacket on, so he didn't run very far. He didn't think up a good story and stick to it. He'll break.
According to the white pages he lived or lives on Coram ST, the girl he was staying with lives on a different ST, not sure how accurate that is though.
ohhh i just got to the end of NG episode three. Now I see what Cubby was talking about---that the maternal uncle says (keep in mind this is on NG show) that Dad had Bianca for a month prior and that she went home on 26 NOV for her bday party and Dad picked Baby B up afterwards.

Good lord. It's going to take me days to get this straight in my head. So Baby B was at her Dad's (who's house do they live in?) for a month. Baby B goes home for Bday party on 26 NOV (Saturday) . Returns to Dad's.

( Dad won't elaborate on NG show)

Dad says: Baby B's Mom (and her uncle) called and spoke to her on 01 DEC.

Dad says: That he went to college the morning Baby B was abducted to check on financial school stuff but did not go in because he had left his briefcase at home and needed paperwork in it.

He (Patty said this in a voice over on her video that she had read this) pulled over to tell someone their taillight was out and to help them?

And then a gunman steals his car while an accomplice sits in the other car that I assume the gunman came out of?

The gunman was unmasked and he steals the car, drives it a mile away, ditches it and takes Baby B.

Then we have a 15 yr old that says that he saw Baby B in carseat that morning in car with Dad.

(shelby I think it was a minor that saw Dad beat her but I don't know where that report came from I read it here somewhere on her threads).

Have they checked the landfills yet?
I am guessing that they starting searching landfills and abandoned houses right from the start. I don't think LE was buying this dad's story at all.
Okay I rarely (I mean rarely) do this...I usually just follow the facts and don't draw conclusions and I certainly don't post them if I do but here goes...

I think he killed her. I think it *might* have been a beating that left her with internal injuries that she did not immediately succumb to, and when he realized that she was seriously injured or that she had died he panicked and came up with this bizarre story.

He's probably too proud to admit that he could do something like this, after all he has 7 kids, he is such a great uncle, he has tried for 8 years to get his life back on track...etc.

Ego, ego, ego. Never underestimate the power of an ego.

OT---I knew man once that beat a child in the head and that child had to be in the hospital for a day or two. You want to know what he said to me? I'm not a monster. I was discplining her. It went too far, but I'm not a monster.

Well, my definition of a monster and his definition are two different things apparently but back on to Baby B.

I think he did kill her and I think he tossed her. Now where and when he tossed her depends on if the minor who reportedly says that he/she saw her in the car with her Dad is either telling the truth or didn't know that Baby B had already died.

Or he could have outright murdered her. But I think he might have beat her to death and can't admit it to himself that he is indeed a monster and he is capable of doing that.

Shew. Okay I won't do that again for a long time probably :) All JMHO.
And wasn't it said he disciplined her for a 'potty accident' or something? Why would you even expect a 2 year old to be fully potty trained, especially someone with all those kids. Maybe I got that part wrong though. I can't keep anything on this one straight.
It's so sad, whenever there is a missing child, one of our first reactions is to check landfills. :(
Okay I rarely (I mean rarely) do this...I usually just follow the facts and don't draw conclusions and I certainly don't post them if I do but here goes...

I think he killed her. I think it *might* have been a beating that left her with internal injuries that she did not immediately succumb to, and when he realized that she was seriously injured or that she had died he panicked and came up with this bizarre story.

He's probably too proud to admit that he could do something like this, after all he has 7 kids, he is such a great uncle, he has tried for 8 years to get his life back on track...etc.

Ego, ego, ego. Never underestimate the power of an ego.

OT---I knew man once that beat a child in the head and that child had to be in the hospital for a day or two. You want to know what he said to me? I'm not a monster. I was discplining her. It went too far, but I'm not a monster.

Well, my definition of a monster and his definition are two different things apparently but back on to Baby B.

I think he did kill her and I think he tossed her. Now where and when he tossed her depends on if the minor who reportedly says that he/she saw her in the car with her Dad is either telling the truth or didn't know that Baby B had already died.

Or he could have outright murdered her. But I think he might have beat her to death and can't admit it to himself that he is indeed a monster and he is capable of doing that.

Shew. Okay I won't do that again for a long time probably :) All JMHO.

I think he, or someone in the house did-it bothers me that he was seen near the river..
And wasn't it said he disciplined her for a 'potty accident' or something? Why would you even expect a 2 year old to be fully potty trained, especially someone with all those kids. Maybe I got that part wrong though. I can't keep anything on this one straight.

He did say that. I think he felt he needed to address the issue because a child in the home had reported the beating her gave the baby. So in his version he said he 'might' have paddled her because she 'might' have forgotten to use the potty. But it was 'just discipline and not a beating. '

YEAH RIGHT. Isn't that what the judge said after we saw the video of him whipping his teen daughter over and over with a belt?
Okay I rarely (I mean rarely) do this...I usually just follow the facts and don't draw conclusions and I certainly don't post them if I do but here goes...

I think he killed her. I think it *might* have been a beating that left her with internal injuries that she did not immediately succumb to, and when he realized that she was seriously injured or that she had died he panicked and came up with this bizarre story.

He's probably too proud to admit that he could do something like this, after all he has 7 kids, he is such a great uncle, he has tried for 8 years to get his life back on track...etc.

Ego, ego, ego. Never underestimate the power of an ego.

OT---I knew man once that beat a child in the head and that child had to be in the hospital for a day or two. You want to know what he said to me? I'm not a monster. I was discplining her. It went too far, but I'm not a monster.

Well, my definition of a monster and his definition are two different things apparently but back on to Baby B.

I think he did kill her and I think he tossed her. Now where and when he tossed her depends on if the minor who reportedly says that he/she saw her in the car with her Dad is either telling the truth or didn't know that Baby B had already died.

Or he could have outright murdered her. But I think he might have beat her to death and can't admit it to himself that he is indeed a monster and he is capable of doing that.

Shew. Okay I won't do that again for a long time probably :) All JMHO.

After watching that video, I think you are right on. He beat her to death while he was being the good dad that he is, and he can't believe he killed her. He continues to say he just wants to move on and find her and bring her home. Get another chance with her. Everything was going so great until the incident. I was doing so great, going to school, getting a place to live, then the incident.

I think the surveillance video at the water by Wayne CC could be where he disposed of evidence, or even the baby. Today his story includes a trip to the college. But when he arrived, he never went inside because, oops, he forgot his briefcase with all his transcripts inside. And on the way home to get his briefcase, I mean Bianca's clothes, he got carjacked.

This guy is used to smooth talking anyone and he can't talk his way out of this one.
What a minute. LE did not blow it. LANE BLEW IT by participating in illegal activity. No one forced Lane to have a gun illegally or have cocaine or heroin on him. Lane picked up that gun and those drugs of his own free will. I am not giving Lane or any other parent a pass when they willingly choose to get involved in illegal activity. People need to start putting their children first. IF what Lane is saying is true, (and I buy it about as much as saying over the next few years the Chicago Cubs will exceed the total number of worlds series wins under the NY Yankees belt ) than what you are saying above gives him an excuse to put criminals above his own children. IF his actions put his children in harms way, he needs to MAN UP about it, and share that with LE. Else the rest of his children are in danger and he is allowing it.


fully agreed. For the sake of that post, I was trying to find something that would make his behavior seem normal for his situation. Quite honestly, if DL was carjacked, I'll probably stop sleuthing, and just hang out in the jury room, because I don't believe for 1 single second that his car was taken from him, or that he is unaware of Bianca's whereabouts, or that he is the wonderful nice guy that has no enemies.
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