GUILTY MI - Charlie Bothuell, 12, Detroit, 16 June 2014

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DNA Solves
Give it time because I bet you it after being with his mother for a few days that it will come out he was abused by father/step-mother. He is probably frightened right now but I bet after a few days with Mom more will come out. I am sure his Mom will talk to him and make sure he knows that he is safe and wont' be hurt again. I feel like the truth will come out. JMO
Has Charlie's mom talked to the media? I am curious as to what she thinks?
Has Charlie's mom talked to the media? I am curious as to what she thinks?

No not since Charlie was found. Apparently there is a link somewhere with Bio Mom prior but I missed it.
Enjoy. It's a great place to visit :seeya:

We were frequent day visitors - "fudgies" - to Mackinac Island years ago but have now been staying on the island (in a rental condo) for nearly 20 years. We come at least once every summer and stay for at least three nights. It is much different to be an "islander" and not just a "fudgie" for even a few days at a time. We probably couldn't actually reside here year-round or even for an entire summer, but the island has a special ambiance unlike any other place that we've visited.

We watched the opening segment of JVM before walking to the nearby restaurant for dinner. We returned just before the end of NG and saw Dr. Drew's coverage of the case. I want to know more like the rest of the 'sleuthers, but I think that young Charlie needs to be in a better environment without pressure and stress to excel, have friends his own age, and do the things that other 12-year-olds do. :moo:
Every child needs to be free of chaos, abuse, and NUTS! I hope the truth comes out and Charlie can have a decent life.
The barricade was in the service tunnel of the basement outside the downstairs door of the family's townhome. The boy told investigators he was down there for the entire 11 days, even while cadaver dogs searched the premises. Maintenance crews tell us that could not be possible.

"We come out, we close the door, we lock it and set the alarms. There's no way they can go in or out," says maintenance worker Walter Abercrobie.

And police agree, so was someone helping him?

Young Charlie told investigators it was his stepmother who fed him and helped him hide. Was it to protect him from his father's alleged abuse, or did the father know his son was down there the entire time.? That's what investigators are still working to find out.

Fox 2's Taryn Asher reports investigators are also testing the blood found in the townhome to see if it belongs to the other two children that lived in the house, young Charlie's half-brother and half-sister.
Asher reports, after speaking with Charlie's grandmother, that she was told there was no sort of in-court custody agreement between Charlie's biological mother and father, that rather the living situation was something they agreed upon themselves. Charlie, according to the father, is said to have been going through a tough time and went to live with his father about a year ago because he had to "get him into shape."

By beating him up, no doubt.

And maybe starving him? although it might just mean he lost weight while he was hiding

"Looks like he lost some weight -- a lot of weight," said Jesse King, who was with young Charlie Bothuell on Thursday night.

King has known Charlie since he was a baby and believes he is safer with his mother and grandparents on Detroit's east side, safer than at his father and stepmother's townhouse near downtown. But why?

"Draw the line between discipline and abuse," King said.

Investigators are digging into the home life created by Charlie Bothuell IV and Monique Dillard-Bothuell. Several sources told Local 4 that Monique and Charlie's father very recently had a family portrait made with the couple, their 4-year-old and 10-month-old, but Charlie was left out of the picture.

"I thought my son was dead," he said as he broke down in tears and hugged a reporter.
If that's what he really thought it's probably because he beat Charlie up worse than usual before he "disappeared". JMO

Police were executing a search warrant at the home Wednesday afternoon when they found Charlie in a corner of a small basement room behind a furnace and a mechanical unit.

Woody said something in particular led police to the basement but declined to say what it was.

Charlie smiled at police and didn't appear to be a captive, Woody said.

It appeared he arrived there recently, and investigators found cereal and soda in the area, Woody said.

The basement had no restroom, but investigators are working on an assumption that he had access to one, according to Woody.
Hi everyone. Been following along in this case, many strange twists and turns.

Was just rereading early news reports, something the father 'reportedly' said was bothering me and I couldn't figure out what.

Well.. here tis:

On the 17th.....

(snipped from link below, underlined and bolded by me)

He said his son is a good kid who’s never left home alone, and he’s worried about his safety. “As far as sneaking out at night, you know and bring gone for nights…nothing like this,” the elder Bothuell said.

And then... on the 25th......

(snipped from link below, underlined and bolded by me)

Charlie's father also mentioned that his son had run away before, but only for a couple of hours.


Could just be 'sloppy' reporting/quoting by the media... could be the father bending the truth just a tad.

At any rate, it just adds to all the rest of the 'strangeness' about the father, IMO.

And I'd love to hear his definition of "discipline". Hitting a child with anything that draws blood IMO, has nothing to do with discipline, and everything to do with child abuse.

This is one of the strangest cases ever! The whole interview deal with NG. I think the NG show had that set up with LE somehow to tell dad on air so LE could get his reaction. Which was how do I describe it, "Bizarre!". Dad should get a refund on the acting lessons, if he took any...I wonder how long he practiced in the mirror? LOL! Then did you see the clip of him crying on the reporters shoulder? That was epic! I am glad little Charlie is away from all of this madness! Unbelievable!!

What was going on in the Bothuell home?

Police said they believe the 12-year-old boy was in the basement the entire time he was missing and that he would come upstairs when he thought the coast was clear in order to eat.

What precipitated the boy to hide?

Sources said home-schooled Charlie was on a strict regimen and his father had been on him about his weight. He was required to do 4,000 strides on an elliptical trainer without a break

Police said the 12-year-old was in the middle of his exercise routine when he desperately had to go to the bathroom and got off the machine. His stepmother reported that transgression to his father, and allegedly the boy was afraid of what was going to happen to him.

:( :furious:
I'm unbelievably angry. I've sat on my hands all day to keep from getting in trouble, and I'm still so mad I'm literally shaking.

The fathers quote at the bottom makes it that much worse.

I'm sure that boy has been living in nonstop fear for the last year of his life. I... there are just no words. No words at all.
I do so wish my head would stop spinning over this case. Yesterday, I thought I had a clue; today I am clueless.

Now I'm wondering if dad and step-mom were both hiding Charlie to allow him time to heal from obvious signs of abuse.

I'm wondering what was wrong with dad to make the boy do all those steps on the elliptical. Every picture of the boy shows him to be thin. Did dad take over custody because he felt Mom was letting the boy get too heavy? IDK.

Why in the world would step-mom consider a bathroom break in his routine be an egregious violation of this regimen? Why would young Charlie fear severe punishment for a normal biological need?

Now we find out that the cadaver dogs did not alert on the possible live presence of Charlie in the basement but DID alert on the blood-stained clothing in the dad's bedroom. Were the clothes dad's or Charlie's? Was there a combination of the two?

Did Charlie share information of his abuse with his Mom? I have a feeling he didn't.

Did Charlie only start home-schooling when he moved in with dad and step-mom last year? Who taught him? Did he get any tutoring at all? Did he have to work on a computer in correspondence classes? From what I've read here, MI is very lax in its requirements. Was home-schooling an excuse to "whip" the boy into physical shape?

What's the deal here? I have such a headache over this. Poor Charlie.

As I said, my head keeps spinning.
I am wondering if he never saw mom since he lived with dad. Wouldn't he go for visits? If so, why wouldn't he tell her what was going on? I don't know the problems here, but I feel like Charlie had some behavior issues, and mom couldn't or wouldn't deal with them, and dad and step dealt their own punishment. IMOO
it never did make any sense that Charlie step mother would help im by hiding him but at the same time report Charlie's transgressions to his dad.

I think homeschooling was a way to hide the abuse by keeping Charlie away from mandatory reporters
Something is still not making sense to me..
So the father admits to beating his son with a pvc pipe, hard enough to split his skin and make him bleed. But he's NOT in custody. And in the link provided you'll see that the step mother's jail time will only be 90 day OR $100 fine.

I'm sorry. But if CPS took the kids; it was for another reason. Not because the step mom was "unfit" but because they plan on getting more evidence against the Dad. And probably don't want the smaller kids in the home alone with him. Another article linked below states that Charlie is with his Bio-Mom for the time being:

Just catching up..and making things "make sense to me" JMO

According to this article it was a misdemeanor gun charge that she had. And then violated her probation by purchasing Another gun without a permit. Why would a Married Mother of 3 want a gun in her home so badly? What could SHE have solved by having one? And if her husband has no "criminal past" WHY didn't HE get the gun for the household?

There's more to this story..JMHO
Now that we know the truth about Mr. Bothuell, his earlier words make me :puke:

"I'm a nurse. I take care of people. I would never hurt my son." A MONSTER nurse!!! :furious:

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