GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #6

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Very sad but happy for a just verdict. It's been along road for Chelsea's family and friends. May peace surround them.

I'm trying to go back to earlier arguments today by the Defense and am a little unclear. Were they suggesting a manslaughter charge plus concealing the body or only manslaughter.

I'm just stuck on this because even if he didn't lie to LE regarding to where he left Chelsea he still admitted to putting logs over her.

Any insight or those that understood the tweets better would be most appreciated.

'All are separate charges.

Link to health code, punishment for not reporting a death:

3) A person who violates subsection (2) with the purpose of concealing the fact or cause of death of the individual is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.
'All are separate charges.

Link to health code, punishment for not reporting a death:

3) A person who violates subsection (2) with the purpose of concealing the fact or cause of death of the individual is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

Thank you! So not concealing Chelsea. Concealing the fact and/or (in this case I choose 'and') cause of death. Got it.
Thank you! So not concealing Chelsea. Concealing the fact and/or (in this case I choose 'and') cause of death. Got it.

Apparently it is a fairly new law (2011). here is more on it:
Michigan residents who fail to report the discovery of a deceased person could face a misdemeanor and a year in prison and a $1,000 fine, and a felony of up to 5 years and a $5,000 fine for not reporting one with the intent to hide or conceal that death or cause thereof under legislation passed today by the state Senate.

“It is illegal in Michigan to hide or dispose of a dead body, but it isn’t illegal to not report one,” said Hildenbrand, R-Lowell. “This legislation corrects that oversight by making those who fail to report a dead body criminally responsible.”
Many thanks to the Jurors. Well done. Thank you Spellz and all who kept this thread going for Chelsea. My heart goes out to Family and friends. A bittersweet day. Sigh.....
I couldn't wait to get off work to listen to our local news on the radio in metro detroit area. Heard the verdict and was not surprised. Chelsea - hope you are living in paradise, prayers to your family and friends.

There is a photo with this short article.... after hearing the sentence, Clay lowered his head; he looks dejected (as he should)

At sentencing on July 13 Mr. Clay will receive life in prison without the possibility of parole.

[I am not entirely sure this is a correct statement .... although it is what I expect. Spellz]

I am so glad the jury came back with the right verdict in Chelsea's case. Thank you to all of you for caring about justice for Chelsea.
The story will be on HLN's Primetime Justice tonight (it's just started, but story will be on sometime tonight on the show)
WXYZ video: family reacts as verdict read, Prosecutor speaks afterward. if the portion showing DC is after the verdict, he does not look too concerned IMO -- he actually looks more relieved. nothing like the other pic I mentioned previously.

I'm just on my work dinner break so I'm waaaay behind but I heard the news. I screamed a big "OH YEAH"and now all my co workers think I'm nuts. IDK, I'm so happy Chelsea and her family have justice.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

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prosecutor speaking in this video says there are two options for 1st degree murder in Michigan. One is premeditated deliberate. The other is Felony murder -- committed during commission of a felony [the sexual assault]. he will spend the rest of his life in prison.

I'm just on my work dinner break so I'm waaaay behind but I heard the news. I screamed a big "OH YEAH"and now all my co workers think I'm nuts. IDK, I'm so happy Chelsea and her family have justice.

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Glad you were able to catch the verdict. What a relief to have this part over. sentencing on July 13, 1:15 pm.

I've started reading the interrogation transcript. These are a few things I don't believe we heard:

Detective: So what time did you go to the party?

Clay: About 8, 9. I was out of there about 10 or 11.
Detective: So you went there at 8 or 9?
Clay: Yes.

[Chelsea didn't even get there until around 11 pm)

Detective: So you drove yourself?
Clay: Yes.
Detective: What did you go in?
Clay: My friend's car. (Name.) I don't talk to her anymore. It was just this girl I lived with. I might have actually had (baby mama)'s car that day.

[it was supposedly a silver Ford Fusion]

Detective: What do you have, a daughter?
Clay: Two sons.
Detective: You have two sons.

Clay: When I partied, before I turned 21 I partied. It was all in Monroe. After I had my oldest son, I moved up to Flat Rock, had my youngest son with her and I pretty much spent four years doing nothing. My partying was sitting at home and inviting friends over. I don't like going out to random places. If I can't party at home where I can get my drink on and smoke on and then pass out, it's not worth it to me.

Clay: I know what DNA is. I'm relatively smart.

Clay: I don't have to do anything stupid to get v-----. I get enough v----- elsewhere.

Detective: But that's why I asked you, how f----- up were you?
Clay: I was drunk, but not drunk drunk. I was still, I remember driving home. I didn't crash or nothing. I had to be sober enough to do that.

Clay: When you guys first brought me in here and I started thinking about it, I don't remember who I had sex with that night. I know I was f----- up and I had sex with someone. I have always wondered if it could have been her or not. And then you guys called me in here and freaked me out. I didn't want to say I had sex with somebody and find out it's her and then, you know, she disappeared. I know I left alone. I know I didn't do anything. I don't even know where the f--- her costume was found. I don't know where the other spot is, like that area. I don't know where she was found along there.

Clay: Not really because I didn't really think about it being her. I had sex with somebody. It never really ... because I didn't do anything bad to the girl, so I know that. So I'm like, I'm OK. I didn't think about it. I just had sex with somebody. I had sex with so many people around that time it was ridiculous. I kind of went on a whoring spree. I had been single for six months and literally I was out every week f------ someone new.

Detective: I know, I know. But your DNA was on her. Nobody else's DNA was. ... Out of all people, your DNA was on her.
Clay: Yeah, it makes me look f-----. My life is f-----. No matter what I say, it's never going to matter.

Detective: I think you're off on your time frame a little bit, too. I think you were at the party later than you are saying you were.
Clay: It could have been a little later.
Detective: It was later, though, because Chelsea didn't get there until about 10:30, 11.
Clay: So, yeah.
Detective: You're way off on your time frame.
Clay: I know I got there. The fire was being lit as I left. I know that.
Detective: The fire was there at midnight.
Clay: They were saying, 'It's about to be lit.' I left before it got lit.

Clay: I know. I shouldn't have said I didn't have sex. I didn't think it was her because she had dark hair. I didn't know she had a wig on.

Detective: OK. Unintentional, accidental, OK? It could have been accidental. It could have been a God damn accident, and something happened and you got excited, which any one of us in this room would, and somebody thinks, 'Oh s---, I just had sex with this girl,' and you left. If that's what happened, we need to know, because you're not that monster, you're not that murderer --
Clay: I'm not a monster.

Clay: Yes, because (baby mama) wouldn't let me take her car that day, now that I think about it. She got mad because I tried to take her car earlier on in the day and she knows I didn't have a license and s---. I ended up taking (name)'s car.

Detective: Has anybody ever asked you --
Clay: No one knows, no one, nothing.

Clay: For so long. I tried killing myself three different times the month after that because I feel wrong after that. I have never even hurt anything bigger than a f------ mouse. I use humane mouse traps.
Detective: Any one of us --
Clay: Because I don't like killing mice. I can't, like, I even kill bugs anymore.
Oh my word, that interrogation transcript. I can't wait to read it tomorrow. I just scrolled through and realized way more details and connections that were made. Holy cow!!! In my mind, it opens up so much more knowing he admitted to being near those places and not just a random road he came across. I couldn't understand how someone would just randomly end up on that road...and it's bc he knew those roads and areas.
Ughhhh. (And also shouldn't have been driving. )

So does this mean the car had no signs of what went on that night in it? [emoji17] I know it would've been way too late for detectives but the car owner didn't notice anything? (I skimmed through the link so I probably missed something or he's probably just lying anyways. But I have heard numerous times he didn't drive and didn't have a car so people have assumed someone else was involved or knew of this. )

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So glad to hear the news, my heart still aches for the family. I cannot explain how or why Chelsea touched my soul, but she did. Truth be told, I was obsessed with her disappearance.
I recall a dream I had the night she went missing, except I hadn't heard or seen anything until the next morning on Facebook. As insane as it sounds, I dreamt of a young woman and train tracks, nothing specific, just that she was near train tracks.

I had never had a dream so vivid and have not had anything since affect me the way Chelsea's disappearance had.

May she rest in peace. I know her family and loved ones will never be whole again, but I wish them light and peace as well.

God bless all of you, I cannot imagine a better group to have worked tirelessly to find her and then to seek justice.


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I probably shouldn't really comment just yet but I am glad he will be spending a very long time in prison and he hopefully won't be able to hurt anyone else. I am sure her brother will be glad too once he hears the news, he is in the navy and communication is extremely limited at the moment unfortunately. I haven't really told our daughter anything beyond they caught the bad guy when they first arrested him, she is still too young to really process the entirety of it she knows what she needs to know at this point.
I'm way behind today... But isn't a defense attorney supposed to ummm I dont know, maybe, "defend" his client? Lol

Some lovely examples from tweets posted by you wonderful sleuthers today...

Clay sure got a "GREAT" one lol.


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