Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Off subject of Coral for a moment, but as Melissa stated about the Police looking for Coral
Either they have too many cases on their plate, or they just dont care and are too busy eating donughts and drinking coffee
It could be true.....

Look at Cynthia Day's case, her daughters have been looking for her since 1990, filed a police report with local LE, went back to see how the investigation was going and LE had never opened up a missing persons investigation a whole 14 yrs later.

One day during Christmas Break I was just looking at Namus at UID's and found one in MO missing from 1990 then looked at a few websites to see who was missing in that time frame and I found Cynthia. I posted the possible match on here then I contacted both LE Depts, the one for the UID and the one listed on Cynthia's Website, and the UID was the only one to get back to me. After not hearing anything back for over a month, Cynthia's family got into contact with LE. (after seeing the postings here on Websleuths about the possible match).. anywho... they had DNA taken two weeks ago (which they were told they don't qualify for a bump so the testing might take a year)so now the LE that is in charge of the case requested dentals for a comparision...

I have been in contact with the Day family regularly and they are very generous people and are very thankful. Their gut feeling is that this is their mom (the UID's facial reconstruction, hair earrings on UID, shattered pelvis all match) but they need either the Dental or DNA to come up for a definate match.

My point is, I think alot of LE just "sweeps missing persons cases under the rug." It is very sad. If the UID happens to be Cynthia, I feel for the family, but they will have closure after 20 years. It really shouldn't take some ordinary person that has no LE background to solve these missing person cases!!

It seems like the only people that care about Coral were her friends and her godmother...very sad. I hope someone can contact a decent LE dept that is really willing to look and try to find her!!
excellent points chaddylex.

I just checked and it does not indicate whether Corals DNA is in codis at doenetwork. Is there anyway to get her DNA into codis? Dentals available?

Also, I don't see Coral listed at the newest national database for missing persons, NAMUS. Can anyone who is working on this case closely see about getting Corals case listed with Namus?

My apologies if this has been asked, but is Corals grandmother still living? Would she be willing to submit dna? IIRC Coral did not have any siblings correct?
No coral's grandmother is alive and well. And she two half siblings Jacinda and Frankie. I only met them once. I dont know if they would be willing to submit any DNA. Good idea though.
Melissa, Is it ok if I just call you Melissa? My baby sister is a Melissa too. I love the name. It reminds me of those Holly Hobby dolls from the 70's.

It is pretty simple to submit DNA if the family has not already. It would be best if the half siblings and grandma would be willing. It would be done solely to compare any unidentified persons to Coral. The process is slow ( a year or longer) when it comes to submitting to any potential matches, but once done the dna will be on file to compare to any unidentified persons. Of course this may also be a difficult decision for family as well, and they may need time to consider the option. I would highly recommend it.

If you think the family might be interested, we have enough members here who know how to etc. etc. You can pm me or post, whichever you are most comfy with.

Maybe NMK or myself can call the detective handling Corals case and assist in getting the DNA thing in motion. I just ask first, because it is always best to have one person making contact rather than dozens of people calling regarding the same thing.

If I might also suggest, when family or anyone claiming to know the family post at WS it is kind of protocal to introduce yourself to Tricia the website owner... just to get confirmation that you are who you say you are and that kind of thing. Would you mind making contact with her? It is just a safety measure we have in place here. Her contact info is on the main websleuths page and posted in her signature line of her posts.


Hey cubby, no I don't mind if you use my name. And I don't know if they would be willing to submit a DNA test. But if it was me I would be more than willing. So I don't know. You can go ahead and call the detective and suggest it, I don't mind.

I contacted Tricia. I wasn't sure what she needed to know so I just told her how we met and stuff. At first I have to say that I was a little offended. I thought it was strange that you would think that I would pretend to be a friend of Corals. But after thinking about it I guess there are a lot of phycos out there who might do something like that. I often wonder to myself if someone who knows what happened to her might be posting on here pretending to care and acting like they don't know what happened to her. I guess anythings possible. Thank you for your help with Corals case. Melissa.
Thank you for understanding Melissa, I will get in touch with NMK to discuss contact with the detective in the case and see how we might go about getting DNA, and anything else we need for Coral in all the appropriate data bases.
hey cubby, just wondering if you ever got in touch with NMK about corals case. any new information is appreciated. my friend tanya who was also friends with coral just recently joined. glad to have this site to talk with all of you about coral. thanks.
I have and she will be looking at her notes and getting back to me. We don't want to have too many people making contact with LE, just one main person if we can....

I would really like to see about getting Corals DNA on file as well as her listing in NAMUS the newest national database for missing persons.
Hi im Tanya Corals other bff . And I would really think all of you guys for talking about Coral and for trying to solve her case. there"s not a day that goes by that I don"t think about her, I miss her so much, me Melissa Coral we were like sisters. any one would have been lucky to have her as there friend. I don"t I really think that she is not among us now. but Im not going to give up until shes found. I LOVE YOU CORAL always thinking of you.
Hey Tanya, I'm so happy that you posted. I miss Coral so much too. It's a hard subject to talk about for both of us. And yes, everyone who knew her was blessed. She was always there when we needed her most. And I will never forget that. And because of that we will never stop looking for her, until the day we find her. And I believe we will. Love you girl, and Coral too. Melissa
Welcome to WS Tanya! I'm hoping we can get some 'action' on Corals case. I'm hoping to get NMK back here..... she is really good at what she does... and we will do all we can for Coral.
hey cubby, just had a question, who is NMK? is it a person or an organization? just curious.
NMK is the abbreviation for NotMyKids a WS member who has posted on this thread and from reading, had made contact with LE in flint previously.

I didn't want to call if she had a contact with them.......

if not, I will find out about how we can go about getting Corals DNA in the system and her case listed at NAMUS

ok thanks cubby, i should have put two and two together. it makes total sense now that you say that. i had a blonde moment. and no, im not blonde. lol.
I made some cals on Friday, nothing back yet. Flint PD is busy, very busy, so I am likely not going to get a decent response from there, but I also have a call into the state police about her DNA status and what the next step would be. Does Coral have a Namus profile? I could check, but I keep forgetting.

If I don't get callbacks, I'll keep making the rounds. Sometimes it takes a little while, but I'll get an answer on DNA and what needs to be done from here.

ETA: No Namus profile, on the missing side.

There is current roadwork at the point of Court st and Miller Rd, right across from the school for the deaf, which is in the same area that Coral disappeared in. They are widening the road and they are putting in a small roadside park, which IMO is good. I have wanted the whole area dug up for some time. Lots of places to hide things at or near the School for the Deaf, so at least this is ruling out places she could be if she didn't make it out of the city.
Thank you NMK!

I think anyone can enter a missing persons profile with Namus, and then whomever runs the site verifies with LE. I think that is how it works. I will look into it and try and add Coral into NAMUS today or tomorrow - If I can understand how it works.

Nothing I have read indicates Corals DNA is on file so we need to find out how to go about getting it into CODIS. I know other WS'rs have assisted with getting DNA done, I have not before. I guess we could contact NCMEC and find out who her case manager is to get the DNA?
Corals family would have to be willing to submit their DNA for comparison to Corals.

I would also like to see a current age progressed done. The most recent is 7 or 8 years old already, and I know NCMEC will update them more frequently than that......
I registered at NAMUS and entered Corals case. It has been sent off to a case manager with NAMUS to review. The case number is 5575. I don't know how long it will take for the public to be able to view her case.

Most of the info I took from the Charley Project site... paraphrased the details...

Some of the questions on Namus that I could not answer were if DNA was available, if Dentals were available and if Finger Prints were available. I don't know if any are. Melissa, if you are still in contact with Corals grandma can you find out? If nothing else, and Corals grandma can get some or all of that we can get the info to whoever Corals case manager is at NCMEC.
Did Coral have any nicknames?

I read through the entire thread and thinking about the issue with Grandma possibly owing a drug dealer money. I can't see a dealer murdering someone over loss of drug money unless it was a LOT of money. Meaning the kind a dealer would be lose fronting large quantities of drugs to deal rather than personal consumption or use. I just don't see the loss of money fronted for personal use being enough to murder someone. Dealers want to lay low, sell their drugs and keep from getting busted- stay away from the heat. A murder would have caused a lot more heat than a small time dealer would have been interested in attracting to themself.

Also, the comment about the broom. While Coral went missing 4 years after Jeffrey Dahmers death, it was rumored a broom stick was shoved up him and that is how he died... I kind of immediately thought perhaps the rumor- at least about the broom and drug debt- were just that rumors or scary stories. Not funny, but I can see teens or people who are not very intelligent making up stories like that about a person going missing for which no one had any answers.

back to the phone book... I think it is possible Coral knew trouble was abound (is that the right word?) and wanted to get away from whatever troubles were happening at home. Perhaps an angry friend of grandma's, someone with a violent temper.

It is possible, Coral being young, afraid and in a vulnerable state chose to accept a ride to safety? and either did not find a safe way out.... or the people she was trying to get away from that evening found here before her friend Melissa Pierce came to find her.

I'd like to know more about the persons mentioned in the phone book. (I had to edit the last names to initials). We can 'sleuth them' by just using initials, and unless media released the names or a background check shows they were convicted of a crime, we can not put full names on the forum.

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