MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #2

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I've never been there-----------unlike Missgulfsouth--------I try to stay home and find missing people that may be in trouble and need help, traveling and site-seeing isn't a priority for me.

I do have a fan club though that you can join for only $49.95 per month. It includes all of my insight into current cases, free beer, free chips and dip, alcohol counseling and relationship counseling, along with two tickets to Disneyland at a reduced rate of only $450.00

If I act now, what do I get that I have to "only" pay shipping and handling on?
I'm not sure if this was shared before, but it was posted on 12/12/16 on the City of Farmington Hills Facebook page:


December 12, 2016
Investigation of Home Invasions
The Farmington Hills Police Department is investigating the occurrences of three similar Home Invasions at apartment complexes. All three crimes involve similar circumstances where suspects are forcing entry into the apartments through the main entrance to the apartment. Once inside, they have confronted the home owners in two of the three crimes and have specifically demanded jewelry and purses. After locating the items they were looking for, the suspects then fled the scene. There have been no physical injuries to the victims involved in these crimes.

I can't link directly to it since it's not an article, just a posting. But the 3 places were "near" her apartment:

The first Home Invasion occurred at the Citation Club Apartments on November 29, 2016, at approximately 3:00 a.m.
The next occurred at the Rollcrest Condos on November 30, 2016 at 12:50 a.m.
The third occurred at the Timber Ridge Apartments on December 12, 2016, at approximately 3:30 a.m.

I read this the other night and have had it in the back of my mind. Two close together then nothing until about 1.5-2 weeks later...I know, as far as we know, she wasn't in her apartment, but, could these ppl have been canvassing the area? Seems like a longshot but if you read the article, these people just came into people's apartments, with guns, and have gotten away in a Chevy Malibu. Not saying there is any relation, but, I won't be falling asleep any time soon.... :thinking:

Edit: Here's an article about it....
On the find Danielle Facebook page, they put up a post on what people could do recently. They asked people to start passing out and putting up fliers. Then to post where they were doing that.

That's what the Fenton thing is about.
Waving! We were just at Tahquamenon Falls and Paradise over vacation in July. Ate at a famous drive in called Clyde's. It's great to see so many Michigander's here for Danielle!

Not a Michigander, but my dad was born in Romulus and I loved in SE Michigan as toddler before returning to Louisiana (my birth state). I spent summers in SE Michigan as a child/teen and have fond memories. My sister, born in Michigan, returned there after she graduated high school. (Love the UP.)

Wishing for a good outcome for Danielle.
I don't think they ever really took this case seriously from the start...............and therein lies the problem. "Just another missing person case with hysterical parents involved"......................ho hum.

3 weeks later...................the public, the media, the parents, the family, the employer..................all want answers. Uh.......................Uh.................................anybody with information please come forward..................uh

I totally agree. Just going back to our own threads..I was here on the first couple pages of when her thread started. On day FIVE of her missing..there were only 8 pages in her thread. I seem to recall (don't quote me) that LE wouldn't take a missing persons immediately and then gave a BIZARRE statement about why she is missing isn't important. They've been basically silent in media because "they don't want to let the criminal know what they have" which is ridiculous..now they say duh...she's a victim of a crime..but we are STILL not going to tell you, the public, anything about it but if you have info, call us. WHAT?? I feel that is the only thing the family can do, is get her face out there. LE is not prompting or encouraging the public to look for her, or where to look for her, or why she is a victim of a crime. I'm sorry...I think LE is WRONG WRONG WRONG on this one and I am pro LE. If they think she is deceased, who cares what the perp knows? All he needs to know is that people are coming for HIM.

Do they mean Fenton, MI? Why Fenton? Okay, I see someone saying family lives in this area.

So LE says there's been foul play and they have evidence that's being processed now. Speculating, what evidence could they have?
I'm not sure if this was shared before, but it was posted on 12/12/16 on the City of Farmington Hills Facebook page:


December 12, 2016
Investigation of Home Invasions
The Farmington Hills Police Department is investigating the occurrences of three similar Home Invasions at apartment complexes. All three crimes involve similar circumstances where suspects are forcing entry into the apartments through the main entrance to the apartment. Once inside, they have confronted the home owners in two of the three crimes and have specifically demanded jewelry and purses. After locating the items they were looking for, the suspects then fled the scene. There have been no physical injuries to the victims involved in these crimes.

I can't link directly to it since it's not an article, just a posting. But the 3 places were "near" her apartment:

I read this the other night and have had it in the back of my mind. Two close together then nothing until about 1.5-2 weeks later...I know, as far as we know, she wasn't in her apartment, but, could these ppl have been canvassing the area? Seems like a longshot but if you read the article, these people just came into people's apartments, with guns, and have gotten away in a Chevy Malibu. Not saying there is any relation, but, I won't be falling asleep any time soon.... :thinking:

Edit: Here's an article about it....

Only one problem. Everything in these articles deals with theft. Danielle had nothing stolen.................that we know of.
I totally agree. Just going back to our own threads..I was here on the first couple pages of when her thread started. On day FIVE of her missing..there were only 8 pages in her thread. I seem to recall (don't quote me) that LE wouldn't take a missing persons immediately and then gave a BIZARRE statement about why she is missing isn't important. They've been basically silent in media because "they don't want to let the criminal know what they have" which is ridiculous..now they say duh...she's a victim of a crime..but we are STILL not going to tell you, the public, anything about it but if you have info, call us. WHAT?? I feel that is the only thing the family can do, is get her face out there. LE is not prompting or encouraging the public to look for her, or where to look for her, or why she is a victim of a crime. I'm sorry...I think LE is WRONG WRONG WRONG on this one and I am pro LE. If they think she is deceased, who cares what the perp knows? All he needs to know is that people are coming for HIM.

Yes, it's absurd.......................and pure laziness
Guys, the Fenton thing is passing out flyers. Her family friends live in that area. They are organizing this.

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Yes, it's absurd.......................and pure laziness

Agreed. As for Atomic Angela (is that her name) who had the encounter that no one seems to give a d*** about? I wouldn't be worried about it being part of the investigation as being a reason why you don't give info out..LE would've told you to keep your mouth shut and I myself, would be tempted to call a reporter or someone and tell them about your encounter in case someone ELSE was also approached or worse by the same guy. I am so peeved that they think the public is of no use to them. Winter is here...no searches are going to be conducted in this weather. It reminds me of Chelsea Bruck once the snow hit.
I really hope they processed the parking lot, hallway, car and apartment well and soon after she was reported missing.
I'm really disappointed that the update from LE had no real information. I wasn't expecting much, if they had any breaking news I'm sure it would have come out as breaking news, not as a presser announced a few days prior. But there was no new information released, and, like others have said, it seemed to be purely for the purpose of keeping her name and face out there. Which is by far not a bad thing, but I just hoped they had more.

At first I thought they were being so tight lipped because they had a POI and were waiting for them to slip up. Now I feel like they don't know anything and they never took it seriously in the first place, so now it's too late to find any real information. I can't even imagine what her friends and family are feeling right now.

For me, there are only two scenarios that I believe are possible at this stage -

1. Dani knew her attacker and was lured to her abduction. For her to have left her purse in the car it would have to be someone nearby though, more than likely someone living in the complex who intercepted her as she walked from her car to the front door, otherwise I don't see her leaving her purse in the car if she were planning on leaving the complex completely.

2. It was a random crime of opportunity and the killer struck in the seconds it would have taken for her to walk from her car to the apartment door. AtomicAngela's story does give weight to this, even if it wasn't the same guy, these things can (and do) happen.

I flip between both of these almost hourly. We don't have much to go on, so at this stage it could really be anything.
I think we can safely say Fenton is a red herring. This is not a LE search or a search for anything specific. This is handing out flyers and spreading awareness that has been organised by someone in Fenton. This is NOT a ground search or door to door etc... the reason it's in Fenton is a moot point. It's just someone doing their part.
Agreed. As for Atomic Angela (is that her name) who had the encounter that no one seems to give a d*** about? I wouldn't be worried about it being part of the investigation as being a reason why you don't give info out..LE would've told you to keep your mouth shut and I myself, would be tempted to call a reporter or someone and tell them about your encounter in case someone ELSE was also approached or worse by the same guy. I am so peeved that they think the public is of no use to them. Winter is here...no searches are going to be conducted in this weather. It reminds me of Chelsea Bruck once the snow hit.
Yeah. I can imagine a scenario where that guy was either

a) looking specifically for Danielle, and backed off when he got a better look at Atomic and realised she was not his target, or

b) looking for a female victim who was happy to go with him willingly, but Atomic was on the phone [meaning someone on the other end of the call was a witness] and distracted, appearing standoffish. Danielle by all accounts was bubbly and friendly and out of a desire to help, may have started answering this guy's questions and relaxed around him, and been easy prey.

Idk, just spitballing possibilities. But I think a) is more likely. I think this was targeted, though the abductor might not have known Danielle well or at all and might be working on behalf of someone else (which is why he mistook Atomic for Danielle at first).

Just a possibility, no hitching my wagon to this theory at all.

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did anyone see the recent video posted by a friend on the FindingDS FB page? She talks about whoever took her treating her as "an object." I just watched it again. So sad.
JMO, but this may be why LE stated that there were no signs of forced entry into DS's home, as all 3 invasions below did involve forced entry. This morning I wake to thinking that she did in fact make it to her building and something occurred there. Can't imagine LE being able to process the apartment after being open to family/friends.

I'm not sure if this was shared before, but it was posted on 12/12/16 on the City of Farmington Hills Facebook page:


December 12, 2016
Investigation of Home Invasions
The Farmington Hills Police Department is investigating the occurrences of three similar Home Invasions at apartment complexes. All three crimes involve similar circumstances where suspects are forcing entry into the apartments through the main entrance to the apartment. Once inside, they have confronted the home owners in two of the three crimes and have specifically demanded jewelry and purses. After locating the items they were looking for, the suspects then fled the scene. There have been no physical injuries to the victims involved in these crimes.

I can't link directly to it since it's not an article, just a posting. But the 3 places were "near" her apartment:

I read this the other night and have had it in the back of my mind. Two close together then nothing until about 1.5-2 weeks later...I know, as far as we know, she wasn't in her apartment, but, could these ppl have been canvassing the area? Seems like a longshot but if you read the article, these people just came into people's apartments, with guns, and have gotten away in a Chevy Malibu. Not saying there is any relation, but, I won't be falling asleep any time soon.... :thinking:

Edit: Here's an article about it....
JMO, but this may be why LE stated that there were no signs of forced entry into DS's home, as all 3 invasions below did involve forced entry. This morning I wake to thinking that she did in fact make it to her building and something occurred there. Can't imagine LE being able to process the apartment after being open to family/friends.

Do we even know family/friends opened the apt? So much already posted and read I can't remember if they did. I do know they made it out that nothing seemed off but that could have been them going in with police there.
I have no idea how to edit my original post. It gives me an option to edit my last one but not the original. I encountered a man just after 6pm at a Independence Green on Friday, December 2. I spoke with PD on December 4 and left a message for a detective who called me back on December 5.

I do not feel comfortable giving out information about what he looked like, was driving, or what was exactly asked in case it is part of the investigation. I will say that I was on the phone when I arrived home and he startled me as I was bent in my car getting things out. I had my phone down by my side while he asked me some unusual questions and as he started to walk toward me, I put my phone up to my ear, asking my friend to hold on for a moment, and the guy hurriedly said NEVER MIND, got back in his car and sped off.

I have emailed Websleuth at the request of a member to get verified. I apologize for the oversight in the previous post's dates. I work 3-6 months ahead at work and it screws me up with remembering current dates sometimes.
Just thinking this would be after they assumed Danielle had parked, so she could have left the car, popped to a shop to buy something as she had her purse and was approached on her way back to her car. Sorry about your experience and IMO you did the right thing calling it in. Good call staying on your phone too.
Just thinking this would be after they assumed Danielle had parked, so she could have left the car, popped to a shop to buy something as she had her purse and was approached on her way back to her car. Sorry about your experience and IMO you did the right thing calling it in. Good call staying on your phone too.

Purse was locked in her Jeep.

No stores within reasonable walking distance of her place. Farmington Hills is nice; but it's the most egregious form of suburban car-culture purgatory there is. No one walks anywhere. Well, they might drive to a park to hike or the gym to walk on a treadmill.
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