Found Deceased MI - Dr. Teleka Patrick, 30, Kalamazoo, 5 Dec 2013 - #14

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My deepest and sincere condolences to Teleka's Family.
Thank you. I appreciate your reply.

FWIW the sister did not say that, per se.

What she said was that there has been no confirmation. If you read an article that her mom OR the PI confirmed it was Teleka...don't believe it. Neither of them have confirmed it.

The WWMT article SStar posted had this statement:

Teleka's sister also released a statement saying, "Our family was informed that a body was found that may be Teleka." She went on to say, "If you see an article saying the PI confirmed it, don't believe that either. Nothing has been confirmed at this time."

That's what I read. I didn't see an article referring to TP's mother, also.

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I would imagine this body being fully clothed is the first sign of a drowning versus someone being killed somewhere else and disposed of in the lake.


Yes and no! depends if your being chased, no time to strip down, why go to the lake?

Did she hit the lake dead, or alive?

If someone was pushed into a lake , no proof could be found, no foot prints on frozen ground.

I'll wait on more info.

A few years back two guys I believe, they ran off a cliff in Montreal, running away from paying taxi fare, fell to their death.
A tragic accident. I dont think she was running. I think she was taking what looked like a short cut to the services off the next exit, and fell through the ice.
The WWMT article SStar posted had this statement:

Teleka's sister also released a statement saying, "Our family was informed that a body was found that may be Teleka." She went on to say, "If you see an article saying the PI confirmed it, don't believe that either. Nothing has been confirmed at this time."

That's what I read. I didn't see an article referring to TP's mother, also.

Sent from my Lite-Brite modded to run Free BSD.

Yes. That is exactly my point. That is not what your original post #191 says:

I think this now especially after the story posted a page back or so where Carlin confirms it is Teleka and Teleka's sister is quoted as saying if the PI confirms anything, don't listen to him. It's pretty clear that at some point, there has been a communication breakdown between Carlin and the Patrick family if the Patricks are trying to do damage control on what Carlin might say. He sounds to me like an employee who is just running amok, saying whatever to whomever. The last thing this three-ring circus needs is a loose cannon like Carlin.

Just because there is no evidence on the fence does not mean she didn't climb over it. That's absurd. Plus it has been months, a piece of torn fabric would have blown away by now.

Also, there was no ice on the lake when she disappeared.

She could have been followed, assaulted, choked, knocked out, etc and thrown in the lake. This is what I think happened and I think it was someone's goons following her to make sure she never came back.
I don't think there was anyone real chasing her. A previous poster quoted a friend of hers saying that she thought she was being chased by MS security team. Months ago I stated that if she was being bothered it was not by MS, but by a member of his security team who decided to take it upon himself to rid MS of a problem, maybe just by scaring her.

I no longer believe this to be true. I believe she might have thought she was being chased, but truly it was only the delusional thoughts she was having.

One of the things people may find it hard to understand is that very, very smart people can keep their mental illness under wraps longer than the average Joe because they have the coping skills to deal with it. Dr. Patrick was one of these very smart people and I believe she could "keep it together" while at work, but not 24/7. That's really not unusual. I dated a schizophrenic who was a brilliant county prosecutor, very focused and with a 98% win rate. However, his personal life (and home!) was a mess. Needless to say, we did not last long.

Rest in Peace, Dr. Patrick. You were beautiful and brilliant and you will be missed and mourned.
Thanks for this. The pond/lake does not seem so large they would not be able to find her. Any idea how long it was before the ice formed? I've been googling for the answer but haven't found anything specific.

There are multiple reasons why they would not find her back in December and January.

It isn't unusual for bodies to be missed, even though extensive searches were done, and then afterwards they will float to the top when the weather warms up. Other missing bodies in lakes/rivers/ponds have had extensive searches too with no results for months, but many of them are found once they rise to the top, and that happens when the water is much warmer like it is now with no ice on the lake.

If the air temp at the time she went in was 40, 50s the water itself was at least that cold or colder. No one can survive in that cold of temperature. The body temp would rapidly decline and hypothermia would soon set in.

Since she has been in very cold water, and with the lake being iced over for months, that slowed down the decomp rate. She will have some decomp but not nearly as much as she would if she went in during the spring or summertime.

So I am confident the ME will determine how she died. Which I honestly do believe will be from accidental drowning.

I hate having to be so graphic but just saying this trying to explain why she rose now. When the body is depleted of air in the lungs it will plunge to the bottom of the lake bed. There it can become trapped in deep crevices, downed trees, and debris keeping it hidden from view on the bottom. The decomp is slowed dramatically when the body is in cold water. The body needs warmth to rise. When the lake becomes warmer in the spring now the body will have more decomp gases building up inside of it, and that is why they finally float to the surface. That is why many drowned victims who went into the water during cold weather are found afloat during the known as "spring floaters."

Remember when Scott Peterson put Laci and Conner in the cold waters of the bay during December? Laci's and Conner's remains did not rise, and come ashore until April when the waters had warmed up. Remains in water needs heat to push them to the surface. Heat builds up gases within the remains and those gases helps the body to rise.

The same thing that has brought Teleka's body to the surface now.

Only one dog and one handler (a retired policeman and his hound). Hard to say what the dog hit on but it probably wasn't Teleka unless she ran up to the road and then turned around and ran back to her car and beyond to Lake Charles which is only about 200 ft due north of where her car was found. It could have been transferred scent also, or just a false positive. It was, after all, one week later before the dog was employed, and the weather that week was very harsh.
She could have walked to the road, then along the road for a time. Perhaps when she saw LE she left the roadway again and hid. When the dogs lost the scent at the road they may not have worked them up and down the shoulder to see if they could pick up the scent again.

This is a very sad outcome, praying that she is at peace.
Just because there is no evidence on the fence does not mean she didn't climb over it. That's absurd. Plus it has been months, a piece of torn fabric would have blown away by now.

Also, there was no ice on the lake when she disappeared.

She could have been followed, assaulted, choked, knocked out, etc and thrown in the lake. This is what I think happened and I think it was someone's goons following her to make sure she never came back.

Your thinking outside the box Bakerlady....and I like that....I remember posting a while back about how the tire went have to investigate , not just make assumptions about why, or believe second hand news.

Or forced towards the lake at gunpoint, we just don't know right now, but anything is possible if its not an accident.
Good morning everyone.

I'm thinking of Teleka this morning. I'm also thinking about her family, friends and colleagues.

I wish them all peace through life without Teleka. I imagine the broken hearts and sadness never really goes away.

{{{{{Teleka, Mattahais, Irene, Eddie & Tenesha}}}}}

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Your thinking outside the box Bakerlady....and I like that....I remember posting a while back about how the tire went have to investigate , not just make assumptions about why, or believe second hand news.

Or forced towards the lake at gunpoint, we just don't know right now, but anything is possible if its not an accident.

But aren't you making an assumption? You really don't think LE check her tire out?

The garage employee that had worked on her car already told her she needed to buy new tires and this was before she even went missing.
Yes. That is exactly my point. That is not what your original post #191 says:

I think this now especially after the story posted a page back or so where Carlin confirms it is Teleka and Teleka's sister is quoted as saying if the PI confirms anything, don't listen to him. It's pretty clear that at some point, there has been a communication breakdown between Carlin and the Patrick family if the Patricks are trying to do damage control on what Carlin might say. He sounds to me like an employee who is just running amok, saying whatever to whomever. The last thing this three-ring circus needs is a loose cannon like Carlin.


I am completely confused. My statement used the word 'listen' (to Carlin), and her sister actually said 'believe' in the same context. Is that what you mean? If not, please just explain it, because I am not understanding.


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Police were on the scene within minutes of her car going off road. No signs of anyone else being there or any other car pulled over, apparently. I really can't buy into any theory that has Teleka being chased toward lake or thrown into water., even if her tweets were unknown to us, but Jmo.
This was on the news this morning. It's not surprising but it is so, so sad. :(

Sending up prayers for Taleka's family and friends.

Dr. Patrick, I hope you are at peace, the world will miss you. :rose:
Just because there is no evidence on the fence does not mean she didn't climb over it. That's absurd. Plus it has been months, a piece of torn fabric would have blown away by now.

Also, there was no ice on the lake when she disappeared.

She could have been followed, assaulted, choked, knocked out, etc and thrown in the lake. This is what I think happened and I think it was someone's goons following her to make sure she never came back.

There doesn't have to be ice on water for hypothermia to set in. If Dr. Patrick slipped into the water, even if she were a strong swimmer, in street clothing she could have been overcome in minutes. And it's doubtful that with the road noise from passing vehicles on the nearby interstate that anyone would have heard her cries.

The area in which they have what are possible her remains is a reed-choked marsh. Without extensively dragging the body of water in question it would have been very difficult to determine that a body was there. Even dogs would have had a hard time detecting a body due to the nature of lake.

My feelings go out to the Patrick family at this time. Hopefully, this resolves this mystery (although obviously not in the manner that they would want) and that they are able to move forward.
So sorry to read the news about Teleka today.

Like so many others here, I think I held a small sliver of hope that her brilliance would have been stronger than her mental illness and that she might have survived. But the reality has always been that she would most likely be found near where her car was last seen. As always, the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

I'm glad I mentioned the other day that her DNA and dental records were still not in NAMUS and that fact was somehow indirectly conveyed to the family and addressed.

I'm thankful to Teleka for shining a light on mental illness through all of her social media postings. I hope her family will consider establishing a scholarship in the mental health care field in her memory.

Prayers for Teleka's family, friends, and colleagues.


No clue how I missed your post the other day; but see it now. Had you not mentioned it; they would not be in NamUs so quick.

I don't want to say who I reached out to with the reporter reading everything; but I assume they contacted her case worker who got the records.

Praying her dental records help to identify her faster so that her family doesn't have to suffer for days watching & reading the news.
How did she get from her car near burns harbor to lake charles in chicago?and without being noticed in that odd getup? That's a 24 hour walk. She must have gotten a ride?

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