MI MI - Eric Franks, 40, Buena Vista Twp, 21 March 2011 - #1

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I think that's a great idea! At this point I don't think Eric would mind.

This thought brings me to another one. searchingfamily, please don't take offense, it's not meant that way. Is there any way possible some agency could have Eric detained, as in, in jail? Might the exgf have the ability to have him held on some bogus charge? I know this is a real stretch, but I thought as long as we're covering all bases.

He's never been in jail as far as we know, but sure, anything is possible. I know the police have checked that, but know how far and wide that search goes. I would think national, but we can ask again.
Good morning searchingfamily, can you tell us what Eric liked to do for hobbies, down time?

Was he ever married?

What are his religious beliefs?

Has he always stayed in contact with family?
Wait, I thought she was seen putting his belongings into a car different than Eric's?

Searchingfamily will have to answer that but I believe that is what they said... and that she was there two different times in a car that was NOT ERIC'S
What is Eric's hometown, as in where was he born & where did he grow up? I know it's stated he has a lot of family in OH but is that where he grew up?
Dear searchingfamily,

I'm so so sorry you are going through this and I hope Eric is out there somewhere safe. But, as you say, this is very NOT like him.

I'm another that strongly believes that you should report the car stolen. It will bring more attention to the case. And, frankly, it is stolen because you have no idea where it is. IF Eric is driving it and LE pulls him over and books him for stolen vehicle, then that can quickly be cleared up. The important thing is to try to find him. IF someone is in possession of the car and they are found, then you will have more answers.

I also think you should hire a PI.
Hi searchingfamily. :grouphug: Sorry your family is feeling so forlorn over Eric's disappearance. You definitely came to a site that has proven for years to assist in situations such as this. Hope we can all help as much as possible...

Some questions...

Re my bold above: Why did the ex gf all of a sudden have some sort of epiphany & feel she just had to tell Eric about their child? Does this child have a debilitating disease? Was said child maybe in need of an organ at some point in time?

Does she (egf) herself have some sort of terminal illness?

No idea why the epiphany - no known reasons such as those suggested.

When did egf get married?

Long ago.

Was Eric proven to be the father of egf's child, ie DNA/paternity test (not just word of mouth)?

No. We've seen photos. The resemblance leaves little doubt, and the husband has apparently told police he has always know it was Eric's.

Did Eric's family know this egf when Eric was seeing her, or was she a secret as well?

Family remembers her from when the child was conceived, yes.

Re his ssn#, that's bs that le can't get that info. I'm flat out saying its a lie if that's what le told Eric's family. Are those the exact words le used (that the IRS is uncooperative in tracing his ssn# usage)? Please check your notes, with the dates that le said that, then call back & ask for the captain, tell him what you were told & demand a letter in writing stating this...then scan it & email it to every single news station in the entire states' area involving the Dixie Highway (I know that's several 1000's of miles). You'll be heard. :D

Thanks, based on the advice here we emailed the detective yesterday asking if he can subpoena the SSN info.

When & in what state did Eric have this gf in his life?


Does Eric have a car in his own name at all? If no, why not?

No. When he moved to Ohio from Mississippi he was unemployed for a long period of time and couldn't afford a car, so his mother bought him this one. It is still in her name.

Does Eric have a record?

Police say no.

How is it legal that the egf was witnessed to be moving out some of Eric's belongings from his hotel room but she wasn't deterred? Why didn't motel owner call the cops when he witnessed this? Why didn't motel owner why egf had a key to Eric's room? That's not legal unless she's on the room lease as well (as an occupant)...

Where are his belongings that the egf "moved out of" his motel room? Eric's family is next if kin since he wasn't married, unless his child was proven to be his and it's in writing on paper...

Good questions. No idea. Motel owner had seen her there regularly enough he apparently took her word for it.
it is never too late to search a home... I would really push LE to search that hotel and the egf home (previous home that is)
I'm trying to find his ex gf's name. Searchingfamily, can you please give us that information or are you not at liberty to do so? If not, why? Have the police informed Eric's family not to release any names? If this lady was seen moving stuff out of his motel room, there's no reason her name can't be released. Why hasn't the media reported that? Or have they and we're just unaware thus far?

We are not going to release her name. She may be telling the truth about that day. That doesn't explain why she has said different things to the family vs. the police, but ultimately it's the motel owner's word against hers.

We don't want to be accused of trying to hurt someone's reputation or the like. The police mentioned the eGF and the child in a news release, which is why we felt comfortable discussing it, only from the perspective that what they have told us and what they have told the police and what the motel owner says are very different.
Searchingfamily, all I can say is <modsnip>, this is absolutely crazy, there sure are ALOT of unanswered questions - many of which there's no excuse not to have answers.
it is never too late to search a home... I would really push LE to search that hotel and the egf home (previous home that is)

Totally agree. Even if they find something that is inadmissable due to being compromised by other occupants, at the very least it would give detectives a jumping point to further their investigation...
JG that link took me to the sign in page?

Don't know why, is it bc I'm on my cell? I'm not home, I'm sitting at my local park reading a book & also here at WS, was relaxing til I logged in & saw this case...

If you're on a pc, search MS desktop site for Eric L. Toledo OH & it should come up. When you find it, could you please post it & I'll fix my link?
I just read all of the available posts in his Twitter Feed... Extremely political for a person with a small job history. He's for gay rights (which so am I and I'm 100% heterosexual) which may not mean anything but worth noting considering the amount of gay rights & advocacy group Twitter contacts, very political, plus he said he's on his 3rd wife... Pretty interesting.

That is his Twitter feed, yes. He was also active on Facebook, but keeps that private. He obviously had a lot to say, so when it all goes dark at once, it raises concern.

Ok, so he lived in a motel. Before his sporadic move to Michigan, did he live in a house or apartment?

Before he moved, did he live with family or by himself?

Apartment in Archbold, OH with wife.

Is it true he was married 3 times & if so why haven't his exes spoken out?

They have not heard from him.

Why did it take so long to file a Missing Persons report?

Was it normal for him not to be in contact with his family for long periods of time?

The family always knew where he was living. Going a couple months or so between calls had happened before. But he'd always check in on his birthday, always on Christmas, always on Mother's Day, etc. etc. Six months was way longer than normal, which is when we really, really started looking for him. Finally decided to call the police when our options ran out and when it started to seem like the people who knew him didn't have stories that matched.

Did he use a laptop/pc/Mac or did he use his cell for Net/Web service?

He had a laptop and a cell phone when he left Ohio and used both. No one knows where either is, but police got some records from phone.
You need to have mother get records from the vin and go to drivers license agency/courthouse where registration was filed and pull records. It might cost a few bucks but worth it. I used to work in courthouses all the time being a former real estate appraiser and all that info is available to owner upon request. Just have id with you when you go.
If nothing is found on the car, i would highly suggest putting out flyers and checking out pawn shops/consignment for any items that could have possibly been in the car. Motel workers may be able to help with discussing items he had/has.
Although the egf looks awfully fishy, i wouldnt totally throw out the possibility of a wreck, especially if so much water is around.
there is NO WAY ERic would have stayed quiet this long online.... no way....! Especially with the election coming up. He seemed to have very strong political views.
Searchingfamily, have his mother do a VIN search on her automobile...

Here's a google search link with various site listing to VIN search, google search terms used are automobile vin search:

automobile vin search - Google Search

A thorough VIN search will include owners and accidents, registration & ins cos used, sometimes fines but not all of the time...

Someone pointed out earlier that they will give you information on a car you own. Thanks - good point. So we called the Title Office today. They confirmed the title is still active in mom's name, and has not been deactivated, turned into a salvage or abandoned title, etc.
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