MI MI - Jacob Cabinaw, 31, Traverse City, 31 March 2010

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm jumping into this thread after only reading the past couple of pages, so excuse me if I repeat anything already discussed or mention something already refuted.

I am a native Michigander from not too far from Traverse City. Growing up, when someone said they were taking a road trip to Texas it meant they were transporting drugs. In the '90s, the dad of a close friend of mine drove to Texas to pick up a drugs and was supposed to drive them Chicago. He was arrested somewhere after picking up the drugs and went to prison for a long time. He might even still be there. I am wondering if Jacob was quietly trying to earn some cash. It would explain where he was going and why he didn't tell anyone. It might also explain why his car supposedly got a "hit" out of Mexico and is thought to have been destroyed, per one of the above linked articles.
The who, what, when, where, and why of his car being found would tell a lot. It could have been found in Sweetwater shortly after his disappearance or it could have been found in Mexico years after he was last known alive.

By the way his friend described the video surveillance footage from the gas station in Sweetwater, I feel like it was probably him who stopped to get gas there.

I know his friends and family are fairly certain this was not drug related, but so many things point towards that being the case. I wish the police could get footage from all the places he stopped and toll roads if possible. I don’t think it’s impossible that someone was traveling with him, possibly in another vehicle.
I think Jacob's helpful nature unfortunately led to him being taken advantage of by a person who had bad intentions. I wish he would be found for his family's sake, especially his two sons. This case is just so confusing, he didn't take his phone charger with him and drove at least 1,000 miles away from his home, but took the time to make his monthly National Guard call to keep getting GI bill money for school. It makes ZERO sense and it's frustrating.
I'm halfway through the podcast... If he wasn't using his card for gas then he was using cash or someone else was paying, but why use cash now if you had it all along?? If he were trying to disappear he'd be smart and liquidate accounts in TC and use cash the whole way, not card then cash then card again. Maybe he picked someone up along the way after Kalamazoo area, a stranger/hitchhiker perhaps? He had a brother in Fort Hood, TX which is very close to Fort Worth, TX... I feel like he was headed to visit him, but why a spontaneous cross country trip when you're in the home stretch of graduating college and have papers due? Was it a college spring break trip to see his brother? I am around the same age as Jake and remember him from school and the years after, I did not know him closely or anything but do remember him, this is all very strange but maybe he was trying to make some quick cash picking up an illegal package to bring back to michigan, and that went wrong.
After reading and reading, listening to the podcast twice, researching all characters involved and as a gay man myself having come from a similar background, I am of the opinion Jake was in great conflict with himself as a closeted gay man. It is not just one clue, it is all the clues together which make me believe this. The close friendship with Ken, spending time with him while married, why did Jake's marriage fail? what was the mysterious reason for her to resent Ken? He lived in a small town where homophobia would reign, Jake tended to be embarrassed about things, Gary (the last person who saw him) is gayer than a 3 dollar bill, he is currently out in Seattle working as a hairdresser, this also explains why Gary has not be forthcoming, he is keeping Jake's secret as promised, Jake just wanted to run, be free, be who he was, maybe even turn trans, i think he was in love with his friend ken and was totured over that, ken who is very straight would have been clueless and also disgusted if he ever found out, i would imagine that he fooled around with Gary, Jake's ex wife is also rather quiet and accepting of it all, they got along so well yet couldn't stay married? Jake already has a very feminine look, he had very feminine attributes. Described as "playful" and silly/crazy. You don't describe straight men as "playful." In the pictures he's 31 - he looks 12. Not a hair anywhere, did he shave? he was sensitive, didn't like the boys he was babysitting to fight, fed up with being a mechanic, probably a profession that hid his secret really well, Jake like to go to parks alone (that is totally a stereotype, but hey), Jake didn't really date, the supposed new girlfriend he had has never been seen, he hated being a mechanic but the military is also where gay men who feel they must keep their secret go to "come off straight." I would like to know what drugs he was into - it could give a clue, guys like Jake would have been drawn to ecstacy, meth, coke, his catholic schooling would have made it clear that living as a open homosexual would mean eternal hell, at ken's beck and call for cigarettes and snacks while at work (30 year old straight guys don't dote on another guy like that especially ones that have two kids a job and school AND in the National Guard AND a supposed girlfriend). Again, just my opinion and it makes all the sense in the world. Happens more than people are willing to believe - we are not even close to truly accepting gay people as equals, especially in small towns. People live in terror of being found out and in silent torture not to be free to be who they are, love who they want to love, you know just be normal like everyone else around them. Therefore, some people are not ever able to come out to their family and friends, Jake was too embarrassed even to tell anyone he wrecked his car in exactly the same place, think that kind of person is going to feel comfortable coming out in Po Dunk, Michigan? His age is a clue as well. 31 - he's had enough of hiding and finally just can't take it anymore. Doesn't want to answer any questions or have any one follow him, he's out, free to live a new life as the person who God made him to be. I do hope he's alive... the Social Security issue does bother me, but he could have gone totally off the gird - living on an Indian Reservation - laws are very different there. Maybe in New Mexico (he did head west), left his car on the side of the road, and hitched a ride, the last leg to NM so as not to not leave a trail to his final destination, Mesalaro Apache Reservation is due West from Sweetwater, the car got stolen and taken to Mexico where it was eventually trashed... I hope this helps in some way.... it truly makes sense if you consider the emotional and psychological pain he was probably secretly in. OH one more thing - the sighting in South Chicago... probably spotted at a gay bathhouse or gay bar. The guy who spotted him didn't want to be identified because he admitted he wasn't supposed to be where he was, but being scared about being caught by his wife visiting a sporting goods store makes absolutely NO sense. It was good of him to call anyway, even if it couldn't be verified. Ok, i think that's really it....
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Jacob's NamUs profile was updated on 5/10/21 - I am not sure with what - he is currently showing 7 rule outs, well actually 6 because the one from Van Buren MI is listed twice. The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
UP16403 02/13/2017 Tarrant TX
UP14360 08/14/2015 Bland VA
UP8600 10/29/2010 Van Buren MI
UP8600 10/29/2010 Van Buren MI
UP8642 03/30/2011 Fulton GA
UP7699 07/17/2010 Harris TX
UP7315 05/12/2010 Baltimore MD

His case is very intriguing.
After reading and reading, listening to the podcast twice, researching all characters involved and as a gay man myself having come from a similar background, I am of the opinion Jake was in great conflict with himself as a closeted gay man. It is not just one clue, it is all the clues together which make me believe this. The close friendship with Ken, spending time with him while married, why did Jake's marriage fail? what was the mysterious reason for her to resent Ken? He lived in a small town where homophobia would reign, Jake tended to be embarrassed about things, Gary (the last person who saw him) is gayer than a 3 dollar bill, he is currently out in Seattle working as a hairdresser, this also explains why Gary has not be forthcoming, he is keeping Jake's secret as promised, Jake just wanted to run, be free, be who he was, maybe even turn trans, i think he was in love with his friend ken and was totured over that, ken who is very straight would have been clueless and also disgusted if he ever found out, i would imagine that he fooled around with Gary, Jake's ex wife is also rather quiet and accepting of it all, they got along so well yet couldn't stay married? Jake already has a very feminine look, he had very feminine attributes. Described as "playful" and silly/crazy. You don't describe straight men as "playful." In the pictures he's 31 - he looks 12. Not a hair anywhere, did he shave? he was sensitive, didn't like the boys he was babysitting to fight, fed up with being a mechanic, probably a profession that hid his secret really well, Jake like to go to parks alone (that is totally a stereotype, but hey), Jake didn't really date, the supposed new girlfriend he had has never been seen, he hated being a mechanic but the military is also where gay men who feel they must keep their secret go to "come off straight." I would like to know what drugs he was into - it could give a clue, guys like Jake would have been drawn to ecstacy, meth, coke, his catholic schooling would have made it clear that living as a open homosexual would mean eternal hell, at ken's beck and call for cigarettes and snacks while at work (30 year old straight guys don't dote on another guy like that especially ones that have two kids a job and school AND in the National Guard AND a supposed girlfriend). Again, just my opinion and it makes all the sense in the world. Happens more than people are willing to believe - we are not even close to truly accepting gay people as equals, especially in small towns. People live in terror of being found out and in silent torture not to be free to be who they are, love who they want to love, you know just be normal like everyone else around them. Therefore, some people are not ever able to come out to their family and friends, Jake was too embarrassed even to tell anyone he wrecked his car in exactly the same place, think that kind of person is going to feel comfortable coming out in Po Dunk, Michigan? His age is a clue as well. 31 - he's had enough of hiding and finally just can't take it anymore. Doesn't want to answer any questions or have any one follow him, he's out, free to live a new life as the person who God made him to be. I do hope he's alive... the Social Security issue does bother me, but he could have gone totally off the gird - living on an Indian Reservation - laws are very different there. Maybe in New Mexico (he did head west), left his car on the side of the road, and hitched a ride, the last leg to NM so as not to not leave a trail to his final destination, Mesalaro Apache Reservation is due West from Sweetwater, the car got stolen and taken to Mexico where it was eventually trashed... I hope this helps in some way.... it truly makes sense if you consider the emotional and psychological pain he was probably secretly in. OH one more thing - the sighting in South Chicago... probably spotted at a gay bathhouse or gay bar. The guy who spotted him didn't want to be identified because he admitted he wasn't supposed to be where he was, but being scared about being caught by his wife visiting a sporting goods store makes absolutely NO sense. It was good of him to call anyway, even if it couldn't be verified. Ok, i think that's really it....
Gotta say…this does make sense. Hopefully he is living his best life somewhere. I just wish he’d let his family know, if able.
I think the theory of him being gay was very well thought out by the poster and I appreciated reading it. I WISH I felt that was the case, but unfortunately, occam's razor points to it being a drug run that he hoped would pay off big. He was likely murdered and the car destroyed in Mexico, as previously mentioned. I hate typing that, but I feel in my heart that's what happened. Hope I am wrong.
Another rule out has been added to Jacob's NamUs profile on 5/16/22

I am not sure why the UID's in both Tarrant TX and Van Buren MI are listed twice.





Van Buren

Van Buren




GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY, MI – The Grand Traverse County’s Sheriff’s Office has revived a cold case from 2010 hoping that new leads will be found.

It was March 31, 2010, when 31-year-old Jacob Cabinaw went missing after playing a round of disc golf with friends in Traverse City.

Police later traced his travels to Sweetwater, Texas, where he seemingly vanished along with his vehicle and personal belongings on April 2, 2010.

More at Michigan police revive 2010 cold case of missing National Guardsman
  • Mar. 27, 2024
  • 1711562947707.png
  • ''The investigation has continued during the past 14 years with a goal of letting the family know “we will never forget their loved one,” the sheriff’s office said.
    However, the effort has been renewed during the past few months, police said. The sheriff’s office has contacted the Michigan State Police, Michigan State Police Crime Lab and Western Michigan University Cold Case Program to develop and implement an investigative plan.
    Anyone with information related to the disappearance of Jacob Cabinaw is asked to call the sheriff’s office at 231-995-5039 or use Citizen On-Line Reporting.''
"I think it would be really nice to know for sure exactly what happened, what went down, just to have that closure and know, 'Okay, yes, it wasn't his fault, he is a good guy.' Or no, he really just didn't care about us and left, which I don't think is the case, but you never 100% know anything," Zander said.

Zander Cabinaw, much like investigators, doesn't have very many answers when it comes to the whereabouts of his father Jacob.

And like the case itself, Zander said his feelings are complicated.


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