MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #7

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Well I don't think prayer will bring her home. But it will at least be a reminder she is still missing.

I would love for there to be a Prayer Lead SEARCH PARTY!!!
The Best of Both worlds!!!
But I guess Jessica is in thought only for some reason.....
Well I don't think prayer will bring her home. But it will at least be a reminder she is still missing.

Nor do I, but the day of prayer gives the local community an opportunity to show their support for Jessica's family and, hopefully, renew interest in finding the missing young woman.
Nor do I, but the day of prayer gives the local community an opportunity to show their support for Jessica's family and, hopefully, renew interest in finding the missing young woman.

Renewing interest is great, but if they don't search they don't Find.
They don't have time to watch the news, yet probably spend hours on FB or watching reality shows. It takes a few minutes out of one's day to check out a news website. Most people who don't watch the news are proud of how ignorant they are, and think it's "cool" that they don't know what's happening in the world. The ones who don't know major news events because they don't own a computer or TV or have no time to actually use them are rare.

And, then, there are folks like me who are bona fide news junkies :D I start my day by reading headline news stories on my Comcast homepage, WDIV (www.clickondetroit.com) website, The Detroit News,, weather forecast, etc. I get breaking news emails from the local TV station and check updated headlines throughout the day. I don't have a FB account (or any other social media) and don't like reality shows other than a few on Food Network (Restaurant Impossible, Restaurant Stakeout). Even when DH and I are traveling, we watch whatever news channels are available or visit internet news sites. I am a dyed-in-the-wool news junkie and proud of it. :D
This private investigator from Florida has an online article questioning if there is a predator out there that could be a Ted Bundy copy cat that is responsible for the disappearances of young petite blonde females.

He observed that the females who have disappeared were white, slender, had their hair parted in the middle, and vanished during the evening hours.



I just noticed something here about all of these disappearances. It seems to me that a predator is abducting females in areas near a waterway. Look at the locations where the females were abducted. It seems the abductions occur near a lake, ocean, or river.
The same thing happened here with Jessica Ridgeway. Al though her story was all over the news, there were still people who didn't know she had been abducted from our neighborhood. Some people just don't watch the news!

I am just wondering...If you asked those people about Aurora, Columbine, and JonBenet, would they know what you were talking about?
1. Do you think that it was a "staged" abduction and Jessica will come home at some point?
2. Do you think that it was a real abduction, and that Jessica is hidden in plain sight and she is ok, and she will come home eventually?
3. Do you think that this is an abduction, and that she is not ok, but she will come home eventually?
4. Do you think this is an abduction, and something nefarious has happened to Jessica and she is deceased?
5. Do you think Jessica is deceased and someone will stumble upon her remains?
6. Do you think Jessica is deceased and her remains won't be found?

I believe that Jessica was abducted by a sexual predator and I fear that foul play is involved in her disappearance.

As for all of the blonde petite females that have disappeared, I think that some but probably not all of them are the work of a single predator.

I believe that regional predators involved in the disappearances rather than a single cross country predator.

I think that Jessica's predator is targeting women along the Great Lakes while there probably is another predator is targeting women along the Ohio River Valley.
I just noticed something here about all of these disappearances. It seems to me that a predator is abducting females in areas near a waterway. Look at the locations where the females were abducted. It seems the abductions occur near a lake, ocean, or river.

I think you would be hard-pressed to find a set of locations that didn't appear to be close to any given waterway. I recall that website stipulating a connection between the abductions and truck drivers due to the locations' proximities to a highway/interstate—yet another loosely forged association based more in confirmation bias than coincidence.

As many users have addressed here, there are just as many abducted brunettes of varying age and stature. Predators tend to work opportunistically rather than selectively, and the same goes for a kidnapper so sophisticated he's able to cross state lines undetected. Plus, some of the cases cited seem to have rather solidified POI's (Spier and Bordeaux; Bobo in a way) and thus circumstances inconsistent with this "social media stalker" theory. (That bit also reminds me way too much of 6 o'clock news parent-targeted, poorly researched scare tactics. In truth, the 18-25 sector is quite conscientious about making itself creeper-proof, particularly the pretty ones already weary from pursuit.)

Sorry if I come off unduly critical—as a web developer, the design of that website gave me a headache way before its contents could. :facepalm: But in all seriousness, I see the site being linked in pretty much any cold-case discussion, and I don't know that it's ever lead anywhere (not to single you out, nerosleuth). It's also not to take away from the heartbreak of any of these cases, but to me, exaggeratedly focusing on pretty blondes as a target just confirms a lot of the media's pre-existing bias and detracts violence against people of color/anyone else who doesn't fit into that category, many of whom are far more likely (statistically speaking) to be victimized in the first place. If a nationwide predator like this existed, who preys exclusively on women unknown to him, you'd find that his victims would be picked from primarily poor areas, and they would consist of those who appeared the most vulnerable and unaccounted for— not popular, middle class girls who have the state/family resources to offer rewards upwards of a million.

I guess it's possible someone is picking ambitiously specific victims from a great distance and abducting them such that LE remains stumped for years, but this presumes a lack of career/family/friends that would notice travel patterns, no paper trail along the way.. and would ultimately be so ingenious and lacking in human error it's probably beyond our scope to discuss it, since all we have to work with are the facts and profiles from previous cases.
Before I ever joined websleuths there was a man who drove around in town with a christmas tree on his truck roof. The months went by and the same "dried out, brittle dead tree" was still perched up on top of his truck.
I had the opportunity one day to ask him "why" and he looked at me, giving me a little smile but did not speak. He drove away.
He continued to keep that tree on his truck for a long, long, time-maybe 2 years or so but what I did eventually notice is he had a missing poster of Brittany Drexel in the back window of his pickup and still had it last time I saw him.

The man eventually opened up his tree business and I never had the chance to speak with him again but guess he was "advertising" calling attention to himself so people would not forget his crazy self. God bless him for remembering Britt, who disappeared from Myrtle Beach, SC. She has not been found and her case remains unsolved.

The missing posters come down, fade, blow away...the news stops, LE has new crimes to solve, first a month, then 6 months, then a year and life goes on. I think locals & businesses could come together and help keep Jessica out there in the public.
Maybe a billboard?

Just is so odd that there were no searches, I wish LE could have invited Tim Miller TES. I just refuse to believe enough was done. The FBI did not even get involved. Some missing get so much help and attention and others are just doomed from the start. What is written in the stars...

It seems extra wrong in this case to have it go so quiet. I really want Jessica to be brought home.

Thinking of you Jess!

I believe TES did offer to search early on and were turned down. Anyone else recall this?
I believe TES did offer to search early on and were turned down. Anyone else recall this?

I dont recall TES being turned down in the news but there was mention of a private local group. The chief responded that he couldnt prevent private parties from searching. He asked if they would stop by to see him so he could give them a few guidelines.:trainwreck::trainwreck::trainwreck:
There are two new cases of missing persons in Michigan: a 13-year-old boy from Harbor Springs and a 20-year-old woman from Romulus whose co-worker was found murdered this morning. Both are listed on the Missing board on WS.
Happy 26th Birthday Jessica. I hope and pray everyday you are still alive. Please God continue to give Jessica's family and friends the strength to continue especially on this day which is Jessica's 26th Birthday.

Thank you to everyone who is continuing to keep Jessica's thread going despite very little news.
I was wondering the other day when her birthday was, as she listed she was a Cancer on her Myspace page. Now that she is Still missing on her birthday, she has missed Many occasions to celebrate since she was abducted.
I hope you come home soon, Jessica! Happy Birthday!
Sad...there is no Birthday celebration this year for Jessica but there is solace in the belief that whoever abducted Jessica will get theirs...whether justice comes through the criminal justice system or through universal laws of "what goes around comes around"...I believe the abudctor will get theirs!

Hoping Jessica will be found soon!

This is interesting, lists some of the cameras around highways in MI. Not much near Norton Shores. Closest is on route 31 near Grand Haven. I wonder if the video is saved or only for live feed? I still think video is the best way to find the owner of the van. It's probably too late now though.
Long time WS member first time posting on Jessica's thread. I have developed an interest in this case and from all of the pages of discussion I can see many of you have as well. I wanted to post after reading everything and share my opinions.

First there are 2 big things that stand out that make me feel the perp was familiar to the station the lack of cameras and the lights being off in the back as stated by the witness. I will address my thoughts on the lights first as my comments on the cams are a lot longer.

I believe it was the fellow employee that saw the lights in back were off and normally they should be on. While it is possible that Jessica had turned off the lights to start closing to me it doesn't make sense as she had not yet taken out the trash. Posters have noted that there is some distance between the dumpster and the gas station so why would she want to turn out the lights prior to dumping the trash?

Has it been confirmed anywhere that LE in fact found the lights in back off when they arrived? I would assumed the switches have been dusted for prints and there are many ways to avoid leaving them but my gut says that Jessica did not turn them off and that in turn tells me the perp knows the lay of the store being a frequent customer or even a past/present employee. I would assume LE has verified the alibi of all present employees but have they gone back to research all past employees? I sure hope so!

Was the backdoor one that locked automatically when shut or did the employee need to engage the lock from inside? The perp could have parked around the side/back area and gone through the front as a friendly customer then he could have taken Jess out the back door turning the lights off as the passed the switch or if it doesn't auto lock Jess could have unlocked it in prep to take the trash out. That doesn't sound likely to me though as I think the cash drawer would have been secured prior to unlatching the back door.

It would be helpful to know if any of the customers prior to the abduction noticed the lights and if they were off for a good part of the evening or if they had been on for a time. Regardless I think that the perp had a good feel of the layout in the store prior to abducting Jessica.

The lack of cameras. I realize they may not have prevented this from happening but on the other hand they may have deterred it from happening at this location. I understand people hold up banks and drug stores that are known to have cameras but normally they make an effort to conceal their identity. Their intentions are also a lot different than what I feel the perp had in mind in abducting Jessica. He knew that the store was still open and that a customer could come at any moment and if that happened he would want to quickly blend in as another customer and wearing a mask would stand out. I believe that he was aware that there were no cameras again either by visiting the store often or y working there at some time prior. Jess seemed like a good employee so I doubt she would tell anyone if there were or weren't cameras.

I believe that the person that abducted Jess did so because they had seen her before and developed feelings toward her. She is a beautiful woman and most likely got second glances from many men. I think that the perp saw her and perhaps began imagining what his life would be like to date Jessica. He likely pictured several times what their life together would be like and looked forward to seeing her when he went to the gas station. He also very likely knew which car she drove if he was a regular and perhaps when the van was seen earlier in the night he was checking things out and seeing if her car was there.

From what we have seen Jess appeared to be in a happy relationship and calling her fiancee to let him know she would be coming home quickly after work shows it was a happy place that she wanted to be so if the perp did make any sort of advances toward her I feel she would have politely turned him down. She probably had many customers that would flirt innocently and she may have joked around in return with their comments but I don't. Not wanting to be rude to a customer she likely would have been polite in saying something like I am in a relationship and even that could set off someone that has been obsessing over her. That being said girls like to gossip and talk. Had certain customers tried hitting on her most women would mention it with their female co workers and it often turns into a running joke. It would be really helpful to know the kinds of convos Jess had with fellow employees and if she ever talked about certain customers flirting with her.

I know that some locals have gone to the scene and driven the route the van did but I was wondering have any of you gone down at the same time of night and sat in the same area the witness described, I think it was a guitar store? If so how well could the side/back area be seen from that location? It was said the lights were off so I would assume the immediate area was dark. If you stand in that area and a friend drives by you at night can you see their face clearly? I know I have a hard time seeing inside a moving car at night and if I could give a description of someone in a moving vehicle that I would have been making an effort to do so for a reason.

In regard to the blood that was found to be Jessica's do we know if it was found during the initial search of the crime scene or was it found later? If her blood was found there and nowhere else inside that tells me that the struggle happened in that location. If something had happened elsewhere it would be probable that there would be blood droplets in other locations as well. What types of things did they do as far as search and collection of possible hair or fibers that could be tested? Did they ever bring in a dog to try and track her scent?
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