Found Deceased MI - Kevin Bacon, 25, met someone online, Swartz Creek, 24 Dec 2019 *Arrest*

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I question it as well Momma. The fact that the Ex stated he noted nothing remarkable on Christmas Day. That's huge. IMO

I had thought long and hard about this. Until, court and all facts are presented, this quote of the ex seems normal to myself, yourself, and others, but I also took into consideration of what his 'norm,' is when unstable. This meaning what his ex and his friends may see as unremarkable behavior for Latunski, at his 'norm non medicating state,' may be completely odd and really wierd behavior to others who do not know him, imo. Just food for thought.

Long ago, there was a case of a mass shooter, who called himself the baby warrior for abortion rights. I thought if he was able to purchase and plan his shooting spree, he could not be insane. But, whoa, in the court proceedings, there was no faking his complete and utterly shocking insanity. What stuck out more in his case is he was adamant, demanding, and so angry they thought he was insane. He was fighting so hard to be seen as right in the mind.

Latunski's lawyer is using the insanity defense. The court proceedings will tell us more about the true mental facilities and state of Latunski's mind.
Great post, thank you for contributing.

Just curious, where are you getting the information that "ML's ex-wife is willing to defend him"? Thanks!

I read in one of the articles of her mentioning she knew he was not on his medications because she was counting them. I will look for this. The article that mentioned this.
I had thought long and hard about this. Until, court and all facts are presented, this quote of the ex seems normal to myself, yourself, and others, but I also took into consideration of what his 'norm,' is when unstable. This meaning what his ex and his friends may see as unremarkable behavior for Latunski, at his 'norm non medicating state,' may be completely odd and really wierd behavior to others who do not know him, imo. Just food for thought.

Long ago, there was a case of a mass shooter, who called himself the baby warrior for abortion rights. I thought if he was able to purchase and plan his shooting spree, he could not be insane. But, whoa, in the court proceedings, there was no faking his complete and utterly shocking insanity. What stuck out more in his case is he was adamant, demanding, and so angry they thought he was insane. He was fighting so hard to be seen as right in the mind.

Latunski's lawyer is using the insanity defense. The court proceedings will tell us more about the true mental facilities and state of Latunski's mind.
You make great points and there is so much we are not yet privy to.

I wonder about those who came into contact with him outside of his close friends and what impression they may have had. I.e., employee at the dealership he interacted with, grocery store clerk or other patrons, etc. MOO
I absolutely agree that psychosis can lead to reacting violently to hallucinations and/or delusions. I would question ML's level of psychosis, though, as he was easily communicating on Grindr and other sites, returning a rental car and reportedly presenting as calm and nothing out of the ordinary, shopping with friends and his ex, etc. I don't doubt he exhibited signs of a mental decline and suspected from the beginning that he had likely stopped taking psychotropic medication, which is very typical. He lost his job, his husband, his kids- all of which may have further exacerbated the decline.

I just question the level of impairment and psychosis at the time he arranged the sexual meet up. MOO

ETA: I also want to highlight that mental illness overall, even with a schizophrenia diagnosis, is not positively correlated with violence, and certainly not murder. It does occur but is not the norm. Jm(professional)o

I question the level of impairment at the time of the crime as well. There is quite a bit of evidence that he was acting rationally before and after the crime.
Great post, thank you for contributing.

Just curious, where are you getting the information that "ML's ex-wife is willing to defend him"? Thanks!

I read in one of the articles of her mentioning she knew he was not on his medications because she was counting them. I will look for this. The article that mentioned this.
The local news just aired a segment on Kevin. I missed the initial bit when the MSP detective was interviewed. He did specify Kevin was found in the basement but no new information.
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I read in one of the articles of her mentioning she knew he was not on his medications because she was counting them. I will look for this. The article that mentioned this.
Ok, I thought that might be what you were referring to. The quotes from the ex-wife in that news story were actually taken from 2012/2013 court documents (divorce, custody & custodial kidnapping). Not from recent statements made to LE or the media.

No big deal, I just want to make sure no one gets the idea she is currently defending or speaking out publicly about this monster.

Here's the story you are referring to Suspect in Kevin Bacon murder case has long history of mental illness, records show
After coming across this case, I read from another site, a rather large group of persons, posing questions and their experiences, in the world of bdsm. The lifestyle and different types of bdsm play sounded dangerous to me, although it seemed to be part of the excitement for many who participate in this.

At first, I judged him as a sexual sadist from his eyes alone, before learning info from the ex wife (important because it seems she is standing behind her ex and how mentally sick this man is when not taking his medications). Most schizophrenics end up homeless, because, the medications are as debilitating and at times as bad as the illness itself. So, once they feel better and back to normal, it is more common than it is not common, for schizophrenics to stop taking the medications, moreso, if they do not have a partner who is accountable and dependable, which may or may not last with compliance to take their medications.

The personality disorders may have been diagnosed first, his behavior mistaken for a personality disorder, before a diagnosis of schizophrenia was supported, and they were never taken off any history of this man's medical records.

I was 50/50 about his partner until I heard him speak. He sounded and presented himself mindfully, mindful about all parties, especially the victim and the victim's family. He presented himself well and was one of the most truthful sounding speakers in a crime case I have yet to hear speak. He seemed to encompass empathy. I feel he had so much to do with keeping Latunski on the correct path, and the relationship seemed to be a normal loving one, and add this to a history of marriage (a contentious divorce and custody situation and the ex wife is still capable and willing to defend her ex speaks to me and tells me more about this particular man in this case only) , stable job, friends, and long term relationships, LE is not concerned with this suspect being a sociopath or psychopath serial killer.

Imo, this man was spiraling, not taking medications, becoming increasingly irrational, losing his job, and then losing his long term partner who he likely depended on in many ways, that kept him on a good path.

I watched a documentary on a young woman, who was beautiful, and working her way up to being accepted into Playboy magazine in the 70s or 80s. She had a young son, 6 or 7 years of age if my memory is correct. She developed schizophrenia all of a sudden in her 20s and the change of demeanor and appearance was drastic. She murdered her son, because she believed him to be possessed and she believed she had xray vision and could see all his bones.

She went to a mental hospital for several years before let out. She lived the rest of her life on skid row in California, hair shaved down the part, and two different colored buns in the style of Princess Lei. She changed from the looks of a model to a very heavy strange looking homeless woman. Eyebrows painted in as thick and long with a permanent marker and other odd choices. It was in the top 5 of the saddest documentaries I have ever watched.

I feel so awful for Kevin, Kevin's father, JA, his ex and his children, all parties affected by this Christmas Eve tragedy.

imo, if he was in his right wits, mind intact, and a psychopath, I believe he would have disposed of the body in time and manner. I do not believe he would have kept it at his residence. The facial mutilation could possibly be from whatever strange paranoid or extremely delusional thoughts were going round and round in Latunski's mind.

I also believe using a name already imprinted in one's mind related to work, hobby, or avid interests is more believable with mental illness of this severity. The mind and mental thought processes that would have to be intact to make up a name would seem unlikely.

I apologize for this thesis or neverending post. I seem to read a case for awhile, long while, usually, before posting. So, these are many of my thoughts, all opinion of course.

I don't recall reading anything about facial mutilation. Did I miss something in the report?

As for the name, I would buy it as a sign of mental illness if he had used it persistently leading up to now. But, as far as I'm aware, his use of the others guy's name first occurred when he was in court and being held accountable for his crimes. I'm dubious of his claim to be someone else simply because he first made the claim in court. (It is possible he claimed to be the other person earlier and I just don't know about it.)
I am pretty sure there will be a lot more to come out publicly about how ML was obsessed with sex and bondage. Locally there is a lot of information that cannot be discussed circulating but I think as more and more comes out it is going to show that he knew exactly what he was doing before during and after this horrendous crime. MOO prayers for both families.
IMHO somewhere along the line some one read the statute he was charged under, which includes the word defacement, and started a rumor based on their lack of understanding.
Michigan Legislature - Section 750.160

It may have been myself guilty of misunderstanding details or reading perhaps elsewhere a misunderstanding, while also personally believing their are differences between the words mutilation, desecration, and defacement of a corpse and apologize if it was solely myself being mistaken by the use of the word defacement.

I enjoy the puzzles and investigations of crimes, but will and have always stayed clear away from in depth analysis or retelling of murder acts in articles or books if it involves extreme torture and mutilation of immense suffering, esp if children are the victims. Robert Berdella is one good example of a case I stopped reading further because it was unsettling and unthinkable.

When I read defacement of a person, artifact, or object, I automatically think taking away the beauty and value from something, in a superficial sense. So, with misunderstanding in this case, I thought this would mean that what makes Kevin special and beautiful to those who love him was defaced, and our faces are imo just that.

Desecration, in my own mind, means humiliating and purposely with cruel intent of disrespecting a human body after death by gutting, performing satanic type mutilation and treating the body as if a cow for slaughter.

Mutilation is the word I tend to come across when a crime refers to genitalia, female or male.

I have read many articles lately about a few crimes and apologize if it were myself mistaking something I read and taking it out of it's intended context. If, I did, it was not for the purpose of exploiting a murder case and with intention of starting rumors.
Ok, I thought that might be what you were referring to. The quotes from the ex-wife in that news story were actually taken from 2012/2013 court documents (divorce, custody & custodial kidnapping). Not from recent statements made to LE or the media.

No big deal, I just want to make sure no one gets the idea she is currently defending or speaking out publicly about this monster.

Here's the story you are referring to Suspect in Kevin Bacon murder case has long history of mental illness, records show

I will go back at some point in time, when I can re read this article and others, but, yes, I could have mixed up partners, time, roles, and statements. Thank you for clearing this up.
Messages on Kevin Bacon’s phone lead police to Latunski's house

"Clayton Township Police received information from the Grindr app on Bacon's phone, which was recovered in his vehicle, that showed he had been having a conversation with 50-year-old Latunski, Kaiser said.

Police uncovered some of the messages between Latunski and Bacon, which led them to Latunski's home in Bennington Township during the early morning hours of Dec. 28.


While police were checking the basement they found a hidden room, Kaiser said."
Police reports reveal alleged Grindr killer’s checkered past
“I’ve been doing this for over 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” Finnegan added. “It’s absolutely the most horrific homicide case I’ve ever dealt with.”

"Records show county sheriff’s deputies visited the home of Latunski’s now ex-wife in July 2013 for a welfare check. She then told authorities that she and Latunski — who had recently been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia — were going through a messy divorce and that he hadn’t been taking his prescribed medications.

Deputies had one of their first encounters with Latunski a few months later on Aug. 26, 2013 when they were dispatched to check on the welfare of his children. Police reports alleged that Latunski had been ignoring a custody arrangement for his children and kept hold of them well beyond the time allotted under a court order. "

"On Sept. 3, 2013, Latunski reportedly visited the MSP post in Lansing — giving officers a fake name and a fake birthdate and telling authorities that he had “killed” Latunski “with a stroke of a pen.” Deputies later stopped by his home for a welfare check and discovered cryptic notes scattered across the kitchen, reports state. "
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