GUILTY MI - Mary Welch, 10 mos, died, parents refused treatment for religious reasons, Solon, 2 Aug 2018

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Mary was found dead 19.5 hours after her last meal. Dad peaked through a hole in the door to her room to check on her. He never entered so as not to wake her. He was in charge of her. Aug. 1st had a high temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit. August 2nd's high was 84. The poor child didn't have a chance. How hot was HER ROOM? It was mom who found her dead. Why would she trust him to protect her from dehydration and starvation. I wonder if he goes 19.5 hours without liquids or food?
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I don't feel like his reaction was genuine at all. He did that for the camera. This makes me sick.

I believe that child abuse is often the result of an addiction to power and control. In this case, the addiction to power was so strong, that the parents believed that they could act as god, not the loving Father that we see healing the sick and blessing the children, but a horrible god of their own creation.

I suspect that they became gods in their own eyes, believing they had power and control over all things and all people, including the life and death of their child. They also had power and control over Child Services, doctors and even power over the law. So his reaction of surprise may have been genuine. He could been surprised to find himself facing murder charges, because that wouldn't fit with his religious belief that he is god and therefore he has done nothing wrong,
In speaking with CPS workers, Welch "denied that Mary Welch was malnourished. He stated she was 'skinny but healthy.'"

As part of a home inspection, investigators said the baby's bedroom had soiled diapers with urine and fecal matter in a trash can next to her crib. The baby's mattress was west (sic) and soiled and the mattress had a rip in the foam, causing the baby to lay in the rip's crevice.

A baby bathtub was under the crib, below the foam mattress, and had urine in it.

The documents show that CPS did have previous contact with Tatiana Fusari in 2014 for "physical abuse due to drug exposed infant for marijuana." Kent County court records indicated no court case on the matter, however.
Doctors called 'untrustworthy' by father charged in baby's malnutrition death
A wet, soiled crib mattress with a large tear in the middle causing Mary to sleep in the hole. A baby bathtub filled with urine underneath the crib mattress. Soiled diapers with urine and fecal matter in a trash can next to her crib.

Previous CPS involvement for "physical abuse due to drug exposed infant for marijuana."

None of this has anything to do with religious beliefs or vaccines. And as an aside the parents don't understand the concept of evolution and "survival of the fittest," which has nothing to do with being physically fit.

The parents are trying to use a dual excuse for starving little Mary to death - religion and "untrustworthy doctors." The truth is neither parent cared enough to give Mary even minimal nourishment nor did they care enough to keep her environment sanitary. In my book that's intentional abuse. MOO.

The father's FB post is disgusting IMO. Quoted in The Detroit Free Press:

Heart is about shattered right now.

Woke up to Mary dead in her bed this morning - this evening had our children removed and placed on "no contact" because Tati and I are the worst parents ever - Thankfully they are with grandma and grandpa

Just numb inside right now. And I'm really enjoying the loving embrace of an isolation cell from the cops and government employees who keep assuring me "they are only here to help".

Mich. baby found dead in crib with sunken eyes. Here's what mom told cops

Any word on what brand of religion they belong to?
Two jailhouse interviews with dad. Lots at the link. Be prepared for religious rationalizations and other nonsensical stuff. Like this:

"God instructed Abraham to bring his child unto the altar. While human sacrifice in such a way is not a part of our religion — that is not what I am trying to communicate; please, I beg of you, do not chop my words. You will face God for it if you do," Welch said. "The lesson is to say that we have to be willing to go that far in our following of Christ. We have to be willing to give it all up, to put everything on the table for him."
The man accused of murder in the starvation death of his baby proclaimed his innocence in a jailhouse interview with 24 Hour News 8 Thursday.
Welch told 24 Hour News 8 he had no idea the baby was ill. He repeated claims made to police that he cared for his children without the aid of doctors because of religious beliefs.

"I believe I am being unfairly charged, being made an example of for my very strong faith," Welch said. "Going into the doctor's office these days is just about as dangerous as not going."

Welch said he was stunned by the charges and the potential penalty of life in prison. His mouth hung agape as the judge read the charging information during his arraignment earlier this week.

"I was very shocked. I went to my cell and I cried. …. I laid down flat on my face and I just cried out in prayer," Welch said.
In the first interview, he immediately took aim at the news reports about his charges.

"I would advise you to be careful what you say from here on out. You will answer to the Lord for everything that is said against me," Welch said sternly. "You go ahead and record it, sir."
Dad: Charges in baby's death 'unfair,' about faith
The state has filed to terminate the parental rights of their two surviving children.

Ironic that the parents operate a profitable farm yet their daughter died of dehydration and malnutrition.
Here's the longer jailhouse interview.
I hope the prosecutor enters it into evidence if this case goes to trial. He said every day before leaving for work his wife "completely drains her breast milk into our daughter then puts her down for a nap."

He claimed it was normal for their kids to sleep for 16 to 18 hours when they are going through growth spurts.

He claimed he checked on Mary repeatedly but it wasn't until 10 am the next morning that his wife decided to get Mary up. Nearly 20 hours later. If this was the daily routine when did the parents have time to feed Mary all the "good food" Seth claimed they gave her?

WTH is wrong with these people? By 5 minutes into the interview you'll want to throw something at the screen but it's worth listening to. I'm now convinced that at least the father is a liar and will try and spin every possible excuse in order to see what sticks. MOO.
Mom talks. More at the link.
A day after her husband declared his innocence in an interview with 24 Hour News 8, Fusari did the same. Welch’s interview was done using the jail’s remote visitation system so the video and audio was recorded and published by 24 Hour News 8.

Fusari, for reasons unknown, could only receive visits at the jail facility where recording is not allowed in the visitation area.

“We’re not terrible people… it was purely accidental,” Fusari told 24 Hour News 8 during the interview. "I went to check on her… and my baby was dead.”

Fusari said that she was the first to notice Mary had died. After the baby had been sleeping for more than 16 hours under Welch’s care, Fusari said she went to check on her after returning from work.

“She was already cold,” Fusari said. “We were trying to perform CPR.”

For some reason, the couple didn’t immediately call 911. A report filed in court said that Welch admitted to waiting an hour before calling for emergency help — something Fusari was hesitant to discuss.

“Certain details of the case I’m not allowed to reveal,” she said citing advice from her attorney. “I was just told not to… we had a good reason.”

“She was already dead,” Fusari explained. “I just spent too much time crying.”

While her husband spent a great deal of his interview explaining the religious reasons for not taking his children to the doctor regularly, Fusari did not. Her reasoning was more pragmatic.

“We didn’t feel the need to,” Fusari explained. “It was just a matter of whether it was necessary.”
Mom accused of starving baby: 'I dream about her'
Honestly that video of him being so theatrically surprised screams performance to me. Mum was the one working. Breast feeding a 10 month old baby once a day? No wonder she slept so much! It's possible he was lying to mum about how much he'd fed the baby while she was away if that was the daily routine. He seems like a very self focused individual. Not excusing the mum of course. There's previous intervention from CPS regarding a drug exposed infant according to a screenshot I've seen on another site so that's not good.

I think the wording of his post about the baby's death is very telling.

Seth Welch

The 'heart is about shattered' and 'woke up to Mary dead in her bed'.. there is a lack of ownership. To really own the emotion people would usually say" MY heart is about shattered" the avoidance of doing that can point to insincerity in the statement.

The interesting thing is he only consistently uses that lack of ownership UNTIL it comes to his statement about how he feels about being in the isolation cell. Obviously a true statement.

And who would talk about their precious baby like that? "Dead in her bed" is so harsh. Loving relatives of anyone deceased tend to avoid using harsh words like "dead". That's why there's phrases like "passed away" "crossed over" "at peace" "at rest" "gone" etc etc
As someone who has been trying very hard for a very long time to have a baby these cases make me shake with anger. I can't even form a coherent thought within TOS about these people. God bless little Mary, she deserved so much more.
What baby sleeps for 19 hours straight? He said his other children did too.So all this time not hungry or wet? Bull hockey! I listened to his self righteous preaching.It reminded me of Jim Jones and I believe he brainwashed his wife.She was the breadwinner among everything else.He was the one in control not God.
What sealed the deal for me was in Welch's jailhouse interview linked upthread when the reporter (who by the way I thought did an excellent job in asking his questions) asked what Welch's hopes were for Mary. Watch starting at about 14:19 to hear the reply. The first thing he says is that it's "so hard for us" and then he starts talking about Mary sleeping for 16 to 18 hours in a period and how their other children had done it before. "Then they wake up and we feed them."

He goes on to talk about growth spurts and that he would feed Mary every day about 5 o'clock, listing the food he would give her. He also says his wife would be on her break from McDonald's and they would get on video conference and he would park his phone on Mary's feeding tray while his wife was having her dinner to show her how he was caring for her. This is a big red flag to me. Not only does he verbally stumble through this story he also clearly was trying to convince his audience that he was a good father.

BTW, no mention of Tatiana making breast milk bottles to leave for Mary. How did she manage to keep her milk up?

Anyway he goes on and on about how he cares for Mary's health. He basically contradicted everything he said earlier about his wife nursing Mary and putting her down for a nap. He talked about how he usually takes Mary for a walk after feeding her and blah blah blah.

IOW, he described a typical day that was nothing like what he said transpired on the day that Mary died.

Finally the reporter interrupts his diatribe and Welch gets his nose out of joint for being "cut off." This is 3 minutes after the reporter asked him what his hopes were for Mary. At this point he finally starts to answer the question: His hopes for Mary ... oh wait, he goes back to what the daily routine was.

Finally he says his hopes for Mary was for her to be a happy child and to love God. SMH. The reporter again tried to ask what he has to say about not noticing his daughter starving to death and dehydrated. More excuses.

Anyway, sorry for the long post but I know some of you aren't able to watch this interview and I felt it was important to to tell some of what Welch said. To sum it up it was all about alibi building and also what he described as a typical day for Mary completely contradicted what he said happened on August 1 and 2.

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