MI MI - Perry Corlew, 18, Grayling, 15 March 1974

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Do I think 90 minutes was enough time? Yes. A previous post indicated he was considering going to Florida or California, so leaving was already being thought of and on his mind. If a close friend took him to a bus station in Detroit or other larger city in Southern Michigan, then there was even more time to plan. He was on probation and maybe thought he might to go prison. A person can do many things in desperation.
People also commit suicide in desperation; I'd put suicide way ahead of a voluntary disappearance in this case.
It isn't that I doubt the possibility of someone in his position taking off, it's that I don't see such a person staying out if touch long term.
I could see both picked up by a friend and just chucking their existing life to start anew. Not too hard. Suicide for me is less likely because too long a time has passed with Perry's body never recovered. It is possible that Perry took off and never wanted to return to his old life, fearing the potential of severe consequences by returning home. He was on probation from what I remembered for breaking and entering, and several traffic violations. A young teen, confused and scarred.

I also think that more than not the phone call that Mike (Perry's brother) got in 1992 with the mimicking of the cartoon character sounds, something that he had Perry used to do as a kid. was very likely Perry, calling to say that he was OK, but for whatever reason, he did not want his identity known. Although it was more common for kids to take off in the 1960's, like join the hippie movement and things, it was certainly not heard of in 1974. I am not sure, but I think I remember reading that Perry did communicate with the other driver regarding the fender-bender. I think he hit a parked car. We know that he took off before the police got to the accident scene.

Perry Otto Corlew
  • perry_otto_corlew_1.jpg
  • perry_otto_corlew_2.jpg
Perry, circa 1974; Age-progression to age 45 (circa 2001)

  • Missing Since 03/15/1974
  • Missing From Grayling, Michigan
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Date of Birth 07/05/1956 (63)
  • Age 17 years old
  • Height and Weight 6'2 - 6'4, 155 - 165 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, green eyes. Perry wears eyeglasses.

Perry Otto Corlew – The Charley Project
I could see both picked up by a friend and just chucking their existing life to start anew. Not too hard. Suicide for me is less likely because too long a time has passed with Perry's body never recovered. It is possible that Perry took off and never wanted to return to his old life, fearing the potential of severe consequences by returning home. He was on probation from what I remembered for breaking and entering, and several traffic violations. A young teen, confused and scarred.

I also think that more than not the phone call that Mike (Perry's brother) got in 1992 with the mimicking of the cartoon character sounds, something that he had Perry used to do as a kid. was very likely Perry, calling to say that he was OK, but for whatever reason, he did not want his identity known. Although it was more common for kids to take off in the 1960's, like join the hippie movement and things, it was certainly not heard of in 1974. I am not sure, but I think I remember reading that Perry did communicate with the other driver regarding the fender-bender. I think he hit a parked car. We know that he took off before the police got to the accident scene.

I suppose it's possible; I had forgotten about the phone call.
In my opinion, he panicked and fled the scene. Maybe ditched the car and ran off to start a new life. The cartoon voices to the brother could have been a signal to say...hey, I'm alive and ok.
Not sure why he would have waited so long and what finally prompted the call.
Wish there was a recent composite done of what he might look like today.
I keep thinking he panicked and ran off...would like to know if the brother has ever received another phone call since?
Wish there was a recent composite done of what he might look like today.
I keep thinking he panicked and ran off...would like to know if the brother has ever received another phone call since?
He might have run off, but I'm very familiar with the part of the state where he disappeared. There are large tracks of undeveloped woodland. It would have been very easy for him to have run off into the woods and to have died without ever being found.
Though I personally dont think this is Perry, how sad this unknown individuals last hours were...so mature for his young age and inner tormented he must have been...his note was deep and thought out...I hope he has found peace...just wish it was under different circumstances.
Assuming it was Perry who drove the car to where it was found, if the car door was left open, my sense is he exited quickly and/or under the influence of something since even a distressed person would likely close the door out of sheer habit. Unless he had the wherewithall to stage the appearance of a quick exit.

So. He may have jumped out to flag down a truck thinking it would be a) most likely to stop for a hitchhiker and b) then travel the furthest away; or an aquaintance picked him up. Bearing in mind that if he went straight from the theatre to the 'pickup' spot a rendevous would've first entailed stopping at a payphone in 1974. Plus, it would make more sense to meet a friend where they'd be less likely to be seen/remembered, as in not w/ 2 cars on the side of a highway. In any event, he would've had the time, but had no way of knowing if there was a BOLO on him. Much of that depends on the details of the fender-bender. Incidentially, I think it unlikely he was pulled over by police and met his demise w/ their assistance, although it has happened. It would've had to be an officer willing to risk offing a 17 yr old w/a minor record, who knew who Perry was in the first place.

More likely, a 17 yr old in a panic and/or impaired might go straight home from the accident. If he truly wanted to leave anyway, that would be the time to pack belongings, esp crucial meds, extra glasses, etc. I don't see any mention of items missing from his home. On top of that, assuming he still lived at his parents' home, he'd have to be sure that everyone was out for at least the immediate future unless he regularly came home, grabbed things, and left again. It'd be helpful to know the travel time/direction from the fender-bender site, to where he lived, back to where his car was found.

If he was able to pack, he'd be slightly more prepared to leave his car and ride off with a stranger or friend. I find a friend less likely as the majority of people, especially teens, would crack and tell what happened once the immediate dust settled. Or even call in an anonymous tip.

If he did take off, did he do it in the middle of a Michigan winter's night w/ just a backpack or worse just the clothes on his back? With no exact planned destination (that we know of) did he have the $ for a hostel, etc. or was he planning on sleeping in moving trucks; if he didn't leave that night, did he have the resources to take a breath hidden by friends before he took off (knowing the clock is ticking in the search for him)?

People take off and start new lives. But the totality of this being seemingly unplanned for that particular night, his being 17, the weather, and the laws of probability point to him being deceased. I don't think he was chased down by whoever he hit, if there's a record of the accident he/she would've been questioned in light of Perry then going missing. And what are the chances of a second car, perhaps driven by a friend of the driver who was hit, heroically chasing Perry down? Esp since it seems Perry talked to the driver of the first car giving him/her time to get his tag #. Too complicated, and the answer if usually more simple. My guess would be fled from the car and died of exposure, or he was picked up and met with foul play by either that driver or later on wherever he ended up. Also, I hope I'm wrong.

Lastly, on the cartoon voices...could the brother have just received a random, run-of-the-mill prank call by a kid throwing his voice? The brother's reference would understandably be 'cartoon' hearing a certain pitch/inflection, especially with Perry probably never far from his thoughts.
He might have run off, but I'm very familiar with the part of the state where he disappeared. There are large tracks of undeveloped woodland. It would have been very easy for him to have run off into the woods and to have died without ever being found.

It would be interesting to see these woods you say...can you link something? Now many years have passed, places will also have changed, plants and trees have grown.
Most of Michigan's northern lower peninsula is a mixture of woods and orchards, with towns and lakes stuck here and there. Pretty much every source says that Perry's car was found about 15 miles south of Grayling. That would put him a couple of miles south of the Roscommon Road exit. (I'm not sure whether that exit existed back then.) He would have been roughly in the middle of this screenshot taken from Google Earth. There isn't much around. I zoomed in on the central area for the second picture. Having driven through that area more times than I can count, I can tell you that the area in the picture that looks green is very heavily wooded. The dark area to the east is water.



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Do you think that the person who called and talked to Perry's brother Mike, mimicking the cartoon voices, which Perry and he used to do, was Perry or not? Why or why not?

I think it was Perry. The cartoon voices were something that Perry and his brother did together. IMO, Perry used them as a "code" when calling his brother as if to say, "Hey, it's me and I'm ok."
On the other hand, why would Perry have to be secretive about it? Why couldn't he just say to his brother...its me and I'm fine. Was he being vague because he was in earshot of someone that was trouble?
But, unless someone else knew of the voices, it points to Perry himself.
I doubt that the caller was Perry. Prank calls were common in the days of land lines, and Perry's brother may have been hearing what he wanted to hear. Perry's legal troubles would have given him a motive to disappear, but it is debatable whether an eighteen-year-old could pull off a successful disappearance with no planning. He had gotten into trouble a few times already; has he miraculously stayed out of trouble and off the grid for over forty-eight years?

I would like to know where his car was found and whether it was adjacent to a heavily wooded area such as the one in the images that I posted earlier. I think that he may have gone into the woods to kill himself.
I think it was Perry. The cartoon voices were something that Perry and his brother did together. IMO, Perry used them as a "code" when calling his brother as if to say, "Hey, it's me and I'm ok."
On the other hand, why would Perry have to be secretive about it? Why couldn't he just say to his brother...its me and I'm fine. Was he being vague because he was in earshot of someone that was trouble?
But, unless someone else knew of the voices, it points to Perry himself.
My view,

It could have been Perry. But I agree with you about the secrecy of it. And why wait for 18 years to do that? If it was a code thing, could he have been abducted, and needed that code to communicate anything at all? For me, it's a 50/50 shot. OMG a call like that would send chills down my back. I am even getting that feeling writing this!

I could see him panicking with a poor driving record and the breaking and entering charge. Would like to know more about the breaking and entering change. But to leave forever? We are missing a major component of this case. Something is not adding up here.

My view,

It could have been Perry. But I agree with you about the secrecy of it. And why wait for 18 years to do that? If it was a code thing, could he have been abducted, and needed that code to communicate anything at all? For me, it's a 50/50 shot. OMG a call like that would send chills down my back. I am even getting that feeling writing this!

I could see him panicking with a poor driving record and the breaking and entering charge. Would like to know more about the breaking and entering change. But to leave forever? We are missing a major component of this case. Something is not adding up here.

One thing that we don't have is a psychological profile of Perry. Did he exhibit any signs of depression? Did he have a personality disorder? Knowing more about the breaking-and-entering incident would help. Was it a property crime? Was he breaking into the house of a romantic interest? Was he intoxicated? Did he have a drinking problem? His fleeing the scene of the fender bender does begin to paint a picture of someone who cannot handle the pressure of everyday living. That points me towards suicide. I could buy his running away, but I can't see him pulling it off for one year let alone forty-eight years.

I know that one of the theories being bandied about was that he was died during an arrest. If his car accident was caused by drunk driving, it would make some sense that he might have gotten pulled over. If he resisted arrest and was killed, but then the cop realized that he was unarmed, I can see a cop disposing of the body instead of reporting the death.
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So IMO, Perry fled the scene of a minor accident because of the trouble he was in prior...young, scared... could have been drinking too.
But why , over an hour plus later, would the car be found running with the door open...did Perry panic and run or did someone run him off the road?

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