GUILTY MI - Renisha McBride, 19, shot while trying to get help, Detroit, Nov 2013

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I think people are just trying to understand "why".
i dont think im allowed to reply to that so i will just say that if anyone misunderstands my previous speculative post and it starts to cause a problem please delete it.
I think people are just trying to understand "why".

Maybe he was just a paranoid gun nut.

I also don't see what difference it makes about what range he shot her at? If it was up-close, he thought a teenage girl was about to break-into his house and brutally murder him? Did he not see the fear in her eyes as he pointed a weapon at her? If it was at a longer distance, well, that sounds like she was walking away or backing away, so why did he shoot?

Did he even say anything to her before he opened the door? Say leave..or I am going to shoot? Why didn't he call 911 first? Did he turn on the porch light to see who was standing out there?
I followed you lijim. I don't think you were implying that there were noises from several different locations simultaneously around the house (indicating more than one "intruder")

I think you were speculating that since her own home and that one do seem to resemble one another, she, thinking she was home, intoxicated, and having just been in a single vehicle accident, was trying to figure out why she could not get in and POSSIBLY moving around the house trying the doors, probably quite confused as to why she could not gain entry to her house.

I gotcha.
still a lot question, none of which have answers. Hopefully some of them come tomorrow.
reminded now of how other members discussed how very very similar her own house looked to the homeowner's who shot her.

Very intoxicated, possibly injured (concussion), either way likely confused, scared, etc. after an automobile accident.

She really did probably just want to go home. Poor kid.

There is no judgment attached to this. Young people, teens specifically, just really live more in the moment. That is normal. They sometimes make really stupid mistakes without really thinking a bad result will happen to them. It happens to others. KWIM

Just very sad case all the way around.

I will never really get why the fella got his gun, opened the door and fired. But I am more inclined to believe she may actually have been trying to get into the house now in a mistaken belief that she was home.


and . . .

that was it. Those were my thoughts. I find the homeowner's actions questionable based on the limited facts we have so far. but that is all. I have not decided anything about him or his thought process or motivations that night.

I was simply putting myself in this young lady's shoes and imagining what MAY have been going on in HER mind causing her to leave the scene of the accident, and why she may have approached that particular house.

Sorry that wasn't clear in my original post.
Considering that Renisha was in an accident, I think the most likely explanation was that she was at his house, trying to get help.
Considering that Renisha was in an accident, I think the most likely explanation was that she was at his house, trying to get help.

im curious, i dont know the answer and im not stating anything as fact or grilling you, im politely inquiring honestly;

since help was available at the scene of the accident not once but twice and she did not accept it, and then since it appears that 3+ hours passed between the accident and the time she arrived at the scene of the shooting, should we consider that when we consider what her behavior might have been when she was at the scene of the shooting?

should the fact that she was apparently very intoxicated, high to some degree, and likely suffering from a concussion to some degree, should we consider that when we consider what her state of mind may have been at the scene of the shooting?

is it wrong to do so if we do so honestly and without passing judgement, if we are very careful to point out that we are not blaming this girl for her own death and not at all saying the shooter behaved in a way that is not regrettable and that he is certainly not absolved of any guilt without providing a full and understandable explanation for what happened?
yeah i dont know either, i have fired shotguns, M-16's, M-60's, and a few handguns (ex-military) but i have only ever fired them into targets either paper or plastic/metal at long distance.

so my only experience with a shotgun thru a door would be from movies also.

although i think it is safe to say that if the shot went thru the door and caused the damage reported in the autopsy i would expect the damage to the door to be considerable and very noticeable, with as you say splintering etc

similar here although no military experience for me: shotgun, various handguns and an SKS here, but like you only at targets and there were trained LEOs there (good to have friends in LE) to assist in their proper use.

So yeah, no doors, or anything other than targets.
Considering that Renisha was in an accident, I think the most likely explanation was that she was at his house, trying to get help.

entirely possible. I was just struck by the witness from the accident scene who said Renisha spoke of wanting to go home and the time lag from leaving the scene and the shooting. but without more details we are both just trying to make sense of events that night I think.

That one thing just sticks in my mind. That she just wanted to go home according to that witness. :( And she never made it.
im curious, i dont know the answer and im not stating anything as fact or grilling you, im politely inquiring honestly;

since help was available at the scene of the accident not once but twice and she did not accept it, and then since it appears that 3+ hours passed between the accident and the time she arrived at the scene of the shooting, should we consider that when we consider what her behavior might have been when she was at the scene of the shooting?

should the fact that she was apparently very intoxicated, high to some degree, and likely suffering from a concussion to some degree, should we consider that when we consider what her state of mind may have been at the scene of the shooting?

is it wrong to do so if we do so honestly and without passing judgement, if we are very careful to point out that we are not blaming this girl for her own death and not at all saying the shooter behaved in a way that is not regrettable and that he is certainly not absolved of any guilt without providing a full and understandable explanation for what happened?

I would think that no matter what state of mind she was in, whether she thought she was at her own house or not, it's likely that she was talking through the door. I doubt she was just knocking and trying the handle without saying a word. Even if she thought she was at her house, I would expect her to be saying the names of her family members, telling them to open the door. I would hope that the owner would've asked her what she wanted, but I haven't heard that yet. So he hears her voice, the voice of a woman, and he thinks she is trying to break-in and kill him? Also, considering that she was drunk, high, possibly had a concussion, it's likely that she wasn't being completely wouldn't that make it more unlikely that she was planning some home invasion?
im curious, i dont know the answer and im not stating anything as fact or grilling you, im politely inquiring honestly;

since help was available at the scene of the accident not once but twice and she did not accept it, and then since it appears that 3+ hours passed between the accident and the time she arrived at the scene of the shooting, should we consider that when we consider what her behavior might have been when she was at the scene of the shooting?

should the fact that she was apparently very intoxicated, high to some degree, and likely suffering from a concussion to some degree, should we consider that when we consider what her state of mind may have been at the scene of the shooting?

is it wrong to do so if we do so honestly and without passing judgement, if we are very careful to point out that we are not blaming this girl for her own death and not at all saying the shooter behaved in a way that is not regrettable and that he is certainly not absolved of any guilt without providing a full and understandable explanation for what happened?

Absolutely and:loveyou: wait who am I loving............. looking back oh ok:loveyou::loveyou::loveyou:
Just because the lawyer claims he heard noises from multiple doors doesn't mean it's true. Well, we know it can't be true because the only person outside was Renisha. There's also nothing at all to say that he left the house using the side door (or that his house even had a side door).


I really don't understand this whole need to try so desperately to provide a defense for this guy. She thought she was at her own house and was trying the door? Has the owner even claimed that yet? Or he must have thought multiple people were trying to break in? He killed an innocent teenager, who never set foot in his house. Why does it have to be that Renisha did something wrong?


Renisha did do several things wrong. It doesn't 'have to be' - it just is. That doesn't mean she deserved to die the way she did but she very easily could've been the one who killed someone that night. She drove massively drunk and under the influence of pot. She left the scene of her accident twice. If she was behaving strangely on a stranger's porch at 3:40 a.m., then there might be justification for shooting her IMO. We know what she did wrong ... what we don't know yet (but many are assuming) is whether the homeowner did anything wrong. I'm quite frankly, pissed off that so many people jumped on the bandwagon in witchhunting this guy. It seems to me to be a very tragic set of cirumstances but until the investigation reveals more, I won't assume more - just like I did not assume Renisha was under the influence until the toxicology results came back.
Did I miss something??? Where was it reported that this poor young woman was drunk and high???????
tox came back Lambchop. About two pages back.
...The report provides some information about the circumstances of a shooting in which few details have been made public. But Gerald Thurswell, the McBride family's attorney, said the toxicology report has no bearing on the case as far as he's concerned.

The report, performed by an outside lab for the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office, said McBride's blood-alcohol content was about 0.22 — more than twice the legal limit for driving. Her blood also tested positive for the active ingredients in marijuana..."

bumping for LambChop :)
Does this area have slow police response? From the time she crashed until being shot the police were not looking for her? She left the scene of an accident injured walking according to witness.


Renisha did do several things wrong. It doesn't 'have to be' - it just is. That doesn't mean she deserved to die the way she did but she very easily could've been the one who killed someone that night. She drove massively drunk and under the influence of pot. She left the scene of her accident twice. If she was behaving strangely on a stranger's porch at 3:40 a.m., then there might be justification for shooting her IMO. We know what she did wrong ... what we don't know yet (but many are assuming) is whether the homeowner did anything wrong. I'm quite frankly, pissed off that so many people jumped on the bandwagon in witchhunting this guy. It seems to me to be a very tragic set of cirumstances but until the investigation reveals more, I won't assume more - just like I did not assume Renisha was under the influence until the toxicology results came back.

Thank You, finally spoke my feelings, but scared I will get booted. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Does this area have slow police response? From the time she crashed until being shot the police were not looking for her? She left the scene of an accident injured walking according to witness.


yes, things like car accidents where no serious injuries are reported get put way down the list and can take 30 minutes to whoknowshowlong to get a response.

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