MI - Three siblings in juvenile detention for contempt, Pontiac, 9 July 2015

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Neither is it about the children of the posters who agree with your position and yet you thanked every personal post that said their child wasn't mature. I believe that my experiences are as valid as theirs.

I spoke about this case and the children in the previous post. The parents screwed up big time, the Judge screwed up big time. The children are a product of these screw ups. I can't offer a way to change what has already happened, but I have made several posts on how things could possibly move forward in a positive way for the children. I just happen to believe that this judge blew it.

These children really need someone who cares about them. Someone who will ignore the parents, ignore the Judge and really hear what they are saying, not just the words but the pain behind it. If the Judge can't enforce her own orders without resorting to punishing children, then maybe Family Court is no longer where she should be. Make the orders and carry them out, she has let the parents play this game for too long. There would be no need to sever contact permanently with either parent if the process wasn't weighted so heavily in favor of parents rights IMO.

While I may be critical of the way that the judge described Children's Village in order to communicate to the children the seriousness of the choice they were making, neither I nor the judge can do more than speculate with regard to the understandings they have been provided of what it would mean, who would be hurt or life might change should the sit down to a fairly normal meal within normal parameters of courtesy with their father.

I do not buy the excuse that they are "terrified" of their father, for multiple reasons. First off is that their behavior is not at all indicative of fear of any kind, but rather of the secure knowledge that someone powerful has their back in challenging, disobeying, disregarding and being rude to their father. Their behaviors over time have been recklessly and foolishly fearless in regard to not only their father, but also multiple counselors, court officials, attorneys appointed on their behalf, social workers and so forth. And frankly there is really only one possible source for that security in believing either that there will be no consequences for their actions, or alternatively that the consequences for normal respectful behavior would be far worse. But, second, we know a fair amount about what children who live in fear of a parent look and act like. And as the judge has pointed out--this ain't it kids. At least not with respect to their father. Children of abuse, in contrast to the image of these children as some kind of heroic freedom fighters, bring with them a very confused load of baggage, which tends to include guilt and the belief that they are somehow responsible for the treatment that they receive, loyalty to the abusive parent when that parent is faced with consequences (such as removal of the children or imprisonment), and while they may act out in situations where they perceive a lack of authority or possible consequences, they certainly have learned how to bow to authority. As regards their father, these children show none of that.

Further, over the course of five years the court (which includes now at least 3 judges, from the international tribunal down to family court, where Gorcyca is the 2nd judge to preside over the case), there have been a long chain of ordered interventions that would have allowed the children the kind of non-judgmental listening environment that you suggest that they need. And one after another these have failed following refusal to cooperate. If you look up the court documents, there is one that include's the Mother's affidavit of objection to one such professional, who acted on a court order to evaluate the family specifically regarding the shared parenting issues. Her objections were all couched in concern for the children, and how they were not being believed or listened to. Sadly the report of that professional is only referred to in the record--not appended--so we do not have her description. However, even without that professional eye, in reading the Mom's affidavit, it is very clear that she blocked at every available opportunity the introduction of the incident in the park as a topic of conversation. The specific objections had to do with the use of language such as "the children have formed a memory," and "tell the story of what happened that day." Mom found this non-judgmental language to be pejorative, as in her mind there is only ONE true story, the children have already told it (actually, the youngest, at age 4 refused to talk to the investigators) and this line of discussion was about telling them that they were wrong. The end result of Mom's melt-down, in sessions with each children individually, was to shut down the possibility of discussion, but also to move the focus away from the child and what they remember seeing, and onto Mom and her opinions and objections. I believe that this is an important insight that accounts for multiple accounts of the children being taken to counselors and refusing to leave the waiting room. Also worthy of notice is Mom's report via the affidavit of the information that she gleaned about the individual time each child had with the counselor (and their time with Dad and the counselor)--based on what they reported to her afterward. These are all behaviors that interfere with the provision of a safe listening ear for the children--and they all relate directly to Mom's behavior.

Clearly these children are watched carefully for any sign of revealing information not approved of by Mom, or acting out of the "family rule" (another term Mom objected to from the counselor) of not talking to Dad.

I wonder how some people think a judge might have acted differently in this case?
I wonder how some people think a judge might have acted differently in this case?

Once the Mums actions were damaging, she should have been ordered to bring the children, but not included in the sessions. They were about the kids not Mum. When Mum objected/refused (prior to the headline here) the Judge involved should have declared her in contempt and jailed HER for a few days. The early days were when custody could have been switched (is Dad fighting for custody yet or just visitation?). I guess I am wondering why this has been allowed to go on for so long?

The court can't decide today that Mum is a bad parent, they appear to have held that view for years, but she is still the custodial parent. How long before the court says, these kids deserve better? How long until they enforce it?
BTW - I think that fellow members think I am defending the Mother in this case, that is not so. I am however concerned that the family court system isn't working in 'the best interests' of the child here. 5 years of counselling and therapy where the abuser sits in is NOT in the best interest of the children IMO, why was it allowed?

All of the situations where Mum was able to further her agenda against Dad should have been shut down by a Judge somewhere along the line here.
Father wasn't even living in US. He was only coming in for visitations from Israel (in August, I believe). But of course it's easier to blame the mother for "alienation."
Father wasn't even living in US. He was only coming in for visitations from Israel (in August, I believe). But of course it's easier to blame the mother for "alienation."

'Alienation' isn't a concept I am totally convinced of yet.

Would I be right that the Mother is the only option for a custodial parent?
BTW - I think that fellow members think I am defending the Mother in this case, that is not so. I am however concerned that the family court system isn't working in 'the best interests' of the child here. 5 years of counselling and therapy where the abuser sits in is NOT in the best interest of the children IMO, why was it allowed?

All of the situations where Mum was able to further her agenda against Dad should have been shut down by a Judge somewhere along the line here.

I agree. I do think the mother has problems which have affected the children. I don't totally demonize her, though, because I think probably both parents are to blame here. I can't really defend either one, but I do think this could have been handled much better. Instead of punishing the children, couldn't the judge have ordered the two parents into chambers with herself and ordered them to come up with a mutually satisfying plan. Or she could have sent them to a summer camp where they must remain until the two of them come to some kind of terms. Have them get over their alienation with each other. I think the children are acting out because either they are trying to protect a parent, or they have fears (probably unfounded). Nonetheless, punishing them for having been victimized is just wrong. IMO
I wonder how some people think a judge might have acted differently in this case?

Once the Mums actions were damaging, she should have been ordered to bring the children, but not included in the sessions. They were about the kids not Mum. When Mum objected/refused (prior to the headline here) the Judge involved should have declared her in contempt and jailed HER for a few days. The early days were when custody could have been switched (is Dad fighting for custody yet or just visitation?). I guess I am wondering why this has been allowed to go on for so long?

The court can't decide today that Mum is a bad parent, they appear to have held that view for years, but she is still the custodial parent. How long before the court says, these kids deserve better? How long until they enforce it?

In fact, Mom has been jailed in the past for her failure to follow through on court orders. She was sent home early due to a shortage of space and the judge then added additional community service. According to her attorney's most recent filing she is still providing feces shoveling services to an animal shelter.

Up until this year the barrier to placing the children into Dad's full-time custody is that he was living in Israel, which is where the family was living together when Mom fled with the kids and filed for divorce. The international tribunal ruled that the kids had not been in Israel sufficient time for them to have become acclimatized, so the children remained in the physical custody of Mom, with shared legal custody and regularly scheduled visitation for Dad. Within the past year or so Dad has re-established residency in the US (which reportedly required some work-related changes, such as finishing a commitment to the Israeli position and transferring back to the US) to not only facilitate more regular parenting, but he has also, since the removal to Children's Village filed a request for a change in placement. His attorney acknowledged in court that this request comes with a great deal of trepidation given the behavior of the children towards him and concern that, particularly the oldest child, could well bolt from any such placement, creating a very dangerous situation for that child.

I believe that the current plan is for the reunification therapy for five days at a neutral location, including Dad but not Mom, with intensive therapy to continue--pending the outcome of the five days--during a 90 day temporary placement with Dad.

Frankly I find the whole situation very sad, and even have a great deal of empathy for Mom. To me her actions, revolving around control and denial, speak to her own terror and fears of loss. She must be in a great deal of pain and rely on her children a good bit to formulate her sense of self. I would imagine that underneath it all is a great load of guilt surrounding the failure of the marriage. None of this excuses the real harm that she has been doing to her children--but it does lend to understanding her motives, and why it makes no sense for her to have contact at this time. I really hope that she can finally reach out for her own source of help to get through this--which must include examining and healing all this underlying garbage.
BTW - I think that fellow members think I am defending the Mother in this case, that is not so. I am however concerned that the family court system isn't working in 'the best interests' of the child here. 5 years of counselling and therapy where the abuser sits in is NOT in the best interest of the children IMO, why was it allowed?

All of the situations where Mum was able to further her agenda against Dad should have been shut down by a Judge somewhere along the line here.

Team Maya out there in Facebook land looks at instances where the judge has in fact done so--such as pointing out to the oldest child in court that the father has NOT been formally accused, tried or found guilty of the assault the child believes happened, as a means of responding directly to Mom's pushing that agenda through the kids--as evidence of judicial bias, over-reach and disregarding the children's needs.

Just throwing that out there because I read that stuff and maybe my responses to you here may be getting entangled in some of my emotional response to their insanity.
'Alienation' isn't a concept I am totally convinced of yet.

Would I be right that the Mother is the only option for a custodial parent?

Up until recently that was the case. Although children can always be removed when there are concerns regarding abuse and/or maltreatment.
Up until recently that was the case. Although children can always be removed when there are concerns regarding abuse and/or maltreatment.

A Judge explaining that Dad isn't a monster to the children was too little, too late IMO. I was leaning more toward the earlier hearings when it became obvious to the court that Mum was being obstructive.

A Judge could have removed the children at that point, instead the message that the courts have sent to these kids is 'we know what Mum is doing' because the GAL, counsellor, Mums actions, show us this. Now go home with her and try not to get too involved in the indoctrination.

To say Mum is abusive, then to send the kids home with her, tells these children that they do not matter.

We are adults and able to understand the process, these kids weren't googling family law, they only have Mums version of the process, and if she says 'these people don't really care about you' it is easy for them to believe. Dad pops over for a couple of weeks in August, Judge belittles their mother, everyone is telling them that what they feel is wrong. The process/system has helped the Mothers agenda.

Why was the abuser (Mother) allowed to sit in on their sessions? Why not their GAL or lawyers?
Anybody heard any updates?

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Anybody heard any updates?

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The folks over at the "justice" fb site (Shawna Shakespeare) are going a little bit nuts. They have always claimed to have no connection with Maya--and I've never known whether to believe that. They have adopted a campaign to find/prove something about the judge, dad's attorney, GAL--basically anyone they disagree with. Probably just overenthusiastic, but people who get too deep into cyber-snooping just kinda strike me as a little creepy. Especially when it crosses over into putting kids' (or family members‘) stuff out in public.

But--I also take all this furor as an indication that Dad and kids are safely off on their therapy holiday and not to be found by Mom and her minions.
Looks like the gag order is working...

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Looks like the gag order is working...

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All quiet. I take that to be a sign that the 5 day reunification process went off without a hitch and that the kids are living with their dad for the 90 day temporary placement as ordered by the court.

Lack of drama--a good thing.
View attachment 20150902_MOTION_FLD_FOR_PROT_SEPARATION-ABATE_SUPPT-DFT_064294564.pdf

Well, thanks to the diligent efforts of Shawna Shakespeare and crew on FB, we now know that Dad Omer has filed for a protective separation for the kids from Mom Maya. They completed a five-day intervention and are now living with Dad. He is seeking protection so that when school starts (this was dated 9/2 and referred to "next week" so presumably they are now back at school) Mom cannot be lurking around to interfere with progress.

Also asks for an abatement of alimony--as the kids are living with Dad--and asks that Mom get mental health counseling as recommended by the reunification program.

Other info from Shawna's FB page, the name of the program used is High Road to Reunification. She has been digging up dirt on someone associated with the program. Shawna seems to be very excited about it. But, I cannot yet see any links between the person and the state of Michigan (multiple addresses elsewhere, most recently in California, I believe). Further, just scanning, it looks like High Road to Reunification may have been scammed/victimized by this person plagiarizing their program--which hardly discredits the program, despite Shawna's self-righteous claims.
Dad in bitter divorce wants mom blocked from contact

Mike Martindale, The Detroit News 7:51 p.m. EDT September 9, 2015

Pontiac — A bitter case of child custody and alleged parental alienation is headed back into Oakland Circuit Court with a request from the father that his ex-wife be ordered not to have contact with her children for 90 days.

The couple’s two sons, now aged 14 and 11, and a daughter, 9, have been ordered to stay with their father, Omer Tsimhoni, for 90 days while being treated by a mental health professional, according to court documents...

I did a bit of poking around into what's what with the Higher Road to Reunification program--which is named in the most recent court filing.

It is true, as Shawna Shakespeare gleefully points out, that the woman who developed it does not have mental health credentials. Nor, does she pretend to. The "program" itself appears to fall under the general heading of "coaching," which I have seen developing in various areas (employment, parenting, self-improvement) in recent years. The coaching protocol apparently works alongside mental health counseling, and there is an endorsement from a psych PhD with regard to its application to families in which there are estrangement issues resulting from the actions of a "narcissistic (borderline)" parent.

Shawna also plays supersleuth and has used a for-pay service that scours public records to attempt to challenge the cred of the person who developed the program. There are a number of unspecified court actions--all listed as "disposed," none of them very current. And the service (beenverified) cautions that it info is not be used for decision-making in any critical areas such as employment and the like. They also rely on a sort-of "looks like the same person" methodology (same/similar name; same DOB) to pull records. There does appear to have been a recent lawsuit against said person--decided in her favor, and someone looking for others willing to engage in a class-action suit. It looks like people who are upset with regard to this person and her program are parents who lose custody (temporarily or permanently) as a result of the program's protocol. It would seem as though this case is the tip of an iceberg of angry parents fighting out their divorce animosity through ongoing custody battles (JMO). IOW, emotions, and self-righteousness, seem to run very high--with a lot of folks who simply do not have the financial resources that these parents have to carry on for years, and simply give up and walk away.

I also recall--from reading the court records--that it was Mom's side who had originally suggested the Family Bridges program (which I believe is similar) that the judge had ordered at an earlier point. The Bridges program was reportedly unable to accommodate the family--who knows what that means.

All of which is to say (as this post goes on and on), that I have some questions about the particulars of this program--seeing nothing reliable on their website regarding success rate or likely outcomes. However, I have some willingness to trust that at least one parent was involved in selecting the program, and to hope that things are going well with Dad and kids, and that they have sufficient time and support away from Mom to be able to rebuild--and that Mom acquiesces and gets the help that she seems to need as well. In general, the court system makes a terrible family, and this family needs to learn to work some things out without lawyers and judges.
Yep, now he's going for full custody.

I think he already filed a motion for sole custody weeks ago. Now he's asking for temporary orders keeping mom away during the reunification process. Her blood must be boiling. I hope he wins. This is a fragile time for the kids.
View attachment 81192

Well, thanks to the diligent efforts of Shawna Shakespeare and crew on FB, we now know that Dad Omer has filed for a protective separation for the kids from Mom Maya. They completed a five-day intervention and are now living with Dad. He is seeking protection so that when school starts (this was dated 9/2 and referred to "next week" so presumably they are now back at school) Mom cannot be lurking around to interfere with progress.

Also asks for an abatement of alimony--as the kids are living with Dad--and asks that Mom get mental health counseling as recommended by the reunification program.

Other info from Shawna's FB page, the name of the program used is High Road to Reunification. She has been digging up dirt on someone associated with the program. Shawna seems to be very excited about it. But, I cannot yet see any links between the person and the state of Michigan (multiple addresses elsewhere, most recently in California, I believe). Further, just scanning, it looks like High Road to Reunification may have been scammed/victimized by this person plagiarizing their program--which hardly discredits the program, despite Shawna's self-righteous claims.
I wonder how she is getting copies of all the court documents?

I thought it was all supposed to be sealed?

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