Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 1 *D. Stewart guilty*

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I live in metro-Detroit and hadn't heard or read anything about this case until the missing Kalamazoo woman was featured on NG last night. I just came upon this thread and will play catch up because I'm sure that some of you know a lot more about the case than I do. I live in Michigan and have been to or through Kazoo many times.
I live in metro-Detroit and hadn't heard or read anything about this case until the missing Kalamazoo woman was featured on NG last night. I just came upon this thread and will play catch up because I'm sure that some of you know a lot more about the case than I do. I live in Michigan and have been to or through Kazoo many times.

Well, I've been on this case since the beginning, have tried searching for information every day, and let me tell you, there's not much out there! I'm hoping that now it's been on NG, reporters will start hounding LE and we'll get some answers. Like, where were the cars? Can they get a search warrent? Have they done any ground searches (other than the one by the lake) in the Colon area? Was Venus dating -- are there any other men on the scene? Etc, etc.
her MS

I also found her sister however I cannot post that info.

I believe I found a ms for the husband also. He hasnt been on it in a couple years but oddly there was a message posted from an 18 yo girl on his friends list just 2 days ago. It reads "doug you where on the news last night lol" I got a bad vibe about this message. i wonder if this young lady knows something.
If the husband lives where I *think* he does ...park place apartments, then I live less than half a mile away.

That's what I found - according to the address. I live in Hampton, hello neighbor!
If the husband lives where I *think* he does ...park place apartments, then I live less than half a mile away.
I wish some news stations out of the Newport News area would pick up on the story !
OK, I am getting some bad vibes from these videos...anyone else watching them ?
The article above said he was contacted by phone late Monday night, but is not specific as to what time. She was abducted between 7 and 8:30 Monday morning, so that does leave a very narrow window of time that he could have returned to VA (the drive time seems to be around 13 hours).
As far as a husband being physically abused by his wife, that happens far more often than people realize. Size has nothing to do with it. Abuse is abuse.

He most certainly needs to account for his whereabouts Sunday through Monday.

(above bbm)
Maybe there's more than one person involved in her disappearance. Maybe the husband paid someone to abduct her. Gave this person her picture, mapped out in-laws house, etc., etc., and very conveniently stayed in Virginia to escape suspicion.
I removed the videos I posted, I think I made a mistake in posting them. At any rate, you can view them on Doug's myspace. Sorry if I violated any rules.
OK, I am getting some bad vibes from these videos...anyone else watching them ?

I was able to view the video w/ the bucket of water....I seriously got the creeps....maybe I'm just looking for for it but.....eeewwwww......I really have a bad feeling about this guy, especially at the end where he zooms in on Rachael, the little girl......enough said.....barf......
I was able to view the video w/ the bucket of water....I seriously got the creeps....maybe I'm just looking for for it but.....eeewwwww......I really have a bad feeling about this guy, especially at the end where he zooms in on Rachael, the little girl......enough said.....barf......
I did too Blondie. The videos where he is taping the girls and their new bedroom furniture is creepy too. It's like the purpose of the taping is to show the living arrangements, not his daughters. It's as if it's for show. I get the impression that this guy needs to be in control very badly. I have a really bad feeling now.
Feeling I get:

1) Husband reminds me way too much of my abusive ex- down to the empty, cool look in his eyes.... Gives me the heeby jeebies...

2) Husband is still named as a person of interest by police (or I should say police has not stated he is no longer a POI). There has to be a reason, something that isn't adding up with the police, something that keeps him on the radar.

3) Having had to get restraining orders against my ex, when we were in court, he told the judge that I had hit him, threatened him, and abused him (granted it was in self defense, and he was the instigator in each case), the judge offered to give him a restraining order against me. He declined, saying he wanted to get back with me. I can easily see someone taking the opposite opinion, and getting one to bolster their cause. (not saying this is what happened, bit saying it would be a cunning move.)

4) how ironic would it be if husband is not involved, and she is a victim of a random kidnapping... Imagine moving 13 hours away from the person you fear most, only to has some random sicko do to you what you feared someone else would so.

As always, just my feelings and opinions... Hope the truth if found soon ans Venus comes home safe.
When hearing about this case, my gut feeling was that he hired someone.

The mood face & statement on his MS page was posted in Oct. of 2008. Doesn't the date change every time they replace that mood face?

The note left by the female on MS seems strange as well.

He possible checked his account yesterday because of the media coverage by HLN.

I hope they find more out soon.
His last log in is dated May 3, 2010...yesterday. It appears he did not change his mood/status when he logged in.
Something else I find weird about the videos, some are dated from July 2009 at Busch Gardens. I thought that I read that they had been seperated since 2008 and she had been trying to keep restraining orders on him. Had they gotten back together and seperated again? if so I wonder if it was more recent. either way it looks like he was a very controling person with her and I can imagine she had a hard time separating.
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