Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 9 *D. Stewart guilty*

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what's a 'track' phone?

They are basicly like a disposable cell phone, they do not require a phone contract and are non traceable from LE for the most part ...
It also means that there should be a hole nearby, if what Spencer is saying is true.

I also don't think he would have gone further than he needed to, in order to find a new spot.

However, did he still have the shovel? Or had he already gotten rid of that after he dug the hole? He may have needed to improvise...
What a horrible, horrible person DS is ....
So after reading this article it looks like Venus was dead withing minutes of being abducted :( ... I guess it is good that we know she did not suffer, I just can't believe how nonchalant it seems Doug was about the whole thing. Just like another day for him I guess. Also within a few minutes he is saying he has to find a new spot to bury her because people were around, so I take that as she must be fairly close to her family's home ?
I wonder if where the truck was spotted if that is where he first intially dug the hole.


Stewart said he confronted Venus Stewart after she walked out of her parents’ house and that she “screamed one time and tried to fight” before he put her in a headlock and abducted her, Spencer testified.

Spencer said Stewart called again a few minutes later and told him he had to pick a new place to bury his wife because “there were people around” the spot he had picked out.

I was thinking that Doug must have strangled or sedated Venus before getting her into the truck. This confirms my suspicion.

You are right, the fact he called Ricky Spencer back within minutes after killing and abducting Venus to inform him people were too close to the hole he'd dug indicates the hole was very close to the house.

Doug wouldn't have known people were too close to the hole after he had Venus in the truck unless he tried to go there.

Ricky also stated that Doug said he knew the structure of Venus's parent's house while talking about the hole. I seem to think he mentioned that while talking about where he planned to hide to grab Venus when she came out to get the package because it doesn't make sense that it would have anything to do with where the hole was.

If it was Doug ducking behind the truck in the field on the next street over from where Venus's parent's house is located, one has to wonder if this is where he made the telephone call to Venus's parent's home pretending to be the mailman asking her to come out to the mailbox because he had a package for her. This would explain why the person reported seeing the truck suddenly speed off. (It is possible Doug could see the road Venus's mother had to drive down to go to work and when he saw her car headed down the road, zoomed over to the house, parked the truck close by but out of sight from the house, made the phone call then rushed to the spot where he planned to grab Venus when she came out to get the package.)

So, Doug has, within a very short amount of time:

Called Ricky Spencer to ask for Venus's cell phone number (why?)
Called Venus's parent's house to tell Venus to come out to the mailbox
Grabbed and choked Venus to death
Put Venus in his truck
Drove close to where the hole is only to discover people
Called Ricky to tell him people are too close to the hole

Where he decides to dig a new hole is unclear.

WAS THE FIRST HOLE ON HIS PARENT'S PROPERTY 9 MILES AWAY? It would only take about 15 minutes max to get there.
"Once he agreed to help, Spencer said Stewart told him he knew the structure of the McCombs’ Driftwood Drive residence in Colon Township and had a “premade spot for Venus to bury her.”

The way this is worded makes it seem like the hole is on the VS's parents' property. I'm going to guess that this is a bad choice of words, because that is very unlikely. IMO.

ETA: Sorry Pixie! Read your post after I posted. I see you already touched on that.

I do wonder, though, where could you plan to bury someone that would also have people around at 7-8ish in the morning? Hmm...
I also don't think he would have gone further than he needed to, in order to find a new spot.

However, did he still have the shovel? Or had he already gotten rid of that after he dug the hole? He may have needed to improvise...

That's a good question because he would have needed the shovel to fill in the first hole as well as dig a new hole. Considering that he might not be able to get back to the first hole, he probably took the shovel with him when he left the grave to go get Venus.

Because Doug was keeping Ricky Spencer updated concerning his "progress", including informing him about the problem with people near the first hole and having to dig another one, one would assume that Doug would have informed Ricky about any problem with the shovel, that he'd left it at the hole and couldn't get to it and that he didn't know what he was going to do now (or) that he needed to somehow get another shovel.
maybe he didn't fill the first hole back in - gosh I can't believe I'm posting in such generic terms about a human being's burial site

that just struck me and the fact that someone may be walking along somewhere and fall into that first hole

I'm nauseuous now

poor Venus
Very interesting question, indicating at the very least not far from somewhere people sometimes go. Not far from a road, or maybe the people are duck hunters?
Where you could dig a grave that might have people around at 7-8am:

Campground or other outdoor recreation area
Farm or other large ranch type property
A field
Hunting area

Farmers, ranchers, hunters and campers are all up fairly early. Something he may not have thought of or considered. Or he may not have realized it was an area with people in it. Or if it was a farm, there may have been unexpected visitors. It must have been an area where he had reason to think they were not just going to be there a few minutes. Otherwise he would have just waited for them to leave.

If there was too many people in the area to put Venus in the hole and bury her.... then how exactly could he have filled the hole in?? Either way he would have been seen and looked suspicious. I don't think he filled it in unless he went back later.
Reasons why unanticipated people would be near the first hole Doug Stewart dug to bury Venus:

School bus stop
Road construction
Cop pulled someone over
People out jogging or walking dogs
Someone cutting firewood
Garbage truck making rounds
People working on a utility/power pole
Car pulled over on side of road with driver talking on cell or looking at map
People riding dirt bikes or 4-wheeling
Someone repairing a fence
I don't think he filled it in unless he went back later.
I don't think so either so the prosecutor's office should issue press release asking for people who live within a 20 mile radius of Venus Stewart's parent's home to carefully inspect their properties to look for the hole!

If the hole is located, this will help to substantiate Ricky Spencer's claim that Doug Stewart called him and said he had to dig a second hole!

Unless, of course, Doug told a family member he could trust where the hole was and asked them to go fill it back up.
Hmm.... okay let me see if I can think of reasons (in italic) why these places would or would not make sense... and bold the ones I find most likely.

I also agree with you that I think someone else probably filled in the other hole, especially if it was on their property to begin with.

Reasons why unanticipated people would be near the first hole Doug Stewart dug to bury Venus:

Pickie's reasons below with my bolding and italic:

School bus stop - he could have just waited it out, they wouldn't have been there long.

Road construction - unless they just started it that day, he should have been able to tell that was going to be going on before.

Cop pulled someone over - wouldn't have been there very long, should have been able to just drive back around unless it was some sort of speed trap. Though the cop in the area would be enough to freak me out.

People out jogging or walking dogs - unless it was a trail, or park of some kind (which would be stupid) they should have just been going by and he should have been able to wait them out.

Someone cutting firewood - I guess that one would depend on how much they were cutting if you could tell.

Hunters - I agree.

Garbage truck making rounds - should be able to just wait that out, they aren't there that long.

People working on a utility/power pole - depends on the issue, but usually they aren't there that long. You'd have no way of knowing that though.

Car pulled over on side of road with driver talking on cell or looking at map - you'd probably wait them out a bit to see if they left, you wouldn't think they would be there long.

People riding dirt bikes or 4-wheeling - also very possible, they might be staying in the same area and you would have no idea how long they'd be there.

Someone repairing a fence - again, you'd not know how long they would be there unless it was obviously a very small problem.

Hmm.... okay let me see if I can think of reasons (in italic) why these places would or would not make sense... and bold the ones I find most likely.

I also agree with you that I think someone else probably filled in the other hole, especially if it was on their property to begin with.

Pickie's reasons below with my bolding and italic:

School bus stop - he could have just waited it out, they wouldn't have been there long.

Road construction - unless they just started it that day, he should have been able to tell that was going to be going on before.

Cop pulled someone over - wouldn't have been there very long, should have been able to just drive back around unless it was some sort of speed trap. Though the cop in the area would be enough to freak me out.

People out jogging or walking dogs - unless it was a trail, or park of some kind (which would be stupid) they should have just been going by and he should have been able to wait them out.

Someone cutting firewood - I guess that one would depend on how much they were cutting if you could tell.

Hunters - I agree.

Garbage truck making rounds - should be able to just wait that out, they aren't there that long.

People working on a utility/power pole - depends on the issue, but usually they aren't there that long. You'd have no way of knowing that though.

Car pulled over on side of road with driver talking on cell or looking at map - you'd probably wait them out a bit to see if they left, you wouldn't think they would be there long.

People riding dirt bikes or 4-wheeling - also very possible, they might be staying in the same area and you would have no idea how long they'd be there.

Someone repairing a fence - again, you'd not know how long they would be there unless it was obviously a very small problem.


If any of these things were going on by the road Doug needed to turn onto to get to the burial site, sure, he could have kept coming back to see if they were gone. However, driving back and forth would have looked suspicious. Keep in mind he was driving Venus's 4-door truck and doing so might have triggered someone's memory if and when the police released information about the vehicles Doug had access to. He wanted to drive, dump, cover and run.
But digging a hole big enough to bury a body is a lot of work............ I was just thinking if he drove by and came back 15 minutes later most of those issues would be gone and he wouldn't have to dig another one.

I still can't imagine picking a spot to dig a grave that would be so close to civilization. I would think you would drive by it at that time of day... to see if there was people... before actually doing this.

But, I also would throw away the Walmart receipt... so obviously he missed some things here.

If any of these things were going on by the road Doug needed to turn onto to get to the burial site, sure, he could have kept coming back to see if they were gone. However, driving back and forth would have looked suspicious. Keep in mind he was driving Venus's 4-door truck and doing so might have triggered someone's memory if and when the police released information about the vehicles Doug had access to. He wanted to drive, dump, cover and run.
But digging a hole big enough to bury a body is a lot of work............ I was just thinking if he drove by and came back 15 minutes later most of those issues would be gone and he wouldn't have to dig another one.

I still can't imagine picking a spot to dig a grave that would be so close to civilization. I would think you would drive by it at that time of day... to see if there was people... before actually doing this.

But, I also would throw away the Walmart receipt... so obviously he missed some things here.

I agree digging a hole large enough to bury a body deep enough is a lot of work.

We have to consider that Doug had an exact plan in place as to how he would accomplish killing Venus and get away with it.

1. Enlist an accomplice - imposter - and have him on standby with two cell phones
2. Purchase a throw-away cell phone
3. Drive to Michigan
4. Purchase a shovel, hat, tarp and gloves
5. Dig a grave
6. Arrive near Venus's parents' house before her mother drives to work to observe her leave
7. Drive to Venus's parents' house immediately after seeing Venus's mother leave for work
8. Call the McComb residence claiming to be a mailman with a package
9. Grab Venus in a chokehold then hold her until dead
10. Put Venus in the truck
11. Drive to the nearby grave, put Venus in it, fill grave, drive immediately home

Everything went perfectly according to plan except 11. Doug obviously dug the grave close to Venus's parent's home because he wanted her out of his possession as soon as possible and could not risk getting caught with her body in his truck.

Doug could not risk hanging around the area where he dug the grave for fear that he would never be able to get there without someone seeing him or being located by law enforcement.

Doug had a body wrapped up in a bright blue tarp. Regardless if it was in the back of his truck or in the cab, it was still a body wrapped in a tarp, something that would be immediately noticed if he were pulled over, even if it was for a traffic violation by a cop totally unaware Venus was missing. The law enforcement officer would surely remember the tarp, regardless of whether it was suspicious to them at the time.

The moment law enforcement realized Venus was missing and had been abducted, I am certain an APB was put out for both of the Stewart's vehicles.

Knowing that was a possibility, Doug simply couldn't keep driving back and forth to see if the people were gone yet.

Fifteen minutes is a long time.

Yes, digging another grave would take a long time.

It was broad daylight now. He didn't have the cover of dark to dig a new grave and waiting for the people to leave the area was not, in my opinion, an option.

Because he was in an altered state of mind, in emergency mode so to speak, he could not calmly rationalize hanging around waiting for people to leave so he sped out of the area in search of a remote location where he was absolutely certain he would not be seen to dig a new grave.

Therefore, I am concluding he had to have found a densely wooded - treed area off on some remote dirt road somewhere he knew people wouldn't be.

Since his parents farm was about nine miles away, Doug was familiar with the surrounding areas and selected a new place he was familiar with near there (the farm).

This is all my opinion.
According to Yahoo Maps, it is exactly
7.0411.3 miles with a driving time of 10 minutes
from Venus Stewart's parent's home to Doug Stewart's parent's farm.

I was able to get Doug Stewart's parent's address from a McComb family friend
who posted it on the wall of the Facebook group "Where Is Venus Stewart?"

Because I don't want to risk violating TOS, I have not provided a link to the map.
Am I the only one to think it is a strange thing to receive a phone call from your Mailman? I'm sorry but that would make me want to call the police if someone called to say they were my mailman & they had a package for me outside.

So, what I first thought on this case was half true. I thought that if she did not come back or found alive, DS had hired someone to do the "deed" himself.

I love VS's Dad's comment though as he looked at Doug in the court room.
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