Michael Meyden, 57, arrested for drugging his daughter's three 12 year old friends with a benzodiazepine during sleepover last summer (2023)

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I don't think there's any chance he will have to register as a sex offender, we all know what his intent was but he didn't get the chance to act on it, which is a massive blessing, but sadly its also a curse because there's no way to prove intent so there was no actual sexual crime, which is infuriating and very dangerous imo

These loopholes that prevent sickos having to register as a SO have just possibly cost a little girl her life in Texas and I'm sure there are more if we look :(:mad:
I'm not sure.

There is no reason an adult should secretly medicate a child (that is not theirs). There is no reason for an adult to touch/move someone else's unconscious child (unless rescuing from a burning building?). IMHO there should be charges that stick for those actions.

I wish the defense wasn't allowed to lie in court. I agree there are too many legal loopholes that allow criminals to explain away repeated, coercive behavior.
I'm not sure.

There is no reason an adult should secretly medicate a child (that is not theirs). There is no reason for an adult to touch/move someone else's unconscious child (unless rescuing from a burning building?). IMHO there should be charges that stick for those actions.

I wish the defense wasn't allowed to lie in court. I agree there are too many legal loopholes that allow criminals to explain away repeated, coercive behavior.

I agree, there is no reason but how do you prove why he did it? You can prove that he did and charge him accordingly but you can't prove intented sexual assault because you can't prove a thought, and he could say anything to deflect from that, and as he didn't actually commit any kind of SA, how can he be made to register as a SO? Technically he isn't one.
I agree, there is no reason but how do you prove why he did it? You can prove that he did and charge him accordingly but you can't prove intented sexual assault because you can't prove a thought, and he could say anything to deflect from that, and as he didn't actually commit any kind of SA, how can he be made to register as a SO? Technically he isn't one.
I can't imagine they can't involve him with assault of a minor, though, some form of child abuse. Drugging is assault.
I agree, there is no reason but how do you prove why he did it? You can prove that he did and charge him accordingly but you can't prove intented sexual assault because you can't prove a thought, and he could say anything to deflect from that, and as he didn't actually commit any kind of SA, how can he be made to register as a SO? Technically he isn't one.
It’s common sense that the motive had to be SA, but I understand what you’re saying.

I wonder if this technicality could be gotten around in some way?

I can’t believe he thought he could get away with this, and I’m glad that these kids were able to see it for what it was and contact parents.
Those texts break my heart.
But so fortunate that she was able to sound the alarm, and that parents responded appropriately. Apparently this guy had assumed that with the drugging he would have total control.

Also, it helped that we are in the age of smart phones. I recall what happened to the poor victim of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka in 1991, when you couldn’t just text your mom if you felt strange:

Jane Doe

On June 7, 1991, Homolka invited a 15-year-old girl she had befriended at a pet shop two years earlier, known as "Jane Doe" in the trials, to their home. "Doe" was then drugged by Homolka. Both Homolka and Bernardo sexually assaulted her and videotaped their assault. In August, "Jane Doe" was invited back to the couple's residence and was again drugged. Homolka called 911 for help after the girl vomited and stopped breathing while being raped. The ambulance was recalled after Homolka and Bernardo resuscitated her.[16]
Another reason for the color coded straws may have been that he wanted to make sure one or more did not overdose due to drinking to many smoothies, this way he could control the amount each girl drank just enough to put them out for his evil plans but not enough to kill anyone which would obviously increase his chances of getting caught.
But so fortunate that she was able to sound the alarm, and that parents responded appropriately. Apparently this guy had assumed that with the drugging he would have total control.

Also, it helped that we are in the age of smart phones. I recall what happened to the poor victim of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka in 1991, when you couldn’t just text your mom if you felt strange:

Jane Doe

On June 7, 1991, Homolka invited a 15-year-old girl she had befriended at a pet shop two years earlier, known as "Jane Doe" in the trials, to their home. "Doe" was then drugged by Homolka. Both Homolka and Bernardo sexually assaulted her and videotaped their assault. In August, "Jane Doe" was invited back to the couple's residence and was again drugged. Homolka called 911 for help after the girl vomited and stopped breathing while being raped. The ambulance was recalled after Homolka and Bernardo resuscitated her.[16]

they did the same thing to her sister only her sister died
Sexual assault during sleepovers is very common. Most victims know their abuser-- a family member or trusted family friend. Or the parents of your child's friends. You can try to vet the parents, but what about the uncle who stops by, or the older brother, or mom's boyfriend? A parent needs to account for every person in the household the entire night, that can be difficult.

IMHO Personally, sleepovers have been a no-no for our child ever since I've read about how easily sexual assaults can happen years ago. I definitely got some weird looks from other moms when we had to decline invites but I didn't care. Your child is in the same class as mine, therefore I should automatically trust you with my unconscious kid overnight? I had to explain our family does "sleep-under" PJ parties, and my kid will enjoy the party and at 10pm I will pick them up to sleep at home. This is becoming more socially acceptable and I'm glad. It would be a huge RED FLAG if I suggested a "sleep-under" and the host parents reacted badly/emotionally hurt by the suggestion that I don't trust them.

Yes to all of what you said. This guy seems brazen. IMHO he has likely already drugged his own daughter and is now comfortable trying it on other children.

Sexual abuse is not taken seriously enough in our country, and I also share your concern that "dad" won't be punished. Or put on a list.
Yes. My step-daughter was sexually abused at a sleepover by her friend’s father. She was 10. It was so awful for her and it changed the trajectory of her life I feel. She started using drugs, never stopped, developed an eating disorder and didn’t graduate high school. She talked about it sometimes when she would be drinking and it really affected her. She also felt her mother didn’t take it seriously which obviously stunted her healing…
Just yes it happens!
And her mother just let it go as far as the father facing repurcussions… this was a decade + before I met her…
I agree, there is no reason but how do you prove why he did it? You can prove that he did and charge him accordingly but you can't prove intented sexual assault because you can't prove a thought, and he could say anything to deflect from that, and as he didn't actually commit any kind of SA, how can he be made to register as a SO? Technically he isn't one.
I feel like with the delay too he could have easily gotten rid of all his electronic devices that could have had child sexual assault on it. They could have charged him though if they had looked and found something.
I can't imagine they can't involve him with assault of a minor, though, some form of child abuse. Drugging is assault.

Oh I agree, absolutely. It just doesn't seem feasible that they could charge him with SA, or even attempted SA and that he would be put on a register, which I think is horrific and we all know that's exactly what his intent was.

I would happily be wrong and hopefully they could find a loophole that actually works in the interest of the victims for a change!.

Another reason for the color coded straws may have been that he wanted to make sure one or more did not overdose due to drinking to many smoothies, this way he could control the amount each girl drank just enough to put them out for his evil plans but not enough to kill anyone which would obviously increase his chances of getting caught.

That is an excellent shout!
Is there a warrant to search the house? Not sure how I could find that online.
The house has since been sold. The puzzling part is why it took so long for him to be charged since the alleged offense took place 'last summer' and that he wasn't picked up instead of turning himself in. MOO

ETA since facts are few in this case
The authorities were called to Randall Children’s Hospital on August 26 2023.
A new one one me -- we only had one child -- a boy, and it was years ago. neither of us ever heard of anything like that. SMH.
Not until today...

So glad 1) that none of the girls OD'ed on the meds, and
2) that apparently none of the girls were molested.
What a lousy, dangerous, and perverted plan that ~man~ had.
Thank goodness he had no luck on that night at least. How do we know that this night was his first attempt? His daughter? Will she ever be able to look at him or trust him again?
And can you imagine her going back to school or seeing the girls somewhere for the first time since that night? Poor girl. Grrrr.
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Yes. My step-daughter was sexually abused at a sleepover by her friend’s father. She was 10. It was so awful for her and it changed the trajectory of her life I feel. She started using drugs, never stopped, developed an eating disorder and didn’t graduate high school. She talked about it sometimes when she would be drinking and it really affected her. She also felt her mother didn’t take it seriously which obviously stunted her healing…
Just yes it happens!
And her mother just let it go as far as the father facing repurcussions… this was a decade + before I met her…

That’s so sad. I have such fond memories of sleepovers. I had a blast. But with all we now know…
A new one one me -- we only had one child -- a boy, and it was years ago. neither of us ever heard of anything like that. SMH.
Not until today...

So glad 1) that none of the girls OD'ed on the meds, and
2) that apparently none of the girls were molested.
What a lousy, dangerous, and perverted plan that ~man~ had.
Thank goodness he had no luck on that night at least. How do we know that this night was his first attempt? His daughter? Will she ever be able to look at him or trust him again?
And can you imagine her going back to school or seeing the girls somewhere for the first time since that night? Poor girl. Grrrr.
I hadn’t even thought of that with his daughter. Poor thing. Her childhood has been ruined by this creep. Maybe the best thing would have been for her mom to put her in a different school.

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