Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I didn't say that WM's team didn't have the ability to do their job. Only that his business development consultant failed to bring any business in. The excuse of the "toys" in the hangar doesn't cut it for me. Unfortunately, we'll never know how fast the "toys" may have been removed had a potential customer been found who wanted to do a tour. Another thing we'll never know is what might have happened had WM bought his son a business that he had more of an interest in. Regardless, DM seemed willing to give it a try since he was the one attending the negotiation and planning meetings.

IMO, showing power & position was right down DM's alley, but IMHO, DM showed signs of being grossly incompetent in many areas of business. IMO, allowing a bright and shiny 6 million dollar aircraft hangar, built specifically for very, very, very expensive aircraft, to be turned into a glorified chop shop/storage salon for a variety of cars & trucks is disgusting. The latest pictures of the hangar show exactly the way a hangar of this capacity should look. Eat off the floor clean. You can go to any of the busier airports in the Country and see hangars just like this. Spotless.
Would DM have excelled in something that he liked to do? Seems like he did a lot of things and nothing panned out. Even though, if found guilty, he'll spend the rest of his days in jail, DM still spent the first 27 years of his life not having to worry about money. IMHO, DM only had one interest: spending money. IMO, it's funny that Prince Harry and Prince William, Grandsons to the Queen, don't find it beneath themselves to be helicopter pilots and putting in a full days work. According to DP, DM wasn't a spoiled brat rich kid-IMO that's all he was. There was no respect for LB, WM or TB...why would MS think there'd be any respect for him? MOO
I didn't say that WM's team didn't have the ability to do their job. Only that his business development consultant failed to bring any business in. The excuse of the "toys" in the hangar doesn't cut it for me. Unfortunately, we'll never know how fast the "toys" may have been removed had a potential customer been found who wanted to do a tour. Another thing we'll never know is what might have happened had WM bought his son a business that he had more of an interest in. Regardless, DM seemed willing to give it a try since he was the one attending the negotiation and planning meetings.


Respectfully are you saying AS is a liar when he stated DM refused to clean up his collection in the hangar? Personally I can not see someone speaking to a reporter, having their good name splashed across front pages of newspapers, wanting to be known as a liar, do you? What would AS have to gain by doing so I wonder?

I wonder how many trips AS made to the hangar to hold meetings with DM where DM didn't show up or he was late? How many times did AS converse with other MA employees during his visits who had numerous complaints against DM?

LOL, this meeting was long before the shovel even hit the dirt. Perhaps DM attended because it was important to his father and WM may not have been able to make the meeting that day. Perhaps DM had the impression from the start of WM dream talks, WM was actually going to be running the show and DM would just have to show up at the hangar whenever he chose to. That responsibility suited DM just fine as long as he was on full time payroll and the name of his door read CEO. MOO.

End result, DM is being charged with three murders, one being his own father who had set him up for a rewarding and stable future had DM only had the intelligence and ambition to see it through. As it appears, those who stood in the way of what he wanted were snuffed out. AS should consider himself lucky IMHO. All MOO.

Prior to Wayne’s death, Millardair built the new multimillion dollar hangar to rejuvenate the business.
Left to manage that legacy, Millard says he turned his attention to the business — but not without resentment.
“I took it all pretty hard. It was a responsibility I didn’t want at that time. I was angry at (Wayne) for the things I had to do because he wasn’t there to do them.”
IMO, showing power & position was right down DM's alley, but IMHO, DM showed signs of being grossly incompetent in many areas of business. IMO, allowing a bright and shiny 6 million dollar aircraft hangar, built specifically for very, very, very expensive aircraft, to be turned into a glorified chop shop/storage salon for a variety of cars & trucks is disgusting. The latest pictures of the hangar show exactly the way a hangar of this capacity should look. Eat off the floor clean. You can go to any of the busier airports in the Country and see hangars just like this. Spotless.
Would DM have excelled in something that he liked to do? Seems like he did a lot of things and nothing panned out. Even though, if found guilty, he'll spend the rest of his days in jail, DM still spent the first 27 years of his life not having to worry about money. IMHO, DM only had one interest: spending money. IMO, it's funny that Prince Harry and Prince William, Grandsons to the Queen, don't find it beneath themselves to be helicopter pilots and putting in a full days work. According to DP, DM wasn't a spoiled brat rich kid-IMO that's all he was. There was no respect for LB, WM or TB...why would MS think there'd be any respect for him? MOO

Respectfully, I seem to recall a quote by one of his friends who had said the opposite:

"One friend of Mr. Millard’s girlfriend shared the impression of him as a modest man who acted neither spoiled nor particularly well-off. “He’s a soft-spoken sort of a guy,” said the friend, who cannot be named due to a publication ban. “I didn’t even know he had money. He never acted like it."

That seem to contradict the idea that he was all about showing power and position, in my opinion.

I have also seen photos of the new MillardAir hanger with a floor you could eat off of, looking sparkly clean from before the new lease, the photos were posted here but I do to know how to find them. They didn't show any mess, and personally, until the 'chop shop' allegations are proved, or even charges or laid in relation to them to DM, I would have to stand by my opinion that they were a gross exaggeration. I really trust that the cops have had enough time to track down any evidence of further crimes and would have laid charges by now, just going by the fact the they were not afraid to add addition all charges to MS in relation to the crime since he has been initially arrested.

I sincerely hope that the jury is able to separate the facts of the case from the fact that he was born into a wealthy family, I hope that jealousy doesn't shade their opinions. I realize that most people would love to be born into a life where they have never had to worry about money, and I imagine that everyone who has ever struggled for money at one point in their lives would naturally feel jealous of someone who has so many opportunities handed to him, someone with jet skis and helicopters and someone who is a CEO at 27!!!!! But all that again really speaks to the fact that he had no motive to kill someone for a truck, in my opinion.
Respectfully, I seem to recall a quote by one of his friends who had said the opposite:

"One friend of Mr. Millard’s girlfriend shared the impression of him as a modest man who acted neither spoiled nor particularly well-off. “He’s a soft-spoken sort of a guy,” said the friend, who cannot be named due to a publication ban. “I didn’t even know he had money. He never acted like it."

That seem to contradict the idea that he was all about showing power and position, in my opinion.

I have also seen photos of the new MillardAir hanger with a floor you could eat off of, looking sparkly clean from before the new lease, the photos were posted here but I do to know how to find them. They didn't show any mess, and personally, until the 'chop shop' allegations are proved, or even charges or laid in relation to them to DM, I would have to stand by my opinion that they were a gross exaggeration. I really trust that the cops have had enough time to track down any evidence of further crimes and would have laid charges by now, just going by the fact the they were not afraid to add addition all charges to MS in relation to the crime since he has been initially arrested.

I sincerely hope that the jury is able to separate the facts of the case from the fact that he was born into a wealthy family, I hope that jealousy doesn't shade their opinions. I realize that most people would love to be born into a life where they have never had to worry about money, and I imagine that everyone who has ever struggled for money at one point in their lives would naturally feel jealous of someone who has so many opportunities handed to him, someone with jet skis and helicopters and someone who is a CEO at 27!!!!! But all that again really speaks to the fact that he had no motive to kill someone for a truck, in my opinion.

With all due respect ...I was brought up in a pretty Ok family financially but I was taught from day 1 that I had to earn my keep. I was also taught that anything achieved from hard work would be much more appreciated than if it was handed to me.
And they were right!

DM may not have flaunted his fortune, but he spent it without putting the hard work into it.

Respectfully, I seem to recall a quote by one of his friends who had said the opposite:

"One friend of Mr. Millard’s girlfriend shared the impression of him as a modest man who acted neither spoiled nor particularly well-off. “He’s a soft-spoken sort of a guy,” said the friend, who cannot be named due to a publication ban. “I didn’t even know he had money. He never acted like it."

That seem to contradict the idea that he was all about showing power and position, in my opinion.

I have also seen photos of the new MillardAir hanger with a floor you could eat off of, looking sparkly clean from before the new lease, the photos were posted here but I do to know how to find them. They didn't show any mess, and personally, until the 'chop shop' allegations are proved, or even charges or laid in relation to them to DM, I would have to stand by my opinion that they were a gross exaggeration. I really trust that the cops have had enough time to track down any evidence of further crimes and would have laid charges by now, just going by the fact the they were not afraid to add addition all charges to MS in relation to the crime since he has been initially arrested.

I sincerely hope that the jury is able to separate the facts of the case from the fact that he was born into a wealthy family, I hope that jealousy doesn't shade their opinions. I realize that most people would love to be born into a life where they have never had to worry about money, and I imagine that everyone who has ever struggled for money at one point in their lives would naturally feel jealous of someone who has so many opportunities handed to him, someone with jet skis and helicopters and someone who is a CEO at 27!!!!! But all that again really speaks to the fact that he had no motive to kill someone for a truck, in my opinion.

What about killing his father and LB? What scenario/reason could possibility excuse him from killing them? And are you certain there was wealth or just that image of wealth and MSM portraying it that way? DM didn't play the part of a wealthy person nor did his father according to DM, even some who knew him attested to that also. Was there a legit reason for him to not play that role? MOO.

The things I wonder about the MRO are:

- It was budgeted to cost $6.4M and it ended up costing one and a half times that. Where did the "and a half" come from - the family coffers or the bank? I think the whole deal around the 6-plex suggests it came from the bank. ... (snip) ...

I snipped a portion of your post (above) and highlighted the 9.5 million you alluded to

At this point we only know that it was a $6.4 million hangar ... as repeated numerous times in media (which does not make it accurate either)

Then there was ONE comment by ONE media person that said it was $9.5 million

I would be cautious to hang my hat on that figure. Some journalists make more mistakes in one week than an Air Canada Pilot makes in a lifetime.
With all due respect ...I was brought up in a pretty Ok family financially but I was taught from day 1 that I had to earn my keep. I was also taught that anything achieved from hard work would be much more appreciated than if it was handed to me.
And they were right!

DM may not have flaunted his fortune, but he spent it without putting the hard work into it.


I respect your family values, but personally I find putting children to work to earn their keep is too close to child labour for my liking. I was raised to believe that when you are a child it is your parents responsibility to ensure your keep.

I find it easy to judge people as lazy when I don't know how they spent their days, but again, it's not like DM was unemployed like MS, he had at least one job, as CEO of a company. Maybe to other people, being a CEO is the same as being an unemployed bum who lives on handouts, but I hold the belief that it was a job, allowing him to earn his money and not just live off his mother, like MS appears to have done.
I respect your family values, but personally I find putting children to work to earn their keep is too close to child labour for my liking. I was raised to believe that when you are a child it is your parents responsibility to ensure your keep.

I find it easy to judge people as lazy when I don't know how they spent their days, but again, it's not like DM was unemployed like MS, he had at least one job, as CEO of a company. Maybe to other people, being a CEO is the same as being an unemployed bum who lives on handouts, but I hold the belief that it was a job, allowing him to earn his money and not just live off his mother, like MS appears to have done.

The thing is, look at DM's resume:

Education: high school, makeup artistry, cooking, computer gaming (expelled)

Experience: 10 years, hobby pilot

Employment: NONE

Now you go take that resume down the street to any other MRO and see if DM gets hired as CEO.

I think not.
The thing is, look at DM's resume:

Education: high school, makeup artistry, cooking, computer gaming (expelled)

Experience: 10 years, hobby pilot

Employment: NONE

Now you go take that resume down the street to any other MRO and see if DM gets hired as CEO.

I think not.
:panic::panic: OK..aside for not being anywhere the size or fortune of the Eaton family, I almost believe the "work ethic" "intelligence" gene pool was dangerously shallow in both families. MOO
:panic::panic: OK..aside for not being anywhere the size or fortune of the Eaton family, I almost believe the "work ethic" "intelligence" gene pool was dangerously shallow in both families. MOO

Oh c'mon, DM showed up at the crack of noon, if he did, and if that's not work ethic I'm not sure what is ;)

“I thought he was just a spoilt little brat who had his way all his life and didn’t appreciate what his father was doing for him,” said Mr. Sharif. “He was an impediment to the hangar operation” who didn’t meet his deadlines, almost never arrived at work before noon, and refused to clear his collection of cars, jeeps, hot rods, jet skis and personal airplanes from the business premises.

Dontcha know, that's what they teach you in business school - all the MBA types know that in order to make the best impression and be most effective at your job, you better not show before noon.

That's why any MRO would surely hire DM as their CEO ;) Who WOULDN'T want a 150% cost overrun on their project, no doubt in part due to a shortened noon to 5 workday.

Seriously, we've all seen lists of the junk that was in the hangar - 2 jeeps, some classic cars, 3 old airplanes, a helicopter, and so on and that is no small pile of junk, and it would stick out in the large open hangar like a town on the prairie. There is no hiding your junk in a hangar.

There have been several requests wanting to know the Actual borders of the Millard Farm on Roseville Road so here it is.

(The farm has now been sold to a landscaping company)

If anyone happens to know exactly where the forensic tents were set up , please mark them on the map ... I have a general idea where they were but it would be nice to be accurate , thanks

I have also put it in the PHOTOS and MAPS thread**No-Discussion**&p=11746749#post11746749


millard farm actual borders.JPG
In a construction project you may come up against a difficulty (can't get material and need to substitute, need to amend plans in some way, etc.) and typically you would document the problem and solution and the difference (+/-) in costs to the budget as a Change Order and get the person who is looking over the bills to sign it in order to authorize the change. It's normal for any project to include many Change Orders.

Now people in the construction industry start their day a bit earlier, maybe 7:00 have DM rolling in 5 hours later at noon for the last 3 hours of the construction day is a huge detriment to the workflow if he is the one that authorizes changes.

They could have a full crew sitting on their hands, paid, for 5 hours waiting on DM to approve a change.

I would have to say that DM came up with an ingenious way to avoid the rigors of work: come in so late in the day that everyone is packing up for home in a couple hours.

From a project management perspective, this is exactly how to blow your budget. Hire and pay people to sit around and wait for you.
Building the hangar would be the responsibility of the contractor (not DM or WM) .... and it would be for a predetermined fixed amount , there would be no surprises or sudden price increases , if there was a change order the contractor would not just sit around waiting for DM , he would work on other things in the meantime.

The cost of equipment for the MRO and startup wages could be expenses that got out of control but some of that equipment was later sold recovering some of the money. Money paid for salaries would be complete losses and never recovered. But even 10 professionals @ $100k per year would only be $1 million.
Building the hangar would be the responsibility of the contractor (not DM or WM) .... and it would be for a predetermined fixed amount , there would be no surprises or sudden price increases , if there was a change order the contractor would not just sit around waiting for DM , he would work on other things in the meantime.

Respectfully, I have worked managing change orders in the construction industry. It is not at all as you described above and all that I explained previously. There are legal reasons for leaving crews sitting around and waiting...sometimes there are bottlenecks that will stop a whole project and there is nothing else to do, or it would take days to shift gears to another task.

It's pretty amusing to think you could sign up someone to build for you for a fixed, unchangeable amount. For one thing, that would put 100% of the risk on the builder. Was WM so naive that he believed that there was no way the price tag could ever go over $6.4M?

The cost of equipment for the MRO and startup wages could be expenses that got out of control but some of that equipment was later sold recovering some of the money. Money paid for salaries would be complete losses and never recovered. But even 10 professionals @ $100k per year would only be $1 million.
There is no way anyone would put up a building like that without a fixed contract , even the contractor himself will have locked in prices with his suppliers.

Renovating older buildings , or building custom homes based on the whims of the owner ... yes , prices will change a lot , that is an entirely different situation.
The thing is, look at DM's resume:

Education: high school, makeup artistry, cooking, computer gaming (expelled)

Experience: 10 years, hobby pilot

Employment: NONE

Now you go take that resume down the street to any other MRO and see if DM gets hired as CEO.

I think not.

I haven't seen DM's resume, but if there is a copy floating around, I am sure we would all love to see it. Otherwise this is just a guess based on the scraps some have found on his background. For some reason, I think that we may not know everything about Dm's life so far, there may be other jobs we are unaware of at this point, in my opinion.

Out of curiosity, I wonder what would be on MS's resume? No education and a job selling cigarettes to under-aged school children, I suppose.
Oh c'mon, DM showed up at the crack of noon, if he did, and if that's not work ethic I'm not sure what is ;)

Dontcha know, that's what they teach you in business school - all the MBA types know that in order to make the best impression and be most effective at your job, you better not show before noon.

That's why any MRO would surely hire DM as their CEO ;) Who WOULDN'T want a 150% cost overrun on their project, no doubt in part due to a shortened noon to 5 workday.

Seriously, we've all seen lists of the junk that was in the hangar - 2 jeeps, some classic cars, 3 old airplanes, a helicopter, and so on and that is no small pile of junk, and it would stick out in the large open hangar like a town on the prairie. There is no hiding your junk in a hangar.

To me junk is something that you can find on the side it the road, or at the junk yard. I wouldn't consider restored classic cars, functional airplanes and helicopters junk, personally. We've also seen pictures of the new hanger looking shining bright and clean with those items displayed for sale, and it was nothing like Sandford and Sons, from what I recall.

That's one of the things that makes me take AS's story with a grain of salt , personally.
There is no way anyone would put up a building like that without a fixed contract , even the contractor himself will have locked in prices with his suppliers.

Renovating older buildings , or building custom homes based on the whims of the owner ... yes , prices will change a lot , that is an entirely different situation.

So how did this fixed $6.4M contract end up costing WM $9.5M? ;)
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