Miscellaneous - off the beaten path idea's.

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Just wanted to let you all know that I'm sending out some messages in a bottle as we speak. I just realized that Anna will be turning 40 in less than a week from now.

I did a bunch of snowflakes and have seen a half dozen responses or so, so at least people are looking at the site. Anna's birthday has been on my mind all month.
I finally got a face! Flake #4906810 ( Link to popularfront snow days in post#1) Getting lots more feedback, prayers etc. So people are in fact looking.
Yesterday I received a letter from NCMEC thanking me for my payroll deduction for the past year. This letter has some meaning to me because it is dated September 25, 2007.

It's that time of year again. Please consider a payroll deduction to help NCMEC or any other foundation for missing children. The NCMEC has sent a picture of Anna to the IRS last month. I am watching for which form or instruction she will be featured on.
I have been brainstorming different ideas for advertising the official www.searchingforanna website. I contacted a billboard company in California and they quoted the regular price for a billboard in the "innercity" (meaning off the main highways) runs from $1200-$1500/month. They offered to put up a billboard in San Mateo for cost which is about $500. Still pretty steep for only 30 days of advertising.

I mentioned earlier about getting buttons made with Anna's pic and the website. I looked into the cost of button machines with parts. The cost is very cheap. Does anyone think anyone else besides me would wear a button or stick it on their purse?

Then I started looking into the prices of bumper stickers. They are in a price range of $1-$3 each. I like the bumper sticker idea especially for the guys who would probably never put a button on their shirt, or purse for that matter. Does anyone know someone in the bumper sticker business who can help us out?
I found a company to do bumper stickers for far less then originally quoted from original company. Waiting for a response from the boss.
i know kelly from project jason has the button program they have various missing children. you send away for as many buttons as you want and they come with a paper on the missing child. we could send her Anna's info for the buttons if we wanted to go down that rute
Has anything been decided on the stamps? I thought this was an excellent idea for those who wanted to participate to use on their general mail, if that was acceptable to Anna's family.

Sorry I haven't been here for a while. In and out of hospital again and then caring for my Grandmother and court hearings for her guardianship. Also, several in the family have passed on in a matter of just a few months time. It has been surreal. We are trying to stay in the spiritual light and do what is right.
Has anything been decided on the stamps? I thought this was an excellent idea for those who wanted to participate to use on their general mail, if that was acceptable to Anna's family.

Sorry I haven't been here for a while. In and out of hospital again and then caring for my Grandmother and court hearings for her guardianship. Also, several in the family have passed on in a matter of just a few months time. It has been surreal. We are trying to stay in the spiritual light and do what is right.

I'm sorry to hear about everything you and your family have been experiencing. Prayers and hugs....

In post #18 within this thread, Annasmom ok'd the photo I posted and suggested anyone interested go ahead and order on their own. I have not yet needed stamps so have yet to see what they look like printed. I'd try a small quantity first and see if we need to adjust the www.searchingforanna.com to large enough to read.
Way off the beaten path.

I found this site:

which allows users to paint and submit to the sites gallery. I have no idea how to search for particular artwork or how long they remain part of the site, however, I did a lame attempt at an impressionist style sun thinking of the song from one of the videos and added searchingforanna.com

If anyone likes drawing or painting, this place is kind of fun and maybe another place to attract traffic to the searchingforanna site.

Some of the paintings in the gallery are quite beautiful and some very talented artists.
In the past, it was suggested that an email campaign be started with details about Anna's disappearance along with the age-progressed photo. By using the viral nature of the internet, it was thought that we could spread the word and reach a large audience. The idea was nixed because of the tendency of people to modify these type of emails to "spice" them up. The result is something that we would lose control of as it travelled through the internet universe. (Think of the "Ashley Flores" hoax email that has gained a life of its own trough email forwarding.)

One way that we may be able to use email without losing control of the message is to include only "bare bones" info about the case (such as Anna's name and the date she went missing), but include a link to the searchingforanna.com website where the correct details are available. We would still run a risk that someone could change the link to something that we do not want, but it may be an effective way of spreading the message while controlling the content.

Any thoughts about this?
In the past, it was suggested that an email campaign be started with details about Anna's disappearance along with the age-progressed photo. By using the viral nature of the internet, it was thought that we could spread the word and reach a large audience. The idea was nixed because of the tendency of people to modify these type of emails to "spice" them up. The result is something that we would lose control of as it travelled through the internet universe. (Think of the "Ashley Flores" hoax email that has gained a life of its own trough email forwarding.)

One way that we may be able to use email without losing control of the message is to include only "bare bones" info about the case (such as Anna's name and the date she went missing), but include a link to the searchingforanna.com website where the correct details are available. We would still run a risk that someone could change the link to something that we do not want, but it may be an effective way of spreading the message while controlling the content.

Any thoughts about this?
Sounds like a great idea, Doogie. We have come to learn of the vast power and reaches of the internet in recent years. In the spirit of " leave no stone unturned" I applaud your idea.
What about creating a password protected PDF file so we could still have all the critical information and some emotion. I don't think bare bones is going to be as effective although it is certainly still worth doing. A locked PDF file would still allow us to keep control.
What about creating a password protected PDF file so we could still have all the critical information and some emotion. I don't think bare bones is going to be as effective although it is certainly still worth doing. A locked PDF file would still allow us to keep control.

This is an interesting idea that I had not considered. I have Acrobrat Pro, but am not familiar with all of its features. RFF, can you send me an email describing how to password protect a pdf file? Thanks!
I took this situation to my design team this morning. They told me that a locked PDF can be hacked pretty easy. You can resave the document or import it into photoshop or illustrator and that will override the Password.

They suggested we write the e-mail with a compelling paragraph and show the two photos -- Anna and the age prgression. Then, we link to a website (could be a page on this site) with more information. Not many people are going to the trouble to try to upload/alter content from your website. If we keep the e-mail paragraph -- short, compelling and specific in asking for action we should do well.

Maybe this is what you were saying all along, short e-mail with a live link and I just didn't get the link part of it.

I liked the locked PDF and can give you more information on it if the easy hacking issue is not off putting.
What about creating a password protected PDF file so we could still have all the critical information and some emotion. I don't think bare bones is going to be as effective although it is certainly still worth doing. A locked PDF file would still allow us to keep control.

Could someone explain this idea to me (using very small words, please)? I am not in favor of spamming, and we have tried to keep the weeping and wailing at a minimum during all our efforts. Also, exactly what is it that might be hacked?

What I am mulling over is possibly creating an email that says something like: "Anna Christian Waters disappeared from Half Moon Bay, Ca in 1973. Her family continues to look for her. Please come to searchingforanna.com for more details about the case." The email could, as suggested above, include the kindergarten picture and the recent age progression.

This email could be forwarded to people within each of our address books, which is then forwarded by the receipients. This would "virally" spread out this info exponentially. Technically, this would be spam, but would be using the power of spam in the service of good.

The major disadvantage of these type of emails is that people tend to add and elaborate the information in the email. RFF's suggestion of creating a password-protected pdf is an attempt to make the information in the email unalterable to keep it from mutating into something that we don't want. In short, we would make the message a "picture" that can not be altered except by us with a password. However, as RFF explained, this "picture" would still be able to altered, but it would be more difficult than the usual email.

As I originally stated, I was opposed to using this technique because of the potential of losing control of the message. I re-offered the proposal with the idea of using the email only to direct people to the website where we have complete control of the content. It may still be a bad idea. If you are opposed to this, we will certainly defer to your decision.

(I hope that I explained this concisely. It seems that I cannot avoid using large words. ;) )

What I am mulling over is possibly creating an email that says something like: "Anna Christian Waters disappeared from Half Moon Bay, Ca in 1973. Her family continues to look for her. Please come to searchingforanna.com for more details about the case." The email could, as suggested above, include the kindergarten picture and the recent age progression.

This email could be forwarded to people within each of our address books, which is then forwarded by the receipients. This would "virally" spread out this info exponentially. Technically, this would be spam, but would be using the power of spam in the service of good.

The major disadvantage of these type of emails is that people tend to add and elaborate the information in the email. RFF's suggestion of creating a password-protected pdf is an attempt to make the information in the email unalterable to keep it from mutating into something that we don't want. In short, we would make the message a "picture" that can not be altered except by us with a password. However, as RFF explained, this "picture" would still be able to altered, but it would be more difficult than the usual email.

As I originally stated, I was opposed to using this technique because of the potential of losing control of the message. I re-offered the proposal with the idea of using the email only to direct people to the website where we have complete control of the content. It may still be a bad idea. If you are opposed to this, we will certainly defer to your decision.

(I hope that I explained this concisely. It seems that I cannot avoid using large words. ;) )
Thank you, Doogie. I suppose lots of these e-mails would be screened out by people's anti-spam filters. We wouldn't be breaking any laws, would we?
BTW, searchingforanna.com was updated just this morning with a book link and the completion of the 1973-2004 time line. Looks good.
The type of viral marketing that we are talking about would pass from a person to friends/family -- we would be asking that people interested in the case spread the e-mail to their friends/family and those people do the same. So, very little would get filtered out because you are set up to receive e-mails from friends/family.

Spam companies buy address lists and send out mass e-mails -- you set up filters to pull out mail that comes from known spam sources or mail that doesn't come from sources you approve. We don't want spam.

Think of it as being passionate and having enough time to write to each of your friends to tell them this interesting case you are working on. That is what this e-mail would do except that we would write the message 1 time rather than over and over. If people choose to pass it on -- great. If they choose not to pass it on that is fine also. But, we will have given them the opportunity.

I think we can play on the idea of 6 degrees of separation and increase awareness and never come close to spam.

Because it is going from person to person and not asking for anything but consideration I don't believe we are at risk for any laws.

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