Misskelley's I.Q.

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm not attacking you at all, Dysthymia, I'm disagreeing with your assertion that a positive luminol test=presence of blood.
ETA: Sorry if you felt attacked, none of my posts were meant that way. I'm just trying to argue the point, and I suppose if anything I was attacking Blink a bit, but not you.

Cappuccino. Maybe I did take what you said in the wrong way so I'll apologize, too. Agree to disagree?

This case causes so much emotional response, both for and against, that it is very easy to get carried away to prove one's point. I am speaking of myself in that statement.

I will say that no matter what I think about what happened, I have no way of knowing what is the truth of the matter.

I will say that no matter what I think about what happened, I have no way of knowing what is the truth of the matter.

The sad thing about it is that the only person (or persons) who actually knows (or know) what happened is the real killer (or killers), and he (or they) is (or are) not talking.

This thought begs the question, if the WMFree were guilty, what advantage would there be to them to not talk? If they "own up" to the crime, double jeopardy would prevent them from being tried again. I guess the only thing that would hold them back would be fear of reprisals, but that possibility still exists now because so many people feel that they are guilty. IMO, the only reason for them to maintain their innocence at this point is that they are, in fact, innocent.

OTOH, if the WMFree were not guilty, the real killer must be in agony now. He has stayed free (and not even suspected by the WMPD) for over eighteen years. All of a sudden, the men serving time for his crime are out - and still maintaining their innocence and working hard to prove their innocence, with the help of some very deep pockets. Either the real killer has a "special" relationship with LE in Arkansas (that allows him to feel safe) or he is shaking in his shoes about the possibility that the defense team will find the one incriminating piece of evidence they need to exonerate the WMFree. (My guess is that they have found it already and will reveal it in due time - when the case against the real killer is airtight.) Either way, I don't think he sleeps very well.
Cappuccino. Maybe I did take what you said in the wrong way so I'll apologize, too. Agree to disagree?

This case causes so much emotional response, both for and against, that it is very easy to get carried away to prove one's point. I am speaking of myself in that statement.

I will say that no matter what I think about what happened, I have no way of knowing what is the truth of the matter.


Peace too, agree to differ.:) Although I totally agree with the part I've bolded. You're in the same boat as the rest of us there, we can all research it as much as possible and make a judgement, but knowing the truth of what happened that horrible night 18 years ago is not really possible. Not for outsiders coming to the case 18 years after the fact.
" ... we can all research it as much as possible and make a judgement, but knowing the truth of what happened that horrible night 18 years ago is not really possible."

The only way to really know is to find out who was there. For those of us who believe in the innocence of the WMFree, IMO, this is why we continue to research, discuss, etc. in the case. Although right now I'm convinced that TH is the perpetrator (based on new information obtained since the original trials), if additional information pointing to another suspect were to emerge, I would willingly look at it.

I guess my point here is that, since I wasn't there on May 5, 1993, I'm always looking for some piece of information that will irrefutably point to who was. Again, IMO, there is no such information pointing to the WMFree. All that exists is circumstantial and partially based on the old "Satanic panic" that is long gone by now - and, of course, on the unsubstantiated ramblings of a mentally challenged teenager.

For those of you who believe the WMFree to be guilty, IMO, you simply believe in everything LE has said and, again, IMO, refuse to look at new information that points in another direction. This is why we continue to discuss these things. The problem with "facts" is that they are often subject to interpretation - and therein lies the rub!

However, I believe that it will soon be all over because I believe that the defense team has found the proverbial "smoking gun" and is simply waiting until they have all their ducks in a row before they present their information to Ellington. Let's hope that 2012 is the year that everything is made crystal clear! Then we can all find another injustice to correct.

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