Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #16

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Oct 28, 2009
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Sherrill Levitt was born on November 1, 1944, and was age 47 at time of her disappearance. She was 5 feet 0 inches (1.52 m), 110 pounds (50 kg), with short light blonde hair, brown eyes and pierced ears. She was a cosmetologist at a local salon and a single mother, and was described as being very close to her daughter, Suzanne Elizabeth "Suzie" Streeter. Streeter was born on March 9, 1973 (age 19 in 1992), was 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 m), 102 pounds (46 kg), with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. Her distinguishable marks included a scar on her upper right forearm, a small mole on the left corner of her mouth, and pierced ears (left ear pierced twice). Streeter's friend, Stacy McCall, was born on April 23, 1974 (age 18 in 1992), was 5 feet 3 inches (1.60 m) and 120 pounds (54 kg), with long dark blonde hair and light colored eyes.[1]

The Springfield Three - Wikipedia


On Tuesday, fresh flowers rest near by a memorial to the two teens and mother. Like those fresh flowers Stacy McCall's mother tells KSPR she feels fresh leads, technology and investigators can still bring her daughter and the other two women home.

"I look at Stacy and I think she's not 18, she's 38. It's heartbreaking," McCall said in an interview with us on the twenty year anniversary. "Twenty birthdays and twenty Thanksgivings and Christmases and so many times that we sit around the table wanting her nearby."


Chief Webb offers this advice to any law enforcement who finds the mystery in their hands: "Never give up. You have to go to work on this and treat any piece of information like it's the glue we've been waiting for to crack this case open."

Janis McCall asks people who speculate to stick to the facts and stay away from so many rumors she feels have sensationalized the case.The reward fund for prosecution of those responsible now sits at 42 thousand dollars.

New eyes could eventually solve case of Springfield's 3 missing women

Thread #1
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Thread #3 -
pulled *
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Thread #5
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Thread #7

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Thread #14

Thread #15

Admin note: During the period the posts in #2 and #3 were being made, Websleuths rules were different, links are no longer good and much of the discusssion that took place at that time has since been disproved as not connected or incorrect. For that reason, Threads #2 and #3 will remain unavailable.

Sometimes, a colder case needs fresh eyes. Eyes that will start with nothing and examine every available resource to come up with a theory. This is one of those cases. What was done was done. Some was very helpful and bears continued scrutiny. Some has already been put to bed and left behind. Consider Threads #2 and #3 to be the latter. Thank you to all who examine the facts of this case and provide your thoughts. These women still wait for justice. Their family members still await closure.




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Was thinking about the women today on my way home from the store. I like this discussion going on right now. I agree with Bartt. There are some people who use multiple sites and spread disinformation. Also a few use multiple accounts on here as well. Hasn’t been as bad lately.

I’m also curious about Sherrill’s float dress, if it’s the one she went missing in.
@Bartt Streeter I'd like to ask if you knew if your mother was close to Kathy Kirby? The reason I'm asking is that on Wednesday, June 10, 1992, in the second article about the missing women Kathy says "I never thought there was much of a relationship with Bartt." I was so confused as to why she said this because, to me, it seemed like she was trying to implicate you. Also from everything I've read, it didn't seem like Kathy and Sherrill were close. I do not trust the Kirby's at all. I also never thought you had a thing to do with this case and have lost so much.

I sound like I'm beating a dead horse, but I do not believe the Kirby's were ever treated as suspects, but perhaps they should have been. Think about it this way for a second. What would we know without Kathy and Janelle? If Kathy hadn't happened to wake up at 2:20 am and see her alarm clock would the police believe the girls made it back to the Kirby residence? Would Janelle's word alone be enough to convenience the police the girls arrived back and left? It seems to me that whoever did this wanted it to appear as if the women were abducted and got just this. It's also a HUGE coincidence that the first time Stacy spends the night with Suzie in years, all three women go missing. While I do not count out any of the killers/rapists in the area, I agree with the FBI agent who said he belives locals know what happened but were too afraid to speak out. The Smalltown Rumor mill also added to the confusion with misinformation and red herrings.
@Bartt Streeter I'd like to ask if you knew if your mother was close to Kathy Kirby? The reason I'm asking is that on Wednesday, June 10, 1992, in the second article about the missing women Kathy says "I never thought there was much of a relationship with Bartt." I was so confused as to why she said this because, to me, it seemed like she was trying to implicate you. Also from everything I've read, it didn't seem like Kathy and Sherrill were close. I do not trust the Kirby's at all. I also never thought you had a thing to do with this case and have lost so much.

I sound like I'm beating a dead horse, but I do not believe the Kirby's were ever treated as suspects, but perhaps they should have been. Think about it this way for a second. What would we know without Kathy and Janelle? If Kathy hadn't happened to wake up at 2:20 am and see her alarm clock would the police believe the girls made it back to the Kirby residence? Would Janelle's word alone be enough to convenience the police the girls arrived back and left? It seems to me that whoever did this wanted it to appear as if the women were abducted and got just this. It's also a HUGE coincidence that the first time Stacy spends the night with Suzie in years, all three women go missing. While I do not count out any of the killers/rapists in the area, I agree with the FBI agent who said he belives locals know what happened but were too afraid to speak out. The Smalltown Rumor mill also added to the confusion with misinformation and red herrings.
I 100% agree with your post.
The APCO sighting was dismissed because Janelle said there was no way Stacy and Suzie went there because Janelle was with them the entire night. So that sighting was dismissed. The only 3 people who mention Suzie having a stomach ache are Janelle, Shane and Kathy Kirby. I am convinced the only reason Janis said Suzie had a stomach ache and wanted to go home was because someone told her that.
I 100% agree with your post.
The APCO sighting was dismissed because Janelle said there was no way Stacy and Suzie went there because Janelle was with them the entire night. So that sighting was dismissed. The only 3 people who mention Suzie having a stomach ache are Janelle, Shane and Kathy Kirby. I am convinced the only reason Janis said Suzie had a stomach ache and wanted to go home was because someone told her that.
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I agree, Lisa. I believe Janis was told so many lies. Also, why didn't Janelle call Janis first? ALSO, Asher did his fair share of BS and many lies that I believe Janis fell for. I have a special distaste for Asher and his comments about Suzie's photos.
Do we know Who stated that one of the gj3 were deceased ?

1. Currently In Potosi correctional facility .

2. Discharged January 2019 after serving a 10 year sentence from KSDOC .

3. Discharged In Jan , 1995 from KSDOC .

-Per KSDOC and Missouri Case Net
Do we know Who stated that one of the gj3 were deceased ?

1. Currently In Potosi correctional facility .

2. Discharged January 2019 after serving a 10 year sentence from KSDOC .

3. Discharged In Jan , 1995 from KSDOC .

-Per KSDOC and Missouri Case Net
Are we allowed to name the GJ3? If we are, will someone please name them :)
No more than anybody else and I still don't buy that my sister didn't have a key to the side door.

There are individuals who have a very long history of posting on multiple forums about this case and they are known to use a certain unseemly tactic that includes fishing for information by spreading misinformation, disinformation and lies..

I'm quite confident your more than capable of discerning who those individuals are.

I never considered your sister not having a key to the house. I was more curious how your mother or Suzie were about letting people into their home. Would they have treated cops or people appearing to be cops with trust? I know I can be cautious at times and then later do something that is risky or careless.
Hopefully this doesn't seem like I'm digging for information like some people you encounter. I don't think your mom, sister or you have been treated fairly. I'm sorry for your loss.
I believe, when people are talking about name changes, they're talking about the individuals that they failed to indict at the grand jury.

I've been told their names and there was 3 of them. Which may cause some confusion for people. Non of the grand jury 3 were involved in the mausoleum break in, which was done by 3 other individuals.

As far as I know, Clay and Recla never change their names .
Dusty's brother did say something about other people getting hurt out in front of my mother's house within a few days after the abductions. But I don't believe he changed his name.

However, I was told Joe Riddell was using his mother's maiden name (Riddell) back in 1992. When he Clay and Recla were arrested for the monument break in.

I can't remember what his legal last name is.

I didn't find out about Riddell using his mother's maiden name for many many years.

I was under the impression that when people were talking about 1 of the 3 being dead and name changes, those conversations where in reference to the grand jury 3.

If I'm mistaken, let me know.

One of the witnesses of the grand jury has posted some comments about name changing on FB. That is why I mentioned J. Recla. I have no idea if this is true or relevant for the case.
One of the witnesses of the grand jury has posted some comments about name changing on FB. That is why I mentioned J. Recla. I have no idea if this is true or relevant for the case.
I believe that was the 3rd vandal, Joseph Riedel. It is my recollection that he may have used the name of Vocke in Illinois (that is somewhat unclear). He can be found in Missouri Case Net. (District 31)

The vandal’s names can be found in the Streeter blog.

So far as I know all are alive as are all three of the so-called “Grand Jury 3.”
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Several things stand out to me in this case. Like many of you, one of the biggest red flags concerns JK, her mother, and MH. I don't see a motive for them killing the women and I don't think they could have pulled it off anyway, but has anyone ever floated the theory that maybe the perp(s) called the house and threatened JK/MH into cleaning/contaminating the crime scene? If the perps had the women conscious, they could have gotten the phone number from them. Perhaps the perps were forced to leave in a bigger hurry than they would have liked and worried there were some "loose ends" so to speak (I'm thinking primarily the broken glass but maybe other things too). The perp(s) could threaten her with knowing where she lived (something they could know from Suzie/Stacy) and then with being an "accomplice" after they completed said contamination. Janelle says there were two phone calls. The second could have been to ensure she did as they told her and to make sure she didn't disclose what she had done. If this happened, maybe Janelle used the "obscene prank call" coverup simply because she had heard the earlier message and wasn't very creative. It also works because if she had claimed to talk to someone else, they would have had to provide corroboration.

To rehash some things that stick out to me that may support this theory:

No mention of the "obscene phone calls" in the police report. I do not care how air headed someone is, when the police are asking you what you know about a potential disappearance you don't think something like two obscene phone calls are worthy of a mention? Not buying it.

On June 18th, News Leader says that police are now looking into "other possible phone calls that may have been made to the residence." This tells me they had some way to at least track incoming calls? At least it would be enough to perhaps make someone nervous for not telling the truth if he/she didn't disclose that they answered a phone call....oops

August 3, News Leader is the first mention I've found of the obscene phone call but this one is described singularly as one message on the answering machine. No mention of Janelle's two calls still from what I've found but please feel free to correct if this is wrong

June 6, 1993 News Leader. First mention of the Janelle/Mike 3:30 visit that I can find. Also first mention of the obscene phone calls, which she says occurred during this time period. When she says she leaves this time, she's crying in the backseat of the car. So, all of a sudden Janelle remembers not only a visit to the house she has forgotten up until now but also that two obscene phone calls occurred during that visit? Cool.

This phone number was new and unlisted. Which means that for someone with no connection to Sherrill (because the police cleared the local perv caller apparently) to call her house he must have just been randomly dialing numbers. So then how does he luck up and randomly dial the SAME UNLISTED NUMBER two days later while Janelle happens to be there? Pretty big coincidence.

The initial call on the voicemail is the one that was heard by Janice if we can trust her recollection (seems like Janelle and mother are easily able to put things in Janice's head from what I've seen). If the perp(s) was able to threaten/coerce JK and MH to contaminate the scene and not tell anyone, maybe the FBI somehow learned that the phone calls occurred and thus this new information had to be brought to light?

November 4, 2019 People article Asher says Janelle described the caller as "teenish". Which does not match the police description of the elderly man who was busted making phone calls around Springfield and who I believe was linked to the first call.
From the very beginning, I have felt like JK/MH's actions were more than strange. And then I may have been able to get over that except for the fact that Ms. Kirby is also pretty obviously lying as well. The question is WHY? My first instinct was that she was just a social climber who wanted her daughter to get in a sorority (as did Stacy's) and be well thought of in the community and maybe Janelle had been shacking up with Mike at a hotel or something. Which, ok, I mean her friends have just disappeared and she's upset, no need to broadcast her personal transgressions all over the news. My mother would probably have done the same. BUT. Combine this with JK/MH contaminating the scene, plus their various ever-changing reasons for said contamination.....I just think there is more to it than that now.

I also don't believe that JK spent the night at home that night.
Enjoyed your comments. Excellent summary.

It is my opinion that the “teenish” voice may be the most important new information that has been provided for many years.

It is speculation only but I think putting a name to that caller could break the case.
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