Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #16

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While considering items to include in my letters to the attorney-general's.

The polygraph test, I took,came to mind.
I never released the information that I had passed the test to the media, yet it was on the front page of the paper the next day.

So, I started to look through the Google to see if that was a normal LE process and if was legal for the SPD to do so ?

Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of luck finding a definitive answer on that question.

Cloyd Steiger is one of the most well-known homicide detectives on the West Coast, if not the country. He has consulted on Shirley Rose ( oldest cold case in Springfield ) ,
And he said that in Hundreds of homicides he only polygraphed a couple of people and they were witnesses . He says zeroing in on a poly is lazy .

The fact that they let 48 hours film them live ? And broadcast it ? That was shocking , And I can see why the district attorney was upset.

In transparency , I’ve often wondered who the person that failed was. But that alone without some collaborating evidence , wouldn’t sway my options .

To answer your question , I don’t believe there’s anything “illegal” about it and sometimes they release or hold back information to get a reaction from a possible suspect .
Janis said she thought it was odd Stacy went to Suzie's house to spend the night. What are the chances that the first time Stacy spends the night with Suzie in years three women go missing? I suppose it could happen, but that sounds strange to me. Why did Michelle Elders want Stacy to spend the night at the last minute? I've read multiple things, but it seems like Suzie and Sherril were getting prank phone calls all week. Could it be someone calling to say something was going to happen Graduation night? Could that be why Suzie didn't want to be alone? (If that's true.) Janis was strict with Stacy. So were my parents. On a night like graduation night, being the age Stacy was she could have wanted to spend time with someone Janis didn't know about and feel "rebellious." I've read so many things about Stacy's DNA being at Delmar, but nothing that ever confirms this 100%. James Wright, the FBI Agent said "I think they (other persons) were brought into this not knowing what was going to happen." This leads me to believe locals were involved with the crime. I'm always torn between the girls did or didn't make it back to Delmar. Though this theory is out there, everything could have been planted at Delmar to make it seem like they made it home and then abducted. Without Sherill to say for sure, no one knows if the girls made it back. Sherill stands out to me. Remember, due to varnish her window was cracked. Many people say Stacy was "At the wrong place at the wrong time." But I don't think this. I believe Sherrill was the one who stands out. She was at home tending her house and later reading. I've always wondered "Who has the most to lose?" When it comes to a crime like this. The papers and many townsfolk spin this and make it seem like it's Sherrill and Suzie's fault and that makes my blood boil. I hate victim-blaming. I know I'm from a different generation, but think back to being 18. How many things did you all do that you'd never want your parents to know about? Back in the 80s-90s, some parents refused to believe their children were having sex. "Abstinence" was the only way. There is someone on Websleuths that has multiple accounts and intentionally gets the thread shut down. This has been going on for years. Whoever it is isn't very clever. They always type the same and talk to themself. They know their time is running out. Tick tick tick...
You mentioned the invitation from Mrs. Elders for Stacy to stay there. Perhaps we should ask why Stacy turned down that invitation. Also, how come that invitation wasn't extended to Suzie? Could the Elder party have been the last party both girls went to that night?
Could we please stop perpetuating this narrative that my sister was "begging" people to stay with her, I don't believe that's true.

I don t believe it either. I have mentioned many times that the narrative of Suzie being scared came came from the people that should be reinterviewed due to the contradictions in their statements. In their narrative, they needed to reinforce the idea that a)Suzie was being threatened by people so as to make others believe that there was a motive for the disappearance b) Suzie was scared and for that reason she allegedly went home and didn't suffer any harm during or after the graduación parties. In my previous comment I wanted to highlight that It would make no sense to ask another teenage girl to go to her house if she was soo scared. Then I came up with the idea that maybe the prank calls could have been more serious than I have thought. Of course this is just me thinking aloud with out considering that I am talking about people that you love. I apologize I had no intentions to be disrespectful with Suzie and Sherrill.
I honestly think Suzie was planning on going to Branson and when everyone else backed out she probably was just going to go home and sleep in her new waterbed. She didn't need to stay with anyone else.
I also don't believe she needed anyone to stay with her...if she was afraid, she could have just went to the lock in at the school. Nobody in, nobody out.
What if Stacy and Janelle had a falling out that night?
What if Suzie took Stacy's side? What if Stacy no longer had a place to stay, was in no condition to try to go home, and Suzie offered her a place to sleep?
I don't know if they made it back to Delmar, but why does the narrative have to be Stacy doing Suzie a "favor" by staying with her?
I think Stacy was the one in need that night and Suzie did her best to help Stacy out.
That was what I was looking for,

I also didn't realize two different Greene County Prosecutors had issues with the way the case was being conducted. Mountjoy and Moore.

Thank you very much.
I think it's great that you are examining facts and writing that letter. I hope this year is the year that this is solved. What advice would you give to the people on this forum so they can help?
Mike moved from Springfield to IL with his parents when his dad was transferred. When there he met Joe. Mike decided he wanted to be back in Springfield with his friends and went back and lived with his sister who never left. Joe went with him.
Thanks for the additional details. Does Mike recall how long he was in IL before he went back to MO? Like, did he try and stick it out for 6mos or a year or did he quickly decide that IL wasn't for him? And I apologize if it's been mentioned in the past, but was it 1992 or 1991 when he and Joe returned to Springfield?
Thanks for the additional details. Does Mike recall how long he was in IL before he went back to MO? Like, did he try and stick it out for 6mos or a year or did he quickly decide that IL wasn't for him? And I apologize if it's been mentioned in the past, but was it 1992 or 1991 when he and Joe returned to Springfield?

I only returned to answer because someone reached out to me in a pm about the question because they were curious. Mike has answered these questions before so they can be found in previous post.
@Bartt Streeter
I spoke with Nancy Simpson at KTTS , she said she’s met 3 times and offered to raise funds for M-vac dna testing . If Missouri doesn’t have them Cloyd Steiger has 8 machines . I’d include that in your letter . No reason they shouldn’t run all their cold cases through this new technology .
I hope this helps .
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I only returned to answer because someone reached out to me in a pm about the question because they were curious. Mike has answered these questions before so they can be found in previous post.
Thank you, you're correct. Back in Jan-2019 Mike noted here that:
"Joe knew nobody when we first moved to Springfield in early December of 91 and he left in early March of 92."

He also added..
"Not a lot of time to make many friends."

Given that in Dec-1991 he would have initially known no-one in Springfield except for Mike, and the fact that he didn't stay long enough to develop any other relationships, what was the initial appeal in moving there all the way from Northern IL? That just seems like a non-sensical decision - move to a random small town in another state because you had met a single person from there?
Thank you, you're correct. Back in Jan-2019 Mike noted here that:
"Joe knew nobody when we first moved to Springfield in early December of 91 and he left in early March of 92."

He also added..
"Not a lot of time to make many friends."

Given that in Dec-1991 he would have initially known no-one in Springfield except for Mike, and the fact that he didn't stay long enough to develop any other relationships, what was the initial appeal in moving there all the way from Northern IL? That just seems like a non-sensical decision - move to a random small town in another state because you had met a single person from there?

That would be a question for Joe and not Mike. Mike has not spoke to Joe since the beginning of April in 92. Also I have children in their early 20’s. They have friends that have just packed up and gone across the country for something new and different. Sometimes just having a couch can be all you need when young imo. I have seen it many times. Some stay and some come home.

Reminded why I avoid all pages now. Off to write a couple letters for help solving This case thanks to someone that gave me some ideas of more places to write.
I think it's great that you are examining facts and writing that letter. I hope this year is the year that this is solved. What advice would you give to the people on this forum so they can help?

Thank you, I also hope this is the year.
I finished the letters on Wed. However, I have not sent them yet, One reason is that while entering the name AG Barr on my laptop it upset my stomach, as he is not a person that I would let walk my dog. I will not be asking a Trump lackey for help.

Luckily November is right around the corner.

I now believe, I wasn't focusing enough on the stages and order that they need to be accomplished.

The goal is to have the case removed from the Springfield Police Department. I would prefer a federal agency take it over. Yet, I ignorantly assumed the best way to do that was to go directly to the top and work downward.

After some research and a few intense phone conversations, it has become apparent that I need to start a paper trail from the bottom- up and I can't seem to find anyone lower than Chief Williams, so I assembled a list of questions and set a time line for his response, if he answers the questions great... if he chooses not, that'll also work.

So, we shall wait about 15 days for a response.

The paper trail needs to run from 2020 back to 1992.

You would not imagine how difficult it was for me to write chief Williams without being sardonic or sarcastic, ohhh there was a lot of deleting going with those drafts.

No worries, be patient, I got this !!
Thank you, you're correct. Back in Jan-2019 Mike noted here that:
"Joe knew nobody when we first moved to Springfield in early December of 91 and he left in early March of 92."

He also added..
"Not a lot of time to make many friends."

Given that in Dec-1991 he would have initially known no-one in Springfield except for Mike, and the fact that he didn't stay long enough to develop any other relationships, what was the initial appeal in moving there all the way from Northern IL? That just seems like a non-sensical decision - move to a random small town in another state because you had met a single person from there?

I've also got to comment on your 'non-sensical decision for a young person to travel?

Damn, some of the best books ever written are about young people experiencing life, in a "nonsensical way" traveling around the country, couch surfing, camping on beaches etc.

Like my mother once asked me, Do you have fur on your feet?"
I looked down at my feet, back at her and said "nope" and then she said "good then you're not a hobbit, you are a human, go out and have adventures, "

My mom was cool like that !!
I've also got to comment on your 'non-sensical decision for a young person to travel?

Damn, some of the best books ever written are about young people experiencing life, in a "nonsensical way" traveling around the country, couch surfing, camping on beaches etc.

Like my mother once asked me, Do you have fur on your feet?"
I looked down at my feet, back at her and said "nope" and then she said "good then you're not a hobbit, you are a human, go out and have adventures, "

My mom was cool like that !!
That’s nice but not necessarily related to Joe specifically. What if he had connections to bikers and gang members?

No two people are similar.

he wasn’t a Jack Kerouac
That's a great quote, Bart, and a great memory of your mom. If I may ask, understanding if you do not choose to answer, when was the last time that you spoke with your mom and/or sis before their horrible disappearance?

What’s stopping you from picking up the phone and calling Steve Garrison and confronting him directly? Before he’s gone and dies of COVID in prison. Do you think you could get the same answers Kathee got that scare her from talking publicly?

What’s stopping you from picking up the phone and calling Steve Garrison and confronting him directly? Before he’s gone and dies of COVID in prison. Do you think you could get the same answers Kathee got that scare her from talking publicly?

Firstly, I don't think prisoners can take incoming calls.

Secondly, contacting any of the Persons of Interest sitting in prison such as Carnahan, Cox or Garrison would fall under the same reasoning that I didn't go to the Cox hospital parking facility and drill a few core samples myself. I'm not a member of LE and that type of action would taint any evidence gathered.

I don't understand the procedures to follow and I would be far to emotional when speaking with any of those individuals.

I'm not going to do anything that could hamper the investigation or future convictions.

That does not mean that I have not thought of doing all of the above many, many times.

I don't have a lot of faith in the Springfield Police Department to do what needs to be done within set procedures or to act on the fact that the actions and management decisions early in the investigation have them sitting in conflict of interest position and the misconduct would make it virtually impossible for them to get a conviction with out a confession and then it would still be difficult.

And this is not a T.V show.

One needs to choose their battles wisely, especially at my age.
Fair enough.

What about talking to Kathee? Any luck there or brick wall?

I think the cops aren’t as stupid as everyone has portrayed. I think there’s potential where there might have been bad apples or bad investigating but I do think the grand jury that caught Moore and Mountjoy’s attention wasn’t from throwing darts and seeing what stuck. They had legit reasonings and justifications, do you agree?

Garrison isn’t bluffing. And I know certain posters here tried to ascertain info from him but he’s not stupid. He won’t share the true details over prison phones.

I feel like your energy is best barking up that tree. Personally, and with respect of course. There’s people out here trying our best to assist solving this.

Stay well Bartt. Take things you hear with a grain of salt on here. Not everyone is honest.

What’s stopping you from picking up the phone and calling Steve Garrison and confronting him directly? Before he’s gone and dies of COVID in prison. Do you think you could get the same answers Kathee got that scare her from talking publicly?

I wrote to Garrison because I wanted to see if he knew anything. I had jpay stamps left over when PA switched to another communication service for inmates. He wrote back and I would say he was pathetic. He also is a total liar. He might be delusional since he suggested it was possible I'd fall in love with him. I think in one letter he bragged about leading the cops on a wild goose chase. He wasn't so high ranking member of a motorcycle club. He definitely wasn't president or vice president of the Gooses. I checked with someone. Bartt or anyone can read them. I don't feel like he is very good at threats. I think someone wants him to be involved so they can write a true crime book or appear on TV. JMO
I wrote to Garrison because I wanted to see if he knew anything. I had jpay stamps left over when PA switched to another communication service for inmates. He wrote back and I would say he was pathetic. He also is a total liar. He might be delusional since he suggested it was possible I'd fall in love with him. I think in one letter he bragged about leading the cops on a wild goose chase. He wasn't so high ranking member of a motorcycle club. He definitely wasn't president or vice president of the Gooses. I checked with someone. Bartt or anyone can read them. I don't feel like he is very good at threats. I think someone wants him to be involved so they can write a true crime book or appear on TV. JMO
He certainly wouldn’t spill incriminating details over email.

Please post your proof he was not a member of said club. I have heard the opposite. Who did you check with?

I would like to run down the credibility of your source.

thank you in advance
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