Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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The 3MW crime is really a case of “The Perfect Storm”unfortunately. There were so many potentialsuspects that LE surely looked at, and some that they still are I’m sure.
You have a physically abusive ex-boyfriend who Suzie tookout a restraining order on.
You have another ex-boyfriend who had been confronted bySuzie’s brother Bartt when she went to his apartment with her otherex-boyfriend to give Bartt his birth certificate when Bartt’s mother supposedlywas upset with him for the physical altercation that had occurred a short timeprior when Suzie and Bartt were sharing a house/apartment together.
Bartt takes off only three months into their disappearance. Why? And he’s is a very angry individual with a somewhat checkered past, withdrug and alcohol and anger management issues as evidenced by his posts over theyears.
Suzie’s second ex-boyfriend had been hanging out with StevenGarrison who raped the college student at knife point for hours when he brokeinto her apartment in the middle of the night in 1993.
Garrison told LE information things that LE had not releasedto the public, that lead LE to the Robb farm.
The Francis Robb Sr.’s 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Degree Murder trialwas originally scheduled to begin June 7[SUP]th[/SUP], 1992.
Garrison was supposedly friends with one of Francis Robb’ssons. Francis Robb Sr. was subsequently convictedof two counts of 1[SUP]st[/SUP] degree murder.
You have the very strange behavior of the 1[SUP]st[/SUP]people who entered the house.
And their strange stories.
LE said in the Aug. 3d, 1992 Springfield News-Leader that amale, who was one of the first people to enter the house the next day……LE makesthe statement that after 3-months, he has changed his story a couple times, andthat they have not been able to verify his alibi.
We know who they’re talking about…..if you think about whothe 1[SUP]st[/SUP] responders were.
A lot of the stories about what happened the night of theparty’s and the issues about where the girls were going to stay that night,their change of plans that night, and Brian Joy’s refusal to allow them to staythere that night, has never made any sense.
You have SA stating that they drove to BJ’s house, andwalked to JK’s house, where he states, “I saw them walk out to their cars, and that’sthe last time I ever saw them.” JK went into the house, but they never say ifMH was there as well. He should havebeen, he was with them that night. And……and this is a big AND, they acted inthe media reports like they just “Walked around the corner from BJ’s house toJK’s house. However if you look atgoogle maps, BJ’s house and JK’s house are over a mile away. Why did they not just take SA’s Jeep? Again, doesn’t make sense.

So my point is this, this crime has several strange twistsand turns, involving several people who would either be considered suspects, ortheir actions would have been considered suspicious by LE back in the day. I think one of the main issues with thiscrime not being solved is the fact that 18 people were in and out of the housebefore the police were called. Howeverthe police report only lists 8 or 9 people at the house when LE arrived. There is NEVER any mention of when or who theother 10 or so people were. They’venever talked about it. JK and MH statethey looked for them for a while around 1pm, and then decided to go to a waterslide in springfield, and didn’t return to the house until about 7pm. And the 8 to 9 other people arrived at thehouse at about 9pm. And LE was calledaround 10:30 ish. So when were all theseother people in the house if JK and MH were away from the house from 1pm untilabout 7pm? That part makes nosense. And add that to the media reportsthat don’t explain this issue at all, just adds more suspicion and confusion tothis crime.

Anyone have any thoughts on these issues????

You have covered a lot of material here. Although the first to the home acted strangely I just can' wrap my head around the idea they were involved. I am led to believe they were questioned very closely and intensely. I also can't see a motive. Would they all be able to keep quiet all these years?

Having said that they should not be eliminated as suspects entirely.
Missouri Mule, I really respect all of the hard work you have put into this case. I have some questions about a theory I can't shake, but I don't want to ask and be slaughtered on here for my questions. May I private message you?
A few thoughts on the dog:

Do we know that the dog barked non-stop? That's frankly conjecture, although it's possible or maybe even likely that it did. Really depends on the dog's personality and how they react to strangers and fear.

Agree it's surprising that the dog was left unharmed, but if the dog *was* barking loudly then no neighbors reported hearing it, as far as the reports I've read. Plus, even if neighbors did hear a dog barking (and loudly enough to wake them up) for an extended period of time, say up to an hour or two, from within a house in the middle of the night, how many would suspect something was wrong? And out of those neighbors, how many would call the police? Whereas a gunshot, there's a higher probability someone might call that in. As far as not killing the dog by some other means, maybe the intruder felt the potential struggle/injuries/ dna evidence wasn't worth the effort and distraction.

The daughter's room had sliding glass doors that opened to the back yard. I've read her tv was left on, [edited to add- that seems to be wrong info- I've since read the mom's tv was on and she often slept with it on] so it's possible (or if this is so- probable) the two girls were still awake when the predator(s) arrived. He may have watched them for a while from outdoors and cased the house for a bit.

This is especially true if he'd followed them home- there was a lag of time between their arrival and when he struck (they'd washed up and changed for bed). Could it have been possible that one of the girls exited through the sliding door to smoke or let the dog out for a quick walk before going to sleep? Along those same lines, it's within the realm of possibilities that someone had left one of the doors to the house unlocked, and a ruse wasn't needed after all to gain entrance.

One additional thought- maybe the kidnapper *did* knock on the door and one of three answered it because they *had* been at parties and there was lots of movement between locations, and they knew a lot of their classmates might still be awake and partying, and when they heard a knock or doorbell ring they assumed it would be someone they knew and immediately opened the door, even though it wasn't.

Apologies if this has all been discussed before. I'm trying to find out more information about whether it was reported that the sliding door was locked or if that's rumor as well.
Missouri Mule, I really respect all of the hard work you have put into this case. I have some questions about a theory I can't shake, but I don't want to ask and be slaughtered on here for my questions. May I private message you?

By all means. I'll try to be fully responsive if I know the answer.
A few thoughts on the dog:

Do we know that the dog barked non-stop? That's frankly conjecture, although it's possible or maybe even likely that it did. Really depends on the dog's personality and how they react to strangers and fear.

Agree it's surprising that the dog was left unharmed, but if the dog *was* barking loudly then no neighbors reported hearing it, as far as the reports I've read. Plus, even if neighbors did hear a dog barking (and loudly enough to wake them up) for an extended period of time, say up to an hour or two, from within a house in the middle of the night, how many would suspect something was wrong? And out of those neighbors, how many would call the police? Whereas a gunshot, there's a higher probability someone might call that in. As far as not killing the dog by some other means, maybe the intruder felt the potential struggle/injuries/ dna evidence wasn't worth the effort and distraction.

The daughter's room had sliding glass doors that opened to the back yard. I've read her tv was left on, [edited to add- that seems to be wrong info- I've since read the mom's tv was on and she often slept with it on] so it's possible (or if this is so- probable) the two girls were still awake when the predator(s) arrived. He may have watched them for a while from outdoors and cased the house for a bit.

This is especially true if he'd followed them home- there was a lag of time between their arrival and when he struck (they'd washed up and changed for bed). Could it have been possible that one of the girls exited through the sliding door to smoke or let the dog out for a quick walk before going to sleep? Along those same lines, it's within the realm of possibilities that someone had left one of the doors to the house unlocked, and a ruse wasn't needed after all to gain entrance.

One additional thought- maybe the kidnapper *did* knock on the door and one of three answered it because they *had* been at parties and there was lots of movement between locations, and they knew a lot of their classmates might still be awake and partying, and when they heard a knock or doorbell ring they assumed it would be someone they knew and immediately opened the door, even though it wasn't.

Apologies if this has all been discussed before. I'm trying to find out more information about whether it was reported that the sliding door was locked or if that's rumor as well.

We have two barkers ourselves and leave them in the house when we go out during the day. They do their own thing and are house broken. But when our car pulls in the garage, they start barking and when we go into the house they bark like crazy as though they are giving us a good chewing out for leaving them for even a short time.

The house is in an area where barking would not be heard as there is an office building across the street and the house next door was not occupied that particular night. And not too far away is the main drag, Glenstone.

The sliding glass door is a possible entry point but one would expect the forensic crew would have picked up on that if that were the case.

There are three options as I see it for the women to be abducted.

1) They knew the abductor and trusted him enough to be allowed in the house.

2) They were lured out of the house by someone again, who they knew and trusted.

3) My favorite theory is the lone cop coming to the door at that time of night. I know that runs counter to the prevailing view that the cops are our friends and protectors. But in this instance I would make an exception.
Let me explain further.

On two occasions I have had cars pull into our driveway and once someone came in to the house to get directions before the era of GPS devices and cell phones. It wasn't all that late but we lived about 400 feet off the county road. When I viewed the car coming down the driveway I said to myself, this is certainly weird as we weren't expecting anyone. In any event it turned out to be an older gentleman who needed directions which I provided. It was after that I persuaded my wife to let us get a gun. My reasoning was that we would have no protection where we lived in someone came in who could do us harm.

2) The second time was when we lived just outside of Springfield. At about 2 AM, I was awoken to the sounds of knocking on the door and flashing lights. It was a sheriff's deputy who asked that we leave the house as a train had derailed not far away (about 2 miles) and it contained chlorine gas. We dragged ourselves out of the house and went into Springfield to get into a motel and then on to work the next morning.

3) A third time was when some kids knocked on our door at about 1 AM asking me to help them pull their car out of the ditch where they had overshot the end of the street. I told them, nicely of course, that I couldn't and do that but that I would be happy to let them use my cell phone to get a wrecker in which they did. After that, I installed a non functional door bell so if this recurred again we would not be awakened. This happened more than once as kids were driving too fast to get stopped. If the noise of the crash was not enough to wake us I'm sorry but I'm not going out in the middle of the night when I don't know people. Just not.

The one and only example of how a door could be opened without any resistance would be if a cop came to the door late at night. And if the cop were known that would be all the more to believe it was a legitimate reason to be there. I don't buy the notion that it was a gas leak or other utility workers. Only the cop works for me.

If I offended anyone (and I am not anti-cop) I apologize but this is the only option that works for me.
You have covered a lot of material here. Although the first to the home acted strangely I just can' wrap my head around the idea they were involved. I am led to believe they were questioned very closely and intensely. I also can't see a motive. Would they all be able to keep quiet all these years?

Having said that they should not be eliminated as suspects entirely.

Other than their strange actions that day, what really bothers me is that according to the Springfield News-Leader Aug. 3d, 1992, three months after the 3MW crime occurred, LE stated that one of the first people to enter the house that morning (Male) had given various statements of his whereabouts on June 7th, and LE also stated they had been unable to confirm his alibi. Now, with all of the LE agencies involved in this investigation, they should have had no problem resolving this issue very quickly. But three months pass and their still in the dark? Seems very suspicious to me.........big time red flags
Some great points have been made. The "knock on the door" theory is a good point. In another post of mine I stated how my sister and I would sometime "sneak out" at night. Sometimes this was prearranged, sometimes not. Sometimes there would just be a knock on our bedroom window. No plan ahead of time. Parents asleep, we would go out the front door. (We had a screen on the window so we couldn't climb out the window) Terrifying to me now, we could have opened the door and let in a killer.
I have now spent a bunch of time reading old articles and watched the 48 hours special that was filmed within a few days of the three going missing, so I'm getting a little more caught up to where I should be.

One article had a detective stating early on that his pet (heh) theory was that it was a stranger who rang the doorbell and he had the dog with him- the ruse being he had found the dog running loose. If the dog had been let out that night it's as good a theory as any I guess.

I'm also not convinced all of the doors into the home were locked. I think it's possible that either one or more of the doors wasn't locked by accident or habit, or that in their emotionally tired and slightly buzzed (perhaps) state the girls didn't check to make sure that the door was locked behind them when they entered late that night.

As an aside- I (obviously) spend way too much time reading up on cases like this, I am not naive, and I live in the middle of a large urban environment in a city neighborhood that has at least the average amount of violent crime for its size, and yet I'll sometimes fall asleep on the couch with our back sliding door open, and there have been a number (like, more than 5) times someone in our house, myself included, have come in late at night and locked the front door and deadbolt behind us *and left the keys just dangling there in the lock outside* all night.

I know I'm often guilty of discounting scenarios based on "logic" without actually taking into account the vagaries of human error, chance, and coincidences. I'm trying not to do that here, but it's tough not to with so little to go on and so many possible red herrings.

It happens.
If I am correct E. Delmar St is right off US 65 which runs all the way to Iowa (particular to me because I am interested in someone who is from there....who would have been 24 at that time). Kraft Foods is just down the street from E. Delmar. Possibly a truck driver/hotshot truck driver/delivery etc. that may have seen at least one of the girls in the past (from his route) and followed her (and in this case there were 2 girls and a mom). It would have been a very bold and brazen move but surprising three women *with something....weapon or threats) while in bed would have made them very compliant.


My opinion only of course!!
Good point Marble about doors and windows open. There are reports of Sherrill refinishing furniture that night and a "strong smell of fumes" in the house. Maybe, especially with it being a warm spring night she could have left a window open or cracked which could have been a point of entry. However, I never heard or read about a screen being removed if there were. If the girls were intoxicated, which is likely, a door could have been left unlocked.
If I am correct E. Delmar St is right off US 65 which runs all the way to Iowa (particular to me because I am interested in someone who is from there....who would have been 24 at that time). Kraft Foods is just down the street from E. Delmar. Possibly a truck driver/hotshot truck driver/delivery etc. that may have seen at least one of the girls in the past (from his route) and followed her (and in this case there were 2 girls and a mom). It would have been a very bold and brazen move but surprising three women *with something....weapon or threats) while in bed would have made them very compliant.


My opinion only of course!!

Glenstone is,I believe, Business Route 65. I can't recall seeing many heavy trucks drive that street. US 65 runs all the way from Russellville, Arkansas being on the east side of the outside of Springfield proper.

The most logical and direct route would be to go one block north to Grand and then up to Cherry which at that time would have gone all the way to 125.
It would have been but a short drive over the county road from Rogersville to Northview that connects to I44.
Glenstone is,I believe, Business Route 65. I can't recall seeing many heavy trucks drive that street. US 65 runs all the way from Russellville, Arkansas being on the east side of the outside of Springfield proper.

The most logical and direct route would be to go one block north to Grand and then up to Cherry which at that time would have gone all the way to 125.
It would have been but a short drive over the county road from Rogersville to Northview that connects to I44.

I know absolutely nothing about Missouri so what I think may be way off base but if I ask Google maps to direct me from Kraft Foods to Iowa....it takes me up Business 65 (US 65) which is a cross road of E. Delmar....not sure if it means anything at all.....not sure what types of trucks even delivered or transported from that facility in 1992. So, really not sure Missouri Mule.

Thanks for the response!:)
I know absolutely nothing about Missouri so what I think may be way off base but if I ask Google maps to direct me from Kraft Foods to Iowa....it takes me up Business 65 (US 65) which is a cross road of E. Delmar....not sure if it means anything at all.....not sure what types of trucks even delivered or transported from that facility in 1992. So, really not sure Missouri Mule.

Thanks for the response!:)

I have been away some 18 years but found this address. This would probably come off of Business Route 65 then. I would have been wrong.

Bennett is a major street just north of Sunshine as I recall. It really isn't very far from the Delmar residence. Interesting thoughts. If I may ask why do you think this individual might have something to do with the case? I can do some further research on him if you want to PM me.

2035 E Bennett St Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 881-2701 Website
I have been away some 18 years but found this address. This would probably come off of Business Route 65 then. I would have been wrong.

Bennett is a major street just north of Sunshine as I recall. It really isn't very far from the Delmar residence. Interesting thoughts. If I may ask why do you think this individual might have something to do with the case? I can do some further research on him if you want to PM me.

2035 E Bennett St Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 881-2701 Website

Bennett is approximately 1/2 mile south of Grand/Demar. Runs East & West.
Good point Marble about doors and windows open. There are reports of Sherrill refinishing furniture that night and a "strong smell of fumes" in the house. Maybe, especially with it being a warm spring night she could have left a window open or cracked which could have been a point of entry. However, I never heard or read about a screen being removed if there were. If the girls were intoxicated, which is likely, a door could have been left unlocked.

One of the LE pictures of the front of the house, shows what I think was Sherrill's room at the front left of the front of the house, with what appears to be screen off and leaning up against the house. Not sure if the perp(s) took it off, or if LE did.
Missouri Mule, I really respect all of the hard work you have put into this case. I have some questions about a theory I can't shake, but I don't want to ask and be slaughtered on here for my questions. May I private message you?

FYI; your pm storage space is used up
I noticed the screens off in Sherrill's room as well in the videos taken shortly after the episode. I'm 99% sure they were removed so that detectives could collect evidence from the screens, sills, and blinds. I say this because reports say one of the few clues was that Sherrill's blinds were parted in one spot, as though somebody had peered through the them to peek outside. Given that most of the early police conjecture revolved around no sign of forced entry I don't think there was any evidence of the kidnapper coming through a window.

If he did scope out around the house first (which I think he did) the fact that Sherrill's tv was on would mean there may have been enough ambient light for him to determine that there was a lone woman in the master bedroom. Watching through the sliding glass doors to where the girls were, and/or seeing their arrival at the house, if this were the scenario, would mean he'd have been able to determine the number and gender of people in the home before he struck.

One last thought- I wonder if there's the possibility that the killer disguised his voice and called out from outside while impersonating a female voice. I know I'd be more apt to open a door or investigate if it wasn't a male stranger's voice but a female's instead, even if I didn't recognize it. (I realize this is all just pulling a theory out of thin air at this point, and the means of entrance, if it was a stranger or distant acquaintance - which is current my opinion- the *way* he/they gained access doesn't really help much towards solving the case. Either it was a friend(s)- or it was a stranger. )
I noticed the screens off in Sherrill's room as well in the videos taken shortly after the episode. I'm 99% sure they were removed so that detectives could collect evidence from the screens, sills, and blinds. I say this because reports say one of the few clues was that Sherrill's blinds were parted in one spot, as though somebody had peered through the them to peek outside. Given that most of the early police conjecture revolved around no sign of forced entry I don't think there was any evidence of the kidnapper coming through a window.

If he did scope out around the house first (which I think he did) the fact that Sherrill's tv was on would mean there may have been enough ambient light for him to determine that there was a lone woman in the master bedroom. Watching through the sliding glass doors to where the girls were, and/or seeing their arrival at the house, if this were the scenario, would mean he'd have been able to determine the number and gender of people in the home before he struck.

One last thought- I wonder if there's the possibility that the killer disguised his voice and called out from outside while impersonating a female voice. I know I'd be more apt to open a door or investigate if it wasn't a male stranger's voice but a female's instead, even if I didn't recognize it. (I realize this is all just pulling a theory out of thin air at this point, and the means of entrance, if it was a stranger or distant acquaintance - which is current my opinion- the *way* he/they gained access doesn't really help much towards solving the case. Either it was a friend(s)- or it was a stranger. )

I'm pretty sure, and please cite a reference and correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that the "Parted Blinds" were in Suzie's room, not Sherrill's.
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