Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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the grave robbers
looking at it from motive perspective 100% them.
looking at it from goulish creepy comfortabilitywith death 100% them.

was the trial not abandoned a week later without suzies testimony???
who benefited from that.

and I'm quite sure a person comfortable with delving around stealing body parts off corpes is quite cool under pressure and pass a lie detector exam.....

the moronic police department need to hand in their badges.
the grave robbers
looking at it from motive perspective 100% them.
looking at it from goulish creepy comfortabilitywith death 100% them.

was the trial not abandoned a week later without suzies testimony???
who benefited from that.

and I'm quite sure a person comfortable with delving around stealing body parts off corpes is quite cool under pressure and pass a lie detector exam.....

the moronic police department need to hand in their badges.

I do not believe they were involved. I have had extensive discussions with one of them and I've seen no inconsistencies.

I'll say it once again if I haven't already done so. IMO, this was a real or fake cop, if it was not a trusted person. That doesn't mean that the cop wasn't already known or trusted. No one lets just anyone into their home at 3:30 AM in the morning. But most would if a cop knocked on their door. A single cop (or fake cop) could have pulled this off by himself. A conspiracy of one and nothing has leaked.

There were some interesting activities going on in a neighboring county, Webster County, where the Attorney General, Jay Nixon, later to become governor went to court to remove the sheriff from office. That sheriff used to be the Assistant Police Chief at the SPD. I have been informed that he was the defacto "lead investigator" who handled this case. The case was handled differently than any case before or since. There was considerable dissension in the ranks of good officers who were so disgusted they asked to be let off the case.

That is a thumbnail sketch of where I think this discussion should be headed. I just don't view the grave robbers as viable suspects. Just don't.

In fact, I believe the viable suspect list is nearly invisible. I no longer view Cox as the perp; at least not by himself. He had to have been helped into the house and I just don't see that.

The so-called "Grand Jury 3" (whose identities are known) just don't seem to be viable suspects either. I've also had some contact as well.

I think most of the digs in Webster County in or around Rogersville were nothing but wild goose chases.

What one might want to look into is the very strange incident where the attorney of the rapist was threatened in his office. I've rolled that around in my head and it is not what one thinks, or so I have been told. That is written up in the newspaper at the time. Very, very odd.

On the Hall businesss, I think that is a dry hole and has been deemed to be such.
What one might want to look into is the very strange incident where the attorney of the rapist was threatened in his office. I've rolled that around in my head and it is not what one thinks, or so I have been told. That is written up in the newspaper at the time. Very, very odd.


Your theory is intriguing. Do you have a link or clues I could search on for what you are referring to? Thanks.
I do not believe they were involved. I have had extensive discussions with one of them and I've seen no inconsistencies.

I'll say it once again if I haven't already done so. IMO, this was a real or fake cop, if it was not a trusted person. That doesn't mean that the cop wasn't already known or trusted. No one lets just anyone into their home at 3:30 AM in the morning. But most would if a cop knocked on their door. A single cop (or fake cop) could have pulled this off by himself. A conspiracy of one and nothing has leaked.

There were some interesting activities going on in a neighboring county, Webster County, where the Attorney General, Jay Nixon, later to become governor went to court to remove the sheriff from office. That sheriff used to be the Assistant Police Chief at the SPD. I have been informed that he was the defacto "lead investigator" who handled this case. The case was handled differently than any case before or since. There was considerable dissension in the ranks of good officers who were so disgusted they asked to be let off the case.

That is a thumbnail sketch of where I think this discussion should be headed. I just don't view the grave robbers as viable suspects. Just don't.

In fact, I believe the viable suspect list is nearly invisible. I no longer view Cox as the perp; at least not by himself. He had to have been helped into the house and I just don't see that.

The so-called "Grand Jury 3" (whose identities are known) just don't seem to be viable suspects either. I've also had some contact as well.

I think most of the digs in Webster County in or around Rogersville were nothing but wild goose chases.

What one might want to look into is the very strange incident where the attorney of the rapist was threatened in his office. I've rolled that around in my head and it is not what one thinks, or so I have been told. That is written up in the newspaper at the time. Very, very odd.

On the Hall businesss, I think that is a dry hole and has been deemed to be such.

well appreciate your correspondence mm.
I actually have been reading up extensively here for some time of course majority is your goodself.
these conclusions I have come to have come from your postings over time.
march 2007 you were posting about the grave robbing connection. which is where I started my theory from.

when you strip it all back......remove all the white noise......
the motive.....the timing.....the outcomes ahead....
the grave robbing trial was centre stage.
Your theory is intriguing. Do you have a link or clues I could search on for what you are referring to? Thanks.
The best place to read about that would be in ProBoards. I would just Google it and read the actual articles that were posted.

I didn't know until a week ago that the convicted rapist did not know himself what that was about. I had assumed that it was to send a message. He didn't have a clue what it meant.

If I were to speculate it would be that it was a warning to anyone with information to keep their mouths shut or else. But because it was done in such a public way it had to have meaning. Here we have the attorney of the defendant being threatened. That is certainly something that is not done very often. I just can't find anything nor anyone who believes the rapist had anything to do with it. And he puts no stock into the idea the other two of the GJ3 did either. One is in the slammer and the other is last known to be on the street.

The convicted rapist has come up many times as a suspect. He, Robert Cox and Gerald Carnahan are the three main suspects so far as I know.

I have had so many discussions with one of the grave robbers it would fill volumes. I've seen his explanation, checked everything out and there isn't anything I can see that would tie them to the actual crime. HOWEVER, I do believe it was the fear of some out in the Rogersville/Webster County area that believed Suzie's upcoming testimony that something might leak out in court testimony. That in my opinion is where the most intriguing activities were taking place. I would look there. The future and former governor had the sheriff thrown out of office and his LE credentials revoked. In effect he was only an "administrative sheriff." That, I believe the only time in Missouri history that has ever occurred.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility that this goes pretty high up the food chain -- very high if what I have seen and heard is true.

But in the end, the only scenario that I can see would work using just one person and one car would be a cop and a cop car. Everything else just falls apart. And that is what I believe.
The best place to read about that would be in ProBoards. I would just Google it and read the actual articles that were posted.

I didn't know until a week ago that the convicted rapist did not know himself what that was about. I had assumed that it was to send a message. He didn't have a clue what it meant.

If I were to speculate it would be that it was a warning to anyone with information to keep their mouths shut or else. But because it was done in such a public way it had to have meaning. Here we have the attorney of the defendant being threatened. That is certainly something that is not done very often. I just can't find anything nor anyone who believes the rapist had anything to do with it. And he puts no stock into the idea the other two of the GJ3 did either. One is in the slammer and the other is last known to be on the street.

The convicted rapist has come up many times as a suspect. He, Robert Cox and Gerald Carnahan are the three main suspects so far as I know.

I have had so many discussions with one of the grave robbers it would fill volumes. I've seen his explanation, checked everything out and there isn't anything I can see that would tie them to the actual crime. HOWEVER, I do believe it was the fear of some out in the Rogersville/Webster County area that believed Suzie's upcoming testimony that something might leak out in court testimony. That in my opinion is where the most intriguing activities were taking place. I would look there. The future and former governor had the sheriff thrown out of office and his LE credentials revoked. In effect he was only an "administrative sheriff." That, I believe the only time in Missouri history that has ever occurred.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility that this goes pretty high up the food chain -- very high if what I have seen and heard is true.

But in the end, the only scenario that I can see would work using just one person and one car would be a cop and a cop car. Everything else just falls apart. And that is what I believe.

The best place IS NOT PROBOARDS. Not by a long shot. Best thing to do is start by reading the websleuths forums from page one.

Proboards is very "SLANTED" when it comes to the opinion of one person who dominates the proboards threads.

Just Saying.....

Here's a link to a *very* in-depth article (video too, although I didn't watch it) of the yet unidentified serial killer I mentioned already in this thread who changed his methods, controlled multiple family members at the same time, used a ruse to gain house entrance, pretended he was just there to rob people, drove a van, etc.

Posting because it provides some examples of how someone who didn't know the women could gain compliance from and control over all three.
Any way to talk about your theory on who you think was good for this crime? I have couple theories that seem fairly plausible, but they are based on the things that happened and the people LE looked at within the first 4-months of the case.

I'm leaning ​towards the grave robbers right now, but there are still plenty of holes in that theory.
I'm leaning ​towards the grave robbers right now, but there are still plenty of holes in that theory.

I have a good deal of interaction with one of them and it is my opinion the answer is not to be found there. Having said that two of the others have not spoken out. Can't be entirely ruled out.

The only thing that truly makes sense is the real or fake cop with a cop car. That makes perfect sense. Even two officers have said it could have been. And a number of other people, off the site have said the same thing.

The fact is that the suspect list is growing ever smaller; almost invisible. (In my opinion of course)

Did anyone catch "Cold Justice" tonight on the "Oxygen Channel?" These are new episodes and show how a professional case should be conducted.

As in this case, there was a missing person who could not be established to be deceased although most believe he was. In the end there was no resolution but not because every stone was not turned over. Suggested viewing. I just set my DVR to automatically record the new episodes.
I spoke with the 'van spotting' person who was practically ran off the road by the male driver. This person gave LE a physical description and LE basically poo-pooed the sighting even though it resembles Gary Hall. They had to go to the 'junk yard' to assemble the spotted van....Larry was known to scout out old car parts, he worked on cars as a hobby. Why is it so hard for people to doubt the 'passed' lie detector test results? And yes, he got some of the 'facts' of the case incorrect but aren't there people who are 'pathological liars'? What makes LE think Hall is not one? To me, LE could be considered 'close minded'.
I have a good deal of interaction with one of them and it is my opinion the answer is not to be found there. Having said that two of the others have not spoken out. Can't be entirely ruled out.

The only thing that truly makes sense is the real or fake cop with a cop car. That makes perfect sense. Even two officers have said it could have been. And a number of other people, off the site have said the same thing.

The fact is that the suspect list is growing ever smaller; almost invisible. (In my opinion of course)

Did anyone catch "Cold Justice" tonight on the "Oxygen Channel?" These are new episodes and show how a professional case should be conducted.

As in this case, there was a missing person who could not be established to be deceased although most believe he was. In the end there was no resolution but not because every stone was not turned over. Suggested viewing. I just set my DVR to automatically record the new episodes.

There are a lot of things about this case that make sense......however a rogue cop or police involvement in the 3MW crime.......IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!

Give Up On The Rogue Cop Theory.......You're walking down the wrong road with that theory!!
There are a lot of things about this case that make sense......however a rogue cop or police involvement in the 3MW crime.......IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!

Give Up On The Rogue Cop Theory.......You're walking down the wrong road with that theory!!

I respectfully disagree. It could also have been a fake cop with a fake cop car. The van was a decoy. (In my opinion)
There are a lot of things about this case that make sense......however a rogue cop or police involvement in the 3MW crime.......IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!

Give Up On The Rogue Cop Theory.......You're walking down the wrong road with that theory!!

I would be interested in what your theory is. Can you help me with that?

I'm curious about the vehicles that were allegedly moved during the night. That suggests the girls might have gone out somewhere and come back later on when they were seen a second time in different locations.

I would be interested in what your theory is. Can you help me with that?

I'm curious about the vehicles that were allegedly moved during the night. That suggests the girls might have gone out somewhere and come back later on when they were seen a second time in different locations.


There are A LOT of coincidences in this case. A lot of ODD THINGS that happened. Where would you start.

I wouldn't start with the "Rogue Cop" theory considering that's the least likely statistically speaking.

I personally don't think some of the people police claim have been "Cleared" were actually "Cleared". They NEVER published a list of who was cleared and who wasn't.

They even stated that one unnamed person failed the polygraph.

And you can't "Clear" someone by the things you read in the media, or on line.

From the thing's I've read, researched, etc. about this case there are more suspects than you can hit swinging a dead cat. NONE involving LE.

As far as the broom and dustpan. They were supposedly always kept in the kitchen closet, not under the carport. So how was the broom and dust pan acquired if they weren't under the carport, if no one entered the house prior to cleaning up the glass, as the story goes?

Why were police still trying to verify the wearbouts of one of the young man who had been with the girls that night, after investigating the case for 3-months. Should have been able to have been established in the first day or so.

Why did Shane drive his jeep back to Brian J's house, and then walk over a mile to JK's house, and then watch the other two drive off. What did he do, then walk back to his jeep, over a mile away, by himself? And where was JK's boyfriend during that period of time? We never hear about him and where he was during this timeframe.

See where I'm going with this. There are A LOT of unanswered strange occurrences, or coincidences just in these three examples?

There's a lot more that happened that night that no one is talking about..........Guaranteed!

And last but not least, who calls someone who's suppose to be one of their best friends, "That Other Girl".........Just saying.

Then you have the Garrison connection.

You have a disowned brother.

You have an abusive ex-boyfriend.


There is a lot more to the 3MW case that we'll probably never know........but I by no means believe that any of this involves a "Rogue Cop". There are far far far better, more likely suspects.

And that's what we should be talking about........NOT "Rogue Cops".
With all due respect I do not understand why the rogue cop theory should be ruled out, especially with all of the shenanigans over in Webster County. Who directed the investigation in SPD in the first place and who was the only sheriff in Missouri history to be ousted by the Attorney General, later to be governor, Jay Nixon? You might want to look into that and see the public documents and testimony that led to his ouster.

I'm perfectly willing to change my mind but I'm not seeing the facts that state otherwise. I'm sorry, just don't.
With all due respect I do not understand why the rogue cop theory should be ruled out, especially with all of the shenanigans over in Webster County. Who directed the investigation in SPD in the first place and who was the only sheriff in Missouri history to be ousted by the Attorney General, later to be governor, Jay Nixon? You might want to look into that and see the public documents and testimony that led to his ouster.

I'm perfectly willing to change my mind but I'm not seeing the facts that state otherwise. I'm sorry, just don't.

I agree that that angle should by no means be ruled out. But before you put that theory at the top of the list, all of the other suspects, who were closer to he women, had potential motives.......some of the people I've listed.....should be examined much deeper.
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