Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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As I recall that was some considerable distance from her house. That was one of the early reports and was in the 48 program.

Let me see if I can get some more info for you.

Kind of an odd location to be looking . If Sherrill or the girls were at convience stores were there any receipts ? Trash ? Cups ect in the vehicles ? I’d think there would be.


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Or getting hurt, you know how protective little dogs are. Unless the dog knew the perp.

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Not necessarily, There's a chance that the dog made a lot of commotion when the perps were entering the home, but there may have been a point where she got scared, and ran out the doggy door into the back yard, and that's where a neighbor may have herd her phranicly barking.

For all we know the perp moved the blinds in the bedroom when they suddenly heard the girls return home for the evening as they wasn’t expected back m?

I don't know. If the perps were in Suzie's room peaking out the window; I don't think Suzie and Stacy would have came in, and talk to Sherrell, spent a bunch of time taking off make up, turning on TV, and going to bed if the perps were in the house. After all Suzie's bedroom had no door.

I would think is was probably Suzie , Stacy, or the dog peeking out the window to see who in the heck was entering the driveway in the wee hours of the morning. As far as staging, I really don't see why the perps would want to make it look like someone was peaking out the window?
I think Suzie more so than Sherrill. If only Sherrill, she was by herself for about 3.5 hours.

There could be limitations in the killers knowledge of 3mw's plans especially if Suzee/Stacey were the target. Staceys mother didnt even know their final plans. An aquintance wouldnt necessarily know their plans at all. If the perp attended the parties and picked up information they would have been at the hotel or Janis' house looking for them to kill. I dont think you can elimate Sherrill as target because they didn't kill her earlier when she was supposed to be home alone all night.

Sherrills schedules probably more predictable. I tend to think Suzee was the target just due to probablity and living a higher risk lifestyle and leaving a party. However its possible the killer planned to kill Sherrill on a night Suzee was supposed to be out. Maybe they broke the porch light to get her to come to the door or knocked.

Whoever the killer(s ) I think it was either the goal to kill Sherrill alone or Suzee and Sherill if Suzee was the target. Going to abduct 3 people is a risky scenario even with multiple people.

I think theres a possibility the killer couldve had no knowledge and just went in the middle of the night assuming Suzee and Sherrill would be home and thats the time with least witnesses to kill either target with the other being collateral damage.
Setting up the bags to be taken makes sense and I also get the sense the killer was likely meticulous. Focusing on if it was somebody they knew, if killing them was their objective, transporting them elsewhere is an unnecessary risk unless you want it to look like they went missing.

I really think somebody took care and was messured. I don't have a specific theory but I believe the dog is one of the biggest clues about the perp we have. In most murder cases the dog is dead, bloody, or locked up. Firstly it elimates the "gas leak ruse" to me. Secondly they made the point to leave the dog in the house freely roaming. I would think if there were commotion the dog would want to run outside and protect. Either they wanted to make it look like no crime, they had remarkable confidence and control over the girls, or he knew the perp and was calm. If it were an intruder or a rushed invasion I'd think it would be way easier to toss him in a closet.

The cars tend to disprove the Apco sighting to me. I agree Sherrill probably parked in the carport with her daughter gone for the night. If Suzee came while her mother was out wouldnt she have made use of the carport as she normally did? It would have to have been somebody Sherrill trusted showing up at 2 am with an urgent message not severe enough for Sherrill to alert police first or their mothers. Anythings possible but it doesnt seem to fit to me.

The only thing that makes me give pause is the part it was supposely Suzee and two friends she was searching for. If the clerk was some guy reading the papers seeking attention 1-2 weeks after he probably wouldnt think that Sherrill would be under the assumption they were a trio that night since the news reports hone in on missing Suzee and Stacey.

A lot of this case in my opinion is depending on who the perp or scenario you're evaluating not just what motive he had but what did he know at the time of the abduction? Not what do we know in hindsight.

Thanks for the welcome everybody.
Kind of an odd location to be looking . If Sherrill or the girls were at convience stores were there any receipts ? Trash ? Cups ect in the vehicles ?

What I read said she just peaked in asking if they'd seen them and left. I think the description said she may not have even fully entered the store
Good post Dimound Life, but I would like to point out again that the intruders may have went after the dog, ( I say dog because I can't spell Cinummine,) but anyway, like I said: she could have ran out the doggy door. Animals aren't dum.
Good post Dimound Life, but I would like to point out again that the intruders may have went after the dog, ( I say dog because I can't spell Cinummine,) but anyway, like I said: she could have ran out the doggy door. Animals aren't dum.

Did anybody ever look him over for any injuries at the scene? Ive never heard anything on that subject but I assume a limp or major injury would be known. A dog wouldn't be intimidated by a gun. The dogs I know usually are only intimidated by yelling if theyve previously been beaten or disciplined by their master.
Ha, I've had dogs and come learn that they are just like people. Fight or flght if you will. I had a big dog, and she would bark and come after you, but if someone started yelling or screaming she would turn and run, but after a safe distance she would turn and bark again. Thats why I say Cinnamon may have went to the back yard and barked up a storm. Also, one of the intruders might have kicked or went after Cinnamon. I have wondered that myself if she was ever examined by a vet.
Not necessarily, There's a chance that the dog made a lot of commotion when the perps were entering the home, but there may have been a point where she got scared, and ran out the doggy door into the back yard, and that's where a neighbor may have herd her phranicly barking.

I don't know. If the perps were in Suzie's room peaking out the window; I don't think Suzie and Stacy would have came in, and talk to Sherrell, spent a bunch of time taking off make up, turning on TV, and going to bed if the perps were in the house. After all Suzie's bedroom had no door.

I would think is was probably Suzie , Stacy, or the dog peeking out the window to see who in the heck was entering the driveway in the wee hours of the morning. As far as staging, I really don't see why the perps would want to make it look like someone was peaking out the window?

Thank you for pointing that out about no bedroom door.

Also I was reading up on the case yesterday and I read that Suzie seemed concerned/upset and didn’t want to go back home alone and was asking people to spend the night at her house, for anybody who knows the case really well is there any truth in that?
Good post Dimound Life, but I would like to point out again that the intruders may have went after the dog, ( I say dog because I can't spell Cinummine,) but anyway, like I said: she could have ran out the doggy door. Animals aren't dum.

Sherrill's dog Cinnamon was a Yorkie....and was loose in the house when Janelle showed up the next day. No one has ever mentioned a doggie door at Sherrill's house.
MM said neighbors reported last hearing the dog barking at 1:30, which doesn't fit the timeline. The girls were not even home yet.
The dog was fine just upset the next day.
The way I understand it, several friends reported Suzie complained of a tummy ache the night of the parties. Some people maybe did suspect she was upset but that was not confirmed. I think both Suzie and Stacy were suppose to stay at Kirby's house but she had relatives staying there and the girls had no bed to sleep in. Suzie ask Stacy to stay at her house in her new waterbed.
The way I understand it, several friends reported Suzie complained of a tummy ache the night of the parties. Some people maybe did suspect she was upset but that was not confirmed. I think both Suzie and Stacy were suppose to stay at Kirby's house but she had relatives staying there and the girls had no bed to sleep in. Suzie ask Stacy to stay at her house in her new waterbed.

Thank you :)

It’s such a frustrating case as 3 woman literally vanished off the face of the earth without any proper clues. I still think more than one person has to be involved as even with a gun 3 woman should be able to over power one person.

There could be limitations in the killers knowledge of 3mw's plans especially if Suzee/Stacey were the target. Staceys mother didnt even know their final plans. An aquintance wouldnt necessarily know their plans at all. If the perp attended the parties and picked up information they would have been at the hotel or Janis' house looking for them to kill. I dont think you can elimate Sherrill as target because they didn't kill her earlier when she was supposed to be home alone all night.

Sherrills schedules probably more predictable. I tend to think Suzee was the target just due to probablity and living a higher risk lifestyle and leaving a party. However its possible the killer planned to kill Sherrill on a night Suzee was supposed to be out. Maybe they broke the porch light to get her to come to the door or knocked.

Whoever the killer(s ) I think it was either the goal to kill Sherrill alone or Suzee and Sherill if Suzee was the target. Going to abduct 3 people is a risky scenario even with multiple people.

I think theres a possibility the killer couldve had no knowledge and just went in the middle of the night assuming Suzee and Sherrill would be home and thats the time with least witnesses to kill either target with the other being collateral damage.
I do think, of course, there is a chance that Suzie was the target. Although, I will say the the FBI profiler involved in the case did make comments that Sherrill was likely the target and it was sexual in nature. I know they're not always right, but I do personally agree with this theory.
The handbags could have been placed like that by the women, or friends that contaminated the house could have placed them. The friends did report they went through the handbags for clues.
Or maybe the perp didn't know who Stacy was and was checking IDs.
Sherrill, who was chain smoker and never even left the house without her cigarettes, left them by her bed.
Stacy also left her migraine meds in her bag.

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Just a reminder to those who think three healthy women could/would overpower a single assailant, Cary Stayner abducted a mother, her teenage daughter and teenage friend. All three were murdered.
Just a reminder to those who think three healthy women could/would overpower a single assailant, Cary Stayner abducted a mother, her teenage daughter and teenage friend. All three were murdered.

They may of been murdered but they have more of a chance of survival than willingly going with the perp.

As soon as you lose control you are in trouble and with 3 of them they have more of a chance than if it’s one on one.

I don’t believe one person pulled this off and LE seemed to imply that there was people out there that knew what happened that night as well.
Just a reminder to those who think three healthy women could/would overpower a single assailant, Cary Stayner abducted a mother, her teenage daughter and teenage friend. All three were murdered.
Yes there have been several cases where a single assailant has gained control of whole families...with the father home. Put a gun to someone's head and the rest comply.
Now abducting 3 does make it more complicated. I'm glad you mentioned this case.
Obviously no one was hurt badly in the house, no evidence of that.
The tricky thing is would the perp drive the car(van) or I guess have one of the women drive more likely.
The story goes once you do get in a vehicle, then your odds of surviving are low. LE did make statements though that likely 2 men were involved. They also used words like "serial killers".

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What I read said she just peaked in asking if they'd seen them and left. I think the description said she may not have even fully entered the store
Springfield party:
. Sometime between 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., , Thompson, working in the Apco A-Mart, 4140 S. Fremont Ave., saw Streeter and McCall come in. They bought a few items and left in separate cars, Thompson said. He said McCall was in a brown or dark gold car like a Monte Carlo. Several of McCall's friends said they don't recognize the car's description. About 11:30 p.m., most of the people at Joy's party in Battlefield, including Streeter and McCall, left for a spur-of-the-moment party in Springfield. It was being held at classmate Michelle Elder's house, 1535 E. Hanover St., about a mile from the Apco A-Mart. Elder was close friends with McCall

Back to Battlefield:
A little before 2 a.m., Streeter and McCall jumped in a jeep belonging to Streeter's friend Shane Appleby, another classmate. He drove thera back to Joy's house. They both seemed happy, he said. "Suzie was sick. She had a little stomachache.

NL 06/19/1992
Springfield party:
. Sometime between 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., , Thompson, working in the Apco A-Mart, 4140 S. Fremont Ave., saw Streeter and McCall come in. They bought a few items and left in separate cars, Thompson said. He said McCall was in a brown or dark gold car like a Monte Carlo. Several of McCall's friends said they don't recognize the car's description. About 11:30 p.m., most of the people at Joy's party in Battlefield, including Streeter and McCall, left for a spur-of-the-moment party in Springfield. It was being held at classmate Michelle Elder's house, 1535 E. Hanover St., about a mile from the Apco A-Mart. Elder was close friends with McCall

Back to Battlefield:
A little before 2 a.m., Streeter and McCall jumped in a jeep belonging to Streeter's friend Shane Appleby, another classmate. He drove thera back to Joy's house. They both seemed happy, he said. "Suzie was sick. She had a little stomachache.

NL 06/19/1992

That seems to be a bogus report based on the car’s description and the timeline doesn’t seem to make sense.

The later account at about 2:00AM when Sherrill allegedly came there is the possible incident, if true, could account for the placement of the vehicles the next day.

I was unaware that Suzie normally parked in the carport. Sherrill’s car being found in the carport could be because she was not expecting Suzie home that night.

Then there is the matter of the cars being seen in different locations at night and then found differently in the morning.

It would have been more likely that Suzie would have pulled onto Delmar from Glenstone. If she normally parked in the garage. She would have logically have merely pulled into the carport from the east side. However, the next morning showed that the cars had pulled in from the west side of the u shaped driveway.

Offhand I would say that ascertaining if Sherrill actually went to the APCO station is critical.

The other critical element is how anyone unknown to the women could have gotten into the house without the Yorkie going bananas.

If the dog were put into a crate or a bathroom there should be evidence.

Almost nothing about the published facts make sense. All we truly know to be fact is that Sherrill was last known to be alive at or about 11:15PM. And the second known fact is that the girls were known to be alive when they left Battlefield at or about 2:20 AM.
Suzie seemed concerned/upset and didn’t want to go back home alone and was asking people to spend the night at her house, for anybody who knows the case really well is there any truth in that?

As far as I know that is FALSE. No newspaper or wittiness has reported that to my knowlege. Show me a link?
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