Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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I was also puzzled by that information, for I do not remember having read about it anywhere, and it changes things radically -if true- concerning the involvement you mention. Could satanism be a motive in this crime, dark rituals or anything of the sort? I still consider there is a central piece of information that has not been released.
I don't buy the Satanism aspect...I'm totally interested in unidentified remains, murder mysteries, etc....and I've never killed anyone! I have books on all types of topics..and tarot cards, Lizzie Borden stuff.. I think that's a red herring in this case
On one of the youtube clips regarding the case there is an interview with one of the Police investigators and he said that there were Police investigators during the time of the disappearance that thought the the Graverobbers shouldn't cleared and shouldn't ruled out as suspects!
He clearly implies that he too is among those investigators .
( from 3:30- 4:00)

On one of the youtube clips regarding the case there is an interview with one of the Police investigators and he said that there were Police investigators during the time of the disappearance that thought the the Graverobbers shouldn't cleared and shouldn't ruled out as suspects!
He clearly implies that he too is among those investigators .
( from 3:30- 4:00)


Appreciate that link. I had seen it before but since that time I learned that Baird’s account of being boxed in by an unidentified vehicle appears to be grounded in fact.

What is more concerning is that the alleged vehicle had government plates. When those plates were run they were dead ended. Either the plates were confiscated from somewhere else or they were secret and could not be traced.

In any event this was told to me by who I believe is a credible source who was a witness to the encounter.

I believe strongly, very strongly, that Baird should have told everything. As it is her credibility was horribly damaged. But I wasn’t asked before the show was shot. Another opportunity was lost to break open the case IMO.
Appreciate that link. I had seen it before but since that time I learned that Baird’s account of being boxed in by an unidentified vehicle appears to be grounded in fact.

What is more concerning is that the alleged vehicle had government plates. When those plates were run they were dead ended. Either the plates were confiscated from somewhere else or they were secret and could not be traced.

In any event this was told to me by who I believe is a credible source who was a witness to the encounter.

I believe strongly, very strongly, that Baird should have told everything. As it is her credibility was horribly damaged. But I wasn’t asked before the show was shot. Another opportunity was lost to break open the case IMO.

you're welcome Missouri Mule

When I saw the clip It just strengthen my opinion that the graverobbers shouldn't ruled out as suspects , especially when this is also an opinion by investigators in the case. regarding the alleged vehicle with government plates, it adds more mystery to the already mysterious disappearance.

Sometime even without evidence you have a gut feeling that you can't ignore,
I just can't stop thinking that if Suzie had never met the graverobbers then we never had this thread of the disappearance of the 3 women.
you're welcome Missouri Mule

When I saw the clip It just strengthen my opinion that the graverobbers shouldn't ruled out as suspects , especially when this is also an opinion by investigators in the case. regarding the alleged vehicle with government plates, it adds more mystery to the already mysterious disappearance.

Sometime even without evidence you have a gut feeling that you can't ignore,
I just can't stop thinking that if Suzie had never met the graverobbers then we never had this thread of the disappearance of the 3 women.

Considering the grave robber angle; the girls could have been invited out to a satanic ritual that night. Something unthinkable happened and the car(s) and purses was driven back to the house.
Considering the grave robber angle; the girls could have been invited out to a satanic ritual that night. Something unthinkable happened and the car(s) and purses was driven back to the house.
I think it's more mundane than that; I think one of the grave robbers killed them all in order to prevent Suzie from testifying.
Appreciate that link. I had seen it before but since that time I learned that Baird’s account of being boxed in by an unidentified vehicle appears to be grounded in fact.

What is more concerning is that the alleged vehicle had government plates. When those plates were run they were dead ended. Either the plates were confiscated from somewhere else or they were secret and could not be traced.

In any event this was told to me by who I believe is a credible source who was a witness to the encounter.

I believe strongly, very strongly, that Baird should have told everything. As it is her credibility was horribly damaged. But I wasn’t asked before the show was shot. Another opportunity was lost to break open the case IMO.

She comes off as an attention hound quack .

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Considering the grave robber angle; the girls could have been invited out to a satanic ritual that night. Something unthinkable happened and the car(s) and purses was driven back to the house.
Would help explain why the purses were 'lined up' side by side but I don't know about the satanic ritual invitation even though it seems the grave robbers did 'live on the dark side'.
The idea they left willingly actually goes along with my first thought as in a 'fun kidnap' on grad night.
Then the unthinkable happened or ......their demise was planned all along.
"(the message) somehow got deleted"..... I totally agree I think I do sense some plausible deniability. Most people say who they are when they leave a message, right? If she was playing the phone messages in desperation to get an idea where her daughter might be I'd think she would have listened carefully to that message (and others) and only to remember that "it was a man"?
I agree with this, but I think answering machines at that time played the message and rewound automatically unless you pressed save. Then the next call to come in would record over it. I wonder if the message didn't state who was calling, sounded like something the recipient expecting the message would know about but someone not involved in earlier conversations would not understand, and she forgot about it because at the time it didn't seem relevant to finding the missing people.

I don't understanding playing messages on someone else's answering machine. That part strikes me as odder than failing to save them and forgetting the content.

I agree with barefootpoet and chestnut&bypass that it's odd she should forget the contents of the message. The idea that she was asked by LE to pretend not to remember the message and she kept doing it for decades is hard to accept. If I were in that situation, at some point it would be so far in the past I would just tell what I heard, figuring me revealing my memory of some message would not ruin the police's case.
She comes off as an attention hound quack .

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Well, I know her personally. Although I have not specifically asked her about the incident. I spoke to someone else who did. It happened. I disagree in the strongest possible way that she should have clammed up. I would have told everything down to the smallest detail had it been me. I wasn’t asked.

And let me be as precise as I can be. I believe I know who hemmed her in. I don’t know for certain his name but I know him all too well. He drives or claims to drive a blacked out large SUV equipped for long distance drives. He also works for a well known agency in the U.S.Government. He should not be operating within the confines of the U.S. borders as outlined by their charter and U.S. law.

This is who I believe did this told her to shut up about this case. This will look to be conspiratorial by some or many. That is their right. I know what our communications have been over many years. I regret ever having established connections to him.

For a hint of what I am discussing, Tom Cruise is in a film released in September roughly based on the life of Barry Seal who lived and dies connected to the CIA and was ferrying drugs into Mena, Arkansas. This was connected to the infamous Iran/Contra scandal that nearly brought down a president. The name of the film is “American Made.” I have not yet seen it.

Regardless, whether this is a big or small operation, I believe this is connected to the drug business. Of that I have no doubt.
Well, I know her personally. Although I have not specifically asked her about the incident. I spoke to someone else who did. It happened. I disagree in the strongest possible way that she should have clammed up. I would have told everything down to the smallest detail had it been me. I wasn’t asked.

And let me be as precise as I can be. I believe I know who hemmed her in. I don’t know for certain his name but I know him all too well. He drives or claims to drive a blacked out large SUV equipped for long distance drives. He also works for a well known agency in the U.S.Government. He should not be operating within the confines of the U.S. borders as outlined by their charter and U.S. law.

This is who I believe did this told her to shut up about this case. This will look to be conspiratorial by some or many. That is their right. I know what our communications have been over many years. I regret ever having established connections to him.

For a hint of what I am discussing, Tom Cruise is in a film released in September roughly based on the life of Barry Seal who lived and dies connected to the CIA and was ferrying drugs into Mena, Arkansas. This was connected to the infamous Iran/Contra scandal that nearly brought down a president. The name of the film is “American Made.” I have not yet seen it.

Regardless, whether this is a big or small operation, I believe this is connected to the drug business. Of that I have no doubt.

If Ms Baird has come so far in her investigation of the Missing Three to incite a "cease and desist" threat from some type of covert agent then she needs to take the gloves off and present her case to the MSBI and get this ball rolling. If she has facts why hold back?
If Ms Baird has come so far in her investigation of the Missing Three to incite a "cease and desist" threat from some type of covert agent then she needs to take the gloves off and present her case to the MSBI and get this ball rolling. If she has facts why hold back?

My understanding is that she has done that, to several in fact.

As I have said I would have told everything, but she says she is afraid for herself and her family.

Perhaps we should take her at her word.

After all the bodies stacked like so much cordwood. In the past a man had his car blown up as he traveled down Missouri 125. There were the three murders on the “Robb Farm” where three associates were murdered, their bodies dismembered, then burned and the remains thrown into the nearby Panther Creek.

More were also murdered, dismembered and then fed to the hogs. I think that is six there alone.

There was a Missouri State trooper murdered by a local Klan member who was subsequently executed. This was also nearby.

There is a local motorcycle gang who were widely believed to be involved in the drug business. Also nearby.

There were drug gangs coming down from St. Louis and Kansas City selling drugs out of motel rooms. While that was touched on by local media I also was told that by an undercover cop who infiltrated a motorcycle gang.

There are other local murders going back decades. And of course we have the infamous Jackie Johns murder by Gerald Carnahan, now in prison for the rest of his life. He is one of the major suspects.

Perhaps Baird has reason to be concerned.
Will keep it on the down-low then. No need for any problems I suppose .
Well, I know her personally. Although I have not specifically asked her about the incident. I spoke to someone else who did. It happened. I disagree in the strongest possible way that she should have clammed up. I would have told everything down to the smallest detail had it been me. I wasn’t asked.

And let me be as precise as I can be. I believe I know who hemmed her in. I don’t know for certain his name but I know him all too well. He drives or claims to drive a blacked out large SUV equipped for long distance drives. He also works for a well known agency in the U.S.Government. He should not be operating within the confines of the U.S. borders as outlined by their charter and U.S. law.

This is who I believe did this told her to shut up about this case. This will look to be conspiratorial by some or many. That is their right. I know what our communications have been over many years. I regret ever having established connections to him.

For a hint of what I am discussing, Tom Cruise is in a film released in September roughly based on the life of Barry Seal who lived and dies connected to the CIA and was ferrying drugs into Mena, Arkansas. This was connected to the infamous Iran/Contra scandal that nearly brought down a president. The name of the film is “American Made.” I have not yet seen it.

Regardless, whether this is a big or small operation, I believe this is connected to the drug business. Of that I have no doubt.

So, if drugs are involved, three deaths as a result can only stem from a previous and darker issue that no one has certain news about. Would it be necessary to investigate people who formed part of these three women's lives in a way or another and who, until now, have never been looked into?
Besides, drug criminals only act with this violence in case of treachery, and always obeying to a cartel. This is a must in these groups. Once betrayed, they never warn but destroy, so as to exemplify those nearby the "unfaithful ones" about the consequences of disloyalty. I do not believe it possible two adolescents could have gone so far with these fearsome groups. Therefore, the hint of the behaviour the criminals took revenge on, has to necessarily been found in the adult world.
My understanding is that she has done that, to several in fact.

As I have said I would have told everything, but she says she is afraid for herself and her family.

Perhaps we should take her at her word.

After all the bodies stacked like so much cordwood. In the past a man had his car blown up as he traveled down Missouri 125. There were the three murders on the “Robb Farm” where three associates were murdered, their bodies dismembered, then burned and the remains thrown into the nearby Panther Creek.

More were also murdered, dismembered and then fed to the hogs. I think that is six there alone.

There was a Missouri State trooper murdered by a local Klan member who was subsequently executed. This was also nearby.

There is a local motorcycle gang who were widely believed to be involved in the drug business. Also nearby.

There were drug gangs coming down from St. Louis and Kansas City selling drugs out of motel rooms. While that was touched on by local media I also was told that by an undercover cop who infiltrated a motorcycle gang.

There are other local murders going back decades. And of course we have the infamous Jackie Johns murder by Gerald Carnahan, now in prison for the rest of his life. He is one of the major suspects.

Perhaps Baird has reason to be concerned.

I guess I'm confused. Does Ms Baird believe that LE is involved in the disappearance or some Hillbilly drug cartel?
So, if drugs are involved, three deaths as a result can only stem from a previous and darker issue that no one has certain news about. Would it be necessary to investigate people who formed part of these three women's lives in a way or another and who, until now, have never been looked into?
Besides, drug criminals only act with this violence in case of treachery, and always obeying to a cartel. This is a must in these groups. Once betrayed, they never warn but destroy, so as to exemplify those nearby the "unfaithful ones" about the consequences of disloyalty. I do not believe it possible two adolescents could have gone so far with these fearsome groups. Therefore, the hint of the behaviour the criminals took revenge on, has to necessarily been found in the adult world.

The modus operandi of drug gangs are acts of merciless violence. I really think if that were the case here then their bodies would been left in the home as an "example".
I find Kathee saying she definitively knows who did it but cant say to be hinky.

It doesnt make any sense to me why right after that you would say on camera I know who did it and I wont stop until I bring them to justice. If I was concerned about my family Id let the case go or be discrete not basically promise to get the killers on video.

If the intimidation story is true the wrong people already know who she is. Id think her documenting the name of the perps and proof in public record would protect her unless the perps wanted to get caught. Right now if something happened to her I think the story would be crazy investigator meets tragic end.

I am not saying this in attempt to get her to spill the beans because I seriously doubt if theres anything there beyond her personal opinion.
I find Kathee saying she definitively knows who did it but cant say to be hinky.

It doesnt make any sense to me why right after that you would say on camera I know who did it and I wont stop until I bring them to justice. If I was concerned about my family Id let the case go or be discrete not basically promise to get the killers on video.

If the intimidation story is true the wrong people already know who she is. Id think her documenting the name of the perps and proof in public record would protect her unless the perps wanted to get caught. Right now if something happened to her I think the story would be crazy investigator meets tragic end.

I am not saying this in attempt to get her to spill the beans because I seriously doubt if theres anything there beyond her personal opinion.

I agree with almost everything you have said except your last sentence.

I do not expect her to speak further on the subject.

She may have signed a non-disclosure statement.

I don’t have any reason to comment on what she has said or may say. However everything I say or have said I will stand behind or I will correct if new information obviates past statements or conclusions.
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