Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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Why would the perp/s need the women alive for ANY period of time? If the goal is random sexual assault, you tie them up and gag them (but in this case, weren't deterred by THREE cars in the driveway because you knew they were unarmed women?). If the goal is straight murder, pap pap pap, they're all gone. To go through the whole production of a triple kidnapping means something else. Or if Sherrill was already dead, even a double kidnapping is risky. Unless you are VERY familiar with the family and neighborhood, the women were unconscious when they were taken from the house, or they left on their own in an "emergency" GAS LEAK!....this is too random to be random.
I don't believe that this was random at all....There were reports of a white van cruising the neighborhood for two to three weeks prior to the 3MW disappearances, I believe that Sherrill and Suzie were watched closely ....The 1717 E Delmar house is plain spooky looking , trees and overgrown bushes not to mention the tall , wooden privacy fencing on two sides and possibly no exit around the fences in the back yard....Frightens me to look at that house.....
Hi all
The last few days i have been reading this topic and some really interesting insights/theories made me wonder about the broken glass from the porch light
Maybe the perp deliberately broke it,to lure the woman out and one of the girls checked looked outside of the window when hearded the glass shattered.(and later dressed up as a fake LE) saying that burglars or something like that were in the neighbourhood targeting their house or cars on the drive way and that they should check their belongings outside or damage to it
So that the perp exactly knew how many persons were in the house
I have no idea if Suzie's bedroom /window give direct vieuw to where the porch light is or drive way
But when I myself are woken up by the sound of breaking glass I would look outside the window & check it right away
From what I read there were drugsrelated crimes at that time and here in the Netherlands drugsaddicts broke into cars to steal everything that had a little value to feed their habit

Just a thought...i came up with after reading hours n hours about the missing 3
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Does anyone know if there was a bag of Stacy’s clothes and swimsuit found at the Delmar house? The initial plan was to go to Branson that morning. You would think that Stacy would have brought at least her swimwear with her if the plan was to leave from Janelle’s house.
If there’s a connection with the GC, SG or RD rumors then I believe it was someone that was associated with Suzie that knew one or more of these guys. Whether or not that aspect applies I don’t know but there is a lot of chatter about them.
Thinking possibly the girls parked at Delmar, left for the after after party and then became the party. Later mom was abducted, lured out, etc and killed because she knew where or with who the girls went and then the house was staged.
Does anyone know if there was a bag of Stacy’s clothes and swimsuit found at the Delmar house? The initial plan was to go to Branson that morning. You would think that Stacy would have brought at least her swimwear with her if the plan was to leave from Janelle’s house.
Stacy’s mom found Stacy’s overnight bag at Delmar.
Hi all
The last few days i have been reading this topic and some really interesting insights/theories made me wonder about the broken glass from the porch light
Maybe the perp deliberately broke it,to lure the woman out and one of the girls checked looked outside of the window when hearded the glass shattered.(and later dressed up as a fake LE) saying that burglars or something like that were in the neighbourhood targeting their house or cars on the drive way and that they should check their belongings outside or damage to it
So that the perp exactly knew how many persons were in the house
I have no idea if Suzie's bedroom /window give direct vieuw to where the porch light is or drive way
But when I myself are woken up by the sound of breaking glass I would look outside the window & check it right away
From what I read there were drugsrelated crimes at that time and here in the Netherlands drugsaddicts broke into cars to steal everything that had a little value to feed their habit

Just a thought...i came up with after reading hours n hours about the missing 3

I don't believe that the porch light could be seen from Suzie's room as it was more to the back of the house ....Her room appears to have been converted from a garage is back further than the front porch....I agree , if I heard somethink like the globe breaking I would definitely look out , perhaps that is why the blinds in Suzie's room facing Delmar street were askew...
I think we’ll be stunned if and when we find out what happened. I think LE and the public got tunnel vision because Sherrill was an attractive, discreet, independent single mother, and Suzy dated bad boys. Sherrill could’ve gotten too close to a client and/or their business. Suzy might’ve upset the wrong group or people. If LE explored those options they didn’t come up with anything. It bothers me no one seemed to look into the McCalls. It was important to Mrs. McCall for people to know Stacy didn’t usually hang out with Suzy. Yet Stacy told someone at the gym where she worked she was scared for Sherrill. Did Mrs. McCall know as much of Stacy’s business as she thought?
Stacy took medicine for migraines and an antidepressant. Why was a 17 or 18 year old taking antidepressants? Maybe it’s not our business but if Stacy had been the victim of a crime or had emotional issues, it could’ve opened new doors. Antidepressants weren’t nearly as common in 1990.
I’m not pointing fingers but it’s interesting they disappeared when Stacy happened to be spending the night.
I think we’ll be stunned if and when we find out what happened. I think LE and the public got tunnel vision because Sherrill was an attractive, discreet, independent single mother, and Suzy dated bad boys. Sherrill could’ve gotten too close to a client and/or their business. Suzy might’ve upset the wrong group or people. If LE explored those options they didn’t come up with anything. It bothers me no one seemed to look into the McCalls. It was important to Mrs. McCall for people to know Stacy didn’t usually hang out with Suzy. Yet Stacy told someone at the gym where she worked she was scared for Sherrill. Did Mrs. McCall know as much of Stacy’s business as she thought?
Stacy took medicine for migraines and an antidepressant. Why was a 17 or 18 year old taking antidepressants? Maybe it’s not our business but if Stacy had been the victim of a crime or had emotional issues, it could’ve opened new doors. Antidepressants weren’t nearly as common in 1990.
I’m not pointing fingers but it’s interesting they disappeared when Stacy happened to be spending the night.
That is very well-said. I do not know this case well - well, other than a cursory read-through of a handful of articles - but this sums things up nicely, touching on each of three possible pathways a person or persons might have taken to commit this crime. Was the crime triggered by Sherrill? by Suzy? by Stacy?
I think we’ll be stunned if and when we find out what happened. I think LE and the public got tunnel vision because Sherrill was an attractive, discreet, independent single mother, and Suzy dated bad boys. Sherrill could’ve gotten too close to a client and/or their business. Suzy might’ve upset the wrong group or people. If LE explored those options they didn’t come up with anything. It bothers me no one seemed to look into the McCalls. It was important to Mrs. McCall for people to know Stacy didn’t usually hang out with Suzy. Yet Stacy told someone at the gym where she worked she was scared for Sherrill. Did Mrs. McCall know as much of Stacy’s business as she thought?
Stacy took medicine for migraines and an antidepressant. Why was a 17 or 18 year old taking antidepressants? Maybe it’s not our business but if Stacy had been the victim of a crime or had emotional issues, it could’ve opened new doors. Antidepressants weren’t nearly as common in 1990.
I’m not pointing fingers but it’s interesting they disappeared when Stacy happened to be spending the night.

Did the abductors 'have to' take ALL 3? We assume yes and Stacy was an unfortunate victim. After all she was not at her house.

Wow, good points all....with the McCalls.....it would seem they were all about keeping their daughter 'clean' and 'close'.

I was always struck that Stacy was permitted to travel to Branson, at night, after attending parties. Yes, she called her parent's and mom was relieved blah blah blah but Stacy TOLD vs asked. Was that habitual?
Branson is an hour's drive (from Spfld) and at that time hi-way 65 was still 2-lane with LOTs of hills. (Stacy and Susie both had 4 cylinder cars, my 6 cylinder had issues on those hills!)
If they went the other route, still 2-lane plus LOTS of curves. Dangerous any time of day.

Was it a last minute decision to abandon the 'graduation lock-in'...I believe it was. Had Stacy begun to run with the 'wrong crowd' was that why she ditched the 'safe' activity? Janelle looked like she was on 'something' and had been for awhile, look at the graduation photo. 'Gaunt' comes to mind.

Interesting.....Stacy was on antidepressants? We now know those can 'back fire' with teens. Besides that though, depression can take away your ability to function in everyday life but not so with Stacy?

Side bar: My daughter suffers from debilitating migraines, she has difficulty going anywhere besides a quiet, dark, room and yes, she's on migraine meds. My point: despite migraines, Stacy seems to have been an vital, independent, socially active person.

Good point. Stacy does seem like the 'perfect' daughter. Nobody's perfect.

Did the abductors 'have to' take ALL 3? We assume yes and Stacy was an unfortunate victim. After all she was not at her house.

Wow, good points all....with the McCalls.....it would seem they were all about keeping their daughter 'clean' and 'close'.

I was always struck that Stacy was permitted to travel to Branson, at night, after attending parties. Yes, she called her parent's and mom was relieved blah blah blah but Stacy TOLD vs asked. Was that habitual?
Branson is an hour's drive (from Spfld) and at that time hi-way 65 was still 2-lane with LOTs of hills. (Stacy and Susie both had 4 cylinder cars, my 6 cylinder had issues on those hills!)
If they went the other route, still 2-lane plus LOTS of curves. Dangerous any time of day.

Was it a last minute decision to abandon the 'graduation lock-in'...I believe it was. Had Stacy begun to run with the 'wrong crowd' was that why she ditched the 'safe' activity? Janelle looked like she was on 'something' and had been for awhile, look at the graduation photo. 'Gaunt' comes to mind.

Interesting.....Stacy was on antidepressants? We now know those can 'back fire' with teens. Besides that though, depression can take away your ability to function in everyday life but not so with Stacy?

Side bar: My daughter suffers from debilitating migraines, she has difficulty going anywhere besides a quiet, dark, room and yes, she's on migraine meds. My point: despite migraines, Stacy seems to have been an vital, independent, socially active person.

Good point. Stacy does seem like the 'perfect' daughter. Nobody's perfect.


Oh my goodness , I thought the same thing about poor Janelle, both eyes were black and sunken in her graduation photo and in some interviews that she did shortly after the women went missing, it hurt to look at her...Gaunt definitely comes to mind.....I recently saw a fairly recent photo on her FB page , she is very attractive and looks 25 years younger in her FB picture than in her graduation picture....

Lessons to be learned in the 3MW case and in others like it, NEVER allow yourself to be taken to another location if you can help it.....IF you fight like hell to force the abductors to do what they are going to do, ie , either kill you or hopefully , let you go is the ONLY chance you have in a situation like this....Allowing yourself to be taken to another location ,no telling what torture would be inflicted before you were killed.....I believe that if the "porch lady" sighting of Suzie in the green van was in fact Suzie , she was struggling with herself to end the situation by driving into the porch ladys neighbors house when she pulled into the neighbors driveway...The porch lady heard a male voice telling Suzie not to do anything stupid, he knew that she was about to try something.....She lacked the maturity to know that crashing that van into the house was the only chance that any of them had at that moment for escape...Just my opinion .....What a difference it might have made had she had the guts to do it.....
I think Sherrill was the “cool” parent Suzy’s friends were comfortable talking to about their problems. She was youthful, had been there, done that and wasn’t strict. Maybe she had an open door policy. I had a friend with cool parents in high school. He had friends he didn’t know he had when word got out they could do what they wanted at his house.
One detective said Suzy would do anything to be accepted and have friends. Mrs. McCall said Suzy begged Stacy to spend the night with her. What were people saying to make Suzy sound so desperate. Suzy did not go out with her best friend who brought her a cake before the ceremony. Did Suzy try to fit in with the “in” crowd?
I think Mike and Janelle considered Sherrill a friend and were comfortable milling about her house without her there.
It’s odd Janelle had Mike drive her to Sherrill’s if no one answered the phone and she thought they’d gone to the water park without her. Did they go to sweep up glass?
Is that all they did?
Janelle looked unwell in graduation photos. A 17 year old has to work for circles like Janelle had under her eyes. Maybe she’d been staying up late and partying or had a lot on her mind.
Mrs. McCall was admittedly strict, didn’t seem to approve of Sherrill or want Stacy around her. I’m sure Mrs. McCall wanted the best for Stacy, but Stacy probably felt stifled and saw Sherrill a confidant. They had discussions if Stacy was scared for Sherrill.
Taking all 3 is truly bizarre.
I believe that it was on Proboards where I read that Sherrill had mentioned that she felt stalked....Don't know if this is true or not as she and Suzie only lived at the Delmar house from April to June before they disappeared....I wonder if Suzie was worried sick about her mother being alone while she was going to all of the graduation activities? ....Could Suzie have been having an uneasy feeling about living there and needed Stacy or anyone for that matter to spend the night with her?
I think Sherrill was the “cool” parent Suzy’s friends were comfortable talking to about their problems. She was youthful, had been there, done that and wasn’t strict. Maybe she had an open door policy. I had a friend with cool parents in high school. He had friends he didn’t know he had when word got out they could do what they wanted at his house.
One detective said Suzy would do anything to be accepted and have friends. Mrs. McCall said Suzy begged Stacy to spend the night with her. What were people saying to make Suzy sound so desperate. Suzy did not go out with her best friend who brought her a cake before the ceremony. Did Suzy try to fit in with the “in” crowd?
I think Mike and Janelle considered Sherrill a friend and were comfortable milling about her house without her there.
It’s odd Janelle had Mike drive her to Sherrill’s if no one answered the phone and she thought they’d gone to the water park without her. Did they go to sweep up glass?
Is that all they did?
Janelle looked unwell in graduation photos. A 17 year old has to work for circles like Janelle had under her eyes. Maybe she’d been staying up late and partying or had a lot on her mind.
Mrs. McCall was admittedly strict, didn’t seem to approve of Sherrill or want Stacy around her. I’m sure Mrs. McCall wanted the best for Stacy, but Stacy probably felt stifled and saw Sherrill a confidant. They had discussions if Stacy was scared for Sherrill.
Taking all 3 is truly bizarre.

I have to agree with you about Mike and Janelle, I believe the broken glass would have been my first clue that something was wrong but when I added the fact that all of their cars, purses, cigarettes , car keys , Stacys clothes and poor old Cinnamon acting nervous I would have at least called the police instead of going to a waterpark......They could have just been pretty immature for there age and did not think through what was staring them in the face in the Delmar home....Also , I think that Janelle was a little miffed that Stacy and Suzie went to Branson without them ....I wonder how she thought that they got to Branson without their cars or purses? Would it have made any difference had the police been notified sooner , I doubt it ....Just my thoughts....
Could there be the possibility one or all of the grave robbers, furious at the forthcoming court date started mouthing off about Susie and Sherrill - Recla was heard to have said he wished them both dead, this could have got to the ears of the perps. I keep thinking there were 2 perps and a 3rd person was present who didn’t realize the intentions of the other 2 he just thought they were only going to the house to frighten/heckle the 3 women. The 3rd person (perhaps drunk) caused a commotion outside the house. Sherill, who was in bed pulled on her floral dress, her sweats she wore to paint/varnish earlier were in the laundry. Suzie and Stacey had taken their makeup off, Stacey was in bed in her sleep attire (t-shirt and underwear) Suzie, switched tv on but still dressed. On hearing the noise Susie peeps through the blinds before going outside with her Mum to confront him as they recognize him, the 2 perps jump out the van, pull guns and bundle them into the van. Stacey, still in the house tries to run but is caught by 1 of the perps, breaking the porch light cover as she struggles to get free. They were taken to a location (Robb’s ?) there were many sinister men in the area at that time ... I dread to think, it’s just too awful

Jannelle and Mikes behaviour is strange. Broken glass, cars parked, purses, keys, cigarettes all there but no sign of her friends and Sherrill - I think they had a good idea what happened but were frightened

Just thought I’d pop my thoughts down
I’ve read back a few posts and came across a post I didn’t know or certainly have no recollection reading before and that was Stacey had mentioned to someone at her gym she was scared for Sherrill - does anyone know anything more about this?
Could there be the possibility one or all of the grave robbers, furious at the forthcoming court date started mouthing off about Susie and Sherrill - Recla was heard to have said he wished them both dead, this could have got to the ears of the perps. I keep thinking there were 2 perps and a 3rd person was present who didn’t realize the intentions of the other 2 he just thought they were only going to the house to frighten/heckle the 3 women. The 3rd person (perhaps drunk) caused a commotion outside the house. Sherill, who was in bed pulled on her floral dress, her sweats she wore to paint/varnish earlier were in the laundry. Suzie and Stacey had taken their makeup off, Stacey was in bed in her sleep attire (t-shirt and underwear) Suzie, switched tv on but still dressed. On hearing the noise Susie peeps through the blinds before going outside with her Mum to confront him as they recognize him, the 2 perps jump out the van, pull guns and bundle them into the van. Stacey, still in the house tries to run but is caught by 1 of the perps, breaking the porch light cover as she struggles to get free. They were taken to a location (Robb’s ?) there were many sinister men in the area at that time ... I dread to think, it’s just too awful

Jannelle and Mikes behaviour is strange. Broken glass, cars parked, purses, keys, cigarettes all there but no sign of her friends and Sherrill - I think they had a good idea what happened but were frightened

Just thought I’d pop my thoughts down

Sounds plausible to me....I shudder to think about what these women might have gone through once they got to wherever they were taken, lots of torture for many days I would imagine ....I just keep asking myself "HOW can this happen from the safety of your own home.....I think that Stacy was the "wild one" as she did not have that much to lose ...On Proboards I read that Stacys smeared fingerprints were on the door frame and that she was probably removed from the Delmar home kicking and screaming........Don't know if this is true or not coming from Proboards but it sounds reasonable to me.....There are lessons to be learned with cases like this 1-change your day to day habits , don't follow the same route, routine, timeframe, 2-Secure your home, spend the extra money to make sure it is secure,3-invest in a weapon with things as they are today you have to have a means to protect yourself....Think of it this way abducting you and roughing you up in the process will be the least of your worries as more horrors will come later, 4-If you are abducted fight to prevent the abductor from taking you away , force them to do what they are going to do and not wait hoping against hope that you might get an opportunity to escape later..... 5-Don't depend on key chains on the door ....I got a security device from Amazon that you screw into the floor in front of the door and you slide a piece of heavy metal into the screwed in plate in the floor that butts up against the door preventing someone from kicking your door down....

If you are not familiar with Israel Keyes a serial killer read about him ....He was meticulous , stalked his victims up to a year before going in for the kill...He would enter their homes, park across the street from his victims homes to watch them ....The stories about his pursuits are chilling....
Started to read about Israel Keyes - shudder

I was in Praia da Luz not long after poor little Madeleine McCann disappeared. A friend had a small villa there and let me use it foc, so I was there a lot ! I couldn’t get over the distance between the Taco Bar and their apartment ... it was FAR ! The locals were hushed and upset. It’s such a wee small village.

Anyway, sorry, I’m off topic. What also pops to mind that perhaps Sherrill was the intended target all along and graduation night was chosen as Suzie would be out at parties etc. when it was discovered that she was home and had brought someone home with her the perps continued with their plan as weren’t the type of people who cared
Sorry good folks, I’m not adding anything, just sharing my thoughts
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