Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #9

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most people are verified'insiders'.
calling them family is not factual and just not appropriate imo
as I said I have alerted mods but have not been acknowledged.

That's what I thought. Mrs. Clay would be a family member of someone involved in the case. It's weird they would continue with that title. It should be verified insider only because if people aren't up to date that is confusing.
I consider a high school crowd to not assault women or rob dead people.

I certainly didn’t associate with such people in secondary school. My parents also wouldn’t of let me move in with a boyfriend at 17.

Suzie was not a typical high school kid by the sounds of it. Stacey on the hand seems like the typical teenager.

I am not saying that makes Suzie a horrible person. But her question taste in men could be why she vanished so that needs to be explored.

Stacey from the little we know didn’t have a abisve ex boyfriend or one who robbed dead people.

"The little we know" might be a key term. Stacy had a more tradition upbringing and she has living parents who have been the most reliable people in this case. That could keep people from saying anything slightly negative about her. There seems to be confusion as to if Stacy and Suzie showed up at a party separately from Janelle or if they decided to leave and were dropped off at their cars. I have questions about the cars. I also wonder why J and M went to see Appleby that morning looking for Suzie and Stacy.
The bad boy angle can be explored but I think it was in the very beginning. Dating an and even being exposed to drugs doesn't mean either led to her disappearance. I feel like when people insist that Sherrill or Suzie were connected to drugs it's a dig at them. Like they deserved it. Suzie moving in with her brother and moving back into her mom's makes me think she was street smart. She could have gone off the rails but she didn't want to fight with a brother who was drinking. She also cut ties with guys that treated her poorly. She also graduated without as much supervision as some kids need. We possibly have different interpretations of this.
"The little we know" might be a key term. Stacy had a more tradition upbringing and she has living parents who have been the most reliable people in this case. That could keep people from saying anything slightly negative about her. There seems to be confusion as to if Stacy and Suzie showed up at a party separately from Janelle or if they decided to leave and were dropped off at their cars. I have questions about the cars. I also wonder why J and M went to see Appleby that morning looking for Suzie and Stacy.
The bad boy angle can be explored but I think it was in the very beginning. Dating an ******* and even being exposed to drugs doesn't mean either led to her disappearance. I feel like when people insist that Sherrill or Suzie were connected to drugs it's a dig at them. Like they deserved it. Suzie moving in with her brother and moving back into her mom's makes me think she was street smart. She could have gone off the rails but she didn't want to fight with a brother who was drinking. She also cut ties with guys that treated her poorly. She also graduated without as much supervision as some kids need. We possibly have different interpretations of this.

It’s not a dig at them but let’s be honest here the likelihood is Stacey was a victim of being in the wrong place st the wrong time. This is why people want to dig into Sherill’s and Susie’s past as it happened at the Streeter’s home not Stacey’s and I bet she had never stayed there ever before either.

I have all the sympathy in the world for all 3 women but my heart does go out for Stacey a little bit more just because she would never of normally of been at that house. I’m sure that Ate at her parents as well that Stacey never got to explain why she chose to stay with Suzie and not Janelle that fateful night.
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It’s not a dig at them but let’s be honest here the likelihood is Stacey was a victim of being in the wrong place st the wrong time. This is why people want to dig into Sherill’s and Susie’s past as it happened at the Streeter’s home not Stacey’s and I bet she had never stayed there ever before either.

I have all the sympathy in the world for all 3 women but my heart does go out for Stacey alittle more just because she would never of normally of been at that house. I’m sure that Ate at her parents as well that Stacey never got to explain why she chose to stay with Suzie and not Janelle that fateful night.

I think something happened that night that caused all three women to vanish. I wouldn't rule out people that met Stacy and Suzie at a party. Why did they leave with 2 cars if they were planning on seeing Janelle early the next day. I don't buy that Suzie begged someone to come back to her house especially if she felt sick. Could something odd have happened at a party and made the girls want to leave. Where they with other people?
I am not even convinced Suzie was sick ( not that it tells us a lot either way). If she was sick then why stay out partying until 2am that’s not the sign of somebody who is feeling off colour.

Also she had plans to stay at The Joys house so she obviously didn’t want to go home at that stage. All the party went back to there to spend night and it’s because they changed their mind that Suzie didn’t spend the night.

So at what time was Suzie meant to have begged Stacey to spend the night? It doesn’t add up.
I am not even convinced Suzie was sick ( not that it tells us a lot either way). If she was sick then why stay out partying until 2am that’s not the sign of somebody who is feeling off colour.

Also she had plans to stay at The Joys house so she obviously didn’t want to go home at that stage. All the party went back to there to spend night and it’s because they changed their mind that Suzie didn’t spend the night.

So at what time was Suzie meant to have begged Stacey to spend the night? It doesn’t add up.
How many witnesses confirmed hearing their plans change? I know its been stated that Suzie told Stacy to follow her home, but do we know how many people actually heard this? One person? More? I apologize if this question has already been asked.
How many witnesses confirmed hearing their plans change? I know its been stated that Suzie told Stacy to follow her home, but do we know how many people actually heard this? One person? More? I apologize if this question has already been asked.

As far as I am aware it’s was Janelle’s Mum who conveniently woke up just in time to hear Suzie say to Stacey “Follow Me Home”

I don’t hold much stock in it in as she was in bed and just woke up to hear that. Unless the girls were yelling why would she of heard that?
As far as I am aware it’s was Janelle’s Mum who conveniently woke up just in time to hear Suzie say to Stacey “Follow Me Home”

I don’t hold much stock in it in as she was in bed and just woke up to hear that. Unless the girls were yelling why would she of heard that?
Indeed, very odd. Do you believe they actually made it back to Suzie and Sherrill's house? Or do you believe it was staged? Very strange to change plans at the last minute, unless something happened at one of the parties that made them want to leave.
Indeed, very odd. Do you believe they actually made it back to Suzie and Sherrill's house? Or do you believe it was staged? Very strange to change plans at the last minute, unless something happened at one of the parties that made them want to leave.

I assume they made it home because of the make up wipes find in the waste paper bin in Suzie’s bathroom.

I have not seen any concrete evidence but there are rumors that LE found a finger print for Stacey on the front door so if that it is true then they must of made it back.

I am still intrigued by the car spotted the road over from the house and the paperboy said it stood out at that time of the morning as nobody would park there normally. I do believe that car/van could of been used.

If the girls were followed home then it makes sense whoever did this would give them enough time to get ready for bed and to settle in and blitz them.

If the girls were followed home then it makes sense whoever did this would give them enough time to get ready for bed and to settle in and blitz them.

That's how I saw it happening too. Well maybe not followed. But the perps waiting around for Suzie to show. They obviously couldn't have planned for Stacy.
Indeed, very odd. Do you believe they actually made it back to Suzie and Sherrill's house? Or do you believe it was staged? Very strange to change plans at the last minute, unless something happened at one of the parties that made them want to leave.
From everything we've heard, I get the impression there was some hostility between Suzie and Janelle. It could have just been a typical teenage rift, but I think it's perhaps the reason they left the party as opposed to just discovering that there was nowhere but the floor to sleep. It could also explain why Suzie "felt sick" that evening - maybe just didn't want to be around that company any longer than she needed to be. It's so difficult to pinpoint exactly, because much of what Janelle has stated doesn't always ring true. Not sure I believe she's part of the bigger picture in this case, but I feel there's more to what happened at her house that night.

Streeter and McCall, longtime friends but not particularly close ones, had graduated from Kickapoo High School. The night would be spent celebrating.

It was about 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 6. Classmate Janelle Kirby remembers Streeter arriving at her house first. McCall came a few minutes later in her own car.

The first party of the night was at the home of Kirby's next-door neighbors.

"Suzie had a little stomach ache, but nothing else was bothering her," friend Shane Appleby remembered. "She was excited about finally graduating. Everything was kind of open for us.

Anything we wanted to do was out there now, and we could just reach for it. " Appleby, 18, said Streeter always called him her big brother, even though she is a few months older.

"Her license plate says it all: SWEETR," Appleby said. "She's a sweet girl. She's a person you can always depend on. Anytime I was down or troubled, she would give me good advice. She'd tell me to stand up on my own and be my own person. " Appleby said he and Streeter spent much of graduation night reminiscing about their high school days - the people they had met, the things they had done.

Streeter is friendly but shy, friends said. She is more likely to stick closer to people she knows. McCall, on the other hand, bounces about a party and immediately brings life to everyone around her.
While theories are interesting there is NOTHING here fresh or new or helpful to anyone. Maybe why Law Enforcement hasn't brought charges against anyone or found the missing women. They just go round and round like we do.
While theories are interesting there is NOTHING here fresh or new or helpful to anyone. Maybe why Law Enforcement hasn't brought charges against anyone or found the missing women. They just go round and round like we do.

Well it’s not our job to solve it, LE for the families sake alone should get new people in to go over everything from the beginning again. It’s a shame that the case is just at a stand still and i feel for the families who are left behind wanting answers.

I am amazed with social media that the families are not trying to get more exposure again as it’s 3 women vanishing off the face of the planet and zero clues.
To keep going round about whether or not the girls even made it to Sherrill's is just muddying the waters. Investigators concluded that they did. Throwing out red herrings will NOT solve this. Work from the evidence, just like the detectives must.
I have to go with this outlook as well. Although so much of this case has been built on theories, I don't think there should be any doubt that they made it back safely to Sherill's. The crime started there, in one way or another. For the girls to have been abducted away from the residence would have meant Sherill needed to be dealt with separately, at a different time and possibly by another perp. Why would he/they purposely complicate a crime like this? I personally don't think any staging took place inside, either. The purses lined up could have been a result of any number of people that went into the house before Janis arrived there. It takes time and thought to stage a crime scene, too - and it served no real benefit here.
Well it’s not our job to solve it, LE for the families sake alone should get new people in to go over everything from the beginning again. It’s a shame that the case is just at a stand still and i feel for the families who are left behind wanting answers.

I am amazed with social media that the families are not trying to get more exposure again as it’s 3 women vanishing off the face of the planet and zero clues.
I take some offense to this, because Janis gave 27 years and still does to this case. She’s the reason it gets ANY attention. She worked so hard her whole life on this case with One Missing Link.

Stu and Janis are both in bad health, so I would give them a break. They need time for themselves.

Bartt has had it rough too. The media and SPD abandoned him early and drove a big wedge between the families. He runs a blog and posts on several Facebook pages, what else is he supposed to do? He maintains contact with SPD last I heard.
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