"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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my bold

Have you ever smelled human decomposition? I live in NYC and the smell was in the air downtown after 9/11. It is unmistakable. I will never forget it. It clings to your clothing and hair and stays in your nasal passages. There is simply no way anyone (who has ever been exposed) could take it for spoiled food of any kind. Yes, old milk, lunch meat or any other food item can smell putrid but it is NOTHING compared to a dead body.

I have talked to many NYers who have said the same thing. I have never smelled decomp but I know my Father did when he was in WW2, even 40 years later he said he would never,ever forget that horrendous smell.
I feel that way, as well, bout Cindy's prayer outburst... it seem like they were picking things out to twist around, in an attempt to make it sound like/look like that they were being treated badly.

Narcissism. It's always about them being slighted, and if it isn't, just twist the original words until they fit the Narc.'s needs of the moment.
my bold

Have you ever smelled human decomposition? I live in NYC and the smell was in the air downtown after 9/11. It is unmistakable. I will never forget it. It clings to your clothing and hair and stays in your nasal passages. There is simply no way anyone (who has ever been exposed) could take it for spoiled food of any kind. Yes, old milk, lunch meat or any other food item can smell putrid but it is NOTHING compared to a dead body.

ITA x1000. I was living 1/4 mile from the Pentagon on 9/11. I blanched at just the smell of raw meat for so long that my family almost became accidental vegetarians because I couldn't prepare and cook it. And that was just raw meat. No way I would ever mistake that or anything else for decomp.
Mimimama, if you put the statements in context I don't see how they can be said to be lies. In her myspace she says she was distraught, so much so she didn't do a spell check or notice Firefox underline in red. She clearly is saying that Casey is withholding Caylee. She was missing from her home, her grandparents, her bed, just as Casey was at that time. She was sharing intense feelings and it is common to exaggerate, adding an s to turn singular (if that is the case, we don't have those facts) into a plural.

The comment about Casey's friends, put in context with the lead in to the question asked was reffering to a specific time frame and was not an ever and always question.

If I am remembering correctly, George had his first day on that particular job on June 15. He moved around in his line of work.

As far as Jesse G, she may have only had their land line, not cells or home address. Understandable and quite common. Your other quote about Jesse and the name Zanny would be based on the keyword, "typically". That word allows for an exception.

There is nothing to say about JMH or Zachary at this point because the facts haven't been looked into or shared on this subject, only about the other JH. (As I've said elsewhere, there are 25 men in my state with first, middle, last name same as my husband so isn't unreasonable there are other JHs.

I could not claim a bold faced lie based on whether or not LE searched anything since they had made up their mind right away that Casey lied about every single thing and was guilty herself. They didn't follow up to find the IP of Franck or the others, they didn't look for JMH, as far as I can see......If Tony told Lee the truth that Casey didn't start staying nightly till June 27, I don't even see where they attempted to pinpoint exactly where she slept on those key nights before then.

Watching a ZFG in PR doesn't negate that the person never was in Orlando, does it? I won't go on. I just wanted to show that they aren't necessarily lying when looked at objectively.

Casey's cell pings show from June 16 on she stayed with Tony. Except for a few nights while he was in NY.
Casey's cell pings show from June 16 on she stayed with Tony. Except for a few nights while he was in NY.

Well, Tony said to Lee in his car that she didn't start staying nightly until June 27. He could be lying I suppose. But the pings only tell us the 3 mile or so area that she was in.
Yes, I understand. This is really gross, but how would you compare it to a rotting pig? And how clear would you be about it 20 years from now? Remember, the air samples said only that there MAY have been a human decomp event. I've seen nothing that shows me yet it couldn't have been pig or pork product. So are you saying there is no way that they could now think it was something else they smelled and they are absolutely lying? They couldn't have been reacting out of fear? I know, LE said it smelled like human too. How long before they impounded the car? Sometime on the 16th it looks like according to p294 but I don't know how much of this isn't a misstatement. I know one for sure, but it isn't from the Anthony's. They have Cindy listed as a black female, DOB 9/22/1980, 27 years old, black hair and brown eyes. (p293) Hmmm. They first smelled it the night of July 15th? How sure were they? The detective that took the car as evidence used the term, "unidentifiable odor" when making his report. I see he made a correct notation of the vin but overlooked the black woman. Seems like this case is just filled with misstatements or misjudgments.

Ok I found it. On p.310, on 7/17/08 at 15:45 the cadaver dog hit on the passenger fender at the trunk. Now, isn't that where the garbage bag was, on the passenger side of the trunk?

Henry Lee said that the pizza had ham on it.

Processed, smoked, cooked and preservative-laden meat and a body (pig or human) in NO way smell alike.

Ham & bacon in former times wasn't refrigerated. It was hung from the rafters until it was used. Back then food wasn't full of preservatives, either.
Well, Tony said to Lee in his car that she didn't start staying nightly until June 27. He could be lying I suppose. But the pings only tell us the 3 mile or so area that she was in.

Yes, Tony did tell Lee that.

But, Tony wasn't talking to LE or under oath and had no obligation to share correct information with Lee.
Yes, I understand. This is really gross, but how would you compare it to a rotting pig? And how clear would you be about it 20 years from now? Remember, the air samples said only that there MAY have been a human decomp event. I've seen nothing that shows me yet it couldn't have been pig or pork product. So are you saying there is no way that they could now think it was something else they smelled and they are absolutely lying? They couldn't have been reacting out of fear? I know, LE said it smelled like human too. How long before they impounded the car? Sometime on the 16th it looks like according to p294 but I don't know how much of this isn't a misstatement. I know one for sure, but it isn't from the Anthony's. They have Cindy listed as a black female, DOB 9/22/1980, 27 years old, black hair and brown eyes. (p293) Hmmm. They first smelled it the night of July 15th? How sure were they? The detective that took the car as evidence used the term, "unidentifiable odor" when making his report. I see he made a correct notation of the vin but overlooked the black woman. Seems like this case is just filled with misstatements or misjudgments.

Ok I found it. On p.310, on 7/17/08 at 15:45 the cadaver dog hit on the passenger fender at the trunk. Now, isn't that where the garbage bag was, on the passenger side of the trunk?

There was a rotting pig in the trunk of the car? I must have missed that in the evidence list.

I believe the Anthony's are totally lying. They have lost their grand-daughter and they don't want to be the one's to put their daughter behind jail for the rest of their life.

Cindy knew what she smelled that first night. She told her co-workers, she told L.E. in the 911 call. She knew the car smelled of death. She was/is a nurse, George was L.E. They both knew.

I also believe Yuri that testified under oath that the car smelled like a dead body. I believe the dogs too. They are trained to hit on human remains, not pig or pork.

I've smelled rotten meat and I've smelled a dead body and trust me, you can't confuse the two.
CA is already laying groundwork for her "misstatements". At one point in the depo where JM pointed out that she said one thing, and now another, she says something like "well, sir, that was 4 days after I found out my granddaughter was missing. I was upset". She is going to claim that throughout the trial.....that statements she made early on were "wrong" because she was soooooo distraught.

She'd be smarter to claim those misstatements were caused by over-medicating. About 2 weeks into the case there should be some video on Greta and NG where CA is trying to speak, but can't even form a coherent

My opinion of CA hasn't changed since a week after the 911 tapes were released. I still believe she is in it up to her browbangs.
ok, back on the hunt...here's another. using the advice from AquarianE, (tyvm) I copied the entire line of questioning and didn't omit anything, so we can all follow the words right up until the mistatement. They are discussing the air matress at this point, and if it was common practice for Casey to take it with her when she knew caylee would be spending the night with her and Zanny.

What's interesting to me is that CA states that Casey never gave Caylee to Zanny, which I am presuming meant that Zanny took Caylee.CA then states in the same line of questioning, that Casey was returning to pick Caylee back up, which again presumes that Casey had indeed dropped Caylee off with Zanny.
15 A Casey, from my understanding, never gave
16 Caylee to Zanny.
17 Q Okay. I think you understand what I'm asking.
18 A (Shakes head.) .
19 Q When she went missing on June 15 --
20 A She didn't go missing on June 15. It was June
21 16.
22 Q I'm sorry, ma'am. June 6th, moving forward,
23 was this airbag, this air mattress that you're telling me
24 about, was that in Casey's possession or your possession?
25 A That was at the house at that time.
>Rough Draft - 48
1 Q The house meaning your house?
2 A Yes.
3 Q Okay. So this wasn't a trip where, as you
4 said before, that there would be times where she slept
5 over and that the air mattress would have gone with her.
6 This wasn't one of them; is that right?
7 A No. From my understanding, on June 16th,
8 Casey was going to pick Caylee back up at 4:00 in the
9 afternoon or whatever time it was.
She'd be smarter to claim those misstatements were caused by over-medicating. About 2 weeks into the case there should be some video on Greta and NG where CA is trying to speak, but can't even form a coherent

My opinion of CA hasn't changed since a week after the 911 tapes were released. I still believe she is in it up to her browbangs.

She also looked EXTREMELY doped up while on the stand at Casey's bond hearing.
I remember about a year ago Casey -- actually,
9 it wasn't a curling iron. It was a hair straightener
10 that Casey had at the house. I saw it. I asked her
11 where did you get that. She said Zanny gave it to me.

Why would Cindy ask KC this? To me...it seems that she is looking for proof that KC is stealing either things or money to buy things. Very telling, for me. Such a simple thing that is remembered a year ago that KC had a hair striaghtener but for some reason it sticks out in Cindy's mind....Why??? Because she is looking for clues that KC is lying about a job and a nanny....MOO
ok, back on the hunt...here's another. using the advice from AquarianE, (tyvm) I copied the entire line of questioning and didn't omit anything, so we can all follow the words right up until the mistatement. They are discussing the air matress at this point, and if it was common practice for Casey to take it with her when she knew caylee would be spending the night with her and Zanny.

What's interesting to me is that CA states that Casey never gave Caylee to Zanny, which I am presuming meant that Zanny took Caylee.CA then states in the same line of questioning, that Casey was returning to pick Caylee back up, which again presumes that Casey had indeed dropped Caylee off with Zanny.
15 A Casey, from my understanding, never gave
16 Caylee to Zanny.
17 Q Okay. I think you understand what I'm asking.
18 A (Shakes head.) .
19 Q When she went missing on June 15 --
20 A She didn't go missing on June 15. It was June
21 16.
22 Q I'm sorry, ma'am. June 6th, moving forward,
23 was this airbag, this air mattress that you're telling me
24 about, was that in Casey's possession or your possession?
25 A That was at the house at that time.
>Rough Draft - 48
1 Q The house meaning your house?
2 A Yes.
3 Q Okay. So this wasn't a trip where, as you
4 said before, that there would be times where she slept
5 over and that the air mattress would have gone with her.
6 This wasn't one of them; is that right?
7 A No. From my understanding, on June 16th,
8 Casey was going to pick Caylee back up at 4:00 in the
9 afternoon or whatever time it was.

I believe she is saying that Casey didn't "give" her child away, only loaned her with the intention of getting her back later that day. But, I would wonder here why she didn't hear George say that Casey had said they may stay at Zanny's because she might work late, if he said that in an interview when she was present. Then the question might be, why didn't she find it strange that Casey didn't take the air mattress. But I'm sure she wouldn't have automatically thought to go look for it, since she may not have always taken it with her or Cindy may not have paid attention to what Casey took each time. And she wasn't there when she left the house. The diaper bag I can understand her knowing about though. It's standard procedure and routine with a little one.
A few people have mentioned that they think George was paranoid for thinking he was being given the finger.

I respectfully disagree. I think it was just part of his plan to always make it look like he is a victim. He was hoping he'd convince us the lawyer wasn't being nice to him and that we'd feel sorry for him. Just like he told LE he lost the family money in a Nigerian scam, cause he thought he'd look like a victim and he likes playing that role.

What she said! :thumb:

IMO, this is being read wrong. I'll explain below.

17 Q So during the 31 day time period when Caylee
18 in your mind was missing, that you --
19 A 31 day period Caylee was not missing in my
20 mind.
21 Q There came a point by July 3rd at least you
22 that thought she was missing?
23 A No, I did not believe that Caylee Marie was
Page 42
24 missing until July 15th. If I would have thought that
25 Caylee Marie was missing before July 15th, I would have
>Rough Draft - 51
1 called 911 before July 15th.
2 Q Okay. Let me -- we'll get back to the air
3 mattress in just a bit. You had a Myspace account, did
4 you not?
5 A Yes, I opened a Myspace account.
6 Q And you actually would post on Myspace, right?
7 A I posted it for my daughter -- for Casey's
8 benefit only because I didn't have any friends on
9 Myspace, and I did it --
10 Q Let me hand you -- we'll go ahead and mark
11 this as an exhibit. And that's -- you recognize that,
12 don't you.
13 (Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 1 was marked.)
14 A Yeah, I know it. I wrote it.
15 Q You wrote it and this is something you put on
16 Myspace, correct?
17 A Right, for Casey. And I tried to get her to
18 be my friend so she could read that.
19 Q All right. So what is the date of that
20 posting?
21 A July the 3rd.
22 Q All right. And you say, what? What is the
23 title of the posting?
24 A My Caylee is missing.
25 Q All right. So is it fair to say that when you
>Rough Draft - 52
1 wrote this, your mind was that Caylee, in fact, was
Page 43
2 missing?
3 A No.
4 Q So that doesn't mean -- my Caylee's missing
5 doesn't mean what it says?
6 A No.
7 Q Okay.

Her message about "My Caylee is missing" means she misses Caylee and wants to see her. She went on MySpace and tried to be KC's friend so she could open up a dialog with her. Be her friend means to have KC add her as a friend on Myspace.

IMO, she never would have made the 911 call about the dead body if she knew. If it were me I'd strap the kid into her car seat and drive the car into a lake.
I am just amazed at their lack of respect for the system and the process. They are acting like spoiled children, lashing out, screaming, throwing tantrums. You really want to get out of there?? Sit, be quiet, answer the yes or no questions with a yes or a no. Do NOT go into diatribes about who said what on camera, b/c for months there wasn't a camera they didn't like.

They are going through something NONE of us will ever (hopefully) go through. I can't imagine the pain, the confusion, the sheer shock of thinking one day your family (as screwed up as it is) is intact - and now you are the top story of National news daily. But NO ONE has the right - well I guess they have the right, but its going to cause so many more problems - to behave the way they behaved during these depositions.

What if witness acted like this during depos with JB. The As would be raising holy HE!! that, "wahhh....no one will cooperate, you are all against us, you have been from day one."

The lack of respect that they showed to the attys, ZG, each other, and truly themselves show that it is no HUGE leap to see that a young women with many, many MANY problems growing up with this would leap to killing her child in order to prove a point.

I have no more words. My sorrow is great for what happened to this toddler that resembles my now 2 year 4 month old angel.
I am just amazed at their lack of respect for the system and the process. They are acting like spoiled children, lashing out, screaming, throwing tantrums. You really want to get out of there?? Sit, be quiet, answer the yes or no questions with a yes or a no. Do NOT go into diatribes about who said what on camera, b/c for months there wasn't a camera they didn't like.

They are going through something NONE of us will ever (hopefully) go through. I can't imagine the pain, the confusion, the sheer shock of thinking one day your family (as screwed up as it is) is intact - and now you are the top story of National news daily. But NO ONE has the right - well I guess they have the right, but its going to cause so many more problems - to behave the way they behaved during these depositions.

What if witness acted like this during depos with JB. The As would be raising holy HE!! that, "wahhh....no one will cooperate, you are all against us, you have been from day one."

The lack of respect that they showed to the attys, ZG, each other, and truly themselves show that it is no HUGE leap to see that a young women with many, many MANY problems growing up with this would leap to killing her child in order to prove a point.

I have no more words. My sorrow is great for what happened to this toddler that resembles my now 2 year 4 month old angel.

What she said!
ahhh....come on....Cindy and George knew Casey did not work, they knew she was a liar, a thief, there was no Zanny the nanny and that Casey was most likely real sick puppy, all these BS displayed during the deposition by the A's is a precurser of what is to come, this is showtime for narcisistic people...I don't feel sorry for them anymore...

Cindy's combative behaviour, spins, lies, chewing gum, smirking and winking left
a sour note on all of us...as much as I try to like this woman I just can't...she is controlling, manipulative and just plain mean....hard to believe she did not almost
choke the life out of Casey after mom told her Casey stoled money from her....
and in turn Casey took Caylee and did what mom did to her, with fatal results...
About the hair straightener...

CA must think this is important in some way. I recall and exchange between CA and KC in one of the jailhouse interview tapes where Cindy asks about the "straightener". Until the depos, I was thinking she meant "Zanny" had given KC a chemical hair straightener (and couldn't figure out why KC would need one!). It seems to me that CA wanted to make sure the straightener was noticed for some reason. Perhaps there were some "donated" hairs included with the straightener when it was turned over to LE?

ETA: not jailhouse "interview" tapes...I meant conversations taped with CA & GA visiting KC
What she said! :thumb:

Her message about "My Caylee is missing" means she misses Caylee and wants to see her. She went on MySpace and tried to be KC's friend so she could open up a dialog with her. Be her friend means to have KC add her as a friend on Myspace.

Hmmm... I know she denied there was a fight or falling out, then I why in the world would she need to reach out to be friends? Hmmmm
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