Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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Thank you all for the updates on this case today. I had to work out of town and missed everything. His refusing to accept the plea deal is so stupid. Had the vote been more even, like 6-6 or even 8-4 I could understand his hope that another jury might be won over. 11-1 odds are not good. Looking forward to the next go 'round, hope the jury gets it right then.

I don't know the rules of evidence in NC or AZ or anywhere else as I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure you can find those online by doing a search.
I think they'll nail him in the trial part deux. Interesting that the state was willing to plea bargain, even with an 11-1 split. Glad that didn't happen in the other wife killer cases in the area.
Was Tyndall checking out that lady's booty? C'mon, Amos.

No way! One virtual hug for the cameraman that caught that. Sorry Amos, you're busted. :)

**inside AT's head......" ♫ What 'cha gonna do with all that junk...♪....... please don't judge me by my murdering client. I'm not creepy, honest."

That was me being funny, or not. Just a little joke at a defense attorney's expense. I haven't seen all of the hearing video yet and I'm only this far into the thread. Just in case later I find out he was looking at .... IDK... a snake on the floor, or something like that. No wait, same joke applies. :floorlaugh:
They are betting on another hung jury.....If so, he walks.
There is no way Durham County will try this case a 3rd time, imo.
Unlike the state vs jason lynn young, i'm not sure what they can add to the next trial that will make it almost a sure thing. Just play a video of the closing, as they gave it all they had and certainly painted a clear picture of the evil killer. We can just hope all 12 are reasonable and understand CE and what reasonable doubt is and what it isn't.
Maybe he decided not to take it because he figured by that time Kaiden was 29 years old Kaiden would have figured out that his father was indeed the one who murdered his mother and he would rather be incarcerated so as not to face him. Since I'm not a sociopath, I have no clue what his thinking is.

I strongly disagree. Being that you are not a sociopath, and taking in to consideration how much we have learned about the sociopathic mind over the years (we as a collective group of people who find discussing this type of personality interesting here at WS and other places) I think you absolutely do have a clue as to what he might be thinking. You and your big brain, know this case inside out. I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday and you can recall what I said to you on the phone on Thursday, February 12, 2005 without hesitating. You're a weird chick, and I dig that about you. Therefore I declare this the post I most strongly disagree with and I throw out to the people of this thread.... am I right? I think when you're not frustrated and being snarky you come up with some pretty awesome insight to Raven and how he thinks. You're pretty smart when you're frustrated and snarky too, don't get me wrong.

Sorry didn't mean to turn this into a Trixinatorgator thread. Hey I noticed that I posted on this thread earlier today.... I totally forgot I was here. I should never come on here when I'm only half paying attention. I'm a grandma who's adult kids just moved back in with a two year old and I'm not used to all the stirred up energy in the house. They all left.... it's so zennnnnn in here. Oops! Almost took a nap. Back to reading.
A bargain compared to the $1.5M cost so far for the Arias case and they're still not done as they are going to retry the penalty phase. The total will be up to $2M by the time they are done.

Cooper case was about $340K.

Don't know cost of Young case but 2 trials and years of investigation.

Well after eight years of waiting for this trial and knowing Mrs. Christiansen has breast cancer and put off surgery for the October trial and January trial and April trial date, and knowing they are going to have to do this all over again in January, the price tag of suffering Janet's family & friends have had to endure is extreme.

None of Janet's family live in NC. Arias case it's nationally known. Seems a lot of people out there care about that case, but Janet Marie and her unborn child is not a high profile case, there are so few people that care about Justice for Janet, and that has stuck in my craw since day one when the Runaway Bride was National Headlines.

Like in Raven's video if he were to win three million dollars, he spent it all on fighting websleuths, fighting the internet, securing a home & future for Kaiden and in the end...Janet was nothing but an afterthought...he'd use some money to get her name more recognized at Southern Virginia University.

Janet was murdered before Nancy Cooper and Michelle Young and I'm so glad they received Justice, but for Janet, there is still no Justice.

The price of Janet's murder is so much more than a $ figure.
BBMLOL... wth does that even mean? :floorlaugh:

:rockon: I just LOL at him. He thinks he is all that, and his momma thinks he is god's gift to the ladies, so I treat him accordingly. Punkinpieceofpiehoneybee smooch.
They are betting on another hung jury.....If so, he walks.
There is no way Durham County will try this case a 3rd time, imo.
Unlike the state vs jason lynn young, i'm not sure what they can add to the next trial that will make it almost a sure thing. Just play a video of the closing, as they gave it all they had and certainly painted a clear picture of the evil killer. We can just hope all 12 are reasonable and understand CE and what reasonable doubt is and what it isn't.
Wait... what... oh NOT RAVEN. I keep getting confused by all the "cross casing" posts from NC. What is in the water out there? Too many defense attorney's and not enough divorce attorneys or what? Anyway, back to Janet's case.
Thanks LL&S, that's very sweet of you and yeah, I'm a very weird chick indeed! <3:rockon:
:rockon: I just LOL at him. He thinks he is all that, and his momma thinks he is god's gift to the ladies, so I treat him accordingly. Punkinpieceofpiehoneybee smooch.
And I thought I was the bomb wordstringertogetherergoddess. Damitalltohellandbacktwiceonatuesday!!
They are betting on another hung jury.....If so, he walks.
There is no way Durham County will try this case a 3rd time, imo.
Unlike the state vs jason lynn young, i'm not sure what they can add to the next trial that will make it almost a sure thing. Just play a video of the closing, as they gave it all they had and certainly painted a clear picture of the evil killer. We can just hope all 12 are reasonable and they understand CE and what reasonable doubt is and what it isn't.

It will come down to careful and thorough voir dire more than anything. If there's a juror who refuses to convict on "just" circumstantial evidence, because they don't understand what that is and refuse to believe the definition of it, they'll never get through to this type of person. Most murders don't have confessions or eye witnesses and every case that doesn't have one those are, by definition, "circumstantial" cases. Most people don't know that blood, hair, fibers, footprints, fingerprints and all forensic evidence is still "circumstantial" evidence. Some don't believe it even when informed.
Yes it is, but you're the one who brought up the $211,344 cost of the Aboroa trial. I was comparing that cost to other recent murder case costs.

True that, I was quoting Tamara Gibbs post regarding this case.

I agree with you also when you said " If there's a juror who refuses to convict on "just" circumstantial evidence, because they don't understand what that is and refuse to believe the definition of it, they'll never get through to this type of person. "

There are people out there that don't understand Circumstantial Evidence is, I'm surprised more people don't get away free.

Members of her family said Thursday that they were disappointed that Raven Abaaroa did not accept the state's offer, but that they were not surprised.

"I don't think any member of the family is going to give up until there is resolution," Janet Abaroa's brother, Richard Christiansen, said. "No matter how long it takes, we want to see this process through. We're frustrated, but optimistic for the next time around."
I think they'll nail him in the trial part deux. Interesting that the state was willing to plea bargain, even with an 11-1 split. Glad that didn't happen in the other wife killer cases in the area.
UMMMM I am sure it did. State is obligated to make offer.$$$$ is always a factor $$$$ always trumps personal feelings and "justice"..... this is planet earth after all.
They are betting on another hung jury.....If so, he walks.
There is no way Durham County will try this case a 3rd time, imo.
Unlike the state vs jason lynn young, i'm not sure what they can add to the next trial that will make it almost a sure thing. Just play a video of the closing, as they gave it all they had and certainly painted a clear picture of the evil killer. We can just hope all 12 are reasonable and understand CE and what reasonable doubt is and what it isn't.
One thing I have learned over the span of my life....JUST WHEN U THINK THERE IS NO MORE...THERE IS ALWAYS MORE. I do agree with not seeing NC running a 3rd trial though. God help the universe should he be released.
Well after eight years of waiting for this trial and knowing Mrs. Christiansen has breast cancer and put off surgery for the October trial and January trial and April trial date, and knowing they are going to have to do this all over again in January, the price tag of suffering Janet's family & friends have had to endure is extreme.

None of Janet's family live in NC. Arias case it's nationally known. Seems a lot of people out there care about that case, but Janet Marie and her unborn child is not a high profile case, there are so few people that care about Justice for Janet, and that has stuck in my craw since day one when the Runaway Bride was National Headlines.

Like in Raven's video if he were to win three million dollars, he spent it all on fighting websleuths, fighting the internet, securing a home & future for Kaiden and in the end...Janet was nothing but an afterthought...he'd use some money to get her name more recognized at Southern Virginia University.

Janet was murdered before Nancy Cooper and Michelle Young and I'm so glad they received Justice, but for Janet, there is still no Justice.

The price of Janet's murder is so much more than a $ figure.
How can put a price even be put on someone's murder? :rolleyes: This guy killed his wife and unborn child for no other reason than to be free. :banghead:

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