Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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So what are you all doing to keep on top of when/if the jury comes back today? Refreshing the WRAL site every 15 mins or so, or what?

I have my speakers turned on so whenever a tweet comes in it makes a sound and I can go look at the tab to see what's new.

Otherwise I'm organizing my Favorites, putting all the links I've collected and want to keep during the past two trials in a separate folder.

A little OT - I've been teaching myself to quilt lately and made a cute little sewing center in the sitting area off the MB, of course as I'm getting it all set up we have a leak from the roof to the bdrm ceiling, hub goes up there to put towels down and falls halfway through the ceiling.

It was repaired (and the chimney causing the leak rebuilt this past weekend) but the ceiling isn't sanded or finished so I can't do much sewing for the nonce. So computer organizing is keeping my mind busy while awaiting the verdict.
coffee, coffee, and lots of praying & trying to send positive thoughts......
That's pretty much what I'm doing. On both WRAL.com and WTVD.com. I declare in the past it seems that there was a camera in the courtroom but not streaming--just a 'jury deliberating' sign up on the screen. And we knew when the verdict was announced because we watched it--I so well remember the flat affect of both Jason Young and Brad Cooper. Jason Young used to blink, about 1,000 times a second, and during the reading of the verdict he didn't even blink.

That was me yesterday.... I don't think I blinked once during Char's close. I did blurt out a few 'whoops' and 'you go girl!' a few times. I think I might have said 'holy ship' a few times, but blink.... nope. LOL! One of my house mates even came back here to see if I was ok. :)
I have my speakers turned on so whenever a tweet comes in it makes a sound and I can go look at the tab to see what's new.

Otherwise I'm organizing my Favorites, putting all the links I've collected and want to keep during the past two trials in a separate folder.

A little OT - I've been teaching myself to quilt lately and made a cute little sewing center in the sitting area off the MB, of course as I'm getting it all set up we have a leak from the roof to the bdrm ceiling, hub goes up there to put towels down and falls halfway through the ceiling.

It was repaired (and the chimney causing the leak rebuilt this past weekend) but the ceiling isn't sanded or finished so I can't do much sewing for the nonce. So computer organizing is keeping my mind busy while awaiting the verdict.
I had to run out night before last and buy a new wifi card for my 'puter, then last night the power supply blew. I have no idea if the one had anything to do with the other. Thank the good lord that my son and his wife were here and in less that 10 minutes they had the power supply from my DH's old computer out and installed in my computer and I was back up and running. They warned me that this supply may not last long, that I might need to buy a more powerful one, but I can't afford a bottle of water right now let alone more computer parts. I tried to do a full back up to my external hard drive last night and it crashed. I'm going to do the same as you and do some much needed 'puter maintenance today. Usually I'm very good about doing weekly back ups, but I've been distracted the last few months. Last night put things back in perspective though. I can't afford to lose all my graphic arts work, I just can't. So I'm backing up everything, even the dust on the screens today. :)
I watch many trials and post very seldom because most of you post my thoughts and questions and I don't want to lengthen the posts... with that said I have a few thoughts now that the jury is deciding the verdict themselves.
Two behavior contrast that stuck out to me were...#1 how different the families came across. Janet's family came across as almost naive but so honest and caring. Raven's family came across with an agenda and lacking compassion for Janet. What struck me with Raven's mom was the comment when she said she told Janet to leave Raven. I think she was speaking for Raven. He was done with this marriage.
The other behavior noticed was at the end of closing arguments....the DA looks relieved and happy as I think they felt good about their job and the defense look stressed and upset as I feel they knew they had been out done. I think that is how it played in court for the jury too. The fact that the DA just presented the facts and waited to the closing arguments to put it all together would sit well for me. Kind of a sign of respect for the jury in that they don't have to hold their hand through the whole trial...they will get it in the end. Just my 2 cents.
I have my speakers turned on so whenever a tweet comes in it makes a sound and I can go look at the tab to see what's new.

Otherwise I'm organizing my Favorites, putting all the links I've collected and want to keep during the past two trials in a separate folder.

A little OT - I've been teaching myself to quilt lately and made a cute little sewing center in the sitting area off the MB, of course as I'm getting it all set up we have a leak from the roof to the bdrm ceiling, hub goes up there to put towels down and falls halfway through the ceiling.

It was repaired (and the chimney causing the leak rebuilt this past weekend) but the ceiling isn't sanded or finished so I can't do much sewing for the nonce. So computer organizing is keeping my mind busy while awaiting the verdict.

Congratulations on teaching yourself how to quilt. I admire anyone who can quilt, my fingers are too clumsy. So sorry about the roof leak.....we have the very same problem here. Had a new roof put on the house after Hurricane Irene 2 years ago and they redid all of the flashing which helped. I hope your husband didn't get hurt. Mine has done the very same thing--fell through the ceiling while in the attic.
Thanks for keeping us posted on the tweets. I don't know how to set all of that up, I have a Twitter account but use it very rarely.
Do you folks have a "next"trial you will follow after this? I enjoy you all so much. Would it be the Hayes trial?
Not to sound sappy or anything, but it has been a pleasure watching the trial with all of you. After being away from WS for a long time dealing with all that's been going on in my life, it feels pretty good to see familiar names and finally getting to watch this particular trial with the good people here. I wish Golfmom had been here with us, and a few others from the beginning of this thing. I've been around the www a few dozen times over the years and I'm still in AWE over the tight ship that Tricia runs here and am really proud to be a member.
I had to run out night before last and buy a new wifi card for my 'puter, then last night the power supply blew. I have no idea if the one had anything to do with the other. Thank the good lord that my son and his wife were here and in less that 10 minutes they had the power supply from my DH's old computer out and installed in my computer and I was back up and running. They warned me that this supply may not last long, that I might need to buy a more powerful one, but I can't afford a bottle of water right now let alone more computer parts. I tried to do a full back up to my external hard drive last night and it crashed. I'm going to do the same as you and do some much needed 'puter maintenance today. Usually I'm very good about doing weekly back ups, but I've been distracted the last few months. Last night put things back in perspective though. I can't afford to lose all my graphic arts work, I just can't. So I'm backing up everything, even the dust on the screens today. :)

Bless your heart, I hope you can get everything worked out. I know how important your graphics must be. I always panic when anything happens to my computer because I am so tech illiterate I never know what to do. And my husband doesn't even know how to turn his phone on and off so he's no good.
I had to run out night before last and buy a new wifi card for my 'puter, then last night the power supply blew. I have no idea if the one had anything to do with the other. Thank the good lord that my son and his wife were here and in less that 10 minutes they had the power supply from my DH's old computer out and installed in my computer and I was back up and running. They warned me that this supply may not last long, that I might need to buy a more powerful one, but I can't afford a bottle of water right now let alone more computer parts. I tried to do a full back up to my external hard drive last night and it crashed. I'm going to do the same as you and do some much needed 'puter maintenance today. Usually I'm very good about doing weekly back ups, but I've been distracted the last few months. Last night put things back in perspective though. I can't afford to lose all my graphic arts work, I just can't. So I'm backing up everything, even the dust on the screens today. :)

Oh my, that's a lot to go wrong with a computer in a short time, good on you getting everything saved that needs saving just in case. :)

Jurors taking a break now after 2 hours of deliberation.
Do you folks have a "next"trial you will follow after this? I enjoy you all so much. Would it be the Hayes trial?

I'm thinking the Hayes/Haze trial will be the next one. Supposed to begin in August--him first, her second.
Looking forward to reconnecting with all of you then!

Thank you for clarifying this - I am going through Trix withdrawl! There is so much about the legal process in NC that I am learning on the fly, and you understand it and can explain it in a way that doesn't make me feel stupid!

Please keep the updates coming!


The 911 call was given to the jurors to review as they seen fit in the deliberation room, they were given a boom box.

The video recording that was found in a camera when he was arrested in Idaho, when Raven video taped his conversation with Investigator Sole and then taped himself stating he needed to win Three Million dollars so he could use 2 million to fight Websleuths and the interwebz people and some of it to for the care of Kaiden and then as an afterthought...an afterthought he would dedicate some of the winning to make Janet's name more recognized at Southern Virginia, was shown in open court with the jurors present.

The rest of the evidence was allowed to go back to the deliberation room, including the clothing with a stipulation they needed to wear gloves when handling it, I was told.
Do you folks have a "next"trial you will follow after this? I enjoy you all so much. Would it be the Hayes trial?
I've been going over to YouTube and watching some of Jodi A's trial testimony. I did not follow the threads here. I don't know if I'll let myself get caught up in another trial right away. Like my previous post, my computer is iffy at this point and I don't want my family to think I plan on staying in my room the entire summer. :) However, you just never know.... it depends on if another case reaches out and grabs me. There are a couple that I've already been reading about so don't be surprised if you see me around the boards.
Bless your heart, I hope you can get everything worked out. I know how important your graphics must be. I always panic when anything happens to my computer because I am so tech illiterate I never know what to do. And my husband doesn't even know how to turn his phone on and off so he's no good.
My DH was THE computer guru in our circle of family and friends before he got sick. My computer started giving me trouble literally the day after he passed away last June. It feels like I've been dealing with one issue after another for almost a year now. It sucks. However, I'm getting better at dealing with stuff.... thank God my sons and dil are here to lend a hand. Between the four of us we have kept me up and running. If I were smart I'd get my arse in a computer class asap.
Bless your heart, I hope you can get everything worked out. I know how important your graphics must be. I always panic when anything happens to my computer because I am so tech illiterate I never know what to do. And my husband doesn't even know how to turn his phone on and off so he's no good.
My DH was THE computer guru in our circle of family and friends before he got sick. My computer started giving me trouble literally the day after he passed away last June. It feels like I've been dealing with one issue after another for almost a year now. It sucks. However, I'm getting better at dealing with stuff.... thank God my sons and dil are here to lend a hand. Between the four of us we have kept me up and running. If I were smart I'd get my arse in a computer class asap. At this point, I just want to get through this verdict, then I can take a break, spend more time in my garden and figure out what I'm going to do about MAYBE getting a new laptop in the near future.
Congratulations on teaching yourself how to quilt. I admire anyone who can quilt, my fingers are too clumsy. So sorry about the roof leak.....we have the very same problem here. Had a new roof put on the house after Hurricane Irene 2 years ago and they redid all of the flashing which helped. I hope your husband didn't get hurt. Mine has done the very same thing--fell through the ceiling while in the attic.
Thanks for keeping us posted on the tweets. I don't know how to set all of that up, I have a Twitter account but use it very rarely.

I did look at JA's hands with some envy, mine aren't tiny but man, think of the quilting you could do with those mitts. lol

Aside from a few scratches his pride was mostly all that got hurt. And wallet. The roof was new since Ike, hard to belive they covered over rotting chimney boards where it meets the roof but we bought the house 9 months after all that.

I've never had any interest in the tweet/facebook type of social media, too difficult to converse, I like message boards like here (heart heart :)). But I'm saving video stream links that have tweets embedded so I can keep up.
I did look at JA's hands with some envy, mine aren't tiny but man, think of the quilting you could do with those mitts. lol

Aside from a few scratches his pride was mostly all that got hurt. And wallet. The roof was new since Ike, hard to belive they covered over rotting chimney boards where it meets the roof but we bought the house 9 months after all that.

I've never had any interest in the tweet/facebook type of social media, too difficult to converse, I like message boards like here (heart heart :)). But I'm saving video stream links that have tweets embedded so I can keep up.

Please update us when you receive the tweets. I need to force myself to learn Twitter but it has never been a high priority issue until now.
My DH was THE computer guru in our circle of family and friends before he got sick. My computer started giving me trouble literally the day after he passed away last June. It feels like I've been dealing with one issue after another for almost a year now. It sucks. However, I'm getting better at dealing with stuff.... thank God my sons and dil are here to lend a hand. Between the four of us we have kept me up and running. If I were smart I'd get my arse in a computer class asap.

My DH was THE computer guru in our circle of family and friends before he got sick. My computer started giving me trouble literally the day after he passed away last June. It feels like I've been dealing with one issue after another for almost a year now. It sucks. However, I'm getting better at dealing with stuff.... thank God my sons and dil are here to lend a hand. Between the four of us we have kept me up and running. If I were smart I'd get my arse in a computer class asap. At this point, I just want to get through this verdict, then I can take a break, spend more time in my garden and figure out what I'm going to do about MAYBE getting a new laptop in the near future.

Is there an echo in here? Darned acoustics...

John Clark ABC11 @JohnClarkABC11
Deliberating Abaroa jurors want to look again at some of the evidence. Update at noon on #ABC11
Ha ha - I should have read your post before commenting. But I think the items they asked for show they are taking their job seriously, and want to be sure he is guilty.

OK - this is NOT a condemnation of the state, because they brought it all home yesterday. I have watched another trial where the state left a lot of things in the air - left you wondering what they were talking about. In this case, I (and I think some others) were worried about the outcome until yesterday. For me, that left room early on to listen to the defense and wonder about the actual proof the state had. It's easy to start forming an opinion as the case goes on, only at the last minute have it all turned on it's head.
I know - better late than never, but IMO it makes the partially formed opinion harder to overcome. Or maybe, I'm just one of those peeps who need to have it all spelled out for me as we go along.
When a fabulous closing like yesterday's comes along, (to borrow a phrase) it scrambles my brain. I'm thinking, "Why didn't I see that when it was presented? What else did I miss?" It makes me second guess myself.
It's probably just the style that bothers me. Maybe I'm pouting that the state made me worry all the way through this trial, knowing they had a good chunk in their hip pocket all along. lol
Whatever it takes is what it takes. I just hope the jury didn't have a mindset that was hard to overcome. Makes the hill with the gold at the top that much harder to climb. I hope yesterday's closing erased any thought they had of Raven's innocence.
Praying for wisdom for them.

This is all probably just nerves - so disregard. Just needed to talk it out.
You and me both!!

After all these years, it never occurred to me that Raven kept saying, 'my baby is crying' on the 911 call and there wasn't any baby crying in the back ground. AND the upside down hand print on the baby's outfit. I didn't know about that at all.... but now all of that makes perfect sense to me. I bet Raven is kicking his own butt for that obvious mistake, among others.

Damn that DIME... will we ever find out what ever became of the dime? I hope some day it ends up in the hands of a precious little five year old and an over priced gumball machine!! :D

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