Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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This goes out to gajonka, what do you think of Defense Attorneys that give their client a PENCIL, to sign a plea deal?

Isn't that a bit disrespectful to the court and then their client LAUGHED about it, like it was joke?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.
This goes out to gajonka, what do you think of Defense Attorneys that give their client a PENCIL, to sign a plea deal?

Isn't that a bit disrespectful to the court and then their client LAUGHED about it, like it was joke?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.


I am on the floor!!!!

Watching the ada now.... will be back!!!!

This goes out to gajonka, what do you think of Defense Attorneys that give their client a PENCIL, to sign a plea deal?

Isn't that a bit disrespectful to the court and then their client LAUGHED about it, like it was joke?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.

We knew it, we knew it Terminatrix!!! & co. I hope they asked for how he did it.... but I am only a few minutes in....
(Mani looking like a 10 in purple, btw.... (smile))
I myself am sad that they didn't retry it, but for the family's sake, I'm glad that now Raven will always be known as a convicted Murderer.

I hope the family can finally get some peace and my prayers are with the family and especially Mrs. Christiansen who has been battling breast cancer since BEFORE the first trial. As I understand it, she had to put off treatment because of the first trial and then didn't start after the last trial because of the new trial date and then that kept getting changed.

None of the Christiansens are from North Carolina. They live all over the United States. Year after year having to fly into NC or drive into NC to meet with LE or the various DA's and Prosecutors, all the hearings, the exhumation, a six week trial, more hearings, living out of hotels, while having breast cancer and having to do it again. This has been their lives since 2005 on top of their grief and loss of their daughter.

Until Raven was arrested, they never rested looking for answers waiting for Justice, Raven blew through girls, women, money, jobs, cons, living fat and large, having fun not searching for his wife's killer, he did NOTHING, not even visiting his wife's grave.

Janet's family has lived this, 4 years in Jail was nothing for Raven and I'm hoping 4 years in Prison he'll be kicking himself when he realizes that Divorce would have been a better option.

This family deserves some peace and healing for sure. I just worry about the next family's life that gets ruined when Raven gets out.

I can't believe this!!!

They didn't even require him to admit to the crime... admit his guilt by telling us what happened that day - how he did it... Shocking....

Looks like - as Borndem said - 8 -9 years!! What the////!????

An Alford Plea.
I d K guys - what do you think? I think the state should have taken this guy down for life... this is not justice!!! I guess they feared the Mani Dexter factor, as set down earlier...
This goes out to gajonka, what do you think of Defense Attorneys that give their client a PENCIL, to sign a plea deal?

Isn't that a bit disrespectful to the court and then their client LAUGHED about it, like it was joke?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.

ADA does good work when reading the summary.

I cannot believe this guy - had sex with her that morning... the insurance... the knives... disgusts me... this is an outrage.... I can only guess the family gave the green light. And his statement!! Ugh, was waiting for someone to cream at him - but the Mormon way, I guess... still cannot believe this... a pregnant girl, too. Ugh... GRRRR......

While Mani looks like a Goddess,, Tyndall acts like a slippery, deformed snake (lol).... with those bug eyes.... what a PRICK!!!! his statement was disgusting, too. Big eyed snake...
We knew it, we knew it Terminatrix!!! & co. I hope they asked for how he did it.... but I am only a few minutes in....
(Mani looking like a 10 in purple, btw.... (smile))

Yeah, Mani wearing the color that* represents domestic abuse was quite appropriate for sure.
I'm still absolutely numb. Yesterday all I could do was curse and cry. Where is the justice for Janet.....her precious unborn baby? I am ashamed at Durham Co and the State of NC. To give this wife and baby killer a chance at normal life in as little as 4 years???????

There is no justice anymore.......I'm convinced this world of ours has simply gone to hell. RA could have been found guilty.....only ONE hold out last time, only ONE. I do not agree with what happened yesterday at RA's circus. I simply can't find the words to describe how horrendous this injustice is. All I can do is ask the same question over and over why???? why????? why??? There is NO answer good enough for me to EVER accept the events that transpired yesterday. I'm just fed up with it all.......
I'm still absolutely numb. Yesterday all I could do was curse and cry. Where is the justice for Janet.....her precious unborn baby? I am ashamed at Durham Co and the State of NC. To give this wife and baby killer a chance at normal life in as little as 4 years???????

There is no justice anymore.......I'm convinced this world of ours has simply gone to hell. RA could have been found guilty.....only ONE hold out last time, only ONE. I do not agree with what happened yesterday at RA's circus. I simply can't find the words to describe how horrendous this injustice is. All I can do is ask the same question over and over why???? why????? why??? There is NO answer good enough for me to EVER accept the events that transpired yesterday. I'm just fed up with it all.......

Echoes... so true.. FOUR YEARS!?!?!?!?! What the...... how the..... where the....... huh>>>>?????? Who Is the genius who put together this plea?? We can only hope he gets beat down in block K for killer....

You are so funny... "..of ours has simply gone to hell...." ha!

I am with you - we all are... why not just try him again?>?>? This is how it works, we do stupid things, we waste money on stupid stuff, hell, we'll just print some more!!! try him again.. pull the plea deal... let's go, opening statements please!!!

This is a stunner... and the news coverage is non-existent... NOTHING outside of 10 miles from NC... not a peep.... No one cares....

I was hoping Mr. C would have drilled RA down a bit more... plus, remember when RA said he wanted to comment on what the speakers/family said??? "But now is not the right time...." what a prick....

Four years.... this is horrible.... the guy got away with a double murder....

...And Tyndall, the bug-eyed, slippery, deformed snake.... seeing him lounging back in his chair,,,, unable to keep still, unable to be a professional. Grrrrr......

Time to vent thread activated... (smile)

Hope all is well with everyone otherwise....wish I could be upbeat considering...
I feel that Mani was very professional today. Tyndall is smart to have her on his team, too bad he hasn't learned professionalism from her.

I have to say that I have lost any and all respect for Tyndall. When the family of Janet Christiansen were speaking, he was disrespectful. The looks he gave, the eye rolls, the way he acted was completely disrespectful. He should be ashamed of how he acted, then again he defended a MURDERING SOCIOPATH AND A COWARD.

Raven Abaroa is a COWARD. He is guilty, period. I truly believe that Raven would have been found 100% guilty this time. Life without the possibility of parole is what he should have received.

Raven is a coward, it's all ABOUT him. He felt that "this wasn't the time or place" to respond to what the family said today? When is a good time Raven? He's not even REMOTELY INNOCENT.

I feel sorry for the world when this murdering scum bag gets out. I'm so glad that I got to see him stand there in the Orange Jumpsuit. I am glad that he's leaving Jail and he's heading to Prison. Prison is where he belongs and I hope that every single day in PRISON he thinks about what he did to Janet, what he did to her family, what he did to his son and what he did to Janet's unborn child.

Raven did this and I knew he take the cowards way out.

I am sure that Karen is spinning this about her "godlike" son, but I know that those close to Raven and his family know the real truth. He killed Janet and their unborn child because he is evil. God help anyone that dates Raven after he gets out of Prison.

^^^^^^Great call on Tyndall....the buggy-eyed, twitching, deformed snake... he was leaning back so far he was abouty to fall back... and his STATEMENT- like throwing crap against a wall... he should be put THROUGH the wall.
Mani looked nice, though. Ahhh....
^^^^^^Great call on Tyndall....the buggy-eyed, twitching, deformed snake... he was leaning back so far he was abouty to fall back... and his STATEMENT- like throwing crap against a wall... he should be put THROUGH the wall.
Mani looked nice, though. Ahhh....

Yeah, I am not sure what the heck was wrong with Tyndall, he acted like he was lounging on a couch.

Oh Gajonka, your love for Mani had you a bit blind, you didn't see the looks Mani gave The Rave when he came in all shackled? You didn't see how Raven smiled and how they looked like they were sharing some personal funny moment.

Also, who the hell gives their client a PENCIL to sign a plea with and Tyndall didn't even sign it. The only word I can come up for him is duface.
Wonder where Raven's Mother was? I am sure trying to spin his lies further.

I feel sorry for the Boltons and extended Abaroa family that know Raven is guilty. That must be a tough situation to be in. Poor Kaiden.
Wonder where Raven's Mother was? I am sure trying to spin his lies further.

I feel sorry for the Boltons and extended Abaroa family that know Raven is guilty. That must be a tough situation to be in. Poor Kaiden.

Did you check the link above??????? There she is..... long.......
The state was probably thinking --

1. Yeah we were so close last time but what if there's another hung jury again. Durham can't afford a third trial & we'd have to let him go.

2. The guy is so guilty but there's no guarantee we'll get a conviction and we only get one more shot because of budget pressure. A plea is better than nothing.

3. It's expensive to try a case and we have a lot of other cases to take to trial.

4. Taxpayer pressure to not waste money and an always-limited budget is forcing us to clear the dockets, if we can. And a plea will keep this guy off the streets for some amount of years and he'll always have a felony record.

I don't think it should come down to money, a woman was murdered. It should be about justice and the fact the last jury voted 11-1 Guilty.
I don't think it should come down to money, a woman was murdered. It should be about justice and the fact the last jury voted 11-1 Guilty.

I don't think it only comes down to money, but realistically-speaking, how many times can one county try someone for murder before they need to give up? 3? 4? 5?

The DA knew if he/his team were not able to get a conviction this next time, he would have a difficult time justifying why he should try the case a 3rd time. Politics and money should not enter into the equation, but that's a reality of that office and the office is funded by the taxpayers.

And think about this: a jury could have decided to fully acquit Aboroa from a 2nd trial. While the odds are not great at that happening, it could have happened, which would mean he would walk out a completely free man with no further jail time and no conviction on his record. Or they could have hung again and the county would likely have to stop at that point. How would you feel if that occurred? Plea bargains are compromise deals; they are never about "justice" for the victim, they are always about other factors.

The bigger question to me is: how does Janet's family feel about this deal? They are the important ones in this equation.
I don't think it should come down to money, a woman was murdered. It should be about justice and the fact the last jury voted 11-1 Guilty.

I AM WITH YOU... we need to pen a note to the da and that sloppy ada.

It is disgusting,,, and I am sorry about the language,,, but this is disgraceful - what the ****! How can a DA think an 11-1 is a risky move "he may be on the streets, free, remember it was 11-1 last time"

They need to take a page from the former DA in LA County - they *advertiser censored*** try cases that were the same - they try and try UNTIL THEY DO THEIR *advertiser censored**** JOBS AND PUt THE *advertiser censored**** IN JAIL. [ are they kidding me? backed up his missing laptop??? missing knive collection???? Wha? Disturbing.... EMBARRASSMENT TO THIS COUNTRY. LETTING A KILLER WALK - THEY SHOULS ALL BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.. WHERE THE HELL IS JUDGE STEPHENS AND BOZ ZELLINGER WHEN YOU NEED THEM.

I don't think it only comes down to money, but realistically-speaking, how many times can one county try someone for murder before they need to give up? 3? 4? 5?

The DA knew if he/his team were not able to get a conviction this next time, he would have a difficult time justifying why he should try the case a 3rd time. Politics and money should not enter into the equation, but that's a reality of that office and the office is funded by the taxpayers.

And think about this: a jury could have decided to fully acquit Aboroa from a 2nd trial. While the odds are not great at that happening, it could have happened, which would mean he would walk out a completely free man with no further jail time and no conviction on his record. Or they could have hung again and the county would likely have to stop at that point. How would you feel if that occurred? Plea bargains are compromise deals; they are never about "justice" for the victim, they are always about other factors.

The bigger question to me is: how does Janet's family feel about this deal? They are the important ones in this equation.

Good points... you tell the truth... the sad truth.

The family was concerned that he would walk. So they are happy that he will stay in jail for " a time." (per the father outside after the hearing)

I am confused... why the fear? What was the big risk>? Let's take Mani out of the equation... what else did they have>??? The unknown DNA???

Was it the third party DNA that scared everyone?

How easy is it to plant that?

(shopping for wigs... sending Tyndall one for the spring....blonde, like his client...)
It's all done but you can watch the whole thing on the wral link above Jewels, it lasts 52 minutes.

ETA: Here's the video link:


TY GV!!!

OMG - watch the first five seconds of this video.... he is laughing it up!! GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

P.s: also listen to how the ground shakes, the booms when the ADA walks and brings the judge a pile of docs within the first five minutes. lol. Too bad Boz Zellinger did not have this case - he's be doing 50. F%$k!
The third party dna? You mean the only third party dna on a back door that was frequently used and could be anyone, but yet someone came into the home and went upstairs, killed Janet as SHE walked into the office and yet....there was nothing stolen and NO OTHER DNA. The dna was under the blood, in a frequently touched area on the door, just one. It could have been any number of people that coughed, spit, transfer dna. That was perfectly explained in the first trial.

If you go to my back door there will be lots of foreign dna, but guess what, there was NO FOREIGN DNA anywhere else.

As far as the rambling remark by Karen (with an E) not a thing she said was correct. This is why Raven is the way he is...right there. It's always someone elses fault for the failings of her children, she really needs to take a big, long, hard look in the mirror to see why her son is prison right now.

Only Karen would blame the victims family.

It sickening that she's raising Kaiden.
I can sit and tear apart every single thing that Karen posted at the News Observer, but it's not even worth it, because anyone that has a brain knows she is full of it.

I'd love to know who she is threatening with the one comment "I promise you that you will also have to pay the price for destroying Raven and his son's life."

What price....the price of Janet's life? The price of her unborn child's life? The narcissism shines through in her thought process alone.

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