Misty and family psych profile

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OLG, I have to agree. Lisa was no doubt once very beautiful, but her lifestyle has been hard on her. I'm not criticizing her looks; I'm stating that her life is worn her down. She is everything to everyone, regardless of the conflicts it causes.

In the incident with Ronald and Misty, when Tommy, Lisa, and Hank drove up to "rescue her" (per their statements).......I easily see that. But I also easily see the set-up. That Misty called for rescue, and then she "stood by HER man." Misty has always been a throwaway child for them. Repeatedly in her life-story, she is away from her family.

I do not think they were there on Lisa's insistence. She is more of a "you made your bed, lie in it" type of parent. She was nearly as giddy as Misty for signing the emancipation papers. One wonders why she even showed up that night.

I believe Hank Sr only went along because he views his family as property anyway. I think the instigator for going that night was Tommy, that the call came to Tommy to help her (Misty) and that Hank decided to go along (for reasons of hatred toward Ron, not for fear of his child) and Lisa tagged along with her husband (not out of concern for her children).

Tommy, who has the 'hero' role in family dynamics (not meaning he has any superpowers, just that he will be the one to try to fix things, however it can be that he fixes them [usually with his fists]) and he will fight whoever he needs to fight to do what he needs to do to keep his family dynamic in place.

The Damsel (Misty) calls, the Hero responds, the Jester/Antagonizer (Hank) goes along, and the peace keeper (Lisa) rides shotgun.

The center of the chaos (Misty) then pulls back, and disrupts the family dynamic enough that a fight ensues, and she sits back and gloats over what she's created: In her mind, everyone she cares about is fighting over HER! and it's wonderful. Misty learned how to control the chaos to a master's fine technique, and she has been spreading that knowledge since.

Whether she and Ronald were fighting that night is a moot point; it is quite clear (to me) she made her family believe that was what was going on, and she took full advantage of it to prove her love to her man (much like Lisa does over and again) by filling out that paperwork on her brother.

Five days later, she tries to file papers on her mother. This would be AFTER her mother was on TV telling the world she thinks her daughter isn't telling the truth and that she believes her son.

This family could keep a general psych class in notes on the family dynamics for an entire semester.

ITA with your assessment of Misty- that girl imo, is classic borderline. I don't think she feels loved unless people are fighting over her. I don't doubt for a second that she would "create" a fight just for attention. though it's MO Ron is not the angel people try to make us think he is (I don't think he's evil either though) so I also think the fight very well could have happened.

I don't think she has loyalty toward anyone.. she wouldn't know what it looks like if it smacked her up upside the head. That girl grew up learning again and again the only person she can trust is herself- imagine living your life knowing there is nobody you can depend on. Not pretty. but not an excuse either.

I don't think Misty had a hand in Haleigh going missing but I do think she is covering for someone.
I was curious on why Hank Sr. will not get involved and make any statements to LE. He is either a wuz or is scared to cross misty. I think they all appear afraid of her or thinks she's so crazy, they better keep their mouths shut.

I think she may threaten them. She probably told them she'd tell LE about his Dr. shopping. It was only a short while after Tommy's arrest that Hank got nailed. Lotsa times in homes like this one member will hold the rest hostage with threats of "out'ing" the others... holding their past or ongoing crimes or secrets over their heads like a piano about to be dropped out the window on top of 'em.

I wouldn't be surprised.
I think she may threaten them. She probably told them she'd tell LE about his Dr. shopping. It was only a short while after Tommy's arrest that Hank got nailed. Lotsa times in homes like this one member will hold the rest hostage with threats of "out'ing" the others... holding their past or ongoing crimes or secrets over their heads like a piano about to be dropped out the window on top of 'em.

I wouldn't be surprised.

I've thought this for a long time. I think they are all wrapped up in illegal drugs and possibly more and they don't want to ruin their lifestyle.

I'm also afraid the reason they don't say what they know for Haleigh's sake is that they feel "what's done is done". It is a sad and self-serving excuse and if I am right, Haleigh is not alive. :(
I personally believe that the Croslin men are afraid of Misti accusing them of molesting her. They saw what has happened to other men that she has said that about. Lisa doesn't have to worry on that account so she can pretty much say what she thinks to a certain extent

I remember reading that her Grandmother in Tenn, said that Misti's younger life wasn't as bad as Misti has made it out to be. She said that she couldn't remember them ever living out of their car, I know that there was more that she (meaning the Grandmother), said I just can't remember it.

I also believe that Haleigh is no longer with us in the land of the living but I think that Misti had a hand in whatever happened to Haleigh and I also believe that Misti had a hand in cleaning up the mess afterwards. I also believe that Misti is a master manipulator and that PCSO doesn't know what to do with her or how to handle her.
Lisa is an interesting mother. Her children were raised in what can reasonably be considered a chaotic home, yet she maintains a marriage for over 25 years (the only couple in all the players whose marriage has sustained for this length of time). She protects her child by filing charges against a boy for assaulting Misty, then signs the papers to emancipate her daughter in order for Misty to make legitimate the relationship she is having with an adult male who should have by law been arrested for sexual assault of Misty. She states she loves her daughter, then calls her a liar. She goes along for the ride to help her daughter leave Ron, and then appears in court with her son as support for him when Misty files for a restraining order against him.

Lisa exhausts me in all the flip-flopping she does.

We don't know that her children were raised in chaotic home, we only have Misty's word for that.

I also don't think she flipflops. She stood up for her daughter when her daughter told her she was raped or whatever. She did all she could to protect her and get justice for her. By the time Misty was 16, she was likely out of control, jmo. She stated she wasn't going to sign papers for her to marry RC, and that she was going to have to wait until she was 18 which says she didn't think she was old enough, or knew him long enough to marry him, which, imo, makes her appear to think marriage is an important decision and not to be taken lightly. Then she changes her mind, and signs permission for her to marry bc she thinks her daughter is being victimized by the whole world, media, LE, and the www. She is in her own way still supporting her daughter emotionally. pretty consistent, imo.

I believe Misty did call her family for help and her family came to her aid, only for her daughter to change her mind. At this point in time, imo, her family has long figured out that RC isn't the upstanding guy that he and his family told them he was. I think they thought that even though he was older, he was providing for his kids, and would hopefully settle Misty down. It's just a thought folks.

She continues to be consistent in standing by her son when she knew her daughter was lying, and had actually called them for help.
She says her daughter is lying, in hopes, again, imo, that her daughter would realize that she needs to come clean, and she says as much. imo that is being supportive to her daughter, hoping to help her see the error of her ways and save her sorry buttt.

She loves all her children, not just Misty, and she attempted to protect her son from RC and Misty post ratgate, knowing something is really wrong with her sil, and her daughter by this time.

It is possible that what caused HC sr to become hurt had caused them to lose their business, and home, and they had to move in with their son. We don't know where they lived before Haleigh disappeared, do we?
HC sr could have become addicted to pain meds, with some help from his sil.

HC jr is married with three children, with a wife who has gone to college, and is a nurse. Both her sons worked with their dad, and all lost their income after his injury, if the drywall business is true, and to my knowledge there is no reason to doubt it.

Her other son moved away, perhaps bc his wife is from another area, and he went due to employment, as well as to stay out of the media circus.

It is possible their life has gone to hello since Feb 2009.
It could be that a quarter century marriage, and close ties to her adult sons, and and grandchildren, and attempting to be supportive to her wild child daughter is all there is to it.

Or, they are what Misty says they are.....hummmm...

ETA; I think ratgate terrorized both mother and son, and LE took advantage of the situation to glean as much info as possible from them both. I think also the dad's addiction, assuming at this time that it is an addiction due to the injury, and doctor shopping also gave LE what they needed to corral him as well.

Imo, this agrees with my thinking that the Croslins thought that LE, the media, and the www, were all attacking their daughter, and RC was supporting their daughter, and earned their trust, short lived though it was.

They don't appear to be real smart, but the pressure from the world, and the charm from RC, might have fooled many had they been walking in their shoes.

The one thing that may cause me to doubt my own theory is cousin Joe, and the alleged fight he and RC had, which would have given them more insight than I can see from my vantage point. :)

ETAA; The sixth grade is usually when kids hit puberty, and Misty could have become hard to handle even at that age. Also, I don't know what age she was "molested" which affects kids in horrible ways.

I wonder if Tommy or Timmy finished high school, if the parents didn't think school was important, or if Misty isn't telling the truth about leaving school when she was 12.
Yosande, that was an erudite summation; it speaks to chaos that WAS, not chaos that erupted. JMO.
IMO, i think it would be good to have one on all the major players, those closest to HaLeigh. (TN, GGM, RC, CC, CS, MG,CG, & Marie's husband,MS,CS (connie) as well we those in the Croslin family)

JMO :)
We are not going to profile the rest of the players in this case as it leads to too many conflicting opinions and heated posts. If LE names any of RC or CS's family as being POI in Haleigh's disappearance, then we can open a psych thread on them.
How do we know misty was ever molested? She may have willingly participated in sex at a young age. Misty was most likely an out of control child. She plays the victim constantly. I still want to know what happened to that boy and the WHOLE story. He is still sitting as an adult in a state prison. There was only two years difference in their ages. Did she lie? God, help her if she didn't tell the truth.

misty has many people very angry with her...she is headed for big trouble.
This thread is now closed due to debating rather than discussing the topic.

ETA: Most of the debate posts were removed, in case anyone is wondering.
This thread is being reopened. Please read the opening post. There is also going to be one for RC and family now that he's been arrested.
Wondering if anyone has new insight to Misty & family's psych profile, now that the audio tapes have been released. IMHO, she's much more ego-centric/self-centered than I originally thought. And wow, everyone in the family seems like an enabler, or co-dependant. As far as a Psych diagnosis for her, I don't know. Those of you who were guessing borderline personality disorder, what do you think after hearing the tapes?

SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I have to admit that I do understand Misty, or at least I understand what Misty portrays to be her life because I lived it. My parents were both alcoholics, we were poor our family members were in and out of jail on a daily basis, we even have a SO in our family which I was a victim of. I also quit school and got married at 15. However I do not feel sorry for Misty because I learned that I was not destined to be like the rest of my family and I was not a product of my "raisin". My destiny was what I chose it to be, and I was a product of my own choosing. I could have very easily fell into the life Misty is now living and I almost did.
So I will tell you what Misty is going on in Misty's head, she feels that this is "what she is" just poor white trash that noone wants and in order for anyone to care for her she has to prove that she is worthy, either by giving herself away or manipulating people and forcing thier affection. Which is a very destructive behavior. I believe that she feels that Ron deep down loves her and that if she can prove her "loyalty" to him than he will be hers forever. What Misty is lacking in her life is love and affection.
Think of a child who never gets attention, they will do whatever they have to do even if its bad just to get attention. In their mind any attention is good attention as long as it is attention.
I was lucky, I found a man that loved me and is a good man in May we will celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary, but I was headed down a self destructing path just as Misty is. I think that Misty wants to be loved and she will do whatever she has to do to have that love. I know it sounds like such a cliche' but I beleive it to be true.
When I see Misty on TV talking I see someone who's mind is very young, my 7 year old knows what a numeric is and my 7 year old knows that 10 percent of 50 is not 10. I do beleive that Misty was molested, I also believe that Mistys parents have alot to do with how she is today. You have to remember that she was a child to when all this happened. My oldest daughter is 13 about the age Misty was when she met Ron, and I struggle everyday to help her make the right decisions, I dont believe that Misty ever had anyone like that, I don't think Misty really ever had a chance, in other words I beleive that if Misty was raised up diffrently than she would have turned out diffrent.
Now I know that it sounds like I am contradicting myself from my first paragraph but I'm not. I do beleive that we are products of our making and thats why I do not feel sorry for Misty. I understand her but I dont feel sorry for her, because she could have chosen to rise above this and she didn't. I do think we are in charge of our own destiny, but I also beleive that if we do not see that than it does it no good and I dont think Misty ever saw that and no one in her life ever showed her.
Butterfly, I grew up the way Misty did except I was put in a childrens's home when I was 12. I got out after high school went to Bible school for 4 years got married, had four children 1 boy and three girls Have been married 40 years saying this to say, it is the choices we make! Misty didn't make the right choices, my girls are close in ages and of course they all knew better than their parents! I think Misty knows something but she has people to bail her out the same with Ron and Tommy. I pray little haleigh is alive You said it to good in your post Choose the right way.
I believe that Misty's family loves her. I noticed a lot of "I-love-you's" in their conversations with her parents and her brothers. She's the baby of the family, was probably allowed to get away with a lot all her life. Her brothers seem protective of her, and she is both Daddy's little girl and Momma's little angel. I don't think she is lacking for love and attention... on the contrary, I believe she got more than her share of attention and that may be part of the problem.
Hank and Lisa might have failed as parents, didn't set limits for them, didn't set good examples, and might not have known how to correct their mistakes... but from listening to them, I feel that they do love their kids. I can hear the heartbreak in both their voices when talking to Misty.
Also, I don't think it should always be blamed on the parents when a child goes wrong. Sometimes kids just seem to go down the wrong path no matter how hard a parent tries. Not saying that the Croslins weren't partly to blame... I'm sure they are, but it could be that they just hit too many roadblocks, had too much bad luck themselves, and somewhere along the way, they just lost the will to try any harder. When a person is down on their luck, can see nothing but hard times ahead, they sometimes just give up and stop trying.
I've seen some pretty bad kids come out of good families, and some pretty great ones come out of very dysfunctional families. It's never a sure thing... all you can do is is do your best, and the rest is up to them.
I can't help but feel sorry for them all. Even Misty, because it's sad to see someone that young have nothing to look forward to except years behind bars. As a parent, would any of us want to face that prospect for our child?? I know I wouldn't.
I have to agree with you TXlady :)

I, too think Misty's parents love her, very much. I was crying when watching the video with Hank talking to Misty, and how regretful he is about how they (HCsr and LC) weren't the best of parents.

I also think her brothers are protective of her, but kinda in a way where they had to be, because she is such a wild child. Misty is the only girl of three children and the youngest, i am sure a LOT of things she did or said were overlooked.

I feel that Hank Sr. knows Misty very very well. He hit the nail on the head, when he said that Misty was a follower. I don't think Misty is the person soley responsible for whatever happened to HaLeigh. I think Misty was told to do this and that and say this and that. She FOLLOWED their lead.
Wondering if anyone has new insight to Misty & family's psych profile, now that the audio tapes have been released. IMHO, she's much more ego-centric/self-centered than I originally thought. And wow, everyone in the family seems like an enabler, or co-dependant. As far as a Psych diagnosis for her, I don't know. Those of you who were guessing borderline personality disorder, what do you think after hearing the tapes?

SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I don't know, a borderline personality disorder seems pretty severe to me. I'm thinking maybe some sort of dependency disorder? She would be a good case study because with her upbringing, socioeconomic status, lack of education and learning disabilities, a lot plays into it.

As for the me, me, me on the jailhouse tapes, she just sounds like a scared little girl to me.
Although Misty is now 18, she still thinks and acts like a baby, pouting and crying, demanding to be fed more, she is a spoiled child who consistently throws tantrums to be sure she is heard and gets what she wants. And she swears, how could TN want her around her grandchildren? Misty is a spoiled child and she doesn’t know how to behave as an adult so she shouldn’t be alone and in charge of children. When Misty whined to her mother that she wanted out NOW and REAL BAD, her mother said her gmma was sending her some money to avoid discussing the consequences of her behavior with her. Misty told the truth about herself when she said “What do you expect from me, I’m just 17”. No doubt about it, Misty is a master manipulator who said if Cobra gets her out of jail she will tell him something. These people want everything now; Misty wants out of jail now, Tommy wants out of jail now, Ron wants LE to his place now, Lindsy wants to be gone yesterday. During Misty’s conversation with Chelsea, Chelsea told Misty she didn’t do anything wrong by giving a guy a pill to make him better and I suspect Misty believed her too.

Ron kicked Misty out of the house after a fight and told her never to come back so if Misty fought with HaLeigh, I think she would want her out of the house NOW and call her brothers for help.
I don’t believe Misty fell asleep at Ron’s and I believe stronger than ever that she harmed HaLeigh because her mind is so messed up and anything HaLeigh would want would irritate and upset her.
Although Misty is now 18, she still thinks and acts like a baby, pouting and crying, demanding to be fed more, she is a spoiled child who consistently throws tantrums to be sure she is heard and gets what she wants. And she swears, how could TN want her around her grandchildren? Misty is a spoiled child and she doesn’t know how to behave as an adult so she shouldn’t be alone and in charge of children. When Misty whined to her mother that she wanted out NOW and REAL BAD, her mother said her gmma was sending her some money to avoid discussing the consequences of her behavior with her. Misty told the truth about herself when she said “What do you expect from me, I’m just 17”. No doubt about it, Misty is a master manipulator who said if Cobra gets her out of jail she will tell him something. These people want everything now; Misty wants out of jail now, Tommy wants out of jail now, Ron wants LE to his place now, Lindsy wants to be gone yesterday. During Misty’s conversation with Chelsea, Chelsea told Misty she didn’t do anything wrong by giving a guy a pill to make him better and I suspect Misty believed her too.

Ron kicked Misty out of the house after a fight and told her never to come back so if Misty fought with HaLeigh, I think she would want her out of the house NOW and call her brothers for help.
I don’t believe Misty fell asleep at Ron’s and I believe stronger than ever that she harmed HaLeigh because her mind is so messed up and anything HaLeigh would want would irritate and upset her.

Spoiled? I guess so, the way the youngest child in any family is "spoiled" as the baby. If she was truly spoiled, I can't imagine why she would want to take up with Ron & his family. She wasn't living the life of Reilly on Buchanan, Green, or 4th Ave.

Wanting out of jail now? I'm 100% innocent and I'd be wanting out post haste, too. Even if I was guilty, I think I'd still cry to my momma that I wanted to get out and go home.

Wanting Haleigh out now? Yeah, I can kinda understand that, but Ron kicked Misty out, not Haleigh. I've never heard that he gave her the boot because of the kids. It seems to me that caring for the children was the only reason she came back & was invited back.

But I do see your point. Just a screwed up situation.
I don't know what to think of the bunch, but seeing Misty on the tapes, she seems pretty open and doesn't seem manipulative, IMO. Her eyes don't look crazy or lifeless either. On the other hand, I think Tommy does very much. Maybe there was sexual abuse by family members when she was a child. I don't believe that it's been verified that Misty is an actual addict, but Tommy is said to be.
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