Misty C. #2

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i am going to throw this out there, mods, if i am in the wrong place please delete this.
i am struggling to understand how mc could wake up in the middle of the night for what ever it might be, and not glance at these children. just a quick glance, to see if you have disturbed them, or if they are covered, or wet. i think you eye would instinctively gone to each child, only for a fraction of a second. these are the children that you are in charge of and love with all your heart. you would check them before your feet hit the floor. i don't think that you could walk past haleigh's bed and not noticed her shape, or if she was covered.
moo, thanks
One of her "stories" said she did. The police report said that she woke up, saw haleigh gone and ran around frantically and saw the light on and door bricked.
I am also wondering if the one story she said she got up to use the bathroom, changed to she woke up to get a drink because at some point she realized that LE would wonder why she didnt use the bathroom right in the bedroom... hmmmm
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.

Actually that's a very good question. I don't think you can look at Misty as a normal 17 year old girl. Her history prevents her from being. I don't really think it has anything to do with being "smart enough" or "strong enough". Misty is street wise. And it's not strength that allows her to keep this up...it's fear.
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.
IMO she has made a ton of mistakes in 4 weeks....and who's to say there wasn't more than Misty invoved...just sayin..
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.

strong enough/smart enough/whatever-you-want-to-call-it-enough, I think it's possible, likely fear-based, and not fear solely of LE.
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.

How smart or dumb Misty is, Thats really the $64 thousand dollar question! I go back and forth, it's a tough call.
I worry that there might be someone (not Ron) who helped her out. She is known to have had older boyfriends and odd associates.

I think it's possible- something could have happened. This person was either there or contacted- said they would take care of it, she just needs to keep her mouth shut and stick to a story.
How smart or dumb Misty is, Thats really the $64 thousand dollar question! I go back and forth, it's a tough call.

Me too. One day I think Misty is involved somehow, and the next day I think she had nothing to do with it. I'm still very much on the theory that she didn't actually do anything to Haleigh, but she did allow something to happen (left the trailer that night, had some friends over, etc)
IMO Misty woke up half out of it and stumbled around a bit before realizing what the heck was happening. She is frightened out of her mind by waking up and not finding little Haleigh in her bed. I really am not surprised by her changing story any longer, at first I was. However I now believe that she's a 17 year old girl living an adult lifestyle. This is a terribly frightening situation, her mind is ratled to the maximum and IMHO if LE had suspicions of her by now we'd here or know something! As always JMHO.
I have to agree with your observations, but I guess I just led an incredibly sheltered life compared to theirs. [And I can't believe anyone - especially someone whacked out on drugs, as alleged - can keep a lie together that well, that long.]

Yes, I suck at poker.
I can't decide if y'all are saying that Mist is dumb as a doornail, or smart enough to pull off this crime without leaving a trace or making a mistake for 4 weeks.

Since we have some very well-versed sleuths on here, I have to ask:
Have you ever heard of a 17 yr old who has been able to do something like this when he/she had such a close association with the victim & was under such intense scrutiny? And not be found out or confess right away?

Granted, I am basing my perceptions on my own long ago experience as a 17 yr old, and I grew up in a different time and circumstance [but same place], but c'mon. IMO she's just not smart enough or "strong" enough to have not made a mistake or 'fessed up by now.

If you were a SO planning to abduct a child, could you possibly pick a better target?! There is so much cr@pola surrounding all of the adults in Haleigh's life that it would be easy to presume that a lot of time would be spent checking out all of them while you got away.

Sorry. jmo. and I probably shouldn't post this, but just give it some thought.

So then I ask: How is KC different from Misty? I know the age of course, but ... KC hasn't cracked at all, is sailing through this, all though she's not been found guilty, all leads to her doing the crime.

Why wouldn't Misty be capable of this also?

Actually, I don't think that Misty DID anything directly to Haleigh, more thinking along the lines of being involved somehow, or not being home, etc. and lying about it, or not telling whole truth.
Actually that's a very good question. I don't think you can look at Misty as a normal 17 year old girl. Her history prevents her from being. I don't really think it has anything to do with being "smart enough" or "strong enough". Misty is street wise. And it's not strength that allows her to keep this up...it's fear.

Sometimes I wonder if we're only seeing ONE side of Misty, and there's not another much 'different' side?
I worry that there might be someone (not Ron) who helped her out. She is known to have had older boyfriends and odd associates.

I think it's possible- something could have happened. This person was either there or contacted- said they would take care of it, she just needs to keep her mouth shut and stick to a story.

Just a thought for discussion:

Could Crystal have taken Haleigh ... and threatened Misty?

Is Misty involved with that somehow ... and afraid to say anything to LE and Ron?

Whatcha think?
So then I ask: How is KC different from Misty? I know the age of course, but ... KC hasn't cracked at all, is sailing through this, all though she's not been found guilty, all leads to her doing the crime.

Why wouldn't Misty be capable of this also?

Actually, I don't think that Misty DID anything directly to Haleigh, more thinking along the lines of being involved somehow, or not being home, etc. and lying about it, or not telling whole truth.

Add to that the fact that Misty has actually been victimized sexually as a tween. That would change her pathology and possibly make her even more dangerous than Sociopath Casey.
Just a thought for discussion:

Could Crystal have taken Haleigh ... and threatened Misty?

Is Misty involved with that somehow ... and afraid to say anything to LE and Ron?

Whatcha think?

I don't think they had a relationship. Misty had alot of venom for the mother of Ron's third child as evidenced by her myspace posts on that girl's page. I cannot imagine Misty covering for Crystal or vice versa.
Sometimes I wonder if we're only seeing ONE side of Misty, and there's not another much 'different' side?

After seeing her myspace posting to that girl, that may be the mom to another of Ron's children, I would agree that's likely. Not so much that she wrote it, which is bad enough but also that she's left it up in the comments, rather than rethinkingit, something possibly said in an angry moment, then deleting it.
I don't post much, but I have been reading here since this case started. IMO, over the years, Misty has learned that it is better for her to tell people what they want to hear. This may be to keep herself safe, keep the other person happy, etc. If this is the case, it may be that she is telling LE one story, RC another story, her parents yet another story, and there is no telling what she is telling everyone else. If that is what she has done or is doing, then IMO it is only a matter of time before she forgets what she has said to who and her stories will start falling apart like a house of cards. Now I'm not saying that I think that she had anything to do with this because I just don't know but anything is possible at this point.
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