Misty C. #4

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Apr 28, 2005
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Here is what I think about the polygraphs and RMC. Neither of these 2 had any reason to trust the polygraph machine, they don't know anything about these things. People with a history or drug abuse, adults living with minors, people who are in the drug culture, ex issues and have guns in their homes are not the types who typically trust LE. MC was partying the weekend away with common criminals, surely not the thing anyone wants to admist too or be asked about. But, they trusted LE and volunteered to take the polygraphs. Why would this be? Because they think they can "pull one" on the polygrapher or because they are telling the truth?

They aren't the types to think they can pass a polygraph while lying.

They were both asked re HaLeigh: "Did you kill her? Did you cause her disappearance? Her death? Do you know who did? Do you know where she is? " etc., etc.

RC said he was told he passed. MC said she was told she passed at least on the issue of her being home that night - she was. I think this is the only time she mentioned the polygraphs. The polygrapher knows immediately if the subject is telling the truth or not in response to questions. The result may have been discussed in their presence. Whether LE told them the truth of not, we do not really know. RMC are only repeating what they were told.

If they were deceived by LE, what is the point? To make them think they are home free and maybe they will mess up somewhere? I think it would be a better lie to tell them the polygraphs were inconsistent, or detected lying and watch their respones.

I think they were told the truth. They passed their polygraphs.

You make a lot of statements which I find questionable in this post and would like some clarification from you, if you please:

1. How do you know neither Misty or Ronald knows anything about polygraph machines?
2. Are you stating that Ronald and Misty are into the drug culture?
3. They were asked to take the polygraph, and agreed when asked. That isn't volunteering. That is complying. However, that in itself is not a presentation of a truthfulness. It is merely a statement of cooperation. So how do you know whether they are the types to think they can pass a poly while lying? Only someone who knows them personally could make that statement, and even then, must be very sure of them to be able to assert with such a statement.
4. How do you know what questions they were asked? An assumption can be made that they were asked similar questions to what you present, but you are stating this with such a matter of fact manner that I wonder how you know it for certain?
5. Misty's statement is "I was home because the test said I was home so I was home!" (close enough to the actual quote but probably a little paraphrased). She doesn't say she passed. She says the test said she was at home.
6. As to why would LE deceive them, it is not up to LE to have to deceive them. It is an interpretation on the part of Ron and Misty that they passed if they are told that LE is "satisfied." I would say that is the vaguest word toward "telling the truth" as it is "They're lying and we're satisfied we're dealing with a couple of liars." The interpretation is in the listener, not in what LE says. All we have is that they are "satisfied." No one is aware of what exactly they are satisfied with, and I've stated two of the possibilities. Nothing can push toward one or the other without clarification from LE, not even Ronald and Misty's assertions that they interpreted it as they passed.
7. It can equally be determined that LE gave them a false sense of security because they determined they were liars and wanted to watch how the story changed. Which, as we all know, has. Several times.
DEBS...very well thought out post and very insightful...thank you.
Misty (and RC) knew it was all a lie and she continued to lie and got TN's to lie and AS's to lie. Gotta wonder who else Misty has lied to to get them to for her? How will lies help find HaLeigh?and why would she lie when a child, a child that she claims loves her like a mother, is missing - how is this finding HaLeigh?

I don't think Misty or the others you named are lying.

Prayers for HaLeigh to be home soon.
Misty (and RC) knew it was all a lie and she continued to lie and got TN's to lie and AS's to lie. Gotta wonder who else Misty has lied to to get them to for her? How will lies help find HaLeigh?and why would she lie when a child, a child that she claims loves her like a mother, is missing - how is this finding HaLeigh?


LOL Is this considerd copy right infringement?
Please, show me lies or is it inconsistancies you keep bringing forth that we do not know as of yet that are still unclear for LE, because, LE has not cleared that up, but, DCF sure has cleared the smoke on Crystal's lies to reveal the truth.
LOL Is this considerd copy right infringement?
Please, show me lies or is it inconsistancies you keep bringing forth that we do not know as of yet that are still unclear for LE, because, LE has not cleared that up, but, DCF sure has cleared the smoke on Crystal's lies to reveal the truth.

:waitasec: lol - guess I was trying to illustrate that, like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, assessments & opinions of others are in the eyes of the beholder as well - two people can witness the same crime and yet give police different accounts of the event . . .

To your question; "show me lies or is it inconsistancies you keep bringing forth that we do not know as of yet that are still unclear for LE" (SBM)

IMO it's both, lies and inconsistencies on MC's part. For me it's clear, obviously to you it isn't but as far as what's clear or unclear for LE - none of us can say because we don't know. Simply because there hasn't been an arrest is not evidence that LE believes RC or MC's story(ies). If that's the rule of measure used than the same could be said for Crystal & family. I could except that MC's "gap" was due to inconsistancies at 1, 2, 3 days and even possibly up to a couple of weeks into the investigation but the kinks never got worked out - weeks turned into months after hours upon hours of interviews with the best and brightest in LE - which, IMO, doesn't establish that MC must be telling the truth or they would have broken her and it doesn't mean that she outsmarted them either. Last word LE left on the street was MC's inconsistancies, MC = key. Seems to me if MC & LE made some headway and had resolved the inconsistancies in her story(ies)since that time, we'd be hearing a shout out by Misty & Ron declaring the victory . . . Additionally I don't believe that LE would leave that looming over MC, or in the public's mind if the issue had been resolved - but that's JMO

I don't think Misty or the others you named are lying.

Prayers for HaLeigh to be home soon.

Flossie I'm not trying to sway your (or anyone's) opinion - we all see & interpret people differently - that was essentially the point.

and yes, "Prayers for HaLeigh to be home soon" (very soon . . . please God)


<snippety snip>

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

The interviews with Misty Cummings have produced different pictures, he said. She was alone with Cummings&#8217; children the night Haleigh disappeared. She has told authorities she woke up about 3 a.m. and found the 5-year-old missing.

&#8220;We&#8217;ve said from day one Misty&#8217;s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,&#8221; Bowling said.

Article from August 9th 2009--Six months later.

<snippety snip>

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

The interviews with Misty Cummings have produced different pictures, he said. She was alone with Cummings’ children the night Haleigh disappeared. She has told authorities she woke up about 3 a.m. and found the 5-year-old missing.

“We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,” Bowling said.

Article from August 9th 2009--Six months later.

I noticed that he very deliberately refused to eliminate Crystal and/or Marie as suspects.

And I was shocked that they hadn't asked Marie to take a lie detector...I would have thought they would have done that in the very early stages of the investigation. So sad. It doesn't seem to me that LE have been very thorough in this investigation at all.
Interesting that Marie did not take a lie detector test. What is a voice stress test? Does anyone know. Never mind I will google. Silly me.

ETA to add.....this is not the Marie thread either.....sorry TG. Anyone interested in what a voice stress analysis is please go to the Marie thread....or if there isn't a Marie thread I will post it in the facts thread.
I noticed that he very deliberately refused to eliminate Crystal and/or Marie as suspects.

And I was shocked that they hadn't asked Marie to take a lie detector...I would have thought they would have done that in the very early stages of the investigation. So sad. It doesn't seem to me that LE have been very thorough in this investigation at all.

Ummm...sorry, wrong thread. I posted this article and link in the MISTY thread. I really wish you'd comment about the fact that Major Bowling is STILL saying:
&#8220;We&#8217;ve said from day one Misty&#8217;s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,&#8221; Bowling said.

I know it doesn't say much to you, bunny, but to me it is a HUGE statement. Bowling said from day one until now, her story is FILLED with inconsistencies. I hope they get enough on her soon to bring her on in.

<snippety snip>

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

The interviews with Misty Cummings have produced different pictures, he said. She was alone with Cummings’ children the night Haleigh disappeared. She has told authorities she woke up about 3 a.m. and found the 5-year-old missing.

“We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,” Bowling said.

Article from August 9th 2009--Six months later.
6 months later Misty is still the key with inconsistencies:rolleyes:
I noticed that he very deliberately refused to eliminate Crystal and/or Marie as suspects.

And I was shocked that they hadn't asked Marie to take a lie detector...I would have thought they would have done that in the very early stages of the investigation. So sad. It doesn't seem to me that LE have been very thorough in this investigation at all.

I also noticed that the only person they outed by name is married to Ronald Cummings and still after six moths has inconsistancies that LE is concerned about. Must be the direction they are looking. At Ronald Cummings and his teen bride.
Ummm...sorry, wrong thread. I posted this article and link in the MISTY thread. I really wish you'd comment about the fact that Major Bowling is STILL saying:
“We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,” Bowling said.

I know it doesn't say much to you, bunny, but to me it is a HUGE statement. Bowling said from day one until now, her story is FILLED with inconsistencies. I hope they get enough on her soon to bring her on in.

This is the Misty thread!

All that statement says to me is that in all these months the investigation seems to have gone nowhere and that they are trying to put the blame for that on a 17 year old's inconsistent statements.
I also noticed that the only person they outed by name is married to Ronald Cummings and still after six moths has inconsistancies that LE is concerned about. Must be the direction they are looking. At Ronald Cummings and his teen bride.

I don't know if that's the direction they are looking in or if they are simply looking for a scapegoat in the press. I am obviously not anti-Ron & Misty, but with all due respect to them, they are obviously pretty simple people and I doubt very much that if they were responsible they could be outwitting LE all this time. So, after 6 months the police still obviously can't prove they were involved...and admit they have other suspects....have you heard anything about what they are doing about the other suspects or do you think it is helping the investigation by them repeatedly making that statement?

To me making that statement repeatedly hinders the search for Haleigh as it leads the public to believe Misty is likely responsible so they need not bother searching for her. Unless/until LE know Misty is responsible, IMO, they ought be pursuing all leads and not remain so focused on her.
I don't know if that's the direction they are looking in or if they are simply looking for a scapegoat in the press. I am obviously not anti-Ron & Misty, but with all due respect to them, they are obviously pretty simple people and I doubt very much that if they were responsible they could be outwitting LE all this time. So, after 6 months the police still obviously can't prove they were involved...and admit they have other suspects....have you heard anything about what they are doing about the other suspects or do you think it is helping the investigation by them repeatedly making that statement?

To me making that statement repeatedly hinders the search for Haleigh as it leads the public to believe Misty is likely responsible so they need not bother searching for her. Unless/until LE know Misty is responsible, IMO, they ought be pursuing all leads and not remain so focused on her.

Are you aware of a lead they are not following up on? Seems to be there has been a large ongoing investigation and tips from the public have been welcomed and followed up on.

They have no choice but remain focused on Misty. She was the last one to see Haleigh yet she is unable to come up with single cohesive story that the police could actually use as a jumping off point for an investigation that does not involve family.

And I don't think they have outwitted the police at all. They do not have a body, they don't have the evidence that would be come from that, all they have is a trailer that is *reportedly* the scene of the crime. Time is on LE's side though. Misty and Ron will eventually break up (IMO) and someone will eventually speak about what happened.
Are you aware of a lead they are not following up on? Seems to be there has been a large ongoing investigation and tips from the public have been welcomed and followed up on.

They have no choice but remain focused on Misty. She was the last one to see Haleigh yet she is unable to come up with single cohesive story that the police could actually use as a jumping off point for an investigation that does not involve family.

And I don't think they have outwitted the police at all. They do not have a body, they don't have the evidence that would be come from that, all they have is a trailer that is *reportedly* the scene of the crime. Time is on LE's side though. Misty and Ron will eventually break up (IMO) and someone will eventually speak about what happened.

I'm not aware of any leads they are not following up on because the only "lead" they've basically talked about for months is Misty, despite the fact they say they have numerous other suspects.

And other than the fact she's alleged to have inconsistencies, we really have no idea what those inconsistencies are or whether it truly precludes them from looking at anyone but family (which you assert).

Investigators should have many tools available to them and should not be stumped by a 17 year old. They have listening devices, telephone intercepts, skills & training, manpower, the ability to put someone in undercover, crime labs etc etc.
I'm not aware of any leads they are not following up on because the only "lead" they've basically talked about for months is Misty, despite the fact they say they have numerous other suspects.

And other than the fact she's alleged to have inconsistencies, we really have no idea what those inconsistencies are or whether it truly precludes them from looking at anyone but family (which you assert).

Investigators should have many tools available to them and should not be stumped by a 17 year old. They have listening devices, telephone intercepts, skills & training, manpower, the ability to put someone in undercover, crime labs etc etc.

They're not stumped. They would like her to come in. Perhaps with her attorney, she'll feel safe doing so and will be able to assist in the investigation.
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