Misty C. #4

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I'm not aware of any leads they are not following up on because the only "lead" they've basically talked about for months is Misty, despite the fact they say they have numerous other suspects.

And other than the fact she's alleged to have inconsistencies, we really have no idea what those inconsistencies are or whether it truly precludes them from looking at anyone but family (which you assert).

Investigators should have many tools available to them and should not be stumped by a 17 year old. They have listening devices, telephone intercepts, skills & training, manpower, the ability to put someone in undercover, crime labs etc etc.

The director of law enforcement, Maj Bowling, "We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,”

Misty being "inconsistent" is hardly my assertion.

<snippety snip>

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

The interviews with Misty Cummings have produced different pictures, he said. She was alone with Cummings’ children the night Haleigh disappeared. She has told authorities she woke up about 3 a.m. and found the 5-year-old missing.

“We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,” Bowling said.

Article from August 9th 2009--Six months later.

What about this article says misty is not the key to the whole investigation?

How much do people have to read from the detective working the case to convince them that Misty and Ron know a heck of lot more than what they told?

What about the article can you possibly say that convinces you that Ron and Misty cooperate?

Good Grief! Those words should be highlighted and enlarged and put on every page.
They're not stumped. They would like her to come in. Perhaps with her attorney, she'll feel safe doing so and will be able to assist in the investigation.

I agree, they are not stumped, they know what happened, they just don't have the witness or physical evidence to make a case yet.

Considering the only eye witness is inconsistent and now not talking that makes things difficult. Then add that there is really no proof that the trailer is even the crime scene they have had an up hill battle.

That doesn't mean they don't know what happened.
Investigators had to handle her with the "Kid gloves" because she was 17, Bunny.

Now that she is an adult.....she gets an attorney.

Pretty simple reasoning...she lied...RC covers....enters attorney.

They are in this up to their eyeballs. GGMA and TN are aiding and abetting, IMO
Children are hard to interrogate! Now that she is an adult, it should go better.....but notice, she's not available for them.
That should tell everyone what is going on....no need for a rocket science degree.
The director of law enforcement, Maj Bowling, "We’ve said from day one Misty’s story is absolutely filled with inconsistencies,”

Misty being "inconsistent" is hardly my assertion.

I never said it was your assertion. I know LE made that statement, in fact I've been addressing it and how I thought it was unhelpful to the investigation.
What happened to all the people that insisted she was cooperating and told us over and over again how they were? How they are victimized...and they shouldn't be....etc., etc.,
Investigators had to handle her with the "Kid gloves" because she was 17, Bunny.

Now that she is an adult.....she gets an attorney.

Pretty simple reasoning...she lied...RC covers....enters attorney.

They are in this up to their eyeballs. GGMA and TN are aiding and abetting, IMO

I continue to believe Misty didn't do anything physically to Haleigh.
I do believe someone she was with the weekend preceding these events did.
And she knows who it is. I don't think GGMA and TN are doing anything but trying to believe in their family and hope for the best.
Investigators had to handle her with the "Kid gloves" because she was 17, Bunny.

Now that she is an adult.....she gets an attorney.

Pretty simple reasoning...she lied...RC covers....enters attorney.

They are in this up to their eyeballs. GGMA and TN are aiding and abetting, IMO

Do you claim to have an inside source or something?

She was allowed an attorney when she was a "child" as well, but didn't get one.

Who knows if she lied about anything? Why would RC cover for her? People make inconsistent statements for many many reasons, not just guilt.

And many innocent people have exercised their right to silence. Exercising one's legal rights does not mean a person is guilty, it generally just means they are educated and know that they have rights, or have paid a lawyer who advises them not to talk.
Six months and it has been stated they have NOT been cooperating!

Some of us have known this but it should be a surprise to all the rest who didn't..
People don't make inconsistent statements when they are the focus of a major crime. Truth is constant. Details can be added.

......not the case with Misty and Ron. Statements were inconsistent and changed up...not good!
What about this article says misty is not the key to the whole investigation?
How much do people have to read from the detective working the case to convince them that Misty and Ron know a heck of lot more than what they told?

What about the article can you possibly say that convinces you that Ron and Misty cooperate?

Good Grief! Those words should be highlighted and enlarged and put on every page.

Hmmm.....maybe the part where he refuses to eliminate anyone from the Griffis/Sheffield family as suspects and refers to the fact they don't have rock solid alibis for the night in question. Not to mention, as far as I'm aware they still have not ruled out the possibility of a stranger abduction, but if a stranger abducted her, I feel there is little chance of her being found as LE isn't even getting her pic out there anymore, all they seem to be doing is blaming Misty (and Ron) for the lack of progress in their investigation.
Do you claim to have an inside source or something?

She was allowed an attorney when she was a "child" as well, but didn't get one.

Who knows if she lied about anything? Why would RC cover for her? People make inconsistent statements for many many reasons, not just guilt.

And many innocent people have exercised their right to silence. Exercising one's legal rights does not mean a person is guilty, it generally just means they are educated and know that they have rights, or have paid a lawyer who advises them not to talk.

Can't argue with you there!

Misty has a lot of knowlege in the legal system and is acquiring quite the education.
Do you claim to have an inside source or something?

She was allowed an attorney when she was a "child" as well, but didn't get one.

Who knows if she lied about anything? Why would RC cover for her? People make inconsistent statements for many many reasons, not just guilt.

And many innocent people have exercised their right to silence. Exercising one's legal rights does not mean a person is guilty, it generally just means they are educated and know that they have rights, or have paid a lawyer who advises them not to talk.

Inconsistency when telling someone what led to a child being missing equals lying in my book.
Even if it is a lie by omission.

Exercising your right to remain silent when the people you are refusing to speak to are trying to locate your child, that you supposedly think is alive, is the most illogical parental response I have ever heard. If you can't work with the local police you ask to speak to the state police. If they are out to get you too, you talk to the FBI. You tell the public what you suspect in hopes that someone else can show the cops what they need to look at.

This is not a money laundering case, they aren't trying to get them to rat out a big drug dealer, where you could comment on the ethics of not helping the police but see why they wouldn't. His child is missing and he is not searching for her, he is not helping the police look for, he doesn't know or care who walked into his home (allegedly) and walked away with his child that he will never see again?

Yeah, exercising my constitutional right to not speak to the police would be my highest priority too.

And Misty not having an attorney has nothing to do with her age.
Her age at the time of questioning may become relevant if she is charged with something.
But she apparantly hired one when she got the money or decided she needed one.
She isn't charged with anything so legal representation is completely up to her to secure.
People don't make inconsistent statements when they are the focus of a major crime. Truth is constant. Details can be added.

......not the case with Misty and Ron. Statements were inconsistent and changed up...not good!

LOL...maybe not on tv, but in real life, people make inconsistent statements all the time. Even the most honest of witnesses often give inconsistent versions of the same events. And some very honest witnesses can be made to look very dishonest by a clever cross examiner because of inconsistencies....i've seen it many times (in real life, not tv). Plus, people lie for many reasons....fear they might get in trouble for something else, possibly covering up a different crime, honest mistake, confusion etc.
LOL...maybe not on tv, but in real life, people make inconsistent statements all the time. Even the most honest of witnesses often give inconsistent versions of the same events. And some very honest witnesses can be made to look very dishonest by a clever cross examiner because of inconsistencies....i've seen it many times (in real life, not tv). Plus, people lie for many reasons....fear they might get in trouble for something else, possibly covering up a different crime, honest mistake, confusion etc.

And what crime could you possibly be worried about as a parent that would lead you to lie to the men trying to find your child? If keeping your own *advertiser censored* out of a sling on a drug charge or some such nonsense is your priority instead of finding your child, I've got nothing for ya.

And yes I agree different witnesses will see the same event differently. And someone may give two statements that are not exactly the same, that I understand. When we get to version 19 of the events and we haven't heard the same version twice, call me cynical, it makes me suspicious.
LOL...maybe not on tv, but in real life, people make inconsistent statements all the time. Even the most honest of witnesses often give inconsistent versions of the same events. And some very honest witnesses can be made to look very dishonest by a clever cross examiner because of inconsistencies....i've seen it many times (in real life, not tv). Plus, people lie for many reasons....fear they might get in trouble for something else, possibly covering up a different crime, honest mistake, confusion etc.

Are you saying it was just an honest mistake...that LE when they arrived on the scene tried to trip her up?

They do not give inconsistent statments unless they are lying. FACTS remain the same...detail are added later as memory recalls them.
Inconsistency when telling someone what led to a child being missing equals lying in my book.
Even if it is a lie by omission.

Exercising your right to remain silent when the people you are refusing to speak to are trying to locate your child, that you supposedly think is alive, is the most illogical parental response I have ever heard. If you can't work with the local police you ask to speak to the state police. If they are out to get you too, you talk to the FBI. You tell the public what you suspect in hopes that someone else can show the cops what they need to look at.

This is not a money laundering case, they aren't trying to get them to rat out a big drug dealer, where you could comment on the ethics of not helping the police but see why they wouldn't. His child is missing and he is not searching for her, he is not helping the police look for, he doesn't know or care who walked into his home (allegedly) and walked away with his child that he will never see again?

Yeah, exercising my constitutional right to not speak to the police would be my highest priority too.

And Misty not having an attorney has nothing to do with her age.
Her age at the time of questioning may become relevant if she is charged with something.
But she apparantly hired one when she got the money or decided she needed one.
She isn't charged with anything so legal representation is completely up to her to secure.

Are LE trying to locate Haleigh? Could have fooled me. Other than searching the Griffis property, can you tell me where they've been looking?

You say Ron isn't helping the police look for her???? What are you talking about? Where have they been searching? Did they allow him to help? Last search I remember, he was crying and begging TES to stay, and he did assist in that search.

If/when you become a suspect in a child's disappearance, and LE have already interviewed you numerous times for many hours, had you on a lie detector, and are blaming you in the media, I think any lawyer worth a grain of salt would tell you not to answer any more questions. If you thought you were smarter than a lawyer and held the rather naive conviction that innocent people are never convicted of crimes they did not commit, then I can see why you might keep talking. It may work out well on the tv shows you watch, but in real life, sadly innocent people have been not only charged, but convicted of very serious offences they did not commit, but allowed themselves to be interviewed about. As they say "anything you say can and will be used against you."
Are you saying it was just an honest mistake...that LE when they arrived on the scene tried to trip her up?

They do not give inconsistent statments unless they are lying. FACTS remain the same...detail are added later as memory recalls them.

Without seeing the interview or knowing what the inconsistencies are about, I have no idea.

People do give inconsistent statements without lying. If you go to any bank robbery trial, and there are a number of witnesses in the bank at the time, and not one of them was at all involved in the crime, you still might get 8 different versions of what occurred and/or what the robber said etc....it doesn't mean any or all of them are lying. Again, life isn't always like you see on tv.
Are LE trying to locate Haleigh? Could have fooled me. Other than searching the Griffis property, can you tell me where they've been looking?

You say Ron isn't helping the police look for her???? What are you talking about? Where have they been searching? Did they allow him to help? Last search I remember, he was crying and begging TES to stay, and he did assist in that search.

If/when you become a suspect in a child's disappearance, and LE have already interviewed you numerous times for many hours, had you on a lie detector, and are blaming you in the media, I think any lawyer worth a grain of salt would tell you not to answer any more questions. If you thought you were smarter than a lawyer and held the rather naive conviction that innocent people are never convicted of crimes they did not commit, then I can see why you might keep talking. It may work out well on the tv shows you watch, but in real life, sadly innocent people have been not only charged, but convicted of very serious offences they did not commit, but allowed themselves to be interviewed about. As they say "anything you say can and will be used against you."

The TES search was 5 months ago.
Ron is a free man and unless Haleigh knocks on Gma's door I am not seeing how he plans to find her.

The police searched several locations, based on tips they had received.
They conducted door to door canvases, stopped traffic at the main interesection to talk to people. Chased down and verified locations for all the know sex offenders in the area. This assertion that they haven't done anything but focus on Misty and Ron is absurd.

It has been 6 months. Without someone giving credible info they can't search the woods randomly looking for a body.

In real life when the parents/caretaker are not consistent the focus of investigation is going to remain primarily on them. Statistics support that decision, common sense supports that decision.

If Misty and Ron have nothing to do with this they are failing Haleigh by not making themselves open books so LE resources can be directed elsewhere.
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