Misty C. #4

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It is what it is and LE have to deal with it. We don't know that she's hindered an investigation...she's certainly not been charged with hindering an investigation, nor has Ronald and I highly doubt they will be.

I like your point here, BunnyP. We can argue until the cows come home (when is that, anyway?) but if the police feel that someone is resisting, concealing, obstructing, or anything, they must have ways to overcome that. This is not a criticism, I love and appreciate LE, but they are the ones that will have to take the next step.
What part of "they have resisted coming in to talk" tells you that they are cooperating?

Did I just read that it is not known if Misty has hindered an investigation?....#$#$?

So, where did Misty who is 17 years old, and doesn't work, get the money to hire an attorney ?

1. Are her parents paying for the attorney ? If so, will they continue to do so now that she has taken out a RO on her brother and has refuted, in the media, their statements regarding Ron's assault on that brother ?

2. Is Ron paying for the attorney ? He filed an affadavit of insolvency when he was arrested and is apparently relying upon a PD to defend those charges. Does he have access to funds that can only be used for expense related to Haleigh's disappearance ?

3. Is Ron's family paying for the attorney ? Why would they do that for a brand new IL who happens to be the last person to see their granddaughter and who, Ron claims, is the focus of the LE investigation into that child's disappearance ?

4. Has the attorney taken her case pro bono ?

5. Has some mystery person(s) or organization become involved in funding a defense - as with Casey A ?

Or donations?
LE " Let's blame Misty since she was the last to see Haleigh and because we have know idea what is happening here."
Now how ridiculous does that sound.
The investigation to our knowledge has went nowhere but LE isn't saying either way. But what they are saying is they need to speak with Misty again along with Ron, and they are saying from day one Misty's statements remain inconsistent. I'm sure as this investigation has moved along there have been more tips that need answers given to LE since they last talked to the Cummings.
IE someone has said they last saw Haleigh in the van at a certain time that doesnt add up to Misty's account, of course LE will want to ask about it and get an answer from Misty so they can rule it out or not. Or someone states Ron did not pick up Haleigh Misty did from the bus stop, LE needs to ask to get their account of what is being said. I could go on and on with examples but you get my point. It is highly important that they speak with LE so they can move on from fact or fiction in tips..
JMO of course..

bbm- yes, men and women who are professionals, most of whom are parents or grandparents, who live in the community, the same community their kids live in..... they are tired of this and Misty seems convenient to pin the blame on, no personal or professional concern for whether there is a child stealing pervert among them, lets just get this pesky paperwork out of the way.

Or people who care about their jobs, their community, and Haleigh are FRUSTRATED with a woman who in their opinion is withholding information that might help them find the answers here. She knows Haleigh is dead and she is withholding information to cover something up. There is no other reasonable explanation to not cooperate. If you believe the child is alive and can be rescued, no one could be that self centered.

Ron I think doesn't know anything and is frustrated with the entire situation. We aren't hearing that his statement keeps changing.


The Sky has also learned that Misty Croslin-Cummings was asked again to come in for re-questioning in the child's disappearance. Misty now has an attorney and both have declined the request for further questioning.


The Sky has also learned that Misty Croslin-Cummings was asked again to come in for re-questioning in the child's disappearance. Misty now has an attorney and both have declined the request for further questioning.

I really wish we had the name of this attorney. Not that it matters but I'm just curious.

BTW - Thanks badme, I had no clue she even had one.


The Sky has also learned that Misty Croslin-Cummings was asked again to come in for re-questioning in the child's disappearance. Misty now has an attorney and both have declined the request for further questioning.

My questions are :

1) Who is paying the attorney
2) If Misty - how with no gainful employment
3) If Ron - how with no gainful employment? Off the back of his missing daughter? Why pay for the attny of someone with inconsistancies in your daughter's case?
4) If not those two...who?
5) What legal basis has the attorney found that would preclude her going in for an interview?
My questions are :

1) Who is paying the attorney
2) If Misty - how with no gainful employment
3) If Ron - how with no gainful employment? Off the back of his missing daughter? Why pay for the attny of someone with inconsistancies in your daughter's case?
4) If not those two...who?
5) What legal basis has the attorney found that would preclude her going in for an interview?

Kind of reminds me of all the questions we had surrounding kc's legal team :bang:

In regards to #5 - we could probably insert Baez's comment "It would not be im my clients best interest to offer prosecution any information that would aid in putting her away for life" (or something of the sort)

I just can't imagine my child missing and me choosing not to answer LE's questions. Even if they were accusing me of something - If I were innocent, I'd have nothing to hide.

I'm wondering, with MC getting an atty now, does that mean we may be closer to a break in the case?!? :prayer:
We can only hope there will be a break in the case! I can not for the life of me understand why Misty and Ron are refusing to talk with LE ! It makes absolutley no sense to me.
Poor Haleigh is still missing and no one wants to answer any questions, what gives please..Jmo...
I am so glad I do not live close to Misty and Ron, I would be arrested for confronting the both of them. This is terrible.
God please help Haleigh...
There is no reason for Misty do deny LE the opportunity to question her. This is a move that makes her look guilty and I hope that she changes her mind and goes through every last detail of the night that Haleigh went missing as many times that it is asked of her. Lawyer or no lawyer if the last person to be in the company of my child refused to help with the investigation I would be irate. How can this not be considered wrong in the eyes of a parent?
We can only hope there will be a break in the case! I can not for the life of me understand why Misty and Ron are refusing to talk with LE ! It makes absolutley no sense to me.
Poor Haleigh is still missing and no one wants to answer any questions, what gives please..Jmo...
I am so glad I do not live close to Misty and Ron, I would be arrested for confronting the both of them. This is terrible.
God please help Haleigh...

I am surprised that they don't have the mobs outside their house like the Anthonys did. I think those mobs were a bad thing and dangerous, I just wonder why there has been little to no reaction from the local citizens.
I am surprised that they don't have the mobs outside their house like the Anthonys did. I think those mobs were a bad thing and dangerous, I just wonder why there has been little to no reaction from the local citizens.

I read "mobs" as mods. Gave me a chuckle.
We can only hope there will be a break in the case! I can not for the life of me understand why Misty and Ron are refusing to talk with LE ! It makes absolutley no sense to me.
Poor Haleigh is still missing and no one wants to answer any questions, what gives please..Jmo...
I am so glad I do not live close to Misty and Ron, I would be arrested for confronting the both of them. This is terrible.
God please help Haleigh...
My bold.

And I would go with you! :mad:
:waitasec: They are missing just one piece of the puzzle? Does this mean they have an idea of where Haleigh is and if so why have they not moved forward in the case? There are many pieces of a puzzle and when your only missing one piece you pretty much know what the puzzle will turn out to be.
I pray Haleigh is found soon so this nightmare can end for Haleigh!

Lt. Johnny Greenwood says law enforcement officials are wanting your information on this case. He says they are missing just one piece of this puzzle. All they want to do is bring Haleigh Cummings home. http://www.thesky973.com/pages/4999874.php

The Sky has also learned that Misty Croslin-Cummings was asked again to come in for re-questioning in the child's disappearance. Misty now has an attorney and both have declined the request for further questioning. http://www.thesky973.com/pages/4999874.php

There is just NO REASON what so ever for Misty or Ron to avoid questioning. None! Unless they have something incriminating to hide, and even then they should know that the truth will give them some liency if they fess up now. Not that I am saying they are guilty of anything, they are the ones making themselves look guilty by not helping LE out to try and bring Haleigh home.
I can't imagine why either one of them refuses to talk to LE, if they have nothing to hide, it should not be a problem.
I will say this... I have known people in my life who had a real hatred for anyone in LE, and avoided them at all costs. A few I've known actually had a fear of cops for some reason. I'm not saying this is what is going on here, but as many times as Ron was arrested, it is possible that he just doesn't like them and that is part of the problem.
There is no reason for Misty do deny LE the opportunity to question her. This is a move that makes her look guilty and I hope that she changes her mind and goes through every last detail of the night that Haleigh went missing as many times that it is asked of her. Lawyer or no lawyer if the last person to be in the company of my child refused to help with the investigation I would be irate. How can this not be considered wrong in the eyes of a parent?

Remember early on when Misty herself said that lawyers were only for guilty people?
Since this is Misty's thread I will only address her behavior here.

I try to read the updates in the news when they are posted but I don't stop by and visit Haleigh's threads often.

So I really don't know what the vein of thought is right now about what ever or if any role she played in Haleigh missing.

However, I find it interesting that as far as I can recall, every time LE has had a chance to comment to the media since this all began...they invariably point the finger back at Misty.

Now does that mean I think that they think Misty is guilty of doing something to Haleigh? Not necessarily. It means that they keep pointing our attention back to Misty.

Every single time that I can remember. I could be wrong though.

From Media reports back when Misty was still speaking, we were informed that she was the last person to have seen Haleigh, that Haleigh was in her care when she disappeared.

Now she is not granting interviews with LE, her attn isn't granting interviews with her to the LE. Six months pass, Haleigh's 6th Bday is coming up and she is still missing and the last person to reported to have seen her alive is not granting interviews?

Come now. If that's not a red flag, I don't know what is...

Don't get me wrong, I have no clue as to what happened to Haleigh. I don't even have a theory or a even good guess that I can give.

All I know is that in any other case, if the last person reported to have seen a child prior to that child's disappearance was spoken about by LE to the press in the way Misty has been spoken about...consistently...most of us would be ready to raise the roof and demand the truth.

That's just my take on things, as I said I don't have a theory or even a guess and I certainly don't have a perp in my mind because to be honest with you I don't know what happened to Haleigh. All I know is that I think of her often and pray every night that she comes home. Soon.
Her behavior is not normal and neither is her backing by two GGMS when you consider she was on duty that night.

IF she is innocent, the behavior and support of her MIL, GMIL and husband is over the top and should require some new poles brought in to hold and fly all the red flags we have.

When she said the kids preferred her over their own mother that should have sent signals to all who heard her. TN did the same...simply uncalled for by both.

IMO, Misty is a very troubled girl and most likely always has been.
I can't imagine why either one of them refuses to talk to LE, if they have nothing to hide, it should not be a problem.
I will say this... I have known people in my life who had a real hatred for anyone in LE, and avoided them at all costs. A few I've known actually had a fear of cops for some reason. I'm not saying this is what is going on here, but as many times as Ron was arrested, it is possible that he just doesn't like them and that is part of the problem.

I tried to say this recently but you said it much better. I have known people also who have been arrested in their lives and involved in nefarious activities and they do not see LE as good guys. The last thing they would do is cooperate with them.
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