Misty C. #4

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Somehow I can't wrap my mind around that scenerio - the C family taking Misty in to watch and wait. I believe there is a wee bit more to it, but, that's only my opinion.

I cannot grasp hold of this notion, Blackwatch. I cannot compute how someone could be around, pretend to support, and declare a wonderful caregiver/mother figure to children, only to later claim it is all done as a means to hold her (at least covertly) a hostage to their desire to get to the truth.
I wonder if Misty attorney will abandon ship since she went against his advice?
:waitasec: I also wonder what was uncovered in this poly that was not uncovered in the previous one that Misty took. I pray this will help LE find Haleigh and end this nightmare for her.

Haleigh's step-mom didn't pass polygraph, This is the fourth polygraph test Misty has failed, Miller said.

"snip" By Kristin Chambers August 27, 2009

Robert Fields, Croslin-Cummings' attorney, said he should have been contacted before Croslin underwent the tests. "It's no excuse to pursue the course of action Tim Miller did," Fields said.

"Everyone knew that she has an attorney, and I do have a big question about why they pursued it, knowing she had an attorney," Fields said Wednesday.
Croslin-Cummings signed a document she created stating she was voluntarily performing a polygraph test against the advice of her lawyer, Miller said.

Miller said that is the opposite of what occurred.

"Absolutely not," Miller said. "They said it needed to be approved with the attorney, but she wrote a note and signed it to give herself permission."

Miller added that Misty knew she was undergoing tests against her attorney's advice, and wanted to do it anyway to clear her name. Miller said he will no longer involve himself in legalities.

The recent tests, however, may have given investigators more information to follow up.

"There are certainly some statements that were made that were not made in previous interrogations with law enforcement," Miller said. http://www.palatkadailynews.com/articles/2009/08/27/news/news01.txt
So in otherwords; there were more questions and they only released a few choice ones? Or we aren't privy to everythig that was discussed as of yet. The only two thing that makes sense!
Well it's been quite a day I see. I've been reading (trying to catch up) since getting home tonight and my first thoughts/reaction to the latest is the following;

1.) Wow!!

I'm extremely concerned about Jr's safety, even more so then before. Why is he in this home with potentially dangerous, volitile people?! I'm still not convinced that Ronald isn't involved in HaLeigh's "disappearance." Whether he is directly or indirectly involved, he is culpable either way in my opinion. He left the children in the care of Misty knowing that she has serious issues, issues that could very well put HaLeigh & Jr. in jeopardy . . . What has he done differently since HaLeigh's "disappearance"? NOTHING, even worse, he marries Misty! I realize there are some who want to noble-ize Ronald's actions and/or intentions but there is nothing noble about marrying the girl who knows what happened to your child on the night she mysteriously "disappeared"!
Let's just say for a moment that Ronald married Misty because he felt that she was involved and/or knew more about HaLeigh's "disappearance" - does it make sense to keep a person - a person who you suspect is involved in the "disappearance" of your daughter - around your other child, your son, only to repeat & risk, yet again, endangering him? Not buying it.
Misty's words: “My life has not been very good and it looks like its not going to get any better.”
Ronald, he!!-bent on keeping Jr. from Crystal even if it means endangering & subjecting him further to the person who may have "taken" his sissy - A man I fear, who would rather see his child dead than to see the woman that he despises get him.

Misty's words are clear; her future doesn't look very bright. Are her walls closing in? I would imagine. Is she weighing her options and is one of those options ending her life rather than risk spending the rest of it behind bars? Would she go it alone or does she feel as if she worked way too hard to "get her man" only to leave Ronald to go on with his life, have another girlfriend or wife and possibly the child he never had with you? Perhaps Misty feels that she wouldn't even be in this predictiment if not for Ronald anyhow . . .

For the life of me I cannot understand how DCF & LE can continue to ignore this potentionally lethal situation and the danger it poses for Jr. Tragic enough is HaLeigh's "disappearance", it would be doubly horrific to have anything happen to Jr. - add to that never knowing the answers to what really happened to HaLeigh because someone took it to their grave(s) . . . Perhaps I'm being too bleak to some but I just don't see how anyone can see the nobility in Ronald's act of marriage to Misty when you consider the risk to Jr. involved in such a ploy. :furious: I want Jr. safe now!


ETA: Here's a shout out for TM; Tim Miller, You are one fine man and in my book, there is no one finer than you - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for finding a way to get to the truth . . . all to find HaLeigh. ((((HUGS))))

I'm concerned about safety as well. The tension and pressures in that mh have to be incredible. It is no place for a child right now. However, I doubt that DCF has the authority to do anything unless Jr is injured. I hope and pray that never happens.

Remember the old, old Bible story about King Solomon and the two women fighting over a baby ? The King suggested splitting the baby in half. The true mother said, no - rather than kill the baby, let the other woman have him. I wish the Cummings could act like that true mother and let Crystal have Jr. temporarily - for his physical safety and emotional well being.

If they were to do so, could that be used against them in the future if any of them are ever charged in Haleigh's disappearance and/or a coverup ?
No worries SS you are not eating it alone, or should I say having it shoved down your throat alone. We will be reminded on every thread for days and days that we were wrong. Some will put it eloquently and some will be more blunt. Makes no difference to me, I will eat crow for days as long as the end result is Haleigh is found. While some choose to gloat that they were right, I will look at the new info that has come out today and try and figure out how it all fits and wait for more info because right now it does not make any sense at all.

The fat lady has not sung yet. This is going to be very interesting to have the facts on this new developement. :waitasec:
I am trying to figure out which version of Ron's reported statements re Misty/Haleigh are true....Was he telling the truth when he was helping Misty with the distance between the beds? Was he telling the truth when he said the bed wasn't slept in? Or was he telling the truth when he sobbed that "Haleigh was taken from my bed?" I am completely stumped by all these versions....but am so grateful that, for Haleigh's sake, there is some action.
I don't think people can be drugged to go into a hypnotic state. I believe the only drug used in a manner which resembles that would be the sodium pentathol, "truth serum" .....is that what you mean?

Hook 'er up!
I'm concerned about safety as well. The tension and pressures in that mh have to be incredible. It is no place for a child right now. However, I doubt that DCF has the authority to do anything unless Jr is injured. I hope and pray that never happens.

Remember the old, old Bible story about King Solomon and the two women fighting over a baby ? The King suggested splitting the baby in half. The true mother said, no - rather than kill the baby, let the other woman have him. I wish the Cummings could act like that true mother and let Crystal have Jr. temporarily - for his physical safety and emotional well being.

If they were to do so, could that be used against them in the future if any of them are ever charged in Haleigh's disappearance and/or a coverup ?

Actually, I believe that's how Ron got custody in the first place. The TRUE MOTHER, Crystal, wasn't vindictive in wanting to keep the children away from their father. When she allowed them to go on a trip/job/whatever with him, HE never gave them back.

In my opinion, Crystal, whatever her faults is a TRUE, LOVING MOTHER and I pray for her every day that she will get her children back safe and sound.

My opinion only
I just thought about something else. JR stated that the couch was bouncing that night, so IFFFFFF that is a true memory Misty would not have been in the bed but on the couch, so the bed would have remained made. I am seriously wondering now if her brother is involved, because wasn't the van that was borrowed from her brothers house, the same house cousin Jo was staying at? what if the big secret is thather brother is involved also if I remember correctly wasn't a police unit sent over to the brothers house that night?

Then where was Jr sleeping ?
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can straighten me out here;

RE: Misty's Polygraph Permission/Authorization Form -

How is it that Misty can spell "attorney", "polygraph", and her attorneys last name, "Fields" all correctly and yet spells the following words incorrectly; "takes" as "tack", "taking" as "tacking", and "want" as "wont" - Words that are commonly mispelled are spelled correctly and words, more frequently used and generally easier to remember, are spell incorrectly . . . Anyone have any thoughts on this? I find it really interesting. JMO

My guess would be that she either asked someone how to spell the longer words or they were written elsewhere on the form. It's surprising to see her spell "take" as "tack" because, IIRC, the silent "e" rule is taught in 1st or 2nd grade.
Ok, I am not sure if i should post this in RC thread or MC thread, if it needs to be moved, Mods, please do so..TIA!

After the info release yesterday, i have so many more questions. If RC is claiming that the bed was made when he got home and that MC didn't sleep in it that night, So where did JR sleep that night? Was he even in the MH?

ETA: Sorry Shaymus, didn't see your post about JR too...lol. It would be great if JR could Temp stay with CS, until evreything is cleared up, He has been through enough already and really doesn't need to be exposed to anything else. If RC's temper was bad prior to all this info being released, i could just imagine tenions are running high.
Do we need a thread to beat us up now or what?! I would rather do that then take the pot shots on every thread for days. :deal:

SS...you and I disagree, often. :crazy: I will not however, ask you to eat, smell or bake crow pies. The only thing I have seen even remotely resembling inferring folks are wrong are posts that wonder what the excuses will be for Rc's behavior next.......When I am wrong about something, I give you permission to watch me as I post an imaginary visual of my crow all over my face. Peace!
I don't know enough about lie detector test, but I have to throw this out there. If Misty did pass her original test, but after 6 months she believes with everything she has that she knows what happened to Haleigh and possibly who was involved would that change the outcome of the lie detector test? Are the test as valid as the ones taken right after a crime? The 42% deceptive is throwing me. It is like she knows what happened to Haleigh but not sure who took Haleigh and that does not make sense to me.

It said four poly's. i think she failed LE tests too!
But Tim said she told him she did not do good on the tests LE gave her.........that's why she wanted him to set up more for her. :waitasec:

At ~ 5 min, Misty begins describing how she left the LE interiview the night before she married Ron, because the new LEO accused her of lying to him. Then Ron introduces the subject of polygraph tests:


RC - "After she passed the polygraphs."

MC - "After I passed them."

MV - "And you both, they clearly said to you, you have passed the polygraph test."

RC - "Absolutely"

MC- nods[/I]

The word NOW in the statement about RC and the bed not being made kinda throws me as well. I wish they would word things a little bit more clear. Does that mean that RC didn't catch the bed was still made when he got home that morning, he was busy running around, LE told him this but he didnt believe them and once the results of this test where given to him he now believes the bed was made and believes Misty has lied from day one, or did he know from day one the bed was made.
Then where was Jr sleeping ?

You'll not be able to prove it by me, but.........I would say he was on that tot mattress and Haleigh never was tucked into bed that night, and Misty knows that. It would also explain, if Jr was the one on the tot mattress near that door, how he could see anything going on with the couch.

I further think the panicked description of "I saw three" is more a response to "I have to finish what I'm doing here Ron's gonna be home!!" versus "I was groggy and couldn't quite tell the time."

I gots me some questions.

(p.s., and off topic here a little bit.........why was Misty wearing a fur-lined jacket in the video released yesterday?)
It said four poly's. i think she failed LE tests too!

I would bet the ranch if I had one that she failed them all....just want to know if Misty's husband is going to be re-tested. I would be interested in those results. :)
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