Misty C. #4

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It came directly from Lt. Greenwood in the press release so it isn't coming from MN. This article also has Greenwood indicating that Ronald and Crystal are perhaps cleared, imo. Again...the hours of 7:00-8:00pm are not late evening or early morning as stated by LE, imo. I would say this gives a DEFINITE new timeline from LE and MN is simply restating what information he knows., imo.:

Greenwood said the missing girl's biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered suspects in the case, but Cummings' current wife, Misty Croslin-Cummings, has not been cleared.

"Investigators believe that Misty Croslin-Cummings continues to hold important answers in the case," the news release stated. "She has failed to provide any sort of detailed accounting of the hours during the late evening and early morning of Haleigh's disappearance."

http://www.wesh.com/news/20422695/detail.html BBM

These vague time issues yet again. "mid morning" "early morning" "late evening"

Keeps this website active, for sure.
Again...this is not coming out of any attorney's mouth. It is taken straight from the horse's mouth (Lt. Greenwood).:

Greenwood said the missing girl's biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered suspects in the case, but Cummings' current wife, Misty Croslin-Cummings, has not been cleared.

"Investigators believe that Misty Croslin-Cummings continues to hold important answers in the case," the news release stated. "She has failed to provide any sort of detailed accounting of the hours during the late evening and early morning of Haleigh's disappearance."

http://www.wesh.com/news/20422695/detail.html BBM

Basically, this is saying Ronald and Crystal ARE cleared, BUT Misty has not been cleared, IMO.

Using that logic, then........Misty IS a suspect, and Ron and Crystal are not.

Because the statement is that Ronald and Crystal are not suspects, but Misty has not been cleared. Two very different statements with two very different imports. Just sayin'
Except, by reading this, I can tell it was something you didn't plan, and didn't expect to happen.

You fell asleep and your child was outside, door open. We have, in this case, nighttime, a child afraid of the dark, all parties agreeing she wouldn't go outside by herself in the dark, TWO people addressing the door being locked, ONE person insisting the lock was put in the house in such a way as to prevent "something like this from happening" a person inconsistent with her activities before she went to sleep and after she woke up.

Your story is believable because you didn't add conflicting details. Your story is believable because parents get exhausted and take naps and kids do what kids do.
Your story is believable, not because your child didn't disappear, but because you didn't excuse yourself from your own action of falling asleep and feeling guilty about what could have happened.

That is all.

yes, but i would have to said the same thing, my son would not go outside by himself, the door was locked and at that time I was not even aware my son could open the dead lock. it was getting dark out side, i believe it was in march. I would of swore up and down my son would not of went outside by himself.

you know i had put that out of my mind for the last year and now I have been sitting her worrying what could of happened.
yes, but i would have to said the same thing, my son would not go outside by himself, the door was locked and at that time I was not even aware my son could open the dead lock. it was getting dark out side, i believe it was in march. I would of swore up and down my son would not of went outside by himself.

you know i had put that out of my mind for the last year and now I have been sitting her worrying what could of happened.

But RJ, you're STILL looking for reasons for you to be at fault, looking for what could you have done differently, wondering what the heck did you do that made all these things coincide.

In this case, we see none of that. We see deflection off the person who claims to have been asleep, deflection from the one who was at work.....it is different, and you can see that in your continued expression of "what if??"

You can't be blamed for falling asleep. You were exhausted. But you admitted that and accept what comes, even if that is judgment. You don't attempt to hide from a societal presumed perspective. You stand up and bless that nothing worse happened, knowing it could have.

These people had the worst happen to them and begin to deflect responsibility off on everyone else but themselves. I would more likely believe them all if they said "jeeze.......you know, i was screwing up in my life and crud was going down and i thought i was taking all precautions but this time it got past me......" but they don't. They try to pretend they're upstanding, all the while the Man of the house is in a statutory rape relationship with the person watching his children; this person who had been off on a drug binge not long before that, and he still left his children with her.....

I mean, c'mon. You fell asleep because you were exhausted. If you start telling me you'd been using drugs before, I'd be looking at you a lot differently. You fell asleep. This is not the same thing that happened at that MH that night.
passed out, does not mean unconscious. Its a term meaning, I'm so give out, or so tired, I can't wiggle or get up.

You need to remember that the "new" timeline is coming from a defense attorney who is representing the family. LE's timeline is quite different. I will continue to go by LE's timeline, not an attorney's timeline. The front today is that he is representing the PR for the "family" as requested by TN. You need to take that just the way it is presented. There is no change in the timeline in the investigation by LE and IMO, that is all that counts. Nejame is earning his keep, if not in monetary means, then as a defense attorney (probably to become a defense attorney, in real time) , but as a defense attorney representing the PR of a very suspect family.

A suspect family?I could have sworn that RC was cleared this week,maybe I misunderstood LE's press release.I am glad however that they finally came out and said something after six months.
pass out To lose consciousness.
Main Entry: passed out Part of Speech: adjective Definition: unconscious Synonyms: anesthetized, asleep, blacked out, comatose, dead to the world, knocked out, out cold, out like a light
A suspect family?I could have sworn that RC was cleared this week,maybe I misunderstood LE's press release.I am glad however that they finally came out and said something after six months.

The thing is, when a father marries the woman who apparently is or very nearly is the suspect in his child's disappearance very soon after the event, questions are inevitably raised.
Cajun, I was referring as to how the word is used in that area. Its a common thing to say I was so tired I just passed out. I thought it might help others understand how she used it. Its just slang here. JMO
A suspect family?I could have sworn that RC was cleared this week,maybe I misunderstood LE's press release.I am glad however that they finally came out and said something after six months.

The LE have never used the word clear in regards to Ron and Crystal and Misty-
The LE have never used the word clear in regards to Ron and Crystal and Misty-

"The biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered Suspects. Misty Croslin-Cummings has not been cleared, however........"

So yeah, they kinda did, in a negative way, about Misty.
"The biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered Suspects. Misty Croslin-Cummings has not been cleared, however........"

So yeah, they kinda did, in a negative way, about Misty.

Yeah, but the Le aren't going to come out and say, hey we think so and so is a suspect- they didn't do it in the coleman case when it was pretty obvious everyone knew who the suspect was-

They are just smoking Misty out to get to Ron, imo-

Ron may be clear until Misty talks, if she ever does-
Yeah, but the Le aren't going to come out and say, hey we think so and so is a suspect- they didn't do it in the coleman case when it was pretty obvious everyone knew who the suspect was-

They are just smoking Misty out to get to Ron, imo-

Ron may be clear until Misty talks, if she ever does-

BBM...ITA.. Also, I just watched NG and heard GGMS say she wasn't sure that there were any inconsistences in Misty's story; wasn't sure of the timeline and that she was not aware of what was really going on.
All this.. I don't know, yada yada yada, IMHO... is nothing but a crock of lies being spewed from her mouth. She was the one correcting all the reporters as to what was going on that night when she did that interview attempting to cover for Misty and about her being there that night... JMO
Using that logic, then........Misty IS a suspect, and Ron and Crystal are not.

Because the statement is that Ronald and Crystal are not suspects, but Misty has not been cleared. Two very different statements with two very different imports. Just sayin'
Correct. Misty IS a suspect. Ronald and Crystal are not. We know they aren't going to come out and call her a suspect...but this is as close as they are going to get for now.

The BUT in his sentence is the key word.
BBM...ITA.. Also, I just watched NG and heard GGMS say she wasn't sure that there were any inconsistences in Misty's story; wasn't sure of the timeline and that she was not aware of what was really going on.
All this.. I don't know, yada yada yada, IMHO... is nothing but a crock of lies being spewed from her mouth. She was the one correcting all the reporters as to what was going on that night when she did that interview attempting to cover for Misty and about her being there that night... JMO

Yeah- when talking to reporters, she is like, Let me ask you guys something- how would you feel if your child was missing- So if she can ask reporters questions- she can ask Mistys questions- unless this girl is some master manipulator and has snowed the whole family- but I suspect this family has been covering for Ron way before Misty ever came along-

Again, The BUT in his sentence is the key word (just like it was in mine).

Greenwood said the missing girl's biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered suspects in the case, but Cummings' current wife, Misty Croslin-Cummings, has not been cleared.

We know they aren't going to come out and call her a suspect...but this is as close as they are going to get for now.
Yeah- when talking to reporters, she is like, Let me ask you guys something- how would you feel if your child was missing- So if she can ask reporters questions- she can ask Mistys questions- unless this girl is some master manipulator and has snowed the whole family- but I suspect this family has been covering for Ron way before Misty ever came along-


Misty hasn't snowed anyone.... She has married into a family that is attempting to prove they are masters in the art of manipulation though, so if she is one, she fits right in......JMO...
I thought the cops were saying Misty was not a suspect?

True but in this day and age LE are hesitant to use that term until an arrest has been made. Seems like it's been this way for a couple of years now.
LOL The Cummings family are "masters in the art of manipulation"?! GMAB! Hahahaha~ They are about the farthest thing from that characterization as I have ever seen!

Now...if you want to talk about Crystal's family...they tried to manipulate people, but failed miserably in the concerted effort to pull off that BS about abuse on national television with the help of an attorney. I would say they are not "masters in the art of manipulation" either!

IMO, the Cummings are not trying to manipulate anyone or anything. They just want Haleigh home where she belongs and to find out the truth. They honestly believe Misty was not involved, imo. (Maybe because she wasn't involved.)
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