Misty C #6

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Of course I do not know if she reported the same information that she gave to Art Harris to Law Enforcement. And the point is...neither does anyone here because Law Enforcement is keeping information in this case under wraps. The possible life of a child is at stake. Perhaps Art H forgets that while trying to get credit for "the scoop".


I stated that I think Law Enforcement keeps information close to the vest because the possible life of a child is at stake.

I stated that I think Law Enforcement keeps information close to the vest because the possible life of a child is at stake.

That or if the child is already dead, because they don't want to endanger their investigation.
I'm wondering if Misty isn't going to appear in a sweeps week exclusive interview sometime soon.
The only person susceptible to becoming upset with the eye witness accounts from the bus stop is Ron Cummings-- as he is who they blatantly contradict. Misty too, now that she's added that she remained at home with a napping Jr. while Ron picked Haleigh up.

Who am I to believe? Well... I tend to lean toward the individuals with nothing to gain from perpetuating a falsehood. The witnesses. jmo
Everyone here has added important information. Members of my husband's family have some sort of unidentified learning disability that at times looks like ADD/ADHD. I'm not sure the problem is increasing, but our culture has changed--larger classes, more additives and other chemicals in food, more expectation that kids sit still all day and do seatwork. I overheard a father and a little boy (maybe 7 or 8). The father asked what they did at recess and the son said, "We don't get recess." Twenty or thirty years ago, people with problems like ADD could get good labor jobs that use different training techniques. And I really agree that early drug use can be a big tip-off. Some of these kids use alcohol and marijuana to self-medicate. In Misty's case, however, it would take a long time to sort out what might be her brain wiring from birth (which could have been affected by a mother's smoking AND/OR genetic predisposition), what might have been caused by environment (abuse, neglect, poor nutrition, chemical exposure, chaotic home environment) and trauma (sexual abuse, traumatic family change, etc.).

An "auditory processing" problem is sometimes mistaken as ADD.

You are so right in that Misty might just be "self-medicating". I think it was Harvard who did a big study in which they concluded that a person who is truly ADD or ADHD which is not being treated will have a tendency to self-medicate with street meds.

Stress symptoms will sometimes mimic ADD/ADHD symptoms...surely Misty is under a lot of stress...
Did gmma sykes go into ron's home Monday evening or did she stay outside? Misty said the children were eating outside the home on the porch, so Misty may have had a visitor hidden in the house at that time and because gmma didn't look inside, she was mislead by appearances.
An "auditory processing" problem is sometimes mistaken as ADD.

You are so right in that Misty might just be "self-medicating". I think it was Harvard who did a big study in which they concluded that a person who is truly ADD or ADHD which is not being treated will have a tendency to self-medicate with street meds.

Stress symptoms will sometimes mimic ADD/ADHD symptoms...surely Misty is under a lot of stress...

Thank you! I've been trying to think of that term for two days now! That is what runs in my husband's family--an auditory processing problem. (somewhere in my office there is a book about that; one of my students had a sister and she is the one who clued me in.) There are aspects of some of these conditions that cause a lot of discomfort to those suffering with them; I don 't know what that discomfort is like because even when I ask, it's not like explaining what a broken leg or poison ivy feels like.

As to stress and how it mimics ADD: I am far more likely to ding my car when I am under stress. The last time I hit the side of the garage. I just didn't notice that I wasn't going to clear the doorway!
An "auditory processing" problem is sometimes mistaken as ADD.

You are so right in that Misty might just be "self-medicating". I think it was Harvard who did a big study in which they concluded that a person who is truly ADD or ADHD which is not being treated will have a tendency to self-medicate with street meds.

Stress symptoms will sometimes mimic ADD/ADHD symptoms...surely Misty is under a lot of stress...

Thank you! I've been trying to think of that term for two days now! That is what runs in my husband's family--an auditory processing problem. (somewhere in my office there is a book about that; one of my students had a sister and she is the one who clued me in.) There are aspects of some of these conditions that cause a lot of discomfort to those suffering with them; I don 't know what that discomfort is like because even when I ask, it's not like explaining what a broken leg or poison ivy feels like.

As to stress and how it mimics ADD: I am far more likely to ding my car when I am under stress. The last time I hit the side of the garage. I just didn't notice that I wasn't going to clear the doorway!

My daughter also has "Auditory sensory processing" problems along with others. It absolutely is mis-diagnosed, over diagnosed with (add) and adhd, along with behavioral problems compounding the condition. Often, the prognosing Doctor relies heavily on the parent/caretakers accounting of the child to come to a full prognosis and/or partial description of what is going on with a childs developmental status. As a child grows and develops, these conditions also are changing constantly.

I'm the one that brought possible medical, physical and academic problems up concerning Misty as I've learned more about her these last 6 weeks. Too many indicators to not be something going on. Hopefully, some testing will be done and put into perspective in this case and maybe help come to a resolve.

Since I don't believe Misty is the one that is responsible for Haleigh missing, the only hopes I have in testing Misty, is to further add strength and committment to her voice so LE can move on and out, focus on who is responsible and start some kind of searches for Haleigh.
My 9 year old son has an auditory processing disorder,also.It affects almost every aspect of his life.
Apparently, the clock has started ticking down and Misty should be very worried. According to the link I carried over from the astrology forum it appears that Ronald's attorney has announced a divorce is in the making. Wonder what jarred some sense into Ronald now instead of the night Haleigh went missing?

ps: If I broke any rules, a stern look and a curt comment will do wonders

Novice Seeker
My 9 year old son has an auditory processing disorder,also.It affects almost every aspect of his life.

MissJames, being he's nine years old, likely needed if not done: Has he been tested for physical sensory problems also? Normally the auditory is a sympton due to the physical. Does he react overly with certain types of material in clothing, becoming more agitated, refusal to wear items as their scratchy, don't feel right, too hot, things like this?

Last time I was involved, much research and developmental progress had been done in treating this condition. Does he use audio sounds like with headphones, music to soothe and deduce symptons during the course of a day? Keeping the home environment peaceful and almost clinical like (which is near to impossible, but can be achieved short term to benefit the child) being done?

Are you familiar with the brushing technique and balance swinging which offers so much comfort and balance for the child, helps them tremendously? If not, pm me and I'll tell ya about it. Works like miracles, surely they are. LOL :angel:

I know you probably are up on all techniques, but I want to encourage you to stay with them, at times it can be very deceiving in day to day routines that you can't see progress. But over time, the progress begins to show up steadily and surely. Hang in there, my daughter is now 21 years old, and only a trained professional eye can even see a flag indicator anything has ever been a problem in her development. She has 5 disorders along with another major/minor medical issue, but I am gratefully reporting my girl is as normal as they come now. Work, steadfast determination to help her, paid off. Days I would get depressed and think it's not working, but I can vouch, the processes do work, just not necessarily immediately.

I'm no doctor, but Misty has some things going on. Just don't know what exactly. I hope Ron isn't giving up on her because of this, because he doesn't understand and realize the extent. And I'm almost one hundred percent positive he isn't aware or know the magnitude this plays in Mistys everyday behavior. Understanding her, knowing and discovering any possible conditions should be the goal of her husband, family and herself along with LE since their investigating Haleighs disappearance and Misty was the last known person to see her.
Misty needs to go back to school, imo. She may be perfectly sound, health wise, but it's obvious that even her earliest education was disrupted. I hope she gets the help she needs, but I don't look to the Cummings, nor the Croslins, to encourage her-- she's a big girl now, she should do it for herself.
The only person susceptible to becoming upset with the eye witness accounts from the bus stop is Ron Cummings-- as he is who they blatantly contradict. Misty too, now that she's added that she remained at home with a napping Jr. while Ron picked Haleigh up.

Who am I to believe? Well... I tend to lean toward the individuals with nothing to gain from perpetuating a falsehood. The witnesses. jmo

ITA and may I add, I hate to see witnesses accused of lying because it doesn't fit with someone's opinion. This is the kind of thing that causes people not to come forward with information in cases like this. A lot of folks don't like getting involved because they know they're going to get hit with all kinds of accusations and doubts.
I feel that Ron was being placed between a rock and a hard place...if he stay's with MC (with all the doubt associated to her) he comes off as knowing more than he say's he does.
If he walks away,(as he has done) it makes him seem less responsible. I believe, there is more than meets the eye(TN"we are trying to cure that now"when it comes to this new event.
MC's history of abuse and sexual misconduct put he at risk.She is just a child herself.
I think RC took the advise of his lawyer and was told to distance himself.
I believe MC;s family knows more and I have faith that what is hid will be made light.
So Misty goes to the police station to tell them where she will be and how to get in touch w/ her if needed and they don't ask her one freakin' question? That's all I have heard for weeks, Misty needs to come down here, we have questions for Misty. So, why didn't they ask them then??? Seems like a perfect time to me, she is very upset over RC asking for a divorce, her Mom is in jail, she has no support system, what are they waiting on? I just don't get it.
So Misty goes to the police station to tell them where she will be and how to get in touch w/ her if needed and they don't ask her one freakin' question? That's all I have heard for weeks, Misty needs to come down here, we have questions for Misty. So, why didn't they ask them then??? Seems like a perfect time to me, she is very upset over RC asking for a divorce, her Mom is in jail, she has no support system, what are they waiting on? I just don't get it.

If they did a lot of meaningful talking to her it might be that they were trying to upset her some more?
If they did a lot of meaningful talking to her it might be that they were trying to upset her some more?
True. But honestly, if there was a person I was dying to talk to and ask questions and they voluntarily show up the say, Look, I'm leaving town, but this is where I will be and here is how y'all can contact me. I would have said, well, since you are here now, we have some questions before you leave. :twocents:
So Misty goes to the police station to tell them where she will be and how to get in touch w/ her if needed and they don't ask her one freakin' question? That's all I have heard for weeks, Misty needs to come down here, we have questions for Misty. So, why didn't they ask them then??? Seems like a perfect time to me, she is very upset over RC asking for a divorce, her Mom is in jail, she has no support system, what are they waiting on? I just don't get it.

I guess since she didn't offer to sit down and go over things with them, and she has an attorney they didn't push it with her. Once they have enough to get charges to stick, per the SA office, they will bring her back in, I'm sure. But for now, she is a free woman, free to do as she pleases. I don't know what she is going to do now. She has no family, no support system, no job, no place to live unless she moves in with friends. She is out there. I don't know what kind of job or who will hire her with a 5th grade education, and all of this going on, let a lone the job market is hard to say the least. I really hope the person who is footing the bill for her, intends to address getting her back in school and getting her young life together. I don't think she hurt Haleigh, but I do think she is covering for others.
I guess since she didn't offer to sit down and go over things with them, and she has an attorney they didn't push it with her. Once they have enough to get charges to stick, per the SA office, they will bring her back in, I'm sure. But for now, she is a free woman, free to do as she pleases. I don't know what she is going to do now. She has no family, no support system, no job, no place to live unless she moves in with friends. She is out there. I don't know what kind of job or who will hire her with a 5th grade education, and all of this going on, let a lone the job market is hard to say the least. I really hope the person who is footing the bill for her, intends to address getting her back in school and getting her young life together. I don't think she hurt Haleigh, but I do think she is covering for others.
I'm sorry, no offense to you, but to say, since she didn't offer they didn't push it, if that is their reasoning that ludicrous. She has spoken to them before w/o her attorney present. If they want to find Haleigh they are going to have to "push it". All they have said for months and months is "Misty is the key" and they let her waltz out of the police station w/o asking any questions?? IMO that is very poor judgement.
I just do see Misty thinking gee, I better go tell the popo where I'm gonna be........sounds like they have told her she has to keep them informed of her whereabouts.
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