MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #7

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nothing is obvious unless you have hard proof. I don't want to go too much into Josh's case because this is Jacob's thread. But Josh's dorm prefect and some monks who live on campus have prior history of sexually abusing and having improper relationships with students. One even threatened that the student would be expelled from SJU if he told. That is a lot of pressure on a kid because SJU is not a cheap college. I believe in my heart that these monks, some townspeople and others were a part of a group who abused kids and shared pictures from the abuse. Josh may have found out and was writing a paper on it, so someone from the group made him disappear. We need to find proof though. I also think the person who took Josh was not Jacob's abductor, but another person in the group.

I agree that this is a very likely scenario for Josh. The only connection I see between Jacob and Josh is that someone from the Abbey could be involved (not necessarily the same person).
I thought I remembered it was about 11 something. DR not around for 2 1/2 hours, wonder what he was doing? Remember when he said he saw lights out by the woodpile? If you google earth his farm there is a direct line of site from his home to the Wetterling neighborhood, perhaps he was telling a partial truth in that he saw lights as he looked past the woodpile. Who else could have acted so quickly & thoroughly than someone who saw the boys on their initial journey out? Who else had time to plan and had quick access to black pantyhose? Who else had could have walked away with Jacob and not be found out unless they lived right at the scene? just looks so obvious but what do I know?

IMO, it isn't "obvious" because it all makes sense that it could have been DR until you try to imagine what DR would have done AFTER he had Jacob (if he had indeed taken him.)

1. Knock Jacob over the head and stick him in his basement or an outbuilding and hope the cops wouldn't come and search?
2. Run holding Jacob and hide him somewhere on his land?

It just doesn't seem possible to me. He had no way of knowing LE would skip so many vital steps because they were concentrating on Jacob having been taken in a car. (Even though he was the one who said there was a car.) I feel, being intelligent, he would have assumed cops would search his home and his land, since it happened at the end of his driveway.

I do think there were some stories made up (or exaggerated) by DR about earlier cars flying through his yard, because tracks did not prove that. I agree that a car that drove fast through his yard in the afternoon would have had nothing to do with an abduction later that night anyway.

I think that rather than having abducted Jacob himself, he has an inkling who did take him, and thus the changing stories, the vagueness about cars and "what I saw" as he tries (IMO) to prevent this other person from being looked at.

Early reports from detectives, FBI and media on the case did NOT mention anything but DR having seen one small dark car in his driveway. These other cars were never mentioned by DR until after 2003/04 when Kevin came forward with his story of having been in DR's driveway. (You can search all through any reports that have been made public and news articles or interviews from 1989 to 2003 for proof of this - the extra cars were never mentioned until after Kevin's story was made public.)

I do NOT feel Jacob's and Josh's (or the Reker girls) cases are connected. My own opinion on Josh G. is that he was taken by someone from the abbey. As Trino stated, the bloodhounds tracked Josh's scent to the abbey, and then LE was not allowed inside. The Reker girls have been strongly tied to Eckroth (in our who's who) and someone who knew Mary's bf. I still think there is a possibility that Jacob's and Jared's cases could be connected somehow.
I thought I remembered it was about 11 something. DR not around for 2 1/2 hours, wonder what he was doing? Remember when he said he saw lights out by the woodpile? If you google earth his farm there is a direct line of site from his home to the Wetterling neighborhood, perhaps he was telling a partial truth in that he saw lights as he looked past the woodpile. Who else could have acted so quickly & thoroughly than someone who saw the boys on their initial journey out? Who else had time to plan and had quick access to black pantyhose? Who else had could have walked away with Jacob and not be found out unless they lived right at the scene? just looks so obvious but what do I know?

You know what your heart is telling you and thank you for sharing.
DR would have been nearly when Josh disappeared (2002). Josh was a vibrant, non-drunk college student. And, DR was able to overtake him, perhaps molest him, kill him for purposes we don't know? Guess DR had been working out a lot.

I am not saying DR had a thing to do with it, but there is a picture of him on here in his running shorts bare chested. He is in fabulous condition.

He runs many many marathons a year. No weakling can do that
It seems many are willing to hang DR, yet LE is not. Aren't LE the professionals?

This man has been permitted to continue with his life, teaching children. In the years since J's disappearance, DR has not had legal problems in either his personal or professional life. I don't think he had any prior to J's disappearance. He has never been charged with sex offenses or child *advertiser censored* or even suspected in anything like that. I fail to see how being male, being alone, and having a driveway next to where an abduction took place makes him the lone POI.

As to DR communicating with the Wetterlings, if I were a POI, I don't know that I would go to them. I would be concerned that I might say something wrong.

The animal burning(s) or the scrap book I cannot understand, but there were no human bones found. We really don't know what the scrap book contains or when it actually was started.

FYI: Sterns Co still has not solved the murders of Mary and Susan Reker, 1974. Perhaps we should be concerned with THREE murders? There is a $50,000 reward for the girls; there are 10 posts on Websleuths.

1. where is the info that only animal bones were found? What LE says is that they have things they are keeping for advances in technology
2. we do not know why he is POI, but he was so named after the searches
IMO, it isn't "obvious" because it all makes sense that it could have been DR until you try to imagine what DR would have done AFTER he had Jacob (if he had indeed taken him.)

1. Knock Jacob over the head and stick him in his basement or an outbuilding and hope the cops wouldn't come and search?
2. Run holding Jacob and hide him somewhere on his land?

It just doesn't seem possible to me. He had no way of knowing LE would skip so many vital steps because they were concentrating on Jacob having been taken in a car. (Even though he was the one who said there was a car.) I feel, being intelligent, he would have assumed cops would search his home and his land, since it happened at the end of his driveway.

I do think there were some stories made up (or exaggerated) by DR about earlier cars flying through his yard, because tracks did not prove that. I agree that a car that drove fast through his yard in the afternoon would have had nothing to do with an abduction later that night anyway.

I think that rather than having abducted Jacob himself, he has an inkling who did take him, and thus the changing stories, the vagueness about cars and "what I saw" as he tries (IMO) to prevent this other person from being looked at.

Early reports from detectives, FBI and media on the case did NOT mention anything but DR having seen one small dark car in his driveway. These other cars were never mentioned by DR until after 2003/04 when Kevin came forward with his story of having been in DR's driveway. (You can search all through any reports that have been made public and news articles or interviews from 1989 to 2003 for proof of this - the extra cars were never mentioned until after Kevin's story was made public.)

I do NOT feel Jacob's and Josh's (or the Reker girls) cases are connected. My own opinion on Josh G. is that he was taken by someone from the abbey. As Trino stated, the bloodhounds tracked Josh's scent to the abbey, and then LE was not allowed inside. The Reker girls have been strongly tied to Eckroth (in our who's who) and someone who knew Mary's bf. I still think there is a possibility that Jacob's and Jared's cases could be connected somehow.

1. this was a crime of opportunity. These boys had never been out at night like that, so it wasn't as if anyone could be planning for the day to do it.
2. people who do this kind of thing do not plan or think. They are caught up in the excitement of the moment. Just as people do crazy things because they have "deer fever".

Deer fever is when hunters get so excited they shoot at anything, including their children, friends, etc. Not on purpose.
3. This was a very opportune time. The things fell into place. Planning was not on the top of the list
1. this was a crime of opportunity. These boys had never been out at night like that, so it wasn't as if anyone could be planning for the day to do it.
2. people who do this kind of thing do not plan or think. They are caught up in the excitement of the moment. Just as people do crazy things because they have "deer fever".

Deer fever is when hunters get so excited they shoot at anything, including their children, friends, etc. Not on purpose.
3. This was a very opportune time. The things fell into place. Planning was not on the top of the list

Solid assertion, because anyone who may have planned this doesn't leave their vehicle 50 yards behind them on someone elses gravel driveway.
Teachers have to interact with parents all of the time. They may have to give them the news that their child is going to fail a class, for instance.

It is puzzling to me why he would not go speak with the Wetterlings. After all, he had the unfortunate experience of having it happen on his property. Nothing to do with him.

He taught children of that age. The sorrow must have been great for him then. And no one was implying that he had a thing to do with it for years and years and years
IMO, it isn't "obvious" because it all makes sense that it could have been DR until you try to imagine what DR would have done AFTER he had Jacob (if he had indeed taken him.)

1. Knock Jacob over the head and stick him in his basement or an outbuilding and hope the cops wouldn't come and search?
2. Run holding Jacob and hide him somewhere on his land?

It just doesn't seem possible to me. He had no way of knowing LE would skip so many vital steps because they were concentrating on Jacob having been taken in a car. (Even though he was the one who said there was a car.) I feel, being intelligent, he would have assumed cops would search his home and his land, since it happened at the end of his driveway.

I do think there were some stories made up (or exaggerated) by DR about earlier cars flying through his yard, because tracks did not prove that. I agree that a car that drove fast through his yard in the afternoon would have had nothing to do with an abduction later that night anyway.

I think that rather than having abducted Jacob himself, he has an inkling who did take him, and thus the changing stories, the vagueness about cars and "what I saw" as he tries (IMO) to prevent this other person from being looked at.

Early reports from detectives, FBI and media on the case did NOT mention anything but DR having seen one small dark car in his driveway. These other cars were never mentioned by DR until after 2003/04 when Kevin came forward with his story of having been in DR's driveway. (You can search all through any reports that have been made public and news articles or interviews from 1989 to 2003 for proof of this - the extra cars were never mentioned until after Kevin's story was made public.)

I do NOT feel Jacob's and Josh's (or the Reker girls) cases are connected. My own opinion on Josh G. is that he was taken by someone from the abbey. As Trino stated, the bloodhounds tracked Josh's scent to the abbey, and then LE was not allowed inside. The Reker girls have been strongly tied to Eckroth (in our who's who) and someone who knew Mary's bf. I still think there is a possibility that Jacob's and Jared's cases could be connected somehow.

I think DR had fantasies about having a young boy even if briefly. He must have known these boys, he had a disguise and looked into each face before picking Jacob...why? Told them to not look back or he'd shoot...didn't want them to see him going up driveway. Boys looked back and did not see car exiting scene. If perp had a car, it would not have been necessary to tell the boys not to turn around just to run. I think he figured he would do this in the street and thus leave no evidence. If he planned on carrying him up the grass, he would not have left any footprints and thus would not attract attention to his home. Obviously, there was a change in plans and Jacob may have made a run for it, also Kevin's tire tracks right next to footprint brought investigation to DR as well. He had to dispose of Jacob sooner than he had hoped due to the change in his plans.

I don't think this has anything to do with the other cases mentioned at all. It was a crime of opportunity done by a very twisted man.
Teachers have to interact with parents all of the time. They may have to give them the news that their child is going to fail a class, for instance.

It is puzzling to me why he would not go speak with the Wetterlings. After all, he had the unfortunate experience of having it happen on his property. Nothing to do with him.

He taught children of that age. The sorrow must have been great for him then. And no one was implying that he had a thing to do with it for years and years and years

DR doesnt act right for the supposed guy he is. At the same time though it was also the Wetterlings who took 20 years before speaking to DR themselves. The whole deal is hard to justify.
Stop Playing in the Dirt of a Farmer's Driveway for Clues That Aren't There, and Never Were

Try undertaking real research, try talking to real people instead of entertaining and stroking yourselves by posting your own baseless opinions just to see what you typed on the internet.

Abandon the crowd mentality.

And the moderators and those trembling with fear and trepidation can censor all they want.

<snip> (snipped by me) <modsnip> [modsnip]
<modsnip> <modsnip>
<snipped by me>
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Prov. 11:14

Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? Not sure who it is playing in the dirt after all.
For some of us, Jacob is a real child. For some of us, who do not know who the perp is, <modsnip>, we need to discuss things such as the relevance of missing tire tracks and perhaps the smell of a cadaver in a trunk.

Theres no doubting his physical capabilities. :floorlaugh:

What year is that photo? I don't doubt he can run, but that does not mean in his 50's he could overpower a 20 yr old college kid. What reason would he have to harm Josh G?
silverngold, that site doesn't work for me. give us some snippets please. If it is tarot cards, we don't need it.
What year is that photo? I don't doubt he can run, but that does not mean in his 50's he could overpower a 20 yr old college kid. What reason would he have to harm Josh G?

He would not have been in his 50's when Josh was taken would he have been?

DR is in superb condition.

A guy his age who does many marathons a year. That is 26 miles of running. Many a year. And with good times.

channel 9 (kmsp or fox 9) just had something on about Joy's blog tonight uncovering the story about the assaults before Jacob went missing. I think they wanted to get something in before WCCO to beat them or something. I pray some new information comes out of either of these stories! We need to figure out what happened.
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