MN MN - Joshua Guimond, 20, Collegeville, 9 Nov 2002 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There is a longstanding pattern of young men going missing late at night after leaving a party or bar and having their bodies later turn up in a body of water. While there have been theories strutted around about some “smiley face killers” stalking Mid-Western college towns, I think there is a far more likely explanation. Young men, as a group, are not particularly modest and if the need to relieve themselves arises, a restroom isn’t necessary if some sort of concealment is available.

A body of water will generally be set below walkways and very often will surrounded by vegetation providing perfect cover for quick relief. Unfortunately, banks of such bodies of water are often steep and muddy and can be hazardous, particularly in the dark with icy conditions.

A slip into water under these conditions can be fatal because the shock of near freezing water can render someone immobile resulting in drowning.

Bodies that do not have much fat will sink at first. Eventually gases formed by decomposition will causes them to float to the surface but very cold conditions delay this process for months and ice would prevent a body from reaching the surface. At some point, the progression of decay will permit gases to escape the body so that it sinks again. As water temperature warms, aquatic life will begin consume the remaining flesh. Bones and clothing will remain years after the rest is gone but they will often be covered in sediment and not be visible.

I think this is the most likely explanation for the disappearance of Joshua although there is no evidence backing this up. Foul play, suicide, voluntarily leaving to start a new life, and, even alien abduction can not be ruled out 100%.

It is true that there have been accusations of sexual abuse on campus so there is some basis for speculation that Joshua’s vanishing is related to a coverup. The very fact that the Catholic Church has a history of treating the sexual abuse of children as little more than an embarrassment suggests that the consequences of a clergyman being implicated in the abuse of students over 17 (who would be adults) would be minimal and hardly warrant murder. Anything is possible, however.
I think it would have to be someone in an "official" capacity to ask those questions. And for all I know, maybe some of the monks have been questioned. But it just seems like -- that ship has sailed -- and quite possibly the perpetrator is now gone. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps a monk confessed to doing something awful (i.e criminal), the Abbot would state that the perpetrator's sin is forgiven and that's that. What would the Abbot do under oath? Probably claim some kind of religious immunity from having to reveal anything.

Well the problem is there is only possibly a perpetrator in this case, it is only pure speculation that an abduction occured. So to be fair we have to interview the entire world.
I'm well versed in this area of the law. And you're likely wrong, completely wrong, correct, and most definitely wrong. The statements you made in that post were clearly defamatory, and also defamatory per se. The only ? is when a jury is involved... who knows what will happen. LE never once even hinted to in regards to your ridiculous unfounded allegations. And lastly, I'm the last person that's going to directly accuse anyone of anything. If for whatever reason I were to do something so dumb, I'd man up admit I was wrong and apologize. Others choose to be a worthless ***, pass the buck, and pull excuse after excuse from the trashcan of excuses they carry with them every single day of their lives. For you to believe what you speak is a clear indication your brain could still possibly be clogged with bong resin.
I'm done being a part of this ****.
And you didn't do **** to solve the Wetterling case, so quit trying to claim any credit for it. And check yourself into rehab.
And before you start to come back saying you know anything about defamation, research "statement of opinion" vs. "Statement of fact".
To everyone else, I can't be involved with people like this clown, my efforts and information on this case will be used in a new initiative involving us locals and boots on the ground.

If you have this much of a problem with me there is definitely a cause for concern. You have attacked me now 3 times from a comment I made in the Wetterling case years ago. Not even DR could bring himself to the kind of anger it has enraged in you. Let it go dude. I stirred the pot in the Wetterling case and got it solved, I also smoked a lot of pot. Am I ashamed, ha ha not at all. I'm one of the most responsible and hardworking persons in this county. The best thing is for you to take your threat of leaving this thread and do just that, because the monks aren't tied to this case.
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Coming in from left field, to add to all the other possiblities in a case that seems to be permanently stuck, I think a sexual sadist may have abducted and murdered Joshua. I'm not the only one who has always had this notion. After researching this case ad infinitum, one begins to see the differences in perspective. It's clear there is the huge gap of knowledge -- if we could drain the lakes, crack open the abbot's vault of secret confessions, set the dogs and investigators loose on every church property (such as the cabin in Bemidji), invite potential witnesses (if there are any) to speak, and, perhaps, be allowed to read whatever information the sheriff's department has, we might get a better idea of what may have transpired. However it happened, it's been 18 years, and in my (personal) opinion, Josh's case has been allowed to go cold. Did you ever see the amount of attention given to Josh's case that the Wetterling case engendered? And for all that tremendous (and shoddy) effort, the Wetterling case should have been solved almost immediately. What's wrong with this picture?
Coming in from left field, to add to all the other possiblities in a case that seems to be permanently stuck, I think a sexual sadist may have abducted and murdered Joshua. I'm not the only one who has always had this notion. After researching this case ad infinitum, one begins to see the differences in perspective. It's clear there is the huge gap of knowledge -- if we could drain the lakes, crack open the abbot's vault of secret confessions, set the dogs and investigators loose on every church property (such as the cabin in Bemidji), invite potential witnesses (if there are any) to speak, and, perhaps, be allowed to read whatever information the sheriff's department has, we might get a better idea of what may have transpired. However it happened, it's been 18 years, and in my (personal) opinion, Josh's case has been allowed to go cold. Did you ever see the amount of attention given to Josh's case that the Wetterling case engendered? And for all that tremendous (and shoddy) effort, the Wetterling case should have been solved almost immediately. What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong is there hasn't been a hint of advancement in this case since it began. His friends don't know, his family doesn't know, the public doesn't know-beyond just being a blame game. Nothing has gotten better in any theory conceived And this is where it points to an accidental drowning or falling into a hole that then covered him up. Can new technology help find Joshua in the two most likely bodies of water he may be? I think we have to try.

other points of interest-

interview the best certain monks

re-interview the people at the party

re-interview the person that deleted all of the files off Josh's computer

LE must release any information to the public that might ignite something

First time magnet fishing bones found (LE and Forensics called)-
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Still not convinced that SCSO didn't suffer tunnel vision about Josh ending up in water? Here is Pam Jensen, heavily involved in both Wetterling and Guimond cases, talking to Dan Rassier in 2015. Dan brings up Josh, and this is what Pam had to say about it:


  • Wetterling_Josh 2.PNG
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  • Wetterling_Josh 1.PNG
    Wetterling_Josh 1.PNG
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If you're sold on the monks, and have been for years, then get at them and talk to them about it. Stop thinking and start doing. If you think Josh was missed in the lakes because LE didn't possess high end technology like trident, then keep searching there.

The problem with the case is these two things haven't been happening. These are the two most popular theories of the case. We solved Wetterling and I know we can solve this.
My cousin went to St. John’s and told me about this case. I’ve lately been looking into it because it still hasn’t been solved and it needs to be I think it helps to keep talking about these cases to make sure they aren’t forgotten about. Hopefully someone is able to shed some more light on this case.
My cousin went to St. John’s and told me about this case. I’ve lately been looking into it because it still hasn’t been solved and it needs to be I think it helps to keep talking about these cases to make sure they aren’t forgotten about. Hopefully someone is able to shed some more light on this case.
Welcome to Ws Kittej13!

I’ve started reading from the beginning and I’m learning things that I’m not finding in other places. Is there anyone who lives in Minnesota that has looked in the St. Cloud area or was anyone involved in the search ? I actually ran across a comment from a friend I went to college with . She help search for him. But did not personally know him ! Hope to learn some more ! I have some theories but I plan on taking that once I finish reading the this thread!
Let’s solve this
Nothing quite good has changed in this case since the day Josh went missing. That is what strongly points to a drowning or fatal fall. No good talk/confessions or witness accounts have heen had so far in this case.
Last night I watched a video on you tube Alexandria Robin does a overview of what’s been known and what’s been theorized. I have reached out to some former students who attended the university that I personally know. I’m curious to find out how the investigation was handled within the college from students . Keep looking everyone!
Last night I watched a video on you tube Alexandria Robin does a overview of what’s been known and what’s been theorized. I have reached out to some former students who attended the university that I personally know. I’m curious to find out how the investigation was handled within the college from students . Keep looking everyone!

There is conflicting reports about Josh being intoxicated. His friends who were intoxicated said something to the likes of "maybe he had a few, has that ever killed anyone?" So not sure how much I trust their facts or opinions. It was a card dorm party on Saturday night, so imo Josh at least had a few or more.

Trident came in way too late, they should have been there with LE in the first days of searching the lakes. I saw in another local case where an outside source came in and found a drowned body in a spot where LE had aleady been looking for a few days. Trident came into this case after a winter had passed and six months after his disappearance. Not good.

The dog tracking was all over the campus in this case and can't be held too credible. The dog hit on Stumpf lake, the abbey, and another lake.

The two residential advisors on duty the night Josh went missing need to be accounted for and interviewed for this case.
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So I watched a few youtube videos on this case and learned that Josh's roomate also had gone to a party that night but not the same one as Josh, and his roomate returned to their room that night and noticed Josh was gone but the roomate didn't sound an alarm until the next day. Well this is concerning because if I'm right this is the same roommate that deleted countless files from Joshuas computer after sounding the alarm the next day that Joshua was now missing. So has this roommate been completely cleared in this case? Do we know anything more about him? Did him and Josh possibly have an altercation when they returned home intoxicated from their parties?
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Last night during my break at work I looked another thread from his personal site. There were some very interesting things talked about. There was also talk about a fake I.D ring. This was the first I had read anything about this.
there was evidence found of a fake id program on josh's computer after the family got a computer forensics expert to examine the computer. stearns county said they examined his computer and found nothing. the family contacted a news station and they hired the forensics expert. we do not know if the program belonged to josh or to someone else. someone accessed joshs computer after he went missing. I believe the forensic person said it was the roommate. the news station asked the roommate for a comment and he declined.

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