Found Deceased MN - Madeline Jane Kingsbury, 26, mother of 2, Winona, 31 Mar 2023 *arrest* #2

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Custody Announcement


Fravel made an admission that the children are in need of protective services so status quo remains in terms of custody.

The children will remain with the Kingsburys temporarily, until a custody hearing date is set.

*The children’s names are NOT to be in print of any kind!*

Thank you to everyone who had planned on attending the trail.

SATURDAY, 10 JUNE 2023 AT 15:00 CDT

Madeline Kingsbury Benefit​

Witoka Tavern and Reception Hall

I want to invite everyone to "The Madeline Kingsbury Benefit" on June 10. All proceeds of this event will be going to caring for and to the needs of Maddi's children. We are currently in need of silent auction/raffle items. I'm asking individuals and businesses to contact us with items you would like to donate. There will be activities, food vendors, music and more!!! Save the date for this fun filled day for the whole family to benefit Maddi's 2 children, and once again, thank you to this amazing community for the continued support, love, and hope.


You can drop donations off at the Witoka tavern, or at:

310 South Ellsworth St
Houston MN

Custody Announcement


Fravel made an admission that the children are in need of protective services so status quo remains in terms of custody.

The children will remain with the Kingsburys temporarily, until a custody hearing date is set.

*The children’s names are NOT to be in print of any kind!*

Thank you to everyone who had planned on attending the trail.

For some reason Twitter isn’t working on my phone.

So in the pre trial hearing today, Fravel decided the kids need protective services? Why the change in strategy?

A new trial date will be scheduled?
For some reason Twitter isn’t working on my phone.

So in the pre trial hearing today, Fravel decided the kids need protective services? Why the change in strategy?

A new trial date will be scheduled?
Hi Knox

This is the text from Twitter:

"The child protection trial scheduled tomorrow for Adam Fravel, the ex-boyfriend of missing woman Maddi Kingsbury, has been canceled. Essentially the custody issues will be moved to family court as Fravel has filed a petition for custody there.

Maddi's children will remain under the care of her parents, as they have been since Winona County took them from Fravel. In a sense, Maddi's parents are the foster parents, as the county technically has custody at this time. The Kingsburys will file for custody as well."

I don't understand what it all means and what the ulterior motives are.

Is it a delay tactic? Did his lawyer advise him to do this or is it coming from him?

Hi Knox

This is the text from Twitter:

"The child protection trial scheduled tomorrow for Adam Fravel, the ex-boyfriend of missing woman Maddi Kingsbury, has been canceled. Essentially the custody issues will be moved to family court as Fravel has filed a petition for custody there.

Maddi's children will remain under the care of her parents, as they have been since Winona County took them from Fravel. In a sense, Maddi's parents are the foster parents, as the county technically has custody at this time. The Kingsburys will file for custody as well."

I don't understand what it all means and what the ulterior motives are.

Is it a delay tactic? Did his lawyer advise him to do this or is it coming from him?

Why would he delay today? To buy time because he knows he doesn’t have stand a chance at getting custody of the kids and wants to delay things as long as possible? This is so frustrating! I was hoping for something significant this week, but now I’m not so sure. Nothing specific why I say this, just thought LE was going to make an announcement and possibly an arrest. This is all MOO.

Winona County will dismiss petition for protection for Madeline Kingsbury kids​

The county agreed not to pursue the petition due to any alleged criminal activity in the home and will dismiss the petition once temporary custody is assigned by the court.

WINONA, Minn. — Winona County will end up dismissing a petition for protection for the children of Madeline Kingsbury that was filed in Winona County District Court following her disappearance about two months ago.

In a joint agreement between the children's father, Adam Fravel, and Winona County, Fravel admitted that the children are in need of protection or services due to the abandonment of their guardian, and the county agreed to dismiss and not pursue the petition under the grounds that the children are exposed to criminal activity in their home or that the children are lacking in care due to a guardian or parent unwilling to provide care.


Winona County took custody of the children in April. The children are currently residing with their mother's parents, Cathy and David Kingsbury, who, like the children's father, do not have legal custody over the children. The elder Kingsburys, who filed a motion as a third party in the protection petition, objected to the deal between Fravel and the county.

Fravel has been allowed supervised parenting time with the children, which will continue under the current agreement.

Fravel filed a petition to award himself full legal and physical custody of his children, ages 5 and 2 years old, in Winona County District Court on Monday. The Kingsburys are listed as respondents in that filing, along with Madeline Kingsbury and Winona County Health and Human Services.

After temporary custody is awarded to either Fravel or the Kingsburys in the separate custody case, Winona County will dismiss the petition for protection.

Can someone possibly explain their opinion why AF would say the children need protective services? What exactly does this mean? I’m glad Maddi’s parents will retain custody right now and pray it stays that way.

Winona County will dismiss petition for protection for Madeline Kingsbury kids​

The county agreed not to pursue the petition due to any alleged criminal activity in the home and will dismiss the petition once temporary custody is assigned by the court.

WINONA, Minn. — Winona County will end up dismissing a petition for protection for the children of Madeline Kingsbury that was filed in Winona County District Court following her disappearance about two months ago.

In a joint agreement between the children's father, Adam Fravel, and Winona County, Fravel admitted that the children are in need of protection or services due to the abandonment of their guardian, and the county agreed to dismiss and not pursue the petition under the grounds that the children are exposed to criminal activity in their home or that the children are lacking in care due to a guardian or parent unwilling to provide care.


Winona County took custody of the children in April. The children are currently residing with their mother's parents, Cathy and David Kingsbury, who, like the children's father, do not have legal custody over the children. The elder Kingsburys, who filed a motion as a third party in the protection petition, objected to the deal between Fravel and the county.

Fravel has been allowed supervised parenting time with the children, which will continue under the current agreement.

Fravel filed a petition to award himself full legal and physical custody of his children, ages 5 and 2 years old, in Winona County District Court on Monday. The Kingsburys are listed as respondents in that filing, along with Madeline Kingsbury and Winona County Health and Human Services.

After temporary custody is awarded to either Fravel or the Kingsburys in the separate custody case, Winona County will dismiss the petition for protection.

Thank you, I’m still confused about this and will read it again later, my patience is short right now and I keep thinking of her family and children, it has to be so difficult. My hopes were high for justice today or tomorrow, maybe it will still happen….
Thank you, I’m still confused about this and will read it again later, my patience is short right now and I keep thinking of her family and children, it has to be so difficult. My hopes were high for justice today or tomorrow, maybe it will still happen….
I am still confused too. We need a WS lawyer to help us understand what's going on. Anyone?
I am still confused too. We need a WS lawyer to help us understand what's going on. Anyone?
Not a lawyer but legal background and could be wrong — AF agreed that children need protective services (edited out wrong info) ; he then is in same position with custody as before (children in care) (edited out wrong info)

Then, AF filed for custody (edited out wrong info)

I hope this makes sense

Edited to correct a misreading of above article ^
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Or I’m so sorry, <modsnip - reference was snipped> the petition. Totally different haha! But the two parties (AF and County) agreed that children stay in custody of grandparents. Then, he went ahead and refilled for custody but doesn’t have to deal with this petition against the “lack of care” (paraphrase) in AF’s home
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Also why did they leave it till the last minute to cancel? Is it a delay tactic?
That I am not sure at all, that or maybe it took awhile to reach an agreement between his lawyer and county? But I could be also mistaken about what this all means - my brief legal background is in criminal so custody is not in my wheelhouse

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