MO MO - Angela Hammond, 20, Clinton, 4 Apr 1991

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I think what she is saying is that he would have had only 45 minutes to kidnap/murder Angela and dispose of the body so well it hasnt been found over 18 years later.

Also, could somone provide a link where it states that Angela was pregnant? I have read about this story several times over the years and this is the first time I have everheard that Angela was pregnant.


I have followed this case too and never heard about Angie being pregnant but sure enough on the Doe Network page it says Angie was 4 months pregnant. I never noticed that detail before. (it is listed under 'other')
It wasn't Angela's cousin that posted on sitcoms.

A clerk at a convenience store a little down the road from the abduction looked A LOT like Angela according the her cousin who posted. She did say she thought that was ruled out later.

Angela's brother (I do believe it to be him ) posted about the people in the next county being a close knit group involved in drugs. He really seems to think these people are responsible and said that people are talking now.

Someone (can't remember exactly who) also posted that where Rob's car died would have meant that a particular county's LE would have been called and the staffing there was VERY limited and (I think) kind of like a volunteer thing or something, so there was PLENTY of time for the truck to get away.

The fact that there were witnesses in town who saw the truck and man are significant, I think. And that came from a newspaper article posted in its entirety on sitcoms. (A poster paid for the archive prints and posted)
Angela Hammond was kidnapped and murdered by a man named Larry Hall. There is a book about Hall on Amazon called Urges: A Chronicle of Serial Killer Larry Hall. If you look at the police composite sketch of a man seen in the area of her kidnapping and Larry Hall's booking photo, they are one in the same. The author told me he did not include her case in the book because of the sighting of the pickup truck. Police have since discounted the pickup story and are looking into Hall as her killer.
I just can't picture an 18-year-old pulling this off. First, he was on a very tight timeline - 45 minutes. For Rob to have come up with this plan, executed it within that time frame, hide a body - I don't know. I think the person who did this was out trolling for a victim. I also think this was someone who's done this before. I don't have any trouble believing he took her while she was on the phone. I doubt he expected the person she was talking with to be only blocks away.

The two witnesses who also saw the truck at the store also make me think Rob's telling the truth.

Lilac is right about short staffing; my parents have both worked for sheriff's offices. One was in a rural area similar to Clinton and there was one or two people out at night. Even at a more urban station, there are never enough patrol units to cover all ground. I'm not surprised that the guy wasn't caught. I doubt any of those units were ready to go, even if they knew where he was by the time Rob got to the station.

As an aside, I've read several times at another forum that the truck would have stood out because it was a small town and everyone knows every car. That is so not true. I grew up in a town smaller than Clinton and I didn't even know the cars of some of my fellow students. My parents couldn't have told picked out a stranger's car, either. Lots of trucks.

Final note: In the stories I've read, Angela told Rob the truck was green. But Rob said when he drove by a truck he though was yellow, he heard his name yelled. We can't even be positive the truck was either one of these colors. Nearby lights and our eyes change that, especially at night.
A few months ago I received some information about an individual in Springfield who drove a "yellowish" green pick-up with this fish decal in the window. Seems he had a habit of "leering" at women and acting somewhat weird. That was during the time that Ms. Hammond disappeared. I passed the information onto the officer who is charged with investigating the case. The individual's identity would have been fairly easy to determine. I don't know if it was information that was acted on.
I have always found this story fascinating, but, like so many others, have struggled to clear Rob.. I was chased out of another forum on this, for asking a lot of the same questions posted here... The story seems SO sensational and hollywood...
It's quite scary, in hindsight, how many abductions occurred in missouri in the early 90s...
Bumping this up. They just showed it on Unsolved Mysteries on Lifetime.
Odd this thread is so neglected.
What is also odd is that apparently good information was not investigated promptly, that the public is made aware. I sent on to the department a good suspect in this actual case and never heard diddly squat back. When the public is kept in the dark for two decades it is hard to dial up much interest. This case has been looked at extensively by many people to no avail. As in many such cases, one never knows if these leads are ever actually looked at. That is what is frustrating to me.
I live very close to Clinton Missouri, but I don't know any of the people involved. So as an outsider who knows the area very well. I just don't think the bf is believeable. First why would she stop at a pay phone to call him when she could have just drove the 7 blocks(small town blocks, not big city blocks). My thinking is she might have called if they were on the outs about something. Because she could just hang up if it got to much. Second, why would a guy grab a woman who is on the phone, probably telling whoever she is talking to what he looks like and maybe even his license plate #.
I wonder if maybe she did call him and he drove up and met her at the phone booth. She got in w/ him and they argued, we will never know. But they drove out of town maybe south to the lake or it could have been anywhere. There are so many old wells and etc. around. But whether it was an accident or not she winds up dead, her body is hidden. Then as he drives back into town his transmisson gives out. Who backs up his story. No one. Who saw him chasing anyone, no one. The fishing decal in the rear window was an easy one. At that time, there was probably hundreds of trucks around here with that decal.Just remember when Lacy Peterson first went missing her mother defended Scot .
If Angela is ever hoped to be found, this has to be considered. Her bf might be a great guy. But you cannot just take his word. He and his story needs to be picked apart.
Angela's boyfriend claims that he gave case to the truck with the fishing decal and his transmission gave out. That would be pretty easy to verify one way or the other: did one of the local cops get into the boyfriend's car and try to drive it? It's pretty hard to "stage" a blown transmission.
:bump: for Angela, missing 22 years this week. :no:

I remember this case quite well. I know that a lot of people on here are leery of the boyfriend's story, but I've always believed him because it's a story that makes sense. I can tell you as a person with some car knowledge that if you're racing down a street and you immediately change to reverse, that will KILL your transmission, and I do mean KILL it. It was proven that his transmission was, for lack of a better word, dead. People as why she would call him from a payphone instead of just driving home...? First of all, they were planning on meeting up together. So if the boyfriend was at home, why would they have to meet up somewhere? This tells me that the boyfriend must not have been at home at the place that they apparently shared, right? So calling him to cancel plans to meet up and for her just to go ahead and go home makes much more sense. Also, you have to remember their age and the town they lived in. From all the accounts that I've read, it seems that this was a very laid back and pretty peaceful place, so she must not have had much concern for making a phone call from a payphone at night by herself. As far as a detailed description, she's not the only victim that has been able to give such a detailed description. Sometimes fear can heighten a person's senses.

Now with all of that said, I have often wondered in the past if the boyfriend had something to do with it, but indirectly. My thought was that he could have had her possibly followed. Maybe when they met up, he had something planned to kill her, but I just don't think get that feeling that he had anything to do with it.

It was mentioned serial killer Larry Hall had something to do with it. I think it's worth looking at. I found a composite sketch on the left and a photo of Larry Hall on the right. It's certainly possible they might be one and the same.

3 mw composit and gary hall.jpg

As far as a possible connection between the Springfield Three, maybe. It was mentioned that the description of the truck matches a description of a vehicle seen driven by someone matching Suzanne's description, but the vehicle seen was an older model moss green Dodge van, not a truck with a decal in the window, but you never know. I hope something happens with this case.
I remember this case quite well. I know that a lot of people on here are leery of the boyfriend's story, but I've always believed him because it's a story that makes sense. I can tell you as a person with some car knowledge that if you're racing down a street and you immediately change to reverse, that will KILL your transmission, and I do mean KILL it. It was proven that his transmission was, for lack of a better word, dead. People as why she would call him from a payphone instead of just driving home...? First of all, they were planning on meeting up together. So if the boyfriend was at home, why would they have to meet up somewhere? This tells me that the boyfriend must not have been at home at the place that they apparently shared, right? So calling him to cancel plans to meet up and for her just to go ahead and go home makes much more sense. Also, you have to remember their age and the town they lived in. From all the accounts that I've read, it seems that this was a very laid back and pretty peaceful place, so she must not have had much concern for making a phone call from a payphone at night by herself. As far as a detailed description, she's not the only victim that has been able to give such a detailed description. Sometimes fear can heighten a person's senses.

Now with all of that said, I have often wondered in the past if the boyfriend had something to do with it, but indirectly. My thought was that he could have had her possibly followed. Maybe when they met up, he had something planned to kill her, but I just don't think get that feeling that he had anything to do with it.

It was mentioned serial killer Larry Hall had something to do with it. I think it's worth looking at. I found a composite sketch on the left and a photo of Larry Hall on the right. It's certainly possible they might be one and the same.

View attachment 38648

As far as a possible connection between the Springfield Three, maybe. It was mentioned that the description of the truck matches a description of a vehicle seen driven by someone matching Suzanne's description, but the vehicle seen was an older model moss green Dodge van, not a truck with a decal in the window, but you never know. I hope something happens with this case.

Does anyone know if police legitimately pursued this Larry Hall guy as a suspect?
I don't think the bf is blameless. That story always seemed sketch to me.
It all seems pretty clear: The boyfriend says his transmission failed while he was chasing the guy. Did the police check out his vehicle? If the trans had failed; that would pretty much settle the issue. According to los2188, the trans was dead. Unless someone can refute this fact, I would think the issue is pretty much settled and the boyfriend didn't do it. Pregnancy could be a motive but motive doesn't establish guilt.
Not really - if that's the result you WANT for your vehicle. When I was in hs, my friend was so desperate to NOT go home after curfew and face her parents wrath, she had her bf's brother blow her transmission so she could 'invent' an excuse for being 3 hours late. I don't know exactly how he did it....but it was a very hilly area, and he drove away, up a big hill, and walked back to the house saying he had "'bout done it" - She called her Dad and said she got "stuck" on a hill and couldn't get the car out of gear and freaked out" - Having said that, I believe her car was a manual transmission....And pretty run down to begin with...But, yeah, the transmission was messed up and it had to be towed. I don't know what Angela Hammond's bf was driving - manual or automatic. But I'm betting if you want to escape murder charges, you'd be willing to ruin your transmission intentionally to fit the "story" you'd created to cover your tracks.

I remember this case quite well. I know that a lot of people on here are leery of the boyfriend's story, but I've always believed him because it's a story that makes sense. I can tell you as a person with some car knowledge that if you're racing down a street and you immediately change to reverse, that will KILL your transmission, and I do mean KILL it. It was proven that his transmission was, for lack of a better word, dead. People as why she would call him from a payphone instead of just driving home...? First of all, they were planning on meeting up together. So if the boyfriend was at home, why would they have to meet up somewhere? This tells me that the boyfriend must not have been at home at the place that they apparently shared, right? So calling him to cancel plans to meet up and for her just to go ahead and go home makes much more sense. Also, you have to remember their age and the town they lived in. From all the accounts that I've read, it seems that this was a very laid back and pretty peaceful place, so she must not have had much concern for making a phone call from a payphone at night by herself. As far as a detailed description, she's not the only victim that has been able to give such a detailed description. Sometimes fear can heighten a person's senses.

Now with all of that said, I have often wondered in the past if the boyfriend had something to do with it, but indirectly. My thought was that he could have had her possibly followed. Maybe when they met up, he had something planned to kill her, but I just don't think get that feeling that he had anything to do with it.

It was mentioned serial killer Larry Hall had something to do with it. I think it's worth looking at. I found a composite sketch on the left and a photo of Larry Hall on the right. It's certainly possible they might be one and the same.

View attachment 38648

As far as a possible connection between the Springfield Three, maybe. It was mentioned that the description of the truck matches a description of a vehicle seen driven by someone matching Suzanne's description, but the vehicle seen was an older model moss green Dodge van, not a truck with a decal in the window, but you never know. I hope something happens with this case.

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